WWE SmackDown Results 1/26/24 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 1/26/24
Kaseya Center
Miami, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves)

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Randy Orton, AJ Styles, LA Knight Segment

Randy Orton: What’s up Miami? I bet none of y’all thought that Randy Orton was friends with Eladio, it’s pretty wild, right? Thanks for putting me in your music video, by the way. Please show some love to my man, Eladio. He deserves every bit of it. Now, I’m here to talk about business. I’m here to talk about The Bloodline. Now, whether you like them or not, The Bloodline had one hell of a run these past few years. And the main reason they’ve done so, it’s because Roman Reigns has had the world title for almost 1,300 days. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s unfathomable. It’s virtually unheard of. Nobody can stop him. Nobody can stop The Bloodline. Nobody, well, except me. You see, because tomorrow is the Royal Rumble, and once all the smoke clears, and the dust has settles, the only number that’s going to mean anything to anybody is the number 15. I’ll tell you why. Because after I beat, Roman Reigns, at the Royal Rumble, I am going to be a fifteen-time World Champion. And how do you think I’m going to go about accomplishing that? I’ll tell you how I’ll become a fifteen-time World Champion by beating Roman Reigns, tomorrow, at the Royal Rumble. I am going to do it, courtesy of the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment, RKO.

AJ Styles: You do realize that there’s other people in this match with Roman Reigns, don’t you, Randy? Or did you just look past, AJ Styles? Well, to you, I’ll say, join the club. You see, I asked Nick Aldis to let me have a match with Solo Sikoa, so I could take his head off, and he gave that match to a man who stepped over my dead body, to get everything that he’s ever wanted in the WWE, LA Knight. Did you forget about me, Randy? As long as you have been in this business, as long as you have been in WWE, you should know better. We have history, Randy. And after you RKO’d me, in this ring, last week, just know that you have a receipt coming. And at the Royal Rumble, tomorrow night, I will be stepping over Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and LA Knight.

LA Knight:Let me talk to you. AJ, go ahead, have a time with it, because you were about to say the name of the next WWE Champion, with everybody saying, LA Knight. YEAH! But my god, AJ, since you’ve come back, all you have done is whine, cry, and complain, everybody is jumping over me, everybody is stepping over me. Quit your crying, dummy. You think for one second, with 24 hours before we have our Fatal Four Way, you think for one second that I want to fight the muscle, the enforcer of The Bloodline, Solo? You would be smart if you weren’t so stupid. I’ll tell you like this, as far as I can see, it’s a little convenient that four men are in that match for the WWE Championship, and only I have a match tonight. Isn’t that a chin scratcher? That tells me that Paul Heyman lobbied, did everything he could to make sure to soften me up. Why, because he knows that I’m the biggest threat. He saw it at Crown Jewel. He’s seen it ever since. So, here’s the deal, I’m going to walk in tonight. I’m not going to complain about it. If I have to fight Solo, that’s what I’ll do. I will hit him so damn hard; he’ll start doing his dad’s dance. And with that same energy, I walk into Royal Rumble. I’ll walk over you, I’ll walk over you and your little voices, I’ll walk over Roman Reigns, and I’ll walk over any sorry soul that gets in my way of becoming the WWE Champion. And that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life. YEAH!

Styles drops Orton with The Pele Kick to end the segment.

First Match: Santos Escobar w/Legado Del Fantasma vs. Carlito w/The LWO

Carlito is throwing haymakers at Escobar. Carlito repeatedly stomps on Escobar’s chest. Escobar drives his knee into the midsection of Carlito. Escobar with a knife edge chop. Carlito rams his elbow into the midsection of Escobar. Carlito slams Escobar’s head on three turnbuckle pads. Carlito with a blistering chop. Carlito tugs on Escobar’s hair. Carlito whips Escobar across the ring. Escobar kicks Carlito in the chest. Carlito with a Leaping Body Block. Carlito transitions into a ground and pound attack. Escobar retreats to the corner. Escobar drives Carlito face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Haymaker Exchange. Carlito catches Escobar in mid-air. Carlito slams Escobar’s head on the ring apron. Carlito gets distracted by Legado Del Fantasma. Escobar lands The Suicide Dive. Escobar has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Carlito with heavy bodyshots. Escobar clotheslines Carlito for a two count. Escobar rips off Carlito’s t-shirt. Escobar applies a rear chin lock. Escobar hammers down on the right shoulder of Carlito.

Escobar applies The Rope Assisted Arm-Bar. Escobar with a Corner Meteora. Escobar with The Top Rope Hurricanrana for a two count. Escobar follows that with hammer elbows. Escobar applies the sitting abdominal stretch. Escobar pulls Carlito down to the mat. Escobar repeatedly stomps on Carlito’s chest. Escobar applies a top wrist lock. Carlito with a southpaw haymaker. Carlito with two haymakers. Carlito whips Escobar across the ring. Carlito dropkicks Escobar. Carlito with a Twisting NeckBreaker for a two count. Carlito sends Escobar to the corner. Escobar kicks Carlito in the face. Carlito drops Escobar with The Spinebuster. Escobar denies The BackStabber. Carlito ducks a clothesline from Escobar. Carlito with a running knee lift. Carlito with a running clothesline. The referee gets distracted by Humberto. Angel sends Carlito tumbling to the floor. That leads us to a pier six brawl on the outside. Del Toro lands The SomerSault Plancha. Elektra Lopez attacks Zelina Vega from behind. Escobar rolls Carlito over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Santos Escobar via Pinfall

– Michael Cole recaps the news of Raw moving over to Netflix in 2025. Plus, The Rock joining the board of directors at TKO.

– AJ Styles runs into Jimmy Uso in the backstage area. Jimmy wants AJ to help them get rid of LA Knight tonight, that way he doesn’t make it to the Royal Rumble Jimmy tells AJ to think about it. AJ tells The OC to mind their business.

– Ava seeks advice from Nick Aldis. Bobby Lashley walks into the office and grabs his number for the Royal Rumble Match.

– Bayley Vignette.

Second Match: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c) vs. The Kabuki Warriors w/Damage CTRL For The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

Kayden Carter and Asuka are tagged in. Carter dropkicks Asuka. Carter with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Carter with a basem*nt dropkick. Carter tags in Chance. Carter whips Asuka across the ring. Chance sweeps out the legs of Asuka. Carter with a Sliding Boot. Chance with The Slingshot Senton for a two count. Chance ducks a clothesline from Sane. Chance with two arm-drags. Stereo Wrecking Ball Dropkicks. Chance with a Corkscrew Plancha to the outside. Kabuki Warriors regain control of the match during the commercial break. Asuka kicks Chance in the ribs. Sane with an Axe Kick. Asuka with a Running Bulldog. Sane follows that with a Sliding Boot. Asuka goes into the cover for a two count. Asuka toys around with Chance. Chance with a chop/forearm combination. Asuka shoves Chance. Chance kicks Asuka in the face. Chance knocks Sane off the ring apron. Chance avoids The Running Hip Attack. Chance dumps Sane out of the ring. Asuka stops Chance in her tracks. Asuka applies The Ankle Lock. Chance escapes the hold. Chance tags in Carter.

Carter with a Flying Crossbody Block to the outside. Carter with forearm shivers. Carter follows that with a Side Kick/Splash Combination. Carter rolls Asuka back into the ring. Carter with a Running Boot. Carter with The Springboard Leg Drop for a two count. Carter applies a waist lock. Asuka with repeated back elbows. Asuka thrust kicks the midsection of Carter. Sane tags herself in. Asuka with The CodeBreaker. Sane drops Carter with The Running Blockbuster. Sliding D/Enzuigiri Combination. Sane nails Carter with The Spinning Back Fist. Sane goes for The Insane Elbow, but Carter gets her feet up in the air. Sane tags in Asuka. Carter dodges The Sliding Kick. Carter with a Hammerlock Flatliner. Carter tags in Chance. Chance delivers The Keg Stand for a two count. Sane denies The After Party. Asuka with a Sliding Enzuigiri. Sane with The Alabama Slam into the announce table. Carter rolls Asuka over for a two count. Asuka with a Spinning Back Kick. Asuka drops Carter with The Roundhouse Kick. Asuka tags in Sane. Kabuki Warriors connects with their Insane Elbow/Reverse DDT Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Kabuki Warriors via Pinfall

– Inside The Bloodline locker room, Paul Heyman wants Solo Sikoa to fix the problem tonight, and don’t be merciful. There’s a moment for Jimmy Uso to seize tomorrow night at the Royal Rumble. Jimmy needs to enter the Royal Rumble and win that match. He needs to challenge Seth Rollins and beat him at WrestleMania for the World Heavyweight Championship. Then from there, he will understand that the line behind coming the next tribal heir all starts at the Royal Rumble.

– Hulk Hogan Vignette.

– Bayley and Bianca BelAir get their numbers for the Women’s Royal Rumble Match.

Bobby Lashley, The Street Profits, and The Final Testament Segment

Bobby Lashley:So, here we go again, chasing cowards. But please let me reintroduce our group, we got standing beside me, former Triple Crown Tag Team Champions, The Street Profits. And myself, former United States, Intercontinental, and WWE Champion, The All Mighty, Bobby Lashley. And listen, we didn’t come to Miami to play. The people of Miami came to see a fight. And a fight is what we’re going to bring. So, Final Testament, no more hiding, come on out, come get some. Look, Kross, quit playing these games. This is the type of coward you are? You’re going to send your lady out here to do your business?

Angelo Dawkins: I mean, it is crazy, you know what I’m saying, Tez? If I’m understanding this, rightly, this is supposed to be a face-to-face?

Montez Ford: You know what it is, Dawkins, they stand on no business. But you know what, Miami, I think I got it figured out. Final Testament is something that we could never be. Scared, partner.

Paul Ellering: Behold, there is no fear in Karrion Kross.

Karrion Kross:Gentlemen, Mr. Ellering speaks the truth. You know, every time I look at you three, all I see is frustration, all I see is desperation. And look, I get it, I understand, shut the hell up. I understand, you feel like things are not going according to plan anymore. You feel like you’re not in control, Bobby. And guess what? You’re not. But I will give one thing, and I will do it for the city of Miami. You said this was supposed to be a face-to-face, and technically we’re out here, we’ve honored that agreement. You’re standing across the prettiest face in the world. So, unfortunately, Miami, since you want to have a big mouth, anyways, you’re not getting your fight tonight.

Bobby Lashley: Hold on, Kross. Listen, I will give you credit, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. We are standing face-to-face, but you lied because you said we’re not fighting tonight. Oh, yes, we are.

Scarlett rakes the eyes of Lashley. Kross drives Lashley shoulder first into the steel ring post. The AOP destroys The Street Profits.

– Jimmy Uso is not pleased with his Royal Rumble number.

Third Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Austin Theory w/Grayson Waller

Theory shoves Hayes after the bell rings. Hayes is throwing haymakers at Theory. Theory reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Hayes ducks a clothesline from Theory. Hayes dropkicks Theory. Hayes with two knife edge chops. Theory answers with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Theory goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Hayes lands back on his feet. Theory talks smack to Hayes. Hayes ducks another clothesline from Theory. Hayes with a Springboard Clothesline. Theory regroups on the outside. Theory rocks Hayes with a forearm smash. Theory dumps Hayes out of the ring. Waller delivers a cheap shot behind the referee’s back. Theory has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Hayes with forearm shivers.

Theory reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Hayes with two running elbow strikes. Hayes with a Modified NeckBreaker. Hayes follows that with The La Misticia for a two count. Hayes gets distracted by Waller. Theory yanks Hayes off the top turnbuckle. Theory hits The Ataxia for a two count. Theory goes for The A-Town Down, but Hayes lands back on his feet. Hayes decks Theory with a back elbow smash. Hayes knocks Waller off the ring apron. Theory goes for a German Suplex, but Hayes rolls him over for a two count. Theory rolls Hayes over with a handful of tights to pickup the victory. After the match, Theory and Waller gangs up on Hayes. Trick Williams storms into the ring to make the save.

Winner: Austin Theory via Pinfall

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Eladio Carrion. Eladio was elated with his WWE experience. He’s going with his boy Randy Orton to win at the Royal Rumble. The Bloodline interrupts the conversation. Paul Heyman tells Solo Sikoa to calm down.

Fourth Match: LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa w/The Bloodline

Knight is throwing haymakers at Sikoa. Sikoa launches Knight to the corner. Sikoa with a corner clothesline. Sikoa is raining down punches in the corner. Sikoa with repeated headbutts. Knight kicks Sikoa in the gut. Knight with three haymakers. Sikoa reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight buries his shoulder into the midsection of Sikoa. Knight with a slingshot shoulder block. Knight dropkicks the left knee of Sikoa. Knight stomps on both of Sikoa’s hands. Knight dropkicks Sikoa to the floor. Knight slams the right hand of Sikoa all over the ringside area. Sikoa with a straight right hand. Knight sends Sikoa face first into the steel ring post. Knight repeatedly slams the right hand of Sikoa against the ring post. Knight resets the referee’s ten count. Knight rolls Sikoa back into the ring. Knight with a shoulder block. Knight gets distracted by Jimmy Uso. Sikoa uppercuts Knight in mid-air. Sikoa has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Knight is displaying his fighting spirit. Sikoa shrugs off two running clotheslines from Knight. Sikoa with The Samoan Drop for a two count. Sikoa is mauling Knight in the corner. Knight decks Sikoa with a back elbow smash. Sikoa reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight kicks Sikoa in the chest. Sikoa clotheslines Knight. Knight fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Knight kicks Sikoa in the face. Knight drops Sikoa with The Flying Bulldog. Knight unloads a flurry of jabs. Sikoa reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Knight with a leaping clothesline. Knight with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Knight repeatedly stomps on Sikoa’s chest. Knight plays to the crowd. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight knocks Jimmy off the ring apron. Sikoa goes for The Samoan Spike, but Knight counters with a DDT.

Knight clotheslines Sikoa over the top rope. Knight with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Knight dribbles Sikoa’s head on the announce table. Knight nails Sikoa with a Running Knee Strike. AJ Styles clocks Knight with The Phenomenal Forearm which forces the disqualification. After the match, Styles throws Knight into the steel ring steps. Styles rearrange the furniture. Styles sees Jimmy holding a steel chair. Jimmy puts the chair down. Sikoa tells Styles to take care of Knight. Styles attacks The Bloodline with the chair. Randy Orton uppercuts Styles. Orton Powerslams Jimmy. Sikoa pulls Orton out of the ring. Sikoa slams Orton’s head on the announce table. Orton denies The Spinning Solo. Orton delivers The Belly to Back Suplex on the announce table. Orton hits The Draping DDT. Orton avoids The Phenomenal Forearm. Orton drills Styles with The Draping DDT. Orton connects with The RKO. Knight plants Orton with The BFT to close the show.

Winner: LA Knight via Disqualification

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WWE SmackDown Results 1/26/24 (2024)


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