Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by Stephanie Y.

"After making 3 different types of persimmon cookies today, these were clearly the favorites. Katherine Hakins Armstrong won the Indianapolis Star's 2005 Holiday Cookie Contest with this recipe. I used a mixture of chopped dates, dried apricots, and raisins, as I did not have enough raisins to make 1 cup. You may want to reduce the oven temperature as I found my cookies darkened too quickly at 375. I would also suggest using a lightly greased cookie sheet. Recipe listed is the original recipe."


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photo by Absinthe27 Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (4)

Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (5) Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (6)

Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (7) Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (8)

Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (9) Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (10)

Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (11) Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (12)

Ready In:
1hr 10mins


5-6 dozen



  • 1 12 cups sugar
  • 12 cup shortening
  • 1 cup persimmon pulp
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 12 teaspoon salt
  • 12 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 12 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 14 teaspoon clove
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 cup walnuts or 1 cup pecans
  • powdered sugar



  • In a large mixing bowl, cream together the sugar and shortening. Add the persimmon pulp and egg. Set aside.
  • Sift together the flour, soda, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.
  • Combine dry ingredients with persimmon mixture and blend well.
  • Add raisins and nuts.
  • Drop by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 15 minutes. Remove from cookie sheet and dip in powdered sugar.

Questions & Replies

Persimmon Cookies Recipe - (13)

  1. Hi, I am putting a newsletter together for the San Luis Obispo County Farmers' Market Association. We would love to use the this recipe in our printed newsletter. Checking to see if we have permission to do so. We would credit you. Thank you, Katie Ferber

    Katie F.

  2. I scooped the pulp out of the fruit with a spoon, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried making these with the skin on? Also, I noticed a few commenters saying that these don't spread at all, but even though I refrigerated the cookie dough prior to cooking, mine still spread a bit more than I expected. Any thoughts on what I might do different next time?



  1. This is the second year I have used this recipe. I substituted butter for the shortening, other than that I followed the recipe exactly. I used my Cuisinart and used the butter out of the refrigerater. My son was a Chef in a nice restaurant last year. After the Executive Chef had my cookies, he added them to the menu last winter. EXCELLENT Cookies!!!


  2. OMG these are excellent. Do substitute butter for shortening and roll in powdered sugar while still warm. Know your oven. Mine works fine at 375. Remember these cookies DO NOT spread, so make the size you want.


  3. My first time baking persimmon cookies. My go-to recipes have been puddings and bread to use up persimmons. Now I'm hooked on these lovely cookies! I followed the recipe exactly - cannot think of anything I would change.


  4. These cookies are the bomb, only thing I did different was I used unsalted butter in exchange of the shortening. Once done I dipped half the cookie in melted white chocolate and sprinkled with chopped pecans. Very delicious!

    Debra D.

  5. these cookies are delicious. but at 375 degrees for 15 minutes they burn. my first pan of cookies burnt after about 12 minutes at 375. i lowered the temp to 350 and cooked the rest for around 10 minutes and they came out fine.


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  1. One cube butter, not shortening. Reduced sugar to one cup. Extra nuts. Yum!

    Lisa B.

  2. Coconut oil instead of shortening. Refrigerated dough before cooking. Reduced temperature to 370'.


  3. OMG these are excellent. Do substitute butter for shortening and roll in powdered sugar while still warm. Know your oven. Mine works fine at 375. Remember these cookies DO NOT spread, so make the size you want.


  4. Great cookies! Perfect amount of spice that makes these taste like a fall or winter cookie. I made these gluten free by using a rice flour blend, used dried cherries instead of raisins, and omitted the nuts since I didn't have them on hand, and they turned out great. I'll definitely make these again, and might try using carrots instead of the persimmon when they aren't in season.


  5. This is the second year I have used this recipe. I substituted butter for the shortening, other than that I followed the recipe exactly. I used my Cuisinart and used the butter out of the refrigerater. My son was a Chef in a nice restaurant last year. After the Executive Chef had my cookies, he added them to the menu last winter. EXCELLENT Cookies!!!


see 2 more tweaks


Stephanie Y.

Fremont, CA

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<p><br /><br /><a title=Click here to make your own Live MySpace Tracker href=><img src= border=0 alt= /></a> <br /><br /><object width=480 height=360 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash><param name=data value= /><param name=src value= /><param name=wmode value=transparent /></object><a href=;landing=/slideshows&amp;type=8 target=_blank><br />China 3/08 <br /><br /><br /><object width=400 height=120 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash><param name=data value= /><param name=src value= /><param name=wmode value=transparent /></object></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a> <br /><br />Photos above are of Nico and Bella when they were puppies. We were only going to get one but couldn't resist thier cute little faces. <br /><br /><br />In the photos below they are playing fetch with my DBF. They also enjoy stealing cubes of butter off the counter and chasing cats. Nico &amp; Bella that is ;). <br /><br /><object width=480 height=360 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash><param name=data value= /><param name=src value= /><param name=wmode value=transparent /></object><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt= /></a> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><br /><br /><br />My first time taking the World Tour and we had a blast... and I still can't believe we came in first thanks to our fearless leader Charmie. <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><img src=*eSS13/Zaar%20World%20Tour%203/ZWT3-Participation.gif alt= /> <br /><br /><br />A place I always enjoy playing.... come on down to the beverage forum and join us. Make sure to tell them cookiedog sent ya'! <br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=tag /> <br /><br /><br /><img src= alt= width=50% /><img title=Photo and Video Sharing src= border=0 alt=RSC-HiddenGem-part /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><br />This is one of my favorite music videos that always makes me smile. Blind Melon-No Rain. <br /><object width=400 height=300 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash><param name=data value= /><param name=name value=FLVPlayer /><param name=flashvars value=linkfromdisplay=true&amp;height=300&amp;width=400&amp;xmlURL=;autostart=false&amp;image=;uu=55ab2a78-86f0-4edd-aa7b-85de00937341&amp;dt=1192453564000&amp;fu=3d7ff2b4-40fb-4993-99c2-061ea7c5f0e9 /><param name=src value= /><param name=quality value=high /></object><br /><br /><br /><br /></p><table><tbody><tr><td><object width=330 height=230 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash><param name=data value= /><param name=flashvars value=autoPlay=no&amp;thePlayerURL=;fileIds=095842dc-cfb7-454d-9641-344d59bdef58;e90a76b6-66d5-43c3-b24b-a7ca27b6141e;da394ede-a440-44f8-9c3b-e4e74cb19629;33126676-a020-4e34-9418-d2d1749fd64a;1d316cb1-f240-4533-848a-cede89ae069f;&amp;plURL= /><param name=src value= /><param name=quality value=high /></object></td></tr><tr><td>Powered by <a href=;cid=playlist_external target=_blank> </a></td></tr></tbody></table>

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Persimmon Cookies Recipe  - (2024)


How do you soften persimmons for baking? ›

Unripe hachiya and fuyu persimmons should both be stored at room temperature. If you want them to ripen a little faster, try placing them in a paper bag with a banana or an apple and storing them on the counter. Bananas and apples both produce ethylene gas, which can speed up the ripening process.

How to puree persimmons for baking? ›

A food mill will make faster work of this if you have a large persimmon harvest. Or you can put the fruit with the peel in a blender or food processor and process until smooth. Including the peel adds fiber. Most recipes call for one or two cups of persimmon puree, so I freeze the pulp in one or two cup containers.

Are persimmons good for baking? ›

They should be a deep orange color and feel a bit squishy when gently pressed. Because the flesh is very soft, hachiya persimmons are typically used for baking. The flesh is pureed into a pulp, and mixed into quick breads (like muffins), cakes and cookies.

How long does it take for persimmons to soften? ›

The duration for a persimmon to reach full ripeness can differ based on its variety and the environmental conditions it's exposed to. Once the fruit begins its color transition, it may take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to ripen.

Which type of persimmon is best for baking? ›

Fuyu persimmons serve a multi-purpose use. They're best eaten raw or sliced and added to salads, cereal, smoothies, but they are also suitable for baking and roasting. Hachiya persimmons, on the other hand, boast a creamy, jelly-like consistency best for baked goods such as muffins, cookies, bread, and puddings.

What not to mix with persimmon? ›

Potato and persimmon: if you eat them together very often they can form kidney stones.

What does baking soda do to persimmons? ›

When persimmons are beaten to a pulp, tannins form complexes with carbohydrates, causing the pulp to stiffen to a gel-like consistency. When baking soda is added, a reaction with the moist and slightly acidic persimmon creates carbon dioxide (CO2), which also plays a role in encouraging the pulp to thicken.

What kills persimmon? ›

A mixture of triclopyr ester (trade names: Remedy Ultra, Clear Pasture, Triclopyr R&P, and Triclopyr 4EC) and diesel fuel oil is very effective for this method. Diesel acts as a coating agent to ensure that the herbicide covers the plant and is absorbed well.

Why do persimmons turn black inside? ›

The mechanism of this alteration has been studied in depth, and the oxidation of tannins has been reported as a key process. Other factors frequently associated with internal browning is storage under controlled or modified atmospheres; in this case the flesh browning occurs mainly in the flesh of the fruit.

What is the white stuff on persimmons? ›

The white stuff is an insect called scale. Both soft and armored scale can be pests of persimmon and other fruit trees. I suspect your scale is one of the armored scale species as we are seeing no honeydew or sooty mold.

What is the best way to pulp persimmons? ›

Thankfully, it is quite easy!
  1. Are store-bought and wild persimmons the same?
  2. Find wild persimmons before the squirrels do.
  3. Most persimmon recipes call for persimmon pulp.
  4. Remov e the flesh from the seeds.
  5. Pulse the flesh to make the pulp.
  6. Save and share those seeds!
Nov 23, 2021

Why does my mouth feel weird after persimmon? ›

If you accidentally bite into an unripe banana or persimmon, the drying and puckering feeling on your tongue and oral cavity is astringency. Astringency is a frequent sensory experience that can be caused by consumption of various food and beverages, including unripe fruit, nut skin, tea, and red wine (Figure 1).

How to puree a persimmon? ›

  1. Peel the skin off the persimmons and cut into cubes.
  2. Place the cut persimmon into a food processor and puree until smooth.
  3. Serve.
  4. *Place in Baby Cubes and freeze.
Dec 7, 2009

What if my persimmons are too hard? ›

If you get them firm, leave them at room temperature to soften.

Why add baking soda to persimmon pulp? ›

When persimmons are beaten to a pulp, tannins form complexes with carbohydrates, causing the pulp to stiffen to a gel-like consistency. When baking soda is added, a reaction with the moist and slightly acidic persimmon creates carbon dioxide (CO2), which also plays a role in encouraging the pulp to thicken.

Can you eat persimmons when they are hard? ›

Fuyus, otherwise known as sweet or non-astringent persimmons, are moderately sweet, with a firm flesh. They have a squat, tomato-esque shape with a flat bottom. Unlike their astringent counterparts, Fuyus are okay to eat when they're still quite firm, like an apple.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.