WWE SmackDown Results - 1/26/24 (24 hours before Royal Rumble, LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results - 1/26/24 (24 hours before Royal Rumble, LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (1)

WWE SmackDown Results
January 26, 2024
Miami, Florida (Kaseya Center)

Commentary: Michael Cole and Corey Graves
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

It is 24 hours before the Royal Rumble!

We see shots of WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Katana Chance and Kayden Carter, as well as their opponents for tonight, The Kabuki Warriors, heading into the arena earlier today.

Solo Sikoa is shown walking backstage with Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman.

Video: Recap of last week’s SmackDown.

Eladio Carrión makes his way to the ring. He has a song called “RKO.” Carrión welcomes everyone to the show and says we have a great lineup tonight. Carrión welcomes Randy Orton to the ring. Orton comes out to a huge ovation. Orton greets Miami and says no one probably thought he was friends with Carrión. Orton thanks Carrión for putting him in his video.

Orton is here to talk business. He’s here to talk about the Bloodline. Whether you like them or not, the Bloodline has had one hell of a run these last few years. The main reason they have done so is because Roman Reigns has held the title for almost 1,300 days. That is unfathomable. It’s virtually unheard of. Nobody can stop him. Nobody can stop the Bloodline. Nobody except maybe Orton. Tomorrow is the Royal Rumble. Once all the smoke clears and the dust settles, the only number that will mean anything to anybody is the number 15. After he beats Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, he is going to be a 15-time World Champion. How do they think he’ll go about accomplishing that? The crowd chants, “Randy.” He’ll beat Reigns with the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment: R-K-O.

AJ Styles’ music hits. Styles asks Orton if he’s looking past the other people in the match or just AJ Styles. Orton can join the club. Styles asked Nick Aldis if he could have a match against Solo Sikoa so he could take his head off, but he instead gave the match to a man who stepped over his body to get whatever he wanted in WWE… LA Knight. Styles gets in the ring. Styles says Orton should know better than to look past him. They have a history. A “Randy” chant picks up. Styles says after Orton gave him an RKO last week, he’s got a receipt coming. Tomorrow night at the Royal Rumble, he’ll be stepping over Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, and…

LA Knight’s music hits to a HUGE ovation. Knight says, “Lemme talk to ya!” Since Styles has come back, all he’s done is whine and complain. Knight mocks a sob and says, “Quit your crying, dummy!” Knight doesn’t want to be facing Sikoa, but Paul Heyman must think he is the biggest threat. So, he’ll go against Sikoa and won’t complain about it. He’ll kick his head off. Then he’ll go to the Royal Rumble, step over Orton and Styles, and become the next Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. YEAH! Knight walks off. Styles kicks Orton and gives him an overhead kick to the skull.

A basic paint-by-numbers segment to build up the multi-man World Title match at the #RoyalRumble. The only thing missing was the champion, who wouldn't be caught dead in a segment like this. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

Replay: Santos Escobar injured the arm of Carlito in November 2023, taking Carlito out of action for a while.

Carlito makes his way to the ring alongside the LWO. He’ll face Santos Escobar next.

-Commercial Break-

Carlito w/ Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro, and Zelina Vega vs. Santos Escobar w/ Angel and Humberto

The bell rings, and they jawjack a bit. Carlito lays in some left hands and knocks him to the corner. Carlito stomps him down. Escobar elbows him back and chops the chest. Carlito bounces him off three of the four top turnbuckles before chopping him down. Carlito sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Escobar hits the ropes, but Carlito avalanches him down and punches away at him. Escobar begs him off before pulling him facefirst into the second turnbuckle. Carlito rolls to the apron to recover. Escobar knocks him to the floor and goes for a plancha, but Carlito grabs him by the throat. Angel and Humberto distract Carlito, and Escobar takes Carlito out with a suicide dive.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the break, Carlito elbows out of a chin lock. Escobar sends him into the ropes and catches him with a weak-looking clothesline for a two-count. Escobar rips Carlito’s shirt off. Escobar rips off the Kinesio tape that Carlito has on his injured shoulder. Escobar grabs Carlito’s arm and bends it over the top rope. Escobar catches him with double knees to the chest in the corner. Escobar gets Carlito on the top rope and hits a super hurricanrana for a near fall. Escobar stretches the arm and punches the injured shoulder. Carlito fights up and tries to punch out, but Escobar takes him down by the hair. Escobar stomps away at Carlito and applies an overhead wristlock. Carlito fights up and rocks him with his left hand.

Carlito hits a pair of clotheslines before sending him into the ropes for a dropkick. Carlito goes for a vertical suplex before dropping him for a snap neckbreaker for a near fall. Escobar fights away and charges, but Carlito hits a spinebuster. Escobar tries to surprise him with a possum pin, but Carlito pulls him up and strikes him. Carlito hits a clothesline and turns to see Humberto on the apron. The referee admonishes him. Carlito hits the ropes, but Angel pulls the middle rope down to knock him out of the ring.

The LWO and Legado Del Fantasma begin brawling at ringside. Del Toro climbs to the top rope and hits Angel and Humberto with a somersault plancha to the floor. Zelina Vega gets on the apron, but Elektra Lopez sweeps her feet and attacks her. A distracted Carlito is then rolled up by Escobar. 1… 2… 3.

Winner by Pinfall: Santos Escobar

Decent match with Santos Escobar and Carlito. Obviously, we'll be getting that again. Nice to see them counter Zelina Vega with the dynamic Elektra Lopez. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

Michael Cole refers to Raw as WWE’s flagship show. WWE Raw will be coming to Netflix in January 2025.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has also joined the TKO Board of Directors.

Backstage Segment

AJ Styles is walking backstage when Jimmy Uso approaches him. Jimmy says they should team up to take out LA Knight. It’ll be good for everyone. Jimmy walks off as Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, and Michin walk up. Anderson asks what that was about. Styles angrily looks at him and says, “Don’t worry about it.”

Trailer: WWE 2K24 is coming soon.

-Commercial Break-

Tonight, Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits will have a face-to-face with the Final Testament.

SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis’ Office

SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis gets up from his desk to greet Ava, the new General Manager of WWE NXT. Aldis congratulates her on becoming the youngest GM in history. She asks for any tips, but Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits walk in. Lashley picks his Royal Rumble number. Legado Del Fantasma then walks in, and Santos Escobar takes his number. Lashley says he hasn’t forgotten about him.

Video Package: Bayley talks about the pain of her rehab and how angry she was about being out while others were doing great things. This is her year. She will win the Royal Rumble and challenge Rhea Ripley for the Women’s World Championship. Along with the Kabuki Warriors winning the Tag Titles, Damage CTRL will have all the gold. It’s not a story. It’s a destiny.

The Kabuki Warriors make their way to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis’ Office

R-Truth is spinning a basket with Royal Rumble numbers in it as Nick Aldis and Ava watch on. R-Truth isn’t happy with his number and thinks he has to quarantine. Aldis says that’s his Royal Rumble entrance number. R-Truth understands and thanks “Adam Pearce.” R-Truth is impressed with how fast “Pearce’s” hair grew and how much body it has.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (c’s)

Carter starts against Asuka and dropkicks her a few times. Katana Chance tags in. Chance and Carter double-team Asuka for a two-count. Kairi Sane runs in, but Chance takes her down. Chance and Carter hit the Kabuki Warriors with stereo slingshot dropkicks to the floor. Chance then hits a corkscrew plancha on them.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see the Kabuki Warriors double-team Chance for a two-count. Carter is knocked off the apron. Chance fights back and gets Asuka out of the ring by pulling the middle rope down. Chance crawls to her corner, but Carter is still down. Kairi runs in, but Chance gets away from her. Asuka grabs Chance and applies an ankle lock. Chance twists and knocks Asuka out of the ring. Carter gets on the apron and tags in.

Carter takes out the Kabuki Warriors with a splash at ringside followed by a dropkick/splash combo. Carter gets Asuka in the ring and hits a running boot to the face. Carter hits a springboard leg drop for a two-count. Asuka fights away and kicks her before hitting a codebreaker. Kairi tags in and hits a backstabber. The Kabuki Warriors hit stereo kicks. 1… 2… Chance breaks it up. Sane knocks Carter out with a right hand. Sane goes for an In-Sane Elbow Drop, but Carter gets the feet up. Asuka tags in, but Carter hits a swinging DDT.

Chance tags in, and they hit Asuka with the Keg Stand! 1… 2… Sane breaks it up! The Kabuki Warriors soon avoid an After Party. Sane grabs Chance and slams her on the commentary table. Asuka soon kicks Carter and tags Sane in. They hit a double-team reverse DDT/In-Sane Elbow Drop combination for the win!

Winners by Pinfall and new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Kabuki Warriors

Damage CTRL celebrates with the Kabuki Warriors as pyrotechnics go off.

Good, fast-paced match with the Kabuki Warriors going over Chance and Carter. It was pretty predictable, but good for what it was. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

The Bloodline’s Locker Room

Paul Heyman explains the difference between fixing a problem and solving a problem. Last week, Solo Sikoa solved a problem, but he didn’t fix it. Tonight, he needs to fix the problem and not be merciful. Sikoa smirks and says, “Ok.” Sikoa walks off. Jimmy stands up and says that smirk is scary. Heyman says what is scary is Jimmy’s cousin Roman Reigns went from the Big Dog to Tribal Chief because he saw the moment and seized it. There is a moment for Jimmy to seize. On Raw, there is an injured World Champion who thinks he’s a visionary who is going to carry that title into WrestleMania. Jimmy needs to win the Royal Rumble, face Seth Rollins at WrestleMania, and win the title. The line of succession to who is truly the Tribal Heir all starts at the Royal Rumble.

Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits make their way to the ring. They’ll go face-to-face with the Final Testament next.

-Commercial Break-

SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis’ Office

Bayley comes in, but she’s offput by seeing Bianca Belair there. Bayley asks what number she has. Belair says she’s not going to tell her, but she’ll be a two-time Royal Rumble winner. Bayley then opens her number and doesn’t look pleased.

Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits go face-to-face with the Final Testament

Bobby Lashley says they’re once again chasing cowards. We’ve got Triple Crown Tag Team Champions in the Street Profits. We also have Lashley, a former United States Champion, Intercontinental Champion, and WWE Champion, “The All Mighty” Bobby Lashley. A “Bobby” chant picks up. Lashley says they’re not here in Miami to play. The people of Miami came to see a fight. No more hiding for the Final Testament. It’s time to come get some.

The lights go out. The Final Testament, consisting of Karrion Kross, Scarlett, Akam, Rezar, and Paul Ellering, comes out to the stage. Scarlett gets in the ring and faces Lashley. Lashley tells Kross to stop playing games and having his lady fight his battles. Angelo Dawkins says this was supposed to be face-to-face. The Final Testament is something that they will never be: scared.

Paul Ellering says there is no fear in Kross. Kross says that Mr. Ellering speaks the truth. All Kross sees is desperation in the ring. They should feel it because they’re not in control anymore. There will be no fight tonight. Lashley says he’s giving Kross the benefit of the doubt, but he lied when he said they’re not fighting tonight.

The Street Profits leave the ring to go after the Final Testament. Scarlett jumps on Lashley and claws at his eyes. Kross sends Lashley into the ring post while AOP destroys the Street Profits at ringside. Kross wipes out Lashley with a Kross Hammer. The Final Testament stands tall in the ring.

Ok face-to-face segment with Lashley and the Profits getting taken out by the Final Testament. The Final Testament has a great presentation, but the problem might be having Karrion Kross be the main focus. The guy has a great look, but once the bell rings, it's over. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis’ Office

Jimmy Uso walks in and picks his number for the Royal Rumble. He says, “No YEET.” Jimmy shows Nick Aldis and Ava his number and walks off.

Austin Theory makes his way to the ring with Grayson Waller. He’ll face Carmelo Hayes next.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage Segment

LA Knight is preparing for a match against Solo Sikoa later tonight.

Replay: Recap of Kevin Owens and United States Champion Logan Paul on the KO Show last Friday on SmackDown. Paul punched him in the face, but Owens got to his feet and brawled with him. Paul smashed Owens’ broken hand off the steel steps to stop him.

Yesterday at the WWE Performance Center, Kevin Owens and Logan Paul brawled in the WWE Performance Center.

Logan Paul will defend the United States Championship against Kevin Owens tomorrow at the Royal Rumble.

Austin Theory w/ Grayson Waller vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes quickly dropkicks Theory and chops the chest. Theory knees him down and goes for a back suplex, but Hayes flips through and doesn’t stick the landing. Hayes tries to play it off, but Theory leaves him with nothing. Odd moment. Hayes takes Theory down, so Theory gets out of the ring to recover with Waller. Theory soon gets in and forearms Hayes in the face. Theory throws Hayes out of the ring and distracts the referee, so Waller takes advantage and gets a cheap shot in on Hayes.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the break, Hayes forearms away at Theory. Hayes hits a running forearm and a knee. Hayes hits a headlock slam followed by a satellite facebuster for a near fall. Hayes goes to the middle rope, but Waller distracts him. Theory pulls him off the ropes and hits Ataxia for a near fall. Theory cannot believe it. They trade roll-ups before Theory grabs the tights for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Austin Theory

Waller and Theory start to double-team Hayes until Trick Williams runs down to make the save. Hayes goes for a fist bump, but Williams declines.

Not much of a match with Carmelo Hayes and Austin Theory. Felt like it was just getting going when it ended. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

The commentators run down the Royal Rumble card.

Backstage Interview

Kayla Braxton is backstage with Eladio Carrión. Carrión says it was a thrill to be in the ring and wants Randy Orton to win at the Royal Rumble. Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso, and Paul Heyman walk up, and Carrión backs off on his prediction out of fear for his safety.

LA Knight makes his entrance. The main event is next.

-Commercial Break-

LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa w/ Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman

All-time refereeing legend Charles Robinson is the official for this match. The bell rings, and Knight punches away at Sikoa. Sikoa grabs him and throws him to the corner before hitting an avalanche. Sikoa punches Knight down and backs up. Knight punches back at the Street Champion. Sikoa puts Knight on the apron, but Knight shoulders him and hits a slingshot shoulder tackle. Knight gets Sikoa on his knees and stomps the hand. Knight dropkicks Sikoa out of the ring and smashes the injured hand off the apron. Knight slams the hand off the commentary table and the ring steps.

Sikoa fights back, but Knight sends him into the ring post. Knight slams the injured hand off the post a few times and gets Sikoa in the ring. Knight shoulders Sikoa back. Jimmy distracts Knight. Knight scares him back and goes for a slingshot shoulder, but Sikoa uppercuts him out of midair.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the break, Sikoa crushes Knight with a Samoan Drop. Sikoa stomps away at Knight. Knight fights back, but Sikoa reverses a whip. Sikoa lowers his head and eats a kick, but he quickly rebounds with a clothesline. Sikoa lifts Knight, but Knight slides off and boots him. Knight connects with a diving bulldog, and both men are down.

Knight punches away at Sikoa before hitting a diving clothesline. Knight connects with a side leg sweep before stomping him in the corner. Heyman is not happy with what is going on. Knight hits a running knee to the face and knocks Jimmy off the apron. Knight blocks a Samoan Spike and DDTs Sikoa. Knight clotheslines Sikoa over the top rope and hits a baseball slide. The crowd starts to buzz. Knight bounces Sikoa’s face off the commentary table a number of times. Knight then turns and eats a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles!

Winner by Disqualification: LA Knight

An irate Styles sends Knight face-first into the steel steps. Styles clears the commentary table and sees Jimmy lurking nearby with a steel chair. Jimmy plays it off and places it at Styles’ feet. Jimmy tells him to do what he has to do. Sikoa comes up to Styles and tells him to take care of Knight, or he’ll take care of Styles. Styles attacks Sikoa with the chair, as well as Jimmy.

Randy Orton runs over and uppercuts Styles out of the ring. Orton hits Jimmy with a snap powerslam. Sikoa pulls Orton out of the ring and bounces him off the commentary table. Orton fights out of a Spinning Solo and hits a back suplex on the commentary table. Orton takes his shirt off and grabs Jimmy before he escapes the ring. Orton hits Jimmy with a hanging DDT. Orton then ducks a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles and drops him with a hanging DDT. Orton stalks Styles and drops him with an RKO. Orton poses as the show ends… except Knight quickly grabs him and hits Blunt Force Trauma, seconds before going off the air!

A not terribly exciting go-home show to the #RoyalRumble. The only really big thing was the Women's Tag Title change, which wasn't a surprise.

This evening will be remembered for the news that dropped while this episode of #SmackDown was airing: Vince McMahon is out for good.

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

What did you think of the 1/26 #SmackDown?

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) January 27, 2024

Quick Match Results

— Santos Escobar def. Carlito
— The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) def. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
— Austin Theory def. Carmelo Hayes
— LA Knight def. Solo Sikoa via DQ

Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!

WWE SmackDown Results - 1/26/24 (24 hours before Royal Rumble, LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)


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