WWE SmackDown Results 12/15/23 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 12/15/23
Resch Center
Green Bay, Wisconsin

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves)

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

The Bloodline & Randy Orton Segment

Roman Reigns:Green Bay. Acknowledge Me. Alright, shut your mouths, now. I wouldn’t have done that if you kept the boo’s down. Come on, it’s the holiday season, I’m here to celebrate. It’s promotion season, because I’m a good boss. I’m a fair Tribal Chief. When someone is doing good, we let them know. If somebody is doing bad, we smash them, but that’s not tonight, you know what I mean? So, tonight, it’s about one man. This man has bent over backwards. He sacrificed everything you can imagine over the past year or so. This man understands what representing our family means. This man understands what’s it like to keep this family at the top of the mountain. God forbid anything happens to me; this is the man that’s going to step up. He’s next in line. No, this is not for Randy Orton, hell no. This man is going to be responsible for this bloodline. This is the next tribal chief. Jimmy, join me in congratulating your brother, Solo. I love you. So, now you see.

Randy Orton:For 18 months, I have been thinking about this moment, right here. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to say. You know what, Roman? The only thing I really need to say to you is that I’m coming for you. You took eighteen months away from me, so I’m going to take everything away from you. And I don’t care which one of your family members I have to go through to get the job done. The fact of the matter is this, big dog. It starts tonight. It ends at the Royal Rumble, because I’m challenging you, Roman Reigns, for the WWE Championship.

Roman Reigns:By the sound of the fans, it sounds like you deserve it. What did you say, eighteen months, you’ve been thinking about this? Well, I haven’t thought about you. Not one bit. You’ve been gone for eighteen months, you haven’t done anything to earn this opportunity, therefore you don’t deserve this opportunity, therefore you can go to the back of the line where you belong. This is crazy. Everybody wants to get down with the tribal chief. They think that they’re going to show up and get an opportunity. That’s not how it works. So, why don’t you go ahead and do what you do, tap into that big dumb head of yours. Listen to those voices that are going off. It’s not 2007 anymore. I’m levels above you and everybody else. Those voices in your head, they’re telling you to get out of the ring. Run, leave this man alone. Don’t disrespect the tribal chief. Listen to him. If you have a match with me, it’s not going to be another eighteen-month vacation, it’s going to be your retirement. You’ll never come back.

Randy Orton: You know what, maybe you’re right. I’m looking into the eyes of the tribal chief, and I can see that you have changed. For the better, you have evolved. For the better, you are no longer a historical champion. You sir are a legend. Now, I’ve changed, too. I have evolved. But the one thing that Randy Orton always, and forever be, is a legend killer. You say you haven’t been thinking about me, maybe you should start. Hold on, I’m getting something from the voices in my head. You know what they’re telling me? The voices just told me that Roman Reigns may have crapped his pants. And there’s one more thing they said. And I’ll leave you with this, daddy’s back.

First Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller In A First Round Match In The Number Contenders Tournament For The WWE United States Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Waller applies a side headlock. Hayes reverses the hold. Waller whips Hayes across the ring. Hayes slips over Waller’s back. Hayes pushes Waller towards the ropes. Hayes drops down on the canvas. Hayes leapfrogs over Waller. Hayes ducks a clothesline from Waller. Hayes dropkicks Waller. Hayes applies a wrist lock. Waller with a big right hand. Waller with a gut punch. Hayes decks Waller with a back elbow smash. Hayes with two knife edge chops. Waller clings onto the top rope. Waller kicks Hayes in the gut. Waller goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Hayes counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Waller with a Leg Lariat. Waller applies the cravate. Waller with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Waller whips Hayes into the turnbuckles. Hayes with a Hurricanrana. Hayes blocks a boot from Waller. Hayes with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Hayes hits The Fade Away. Waller slides back into the ring. Hayes with a Springboard Clothesline.

Hayes clotheslines Waller over the top rope. Hayes poses for the crowd. Waller regains control of the match during the commercial break. Waller reapplies the cravate. Hayes is throwing haymakers at Waller. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Hayes starts favoring his left knee. Waller exits the ring. Waller drops Hayes with The Roll Through Flatliner for a two count. Hayes sidestepped a jab from Waller. Hayes with a chop/forearm combination. Hayes tees off on Waller. Hayes with a running forearm smash. Hayes with The Pump Kick. Hayes follows that with The La Mistica for a two count. Waller knocks Hayes off the top turnbuckle. Waller with The Avalanche Overdrive for a two count. Waller puts Hayes on his shoulders. Hayes with The Victory Roll for a two count. Hayes SuperKicks Waller. Hayes with The Springboard DDT for a two count. Waller hyperextends the left shoulder of Hayes. Waller goes for The Roll Through Stunner, but Hayes counters with The CodeBreaker. Hayes connects with Nothing But Net to pickup the victory.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes via Pinfall

– Randy Orton tells LA Knight that he doesn’t need his help. They have no beef, so Knight needs to stay out of Orton’s way. Knight says that he’s going to be the man who takes everything away from Roman Reigns.

Second Match: Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory In A First Round Match In The Number Contenders Tournament For The WWE United States Championship

Owens drop stepsinto a side headlock. Theory whips Owens across the ring. Owens drops Theory with a shoulder tackle. Owens with a deep arm-drag. Owens applies an arm-bar. Theory kicks Owens in the gut. Owens with a straight right hand. Owens rolls Theory over for a two count. Haymaker Exchange. Theory is mauling Owens in the corner. Owens reverses out of the irish whip from Theory. Owens scores the elbow knockdown. Owens with a Senton Splash. Theory regroups on the outside. Theory with a southpaw haymaker. Owens with Two HeadButts. Owens kicks Theory off the ring apron. Owens with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the apron. Owens rolls Theory back into the ring. Theory slams Owens head on the top rope. Theory with a Roll Through Dropkick. Theory with The Aoi Shoudou on the apron. Theory has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Owens blocks The SuperPlex. Owens HeadButts Theory. Owens with The Frog Splash for a two count. Owens starts favoring his injured right hand.

Owens goes for The Swanton Bomb, but Theory gets his knees up in the air. Theory hooks the outside leg for a two count. Theory repeatedly stomps on Owens chest. Theory talks smack to Owens. Theory with two haymakers. Owens kicks Theory in the face. Owens with another headbutt. Owens unloads a flurry of left jabs. Owens with a knife edge chop. Owens repeatedly stomps on Theory’s chest. Theory reverses out of the irish whip from Owens. Owens kicks Theory in the chest. Owens ducks a clothesline from Theory. Owens with a flying shoulder tackle. Owens with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Owens follows that with a DDT for a two count. Owens goes for The Pop Up PowerBomb, but Theory lands back on his feet. Owens ducks a clothesline from Theory. Owens SuperKicks Theory for a two count. Boot Exchange. Theory hits The Slingshot Spanish Fly for a two count.

Theory puts Owens on the top turnbuckle. Theory punches Owens. Owens with The Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster. Theory wisely exits the ring. Theory drives Owens face first into the steel ring post. Theory dumps Owens crotch first on the ringside barricade. Theory with a running forearm smash. Owens gets back in the ring at the count of nine. Theory with another forearm smash. Theory drops Owens with The Roll Through Blockbuster for a two count. Theory puts Owens back on the top turnbuckle. Theory with a left hand. Owens gets Theory tied up in the tree of woe. Owens with a Running Cannonball Strike. Owens lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Owens kicks Theory in the gut. Theory blocks The Stunner. Theory viciously attacks the injured hand of Owens. Owens clocks Theory with The Cast to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kevin Owens via Pinfall

– Roman Reigns is mad that Randy Orton ruin Solo Sikoa’s moment. He needs to be silenced. It’s promotion season, so tonight is a big night for Jimmy Uso. Roman still doesn’t approve of Jimmy saying YEET!

– Karrion Kross Vignette.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Kevin Owens. This is the first time they’re fighting each other. Kevin says that Carmelo reminds him a lot of himself when he first showed up on the main roster. Melo joins the conversation. Melo has a lot of respect for Kevin, but he won’t be a push over in their match.

– Damage CTRL Vignette. Bayley will be entering the 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Match.

– Charlotte Flair will be out of action for nine months following the injury she suffered last week in her match against Asuka. Our thoughts go out to Charlotte and wish for a speedy recovery.

Third Match: The Kabuki Warriors w/Dakota Kai vs. Mia Yim & Zelina Vega

Yim and Vega attack The Kabuki Warriors before the bell rings. The match started during the commercial break. Yim is throwing haymakers at Sane. Asuka knocks Yim off the ring apron with a Running Hip Attack. Sane with a flying forearm smash off the apron. Sane rolls Yim back into the ring. Asuka tags in Sane. Double Irish Whip. Asuka thrust kicks the midsection of Yim. Sane with an Axe Kick. Asuka with a Running Bulldog. Sane follows that with a basem*nt dropkick. Sane delivers The Sliding D. Sane with another flying forearm smash for a two count. Asuka tags herself in. Asuka kicks Yim in the gut. Double Hip Toss. Sliding Forearm/Basem*nt Dropkick Combination for a two count. Asuka applies an arm-bar. Asuka pulls Yim down to the mat. The referee admonishes Asuka. Asuka goes into the lateral press for a two count. Asuka with combo palm strikes. Asuka goes for The Spinning Back Fist, but Yim counters with the backslide cover for a two count. Yim avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Asuka clotheslines Yim for a two count. Yim with a Counter Vertical Suplex. Asuka tags in Sane.

Sane stops Yim in her tracks. Yim uses her feet to create separation. Yim tags in Vega. Vega with two clotheslines. Vega with a deep arm-drag. Vega follows that with a Pump Kick. Vega with a Running Pump Knee Strike for a two count. Vega ducks a clothesline from Sane. Vega hits The Hammerlock DDT. Sane avoids The 619. Sane with The Spinning Back Fist. Sane tags in Asuka. Asuka applies The Asuka Lock. Vega rolls Asuka over for a two count. Vega avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Vega tags in Yim. Misfired Kicks. Yim HeadButts Asuka. Yim with The SitOut JawBreaker for a two count. Vega dumps Sane out of the ring. Sane with a palm strike. Sane with The Alabama Slam into the announce table. Yim kicks Sane off the apron. Asuka blocks Eat Defeat. Yim with a Spinning Back Kick. Yim with an Overhead Kick. The referee gets distracted by Kai. Bayley shoves Yim off the top turnbuckle. Sane tags herself in. Asuka with a Roundhouse Kick. Sane connects with The Insane Elbow to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Kabuki Warriors via Pinfall

– Jimmy Uso feels like he’s getting set up tonight. He asks Solo if he would let him know if something was up. Solo tells Jimmy that he’s his brother, basically implying nothing will happen.

– Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits verbally run down the remaining competitors in the US Title Tournament, especially Santos Escobar.

– Next week on SmackDown, Dragon Lee will put his NXT North American Championship on the line against Butch. Plus, we’ll get a Holiday Havoc Match pitting Damage CTRL against Bianca BelAir, Shotzi Blackheart, Mia Yim and Zelina Vega.

Santos Escobar Promo

The last time I had the United States Championship within my grasps, the opportunity was ripped away by Rey Mysterio. Because of that, WWE Hall Of Famer and Lucha Libre Legend, he’s no longer around. This time, I will not allow anybody, or anything take what I rightfully deserve. Now, I take on a man that I never faced, one on one, Bobby Lashley. Bobby is all about appearance, expensive suits, fancy dinners. Don’t get me wrong, I understand, I get it. None of that matters in the ring. When I get through with Bobby, he will not want to show his ugly face on SmackDown ever again. When I go through everybody, I will take away what I gave Logan Paul, and become the new United States Champion.

Fourth Match: Randy Orton vs. Jimmy Uso

Orton kicks Jimmy in the gut. Orton slams Jimmy’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Orton is throwing haymakers at Jimmy. Orton gets Jimmy in position for The Draping DDT. Jimmy regroups on the outside. Jimmy begs for mercy. Orton with Two Belly to Back Suplex’son the announce table. Orton rolls Jimmy back into the ring. Orton hooks the outside leg for a two count. Orton applies an arm-bar. Orton transitions into a wrist lock. Jimmy with Two HeadButts. Orton decks Jimmy with a back elbow smash. Orton slams Jimmy’s head on another turnbuckle pad. Orton transitions into a corner mount. Orton delivers The Garvin Stomp. Orton uses the middle rope to choke Jimmy. Orton whips Jimmy across the ring. Jimmy kicks Orton in the chest.

Orton goes for a Powerslam, but Jimmy holds onto the ropes. Orton blocks a boot from Jimmy. Jimmy with a Spinning Enzuigiri. Jimmy is raining down haymakers in the corner. Jimmy nails Orton with The Running Hip Attack for a two count. Jimmy fish hooks Orton. Jimmy with a corner mount of his own. Orton responds with The Greco Roman Eye Poke. Orton goes for The Draping DDT, but Jimmy counters with a Back Body Drop to the floor. Orton starts grabbing his left knee. Jimmy has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Orton with heavy bodyshots. Jimmy kicks Orton in the gut. Orton with two clotheslines.

Orton ducks a clothesline from Jimmy. Orton Powerslams Jimmy. Jimmy slams Orton’s head on the top rope. Orton kicks Jimmy in the chest. Orton hits The Draping DDT. Orton prepares for The RKO. Solo Sikoa makes his way down to the ring. LA Knight avoids The Samoan Spike. Knight and Sikoa are brawling on the stage. Orton connects with The RKO to pickup the victory. After the match, Orton doesn’t know why Knight is out there. Roman Reigns attacks Knight from behind. Reigns and Orton are trading back and forth shots. The Bloodline gangs up on Orton. Knight joins the fray. All hell is breaking loose in Green Bay. AJ Styles drops Reigns with The Phenomenal Forearm. Styles with The Pele Kick. Knight clotheslines Sikoa over the top rope. Styles drops Knight with a Vicious Lariat. Styles walks past The Bloodline as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Randy Orton via Pinfall

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WWE SmackDown Results 12/15/23 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.