Astringency: A More Stringent Definition (2024)

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Astringency: A More Stringent Definition (1)

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Chem Senses. 2014 Jul; 39(6): 467–469.

Published online 2014 May 23. doi:10.1093/chemse/bju021

Yue Jiang,Astringency: A More Stringent Definition (2)1,2 Naihua N. Gong,1 and Hiroaki Matsunami1,3

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See "Astringency is a trigeminal sensation that involves the activation of G protein-coupled signaling by phenolic compounds." in volume 39 onpage471.


Despite being an everyday sensory experience, the nature of astringency perception is not clear. In this issue of Chemical Senses, Schöbel et al. demonstrate that astringency is a trigeminal sensation in human, and astringents trigger a G protein-coupled pathway in trigeminal ganglion cells in the mouse.

Key words: astringency, G protein, taste, trigeminal sensation

If you accidentally bite into an unripe banana or persimmon, the drying and puckering feeling on your tongue and oral cavity is astringency. Astringency is a frequent sensory experience that can be caused by consumption of various food and beverages, including unripe fruit, nut skin, tea, and red wine (Figure 1). The major astringents from these sources are tannins, the naturally occurring plant polyphenols that are usually found in plant leaves, seeds, and fruit skins. Besides polyphenols, metal salts, acids, and dehydrating agents can also cause astringency (Green 1993). Though astringency is primarily perceived as a disagreeable sensation, under certain circ*mstances astringency is desirable: it adds flavors to red wines and extends the finish, characteristics described using the term “smooth” by wine writers.

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Figure 1

A collection of food and beverages that cause astringency sensation.

Astringency is typically discussed in the context of taste as it is an oral feeling and is usually caused by food. In fact, it was considered a basic taste modality in ancient Indian culture (Lochan 2011). Nowadays, astringency is excluded from the widely accepted 5 basic taste modalities: salty, sour, umami, sweet, and bitter. These basic taste modalities are sensed by taste buds on the tongue, which relay sensory information to the brain through taste nerves, the chorda tympani and the glossopharyngeal nerve. In addition to the neural basis, we understand many aspects of the molecular basis of these basic tastes. Umami-, sweet-, and bitter-tasting compounds are detected by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs): T1R1/T1R3 heteromer for umami (Nelson et al. 2002), T1R2/T1R3 heteromer for sweet (Nelson et al. 2001), and T2Rs for bitter (Chandrashekar et al. 2000; Matsunami et al. 2000). Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are partly responsible for salt sensation (Chandrashekar et al. 2010). In contrast, both the neural and molecular bases of the astringency sensation remain elusive. It is debated whether astringency is a taste sensation, or a trigeminal sensation analogous to the spicy taste of hot chili peppers. It is unclear whether astringents trigger mechanosensation, chemosensation, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we do not know which receptor(s) recognize astringents, if there are any, or the signaling cascades downstream.

In this issue of Chemical Senses, Schöbel et al. took a step forward in unveiling the mysterious identity of astringency sensation and demonstrated that human astringency perception is likely a trigeminal rather than a taste sensation. In line with this, they showed that isolated mouse trigeminal ganglion (TG) cells responded to various astringents, including red wine fractions. The authors further dissected the downstream signaling underlying this response and demonstrated that a Gs-coupled pathway seems to be involved (Figure 2).

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Figure 2

Astringency and taste sensation. Basic tastes are detected by taste receptor cells in the taste buds. These cells express taste receptors including GPCRs and ion channels. Gustatory nerves receive input from these receptor cells and transmit the taste information to the brain. The hot chili pepper ingredient capsaicin activates trigeminal nerves though TRPV1 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1) channels. Astringency perception is mediated by trigeminal nerves through the activation of Gs and adenylyl cyclase.

Astringent chemicals were reported to activate taste nerves in rodents (Schiffman et al. 1992). However, it is not clear whether astringency sensation is associated with taste nerve activation. In this study, Schöbel et al. directly addressed this question with human subjects. Strikingly, astringency sensation was intact when the subjects’ taste nerves were blocked by either nerve transection or local anesthesia, which almost completely abolished salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes. Only when the trigeminal and taste nerves were both blocked did the subjects lose their astringency sensation. Although it has yet to be demonstrated whether only blocking the trigeminal nerve would lead to the loss of astringency sensation, the available evidence argues that astringency is a trigeminal sensation in humans.

After demonstrating that astringency is more likely a trigeminal sensation for humans, Schöbel et al. went on to investigate the relevant signaling pathways. The traditional view on astringency focuses on mechanosensation: the astringents react with salivary proteins, especially proline-rich proteins, causing them to precipitate, and the resulting loss of lubricity leads to the tactile feeling associated with astringency in the mouth (Baxter et al. 1997). However, it is less clear if astringents can be directly detected by chemosensors. In line with the involvement of trigeminal chemical senses in astringency sensation, Schöbel et al. showed that isolated mouse TG cells displayed calcium responses to a variety of astringents, though not to all the tested astringents. Using this system, Schöbel et al. discovered that the activation of TG neurons by an astringent, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is not dependent on transient receptor potential (TRP) channels that respond to traditional trigeminal stimuli such as temperature and capsaicin. Instead, the EGCG-induced TG neuron activation requires a G protein-coupled signaling, in particular the Gs-adenylyl cyclase–cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel cascade, reminiscent of the olfactory pathway. These results obtained under the ex vivo settings do not disprove the traditional salivary protein precipitation theory. However, they do provide an attractive alternative or additional hypothesis for further investigation using genetic and molecular biological approaches.

The study by Schöbel et al. also raises several interesting questions. For instance, it is well established that oral movement facilitates the astringency sensation. How do chemosensors for astringents fit in this scenario? Moreover, given that a Gs-coupled pathway is involved, what could be the receptors for astringents? Transcriptome analysis in TG cells detected many GPCRs, some of which are orphan receptors specific for the TG (Manteniotis et al. 2013). Given the diverse nature of astringents, it is possible that astringency is a more complex sensation and that astringents are detected by multiple sensory mechanisms (Lee et al. 2012). If so, caution should be taken when interpreting the results obtained from one astringent to another. Nevertheless, the study by Schöbel et al. represents an important step forward toward understanding this enigmatic sensation.


This work was supported by the National Institute of Health [award numbers DC010857 and DC012095].


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Articles from Chemical Senses are provided here courtesy of Oxford University Press

Astringency: A More Stringent Definition (2024)


Astringency: A More Stringent Definition? ›

Astringency is a sensory sensation caused by consumption of various food and beverages including unripe fruit, tea or red wine [20, 23] . The major cause of astringent sensation is tannin, the natural polyphenol found in plant leaves, seeds and fruit skins [23,24]. ... ...

How to define astringency? ›

Astringency is a tactile taste felt as a dry, rough feeling in the mouth and contraction of the tongue tissue. It usually involves the formation of aggregated precipitates between tannins or polyphenols and proteins in the saliva.

What is an example of an astringent? ›

Some common astringents are alum, acacia, sage, yarrow, witch hazel, bayberry, distilled vinegar, very cold water, and rubbing alcohol.

What does feeling astringent mean? ›

contracting; constrictive; styptic. harshly biting; caustic: his astringent criticism. Synonyms: rigorous, harsh, sharp. stern or severe; austere.

What is the taste of astringency? ›

The astringent taste is a pungent, tingly, and drying sensation that some people find unpleasant. The astringency you experience when having foods like persimmons or green tea may be due to plant compounds in these foods that bind with proteins in your saliva. This reduces the natural lubrification of your mouth.

What is a synonym for the word astringency? ›

astringency (noun as in acrimony) Strongest matches. animosity antagonism belligerence bitterness ill feeling ill will rancor. Strong matches. acerbity antipathy asperity crankiness harshness irascibility malevolence malice peevishness rudeness sarcasm spite tartness unkindness virulence.

What is the difference between bitterness and astringency? ›

The difference between astringency and bitterness is that astringency is a dry, puckering sensation in the mouth, while bitterness is a sharp, unpleasant taste. Astringency is caused by tannins, while bitterness is caused by compounds such as alkaloids and quinines.

What are examples of astringency? ›

Astringency is a sensory attribute that is described as a drying-out, roughening, and puckery sensation felt in the mouth. Foods that are often astringent include red wine, green and black teas, soy-based foods, and certain fruits, especially when they're not yet ripe.

What is an astringent person? ›

Since astringents are acid-based, an astringent personality can also be corrosive. If someone is prone to biting sarcasm and cynicism, he probably has an astringent view of the world. Definitions of astringent. adjective. tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue.

Is astringent good or bad? ›

It depends on your skin type — and the product. Generally, astringents tend to be harsher than toners. They also help dry out excess oil, so they often work well for people with oilier skin. Toners, meanwhile, tend to work well for people with sensitive, dry, or combination skin.

What causes astringency? ›

The astringency sensation is caused by soluble organic compounds that belong to a class called polyphenols, which includes tannins but also other complex molecules. They are often produced by plants as a defense mechanism against insects and other predators.

What causes astringent feeling in the mouth? ›

Several other compounds may cause oral astringency, including organic and inorganic acids (such as malic or hydrochloric acid), dehydrating agents (e.g., ethanol), multivalent salts (such as potassium ammonium sulfate), and proteins.

What foods are astringent? ›

astringent (and bitter) quality. Other examples of astringent foods are green and black teas, aloe vera juice, legumes, pomegranates, cranberries, turnips, artichokes, and rutabaga. Radishes, fresh sprouts, citrus peels, and herbs such as turmeric, fennel, bay leaf, and parsley all have astringent qualities as well.

What foods are astringent tasting? ›

Other examples of astringent foods are green and black teas, aloe vera juice, legumes, pomegranates, cranberries, turnips, artichokes, and rutabaga. Radishes, fresh sprouts, citrus peels, and herbs such as turmeric, fennel, bay leaf, and parsley all have astringent qualities as well.

What is pungent vs astringent? ›

Pungent taste is hot and spicy as found in a chili, while Astringent taste is dry and light as found in an unripe banana, popcorn and legumes. Ayurveda recommends including each of the tastes in every meal.

What is the difference between tannins and astringency? ›

Astringency is a dry, mouth puckering feeling like you might experience from red wine or unripe fruit. Tannins are the main component in tea responsible for astringency. Catechins are converted into flavanoids during oxidation so black tea is often more astringent than other categories.

What does astringency taste like in coffee? ›

Astringency creates a dryness sensation in your mouth, and generally mutes a lot of other flavors, especially when it's strong.


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