WWE SmackDown Results 7/14 - Jey Uso Appears, Women's Championship Match And More (2024)

ByOlivia Quinlan

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE SmackDown" on July 14, 2023, coming to you live from the PNC Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina!

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns blindsided Jimmy and Jey Uso last week while taking the stand in his trial in Tribal Court, which ultimately ended with the former being taken to a local medical facility. As a result, Jey dared Reigns to face him and put his title on the line and tonight, he will be making his first appearance on WWE programming since.


The Women's Championship will be on the line tonight, as titleholder Asuka defends against Bianca Belair. Belair has made her intentions of re-capturing gold crystal clear to WWE Official Adam Pearce after she was dethroned by "The Empress of Tomorrow" at WWE Night of Champions back in May, and even caused a double disqualification when she was provoked by Charlotte Flair during a Women's title match between her and Asuka two weeks ago.

Pretty Deadly and The Brawling Brutes have found themselves at odds over the past few weeks in light of the ongoing issues between Sheamus and Pretty Deadly's newfound ally, United States Champion Austin Theory. Tonight, the two parties look to put their issues to rest as Kit Wilson and Elton Prince take on Sheamus and Ridge Holland.


After coming up short against Edge on last week's episode of "SmackDown", Grayson Waller looks to redeem himself as he collides with AJ Styles, Santos Escobar, and Butch in the first of two Fatal Four-Way matches in the United States Championship Invitational. The second of those will take place next week, and the winners of both matches will square off to determine the new Number One Contender for the aforementioned Theory's title.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Bianca Belair makes her way to the ring.

Bianca Belair and Charlotte Flair Make A Deal

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Belair says people say good things come to those who wait, but she's found it hard to follow that advice. She says tonight is the night she finally gets her Women's Championship rematch and says it's her night. She says patience is a virtue, but vengeance is sweet and Asuka will get what's coming her way when she loses her title.


Charlotte Flair's music hits, and she makes her way down to the ring.

Flair says Belair got her fired up, and tells her that she thinks Belair is going to win. She says when Belair becomes the new champion, she wants no confusion as to who is next in line. Belair says everyone knows the line starts where Flair is, and Flair says it will be the two of them who will meet for the Women's Championship. Belair says nothing would be bigger than the two of them meeting for the title at WWE Summerslam if she wins, and Flair agrees for the challenge. Belair says she's ready for Asuka, and the two women shake hands.

We then see Asuka watching what just went down from backstage.

The Brawling Brutes then makes his way down to the ring. Pretty Deadly follows.


Pretty Deadly vs. The Brawling Brutes (w/ Butch)

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Sheamus and Prince begin the action. The bell rings and Prince slides out of the ring. Sheamus drags Wilson inside the ring and rains down right hands. Prince hops in the ring to save Wilson, but Sheamus plants him and does the same to Wilson. He then dumps Wilson out of the ring and plants Prince with a clothesline, then tags in Holland. Holland delivers a splash and Sheamus follows it up with a bodyslam.


Holland delivers a right hand before Wilson tags in and Pretty Deadly double teams on Holland. Wilson lands a forearm, then tags Prince back in. Prince wears down Holland, then tags Wilson in. Pretty Deadly double teams on Holland, but Holland plants them both with a double back body drop and tags Sheamus back in. Sheamus dumps Wilson out of the wing and delivers the Ten Beats of the Bodhran to him as Holland does his own version of the move on Prince.

Back from the break, Wilson delivers a running uppercut to Wilson. Prince tags in and wears down Sheamus, then tags Wilson back in. Wilson delivers a kick, but Sheamus gets him in an Electric Chair position and plants him. He looks to tag in Holland, but Prince pulls him off the apron. Wilson then delivers a neckbreaker and ascends to the top, but Sheamus catches him with a knee and tags in Holland. Prince tags in and catches Pretty Deadly with a series of back body drops and powerslams, then takes turns delivering splashes to the pair in opposite corners. He then suplexes Prince on top of Wilson before landing a Fisherman's Buster on Prince. Wilson drags Prince out of the ring, but Sheamus levels Pretty Deadly and gets Prince back in the ring.


Holland delivers a side slam to Prince and goes for a pin, but Wilson breaks the fall. Sheamus takes him down with a Brogue Kick as Prince unties the top turnbuckle into it. He sends Holland crashing into it face first, then ascends to the top and delivers a leg drop for the win.

Winners: Pretty Deadly

Back from the break, we head to a video recapping what happened during Roman Reigns' trial in Tribal Court last week.

Michael Cole then provides a medical update on Jimmy Uso and says he will be out of action for the foreseeable future as the result of a ruptured rib.

We then head backstage to Charlotte Flair with a suitcase in hand. She runs into Adam Pearce, and explains she'll be leaving the arena ahead of the Women's Championship match later tonight because she is confident she will get her Summerslam match against Belair. Bayley and IYO SKY walk in, and Bayley says Flair isn't the only one who's confident tonight as SKY brings attention to her Money In The Bank briefcase. Flair then has a change of heart and decides to stay.

Back at ringside, Zelina Vega heads down. Bayley (with the strand of Shotzi's hair in hand that she cut off last week)and SKY follow.

Bayley (w/ IYO SKY) vs. Zelina Vega

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The bell rings and Bayley sends Vega into the middle turnbuckle face first. The action spills to the outside, and Bayley sends Vega crashing into the announce desk face first. She looks to drag Vega back into the ring, but Vega catches her with a few forearms and ascends to the top. She lands a meteora, then follows it up with a hurricanrana and a twisting neckbreaker. Bayley then sends Vega's face bouncing off the ropes and follows it up with Rose Plant for the win.


Winner: Bayley

Shotzi then appears on the Titan Tron and asks Bayley if she thinks she's really scared of her. She grabs a razor and says she's in control before shaving the best of her hair off.

Jey Uso then makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Jey Uso

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Jey says himself and Jimmy were inseparable growing up. He says having brothers is a great thing, but something about being twins makes it special. He says he's sad if Jimmy's sad, happy if he's happy, angry if he's angry, and hurt if he's hurt. He says he never thought he would be hurt by a family member in a million years, and says he respects all of his family members except for Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman.


Jey says he is the real Tribal Chief, but before he can continue, Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa appear. Heyman says Sikoa is not here to enforce Heyman's will or a victory for The Bloodline, but rather peace. Heyman tells Jey that they'll be stepping in the ring and nothing will happen because they will just be talking. He informs him that he will be coming face-to-face with Reigns next week to discuss the Rules of Engagement, and for now, they're just here to chat.

Heyman says Jey is sounding more and more like a Tribal Chief every single day, but he has no self awareness and he doesn't have the consciousness needed to be the right hand man. He tells Jey what happened to Jimmy is all his fault, and he was the one who opposed Reigns. He sends a message directly to Jimmy and reiterates his point, telling him what happened to him is on his twin brother. He questions how anyone in Jey's family will ever be able to forgive him, then passes the mic over to Sikoa after he calls for it.


Sikoa tells Jey what happened to Jimmy is his fault. He says he will never forgive Jey. Jey has had enough and delivers a forearm to Sikoa. He superkicks him out of the ring, leaving Heyman face-to-face with him. Jey gears up to attack Heyman, but Sikoa blindsides him and fires off stomps. Jey then fires off right hands on Sikoa, then delivers a superkick on Heyman and a tope suicida to Sikoa on the outside. He eyes a chair in the middle of the ring and picks it up as he stares down Heyman. He looks to strike, but sees Sikoa coming and hits him with it instead, forcing Sikoa and Heyman to retreat.

Austin Theory then makes his way down to the ring and joins the commentary desk. AJ Styles, Santos Escobar, Butch, and Grayson Waller follow.

Grayson Waller vs. AJ Styles vs. Santos Escobar vs. Butch in a First Round Match For The United States Championship Invitational

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The bell rings and Waller delivers a right hand to Butch. He dares Styles and Escobar to come at him, but slides out of the ring. Butch blindsides him off the ring steps as Escobar and Styles take turns rolling each other up in the ring. Styles sends Escobar over the top rope, and Butch levels him. He then gets in the ring and exchanges right hands with Styles before Waller rolls them both up. Styles and Butch kick out, then level Waller and go after one another. Escobar goes flying off the top rope to take them both down, then delivers a kick to Waller and executes a chop. Butch catches Waller with a German suplex and stomps on his hand. Styles takes him out, then delivers a Pelé Kick to Escobar.


Back from the break, Waller fires off knees on Butch's head. He delivers a kick to Escobar's midsection, then grabs Butch's head and gets in his face. Butch peels Waller's hand off his head and snaps his fingers, but Waller catches him with a back body drop that sends him out of the ring. Styles then delivers a forearm to Waller and follows it up with a shoulderbreaker. He goes for a pin, but Butch breaks the fall.

Escobar delivers a chop to Butch, then sits him on the top rope and delivers an enziguri. He then delivers a hurricanrana to Butch onto Styles, but Styles pins Butch. Butch kicks out before delivering an enziguri to Waller and Escobar on the top turnbuckle. Styles joins in on the fun, and Escobar pulls Waller, Styles and Butch down with a Sunset Flip Triple Powerbomb. He then delivers a running knee to Waller and the Phantom Driver, then goes for a pin. Styles and Butch break the fall, and the three men exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Butch delivers an enziguri to Styles and Escobar.


Escobar looks to go flying, but Butch catches him with a right hand. He goes for a pin, but Waller breaks the fall. Waller dumps Butch out of the ring and looks for a clothesline, but Butch ducks it and delivers a moonsault off the ropes. Escobar then delivers a tope suicida to both men and tosses Butch back in the ring. He gets him up on his shoulders, but Styles catches both men with a Phenomenal Forearm and looks for the Styles Clash on Butch.

Karrion Kross appears on the Titan Tron, and is attacking Karl Anderon and Luke Gallows. He slides out of the ring to help his teammates. Meanwhile back in the ring, Waller delivers a rolling stunner to Butch. Escobar then catches Waller with a splash off the top rope and pins him for the win.

Winner: Santos Escobar

Back from the break, we then see The O.C. checking on one another. Styles says things aren't over between him and Kross before adding he'll get him back.

We then head outside the arena to The Street Profits meeting a limo. Bobby Lashley emerges, and the trio greet one another. Lashley asks if they're ready to talk, and The Profits get into his limo.

We then head to videos from Rey Mysterio, Cameron Grimes and Sheamus ahead of their First Round Fatal Four-Way Match For The United States Championship Invitational next week.


Back at ringside, LA Knight heads down. He calls for his music to be cut, and says he's everywhere all of a sudden. He says everyone wants to use his name to get views and clicks on the internet, then says he's the best decision WWE ever made. He says no one back there can touch him, and says Austin Theory's United States Championship is in trouble. He says he's coming for Theory and his title, and no matter what you call him, you will be calling him champ soon.

Bianca Belair then makes her way down to the ring. Asuka follows.

Asuka (c) vs. Bianca Belair for the WWE Women's Championship

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Bayley and IYO SKY make their way through the crowd with a ticket in hand. The bell rings and Asuka sends Belair crashing to the mat. Belair fires back with a shoulder tackle, but Asuka delivers a Hip Attack in the corner. Belair sends Asuka into the top turnbuckle face first, then looks for the KOD. Asuka escapes and lands a Codebreaker as Charlotte Flair appears in the crowd with a ticket in hand.


Back from the break, Belair lands a single leg dropkick and a vertical suplex. She follows it up with her signature moonsault and goes for a pin, but Asuka kicks out. Asuka then lands a dropkick off the top rope before Belair looks to go flying off the ropes. Asuka catches her with an Asuka Lock, but Belair counters into a pin. Asuka kicks out.

The action spills to the outside, and Asuka looks for a sliding knee off the apron. Belair catches her on her shoulders and delivers a KOD to her on top of the table. Bayley and SKY look to cash in SKY's briefcase, but Flair hops the barricade and catches Bayley with a big boot. SKY stares down Belair as Flair looks to spear SKY, but SKY ducks out of the way and hits Belair with the spear instead.


Winner (and still): Asuka (as the result of a disqualification due to outside interference)

After the match, Bayley recommends that SKY cash in her briefcase, and SKY listens to her. Bayley goes to hand the briefcase over to the referee, but before things can be made official, Asuka spits her blue mist into Bayley's face and slips out of the ring with her title.

WWE SmackDown Results 7/14 - Jey Uso Appears, Women's Championship Match And More (2024)


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