One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (2024)

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Jump To Recipe by Liz Thomson January 26, 2017This post may contain affiliate links.

Thisone-pan Ratatouille recipe can be made with a variety of vegetables depending on what you have in your fridge. It’s vegan, gluten-free, and easy to make in a skillet!

One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (1)

Why I Love This Recipe

This skillet ratatouille recipe contains a bunch of my favorite flavors and it’s full of vegetables. Plus, this recipe is not an exact science, and you can swap in whatever you have. A pinch of this… a little bit of that… this is my kind of recipe. It’s a great way to use up seasonal veggies like eggplant and summer squash!

Tips for the Perfect Ratatouille

  • Try to cut your zucchini, squash, and eggplant into uniformly sized pieces. This will ensure that all the vegetables cook at the same rate.
  • If you don’t have a cast-iron skillet, you can make this in a regular skillet. Avoid aluminum pans, if you can. The acidic tomatoes react with the aluminum, and it can create a slight metallic taste in your food.
  • Tie your bundle of thyme together tightly, so it’s easy to remove from the pan after cooking.
One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (2)

Ratatouille Ingredients

  • Olive oil– A little olive oil helps soften the onion and garlic and mellow the sharp flavors.
  • Onion– I used a white onion but you can use a white or yellow onion.
  • Garlic– Fresh garlic adds a deeper flavor.
  • Thyme– Fresh thyme adds a a savory flavor to the dish.
  • Tomatoes– I used canned whole tomatoes. You can substitute diced, if necessary.
  • Yellow squash– Sometimes called summer squash, this small squash is an essential component of ratatoullie. There’s no need to peel it.
  • Zucchini– This tender summer squash is a must have for this recipe. Similar to yellow squash, there’s no need to peel it.
  • Eggplant– Eggplant, which may also be called aubergine, is the third essential vegetable for ratatouille.
  • Red pepper flakes– I like adding a pinch of red pepper flakes for subtle heat.
One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (3)

How to Pick the Right Ingredients

A recipe is only as good as the ingredients, and since this recipe is pretty simple, you want to use the best produce possible! Here are a few tips for picking out perfect ingredients.

  • Use a high-quality brand of whole tomatoes. Muir Glen Organic has amazing whole peeled tomatoes that come in a can. I like to use whole rather than diced because diced tomatoes don’t break down as well.
  • When it comes to picking out an eggplant, look for one that is smaller in size with firm skin that doesn’t have any significant blemishes.
  • When choosing zucchini and yellow squash, look for smaller squash which will have fewer seeds and be less watery than larger squash.

Great ingredients equal great taste! You’re all set to make the perfect ratatouille!

One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (4)

Ratatouille Side Dish Ideas

Try adding a dollop of ricotta or fresh burrata cheese to this dish. It adds a rich, creamy flavor that helps make this dish a more filling dinner. You can also serve it with crusty bread, focaccia, or dinner rolls.

  • This5 ingredient olive oil bread is made with just a few simple ingredients (no yeast required!), so you can whip it up in only a few minutes.
  • A spicy kale salad goes perfectly with this ratatouille, and it’s perfect if you want to keep this meal light!
  • You could also
  • This 5 minute whipped ricotta is a delicious appetizer, and it’s great served alongside a bowl of ratatouille!

More One Pan Recipes

  • One Pan Ricotta Pasta
  • Spicy Enchilada Pasta


One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (5)

One Pan Ratatouille Recipe

  • Author: Liz Thomson
  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 50 minutes
  • Yield: 2 large bowls 1x
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: Italian
  • Diet: Vegan
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Thisone pan Ratatouille recipe can be made with a variety of vegetables depending on what you have in your fridge. It’s vegan, gluten free, and easy to make!


Units Scale

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 large white onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1 bunch of fresh thyme
  • 1 28oz can whole tomatoes
  • 1 tsp of salt (plus more to taste)
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 medium yellow squash
  • 1 medium eggplant
  • Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
  • Optional for serving: Fresh burrata cheese, fresh basil, crusty bread.
  • Handful of basil


  1. In a large cast iron skillet or pot, heat 1 tbsp olive oil over medium heat for a couple of minutes until it begins to shine.
  2. Dice the onion and add it to the pot. Let it cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Mince the garlic and add it to the pot, cooking for another 3 minutes.
  4. Add the tomatoes and bundle of thyme. Let it cook for about 5 minutes over low to medium heat, and use a spoon to gently break apart the tomatoes.
  5. Chop the eggplant zucchini and squash into 1/2″ pieces and add them to the pot, cooking for 20 minutes, or until they’ve softened.
  6. Season with salt and red pepper.
  7. Serve with a dollop of burrata cheese, fresh basil, and a slice of crusty bread.


  • Try to cut your zucchini, squash, and eggplant into uniformly sized pieces. This will ensure that all the vegetables cook at the same rate.
  • If you don’t have a cast iron skillet, you can make this in a regular skillet. Avoid aluminum pans, if you can. The acidic tomatoes react with the aluminum and it can create a slight metallic taste in your food.
  • Tie your bundle of thyme together tightly so it’s easy to remove from the pan after cooking.

originally posted January 26, 2017 (updated September 14, 2022) by Liz Thomson
categories: Dinner, Uncategorized 63 comments

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63 comments on “One Pan Ratatouille Recipe”

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    Just tried this recipe and it turned out great. I skipped the eggplant and just used zucchini, roma tomatoes, yellow and red bell peppers along with onion and garlic. I plan to buy burrata tomorrow to go with this.

  2. Kari KristanReply

    Looks amazing! Question — did you peel the eggplant? Thanks!

    • LizReply

      I did not! But you can if you prefer!

  3. JennReply

    Looooove this easy peasy ratatouille recipe! It’s the perfect way to pack in the veggies with so much flavor too!

  4. Shadi HasanzadenematiReply

    The absolute comfort food. I would love to have a big bowl of ratatouille on a rainy day 🙂

  5. KeithReply

    This is looking great until I seen the brake down on the nutritional chart. WHere is the fiber value? Why is the sugar count soo high?

    • LizReply

      Hey Keith! The sugar might sound high but it’s all natural sugar from the tomatoes and vegetables. There is plenty of fiber in this dish. I just didn’t have the settings to show it in the nutritional chart. Sorry about that!

  6. HelenaReply

    I like your description of ratatouille. Flexible recipes where you can swap vegetables in or out are the best. This looks delicious.

  7. Veena AzmanovReply

    I actually love Ratatouille.. but cannot remember why I haven’t made it in forever!! This looks so good.. II bet it smelled amazing too! yum.

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One Pan Ratatouille Recipe (2024)


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