WWE SmackDown Results - 11/3/23 (Crown Jewel Go-Home Show) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results - 11/3/23 (Crown Jewel Go-Home Show) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (1)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
November 3, 2023
Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, WI.
Commentary: Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with clips of last week’s show and segments involving the Bloodline and LA Knight.

Live in the arena, LA Knight’s music hits and out he comes to a loud ovation from the crowd. The fans chant “LA Knight” as he tells them “let me talk to ya”. He says nearly 1200 days, that’s impressive. But what’s more impressive is how quickly 1200 days can come to an end. He says last week, Roman tried to spear him but the Tribal Chief got hit with a BFT. And tomorrow at Crown Jewel, it goes no different. He says thsi is a hostile takeover. He says he is coming to take over everything that Roman stands for, everything he thinks he has owned for the last three years. He says the title will be with him and it will be the end of Roman’s reign.

Roman’s music hits and out he comes with Paul Heyman.

Both men are standing in the ring and the fans chant “LA Knight”. Roman says that typically, he would tell this irelevant town to acknowledge him but they know who he is. But LA Knight doesn’t seem to understand and he will introduce himself. Roman introduces himself as the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table and the face of WWE.

Roman tells him a lot has changed. He takes his time of leave and someone steps up but it was LA Knight. He managed his time wisely and LA Knight has everyone on his side, he gives him credit for that. Roman tells the crowd to chant LA Knight’s name because that is the last night that this will happen. He says he pushed them forward, the kids call what he does cinema. Heyman calls Roman the star. Roman says he turned this business into a multi billion dollar industry. He asks what LA Knight has done and what he has done is cosplay a red neck version of his cousin. That’s done, this is his reality, his island of relevancy. Roman says he is going to end LA Knight and they are going to leave him in the desert but he won’t be the last one.

LA Knight tells Roman he must feel unbeatable. He beat everyone but he is not coming at Roman from the same angle as everyone else. He is not here to finish something. He is here to start something, yeah. He is here to start the LA Knight era. He will cosplay as the guy who will kick his ass at Crown Jewel. He won’t cosplay, he will live.

He tells Roman he made himself a megastar because of the title where as he lives as a mega star everyday. He tells Roman if he does not put an end to him, he will come back and take the title from him. And the only bloodline he will see will be the one off his forehead as he hears “New WWE Champion, LA Knight”. WWE officials get in the ring and break up a confrontation between the both of them as LA Knight’s music hits.

A good start to the show. LA Knight with a solid promo and Roman did well to build LA Knight over while making it seem like this won't be a close match. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

-Commercial Break-

Kayla is backstage with Theory. He tells her that last week, Owens said he has a face you can punch but that’s not true. He has a face that should be on billboard’s everywhere. He says Kevin’s face is probably a face that only a mother can love. Theory makes his way down to the ring for his match.

Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory

Grayson Waller is on commentary. The bell rings and we are under way. Owens goes after Austin Theory as Theory runs to the outside of the ring. Theory pushes Owens into the ring apron and back into the ring. Theory with a left hand. He gets Owens in the corner and goes for a punch but Owens blocks it and he hits Theory with a right hand. Owens with an atomic drop followed by a clothesline to the outside of the ring. Owens with a clothesline on the outside.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Theory goes for A-Town Down in the ring but Kevin land son his feet. Owens goes for the Stunner but Theory with a left hand. Theory with a blockbuster. He goes for the cover but Owens kicks out. Theory stomps on Owens in the corner. He places Owens on the top rope and goes for a suplex but Owens reverses it into a suplex of his own off the top rope. Owens throws him to the ropes and hits him with a popup powerbomb. Owens looks at Waller and he hits Theory with a Stunner. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Cathy Kelley is backstage with Bianca Belair. She asks her about her match against Bayley. Bianca tells her that she has a lot of history with Bayley and as talented as she is, Bayley is doing too much. She says now it’s personal, she wants vengeance. As she is talking, Damage CTRL attack her from behind but Nick Aldis and WWE officials break it up.

A decent opening match. It will be interesting to see what they do with Kevin Owens on SmackDown. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

-Commercial Break-

Logan Paul is shown walking backstage and he sees the Street Profits. They shake hands with Logan and Ford tells him it’s about time someone humbled Rey Mysterio. Logan walks away and Lashley tells the Street Profits that is what success looks like. In comes B-Fab who tells them the Profits are up with new suits, new Rolexes. She asks Lashley if she can speak with him to which he agrees.

-Commercial Break-

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green vs. Shotzi and Charlotte Flair

Niven and Shotzi start the match. Niven with a right hand and she slams Shotzi onto the mat. She goes for the cover but Shotzi kicks out. Chelsea is tagged in and they double team Shotzi. Chelsea goes for the cover but Shotzi kicks out. Niven is tagged in as they try to double team Shotzi but Shotzi hits Chelsea with a right hand and a kick to the side of the head of Niven. Flair is tagged in and Flair with a cross body onto both women off the top rope. Flair chops both women and she suplexes Chelsea. Flair on the ring apron as Niven runs towards her but Flair with a boot to the face. Flair gets back in the ring and Chelsea is tagged in. Flair hits Niven with a big boot, Chelsea runs off the top rope but Flair moves out of the way. Flair with a big boot as she goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Shotzi and Charlotte Flair

They just made the Women's Tag Team Champions look very weak. It's one step forward and three steps back with the Women's titles. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

-Commercial Break-

Solo makes his way down to the ring with Paul Heyman. Solo stands silently as Heyman says he is wondering how many people realize that this is what they call the end of days for the doctor of thugonamics. It’s not the way he wanted it to be, this was not his fault. And not to blame Roman Reigns. HeEyman says Cena comes back to WWE and he picks a fight with the Bloodline. What did he think the Bloodline was going to do. He said Roman makes the calls and Roman turns to the enforcer, the assassin, to Solo.

Heyman says Solo has a huge future in WWE and not just as an enforcer but one day to he will take over as the Tribal Chief and right now, it’s about Cena. He says Cena could have made it easy. The fans boo as Solo grabs the microphone from Heyman.

Solo asks Heyman why he is wasting his time talking to them. They did not come here to talk to them, they came here to talk to John Cena face to face.

John Cena’s music hits and out he comes to a loud pop from the crowd. Cena gets in the ring and both men are face to face. Solo tells Cena he has orders from the Tribal Chief and those orders were to give Cena his microphone, that way he can say goodbye to the fans while he still can.

Solo gives Cena the microphone. Cena asks Solo if he realizes who he is in the ring with. They have been waiting for Solo to talk for over a year and that’s all he brings to the table. Cena says he can do this with half a voice and it will only take him 90 seconds to cook him. He says he will say goodbye but not to them. He will say goodbye for them. Cena says the only reason Solo has a job is because of his cousin and we all see him walking around, thinking he is an enforcer when he is nothing but a bargain basem*nt Taz ripoff. Cena tells Solo to tape his thumb up very tight because the only place it is getting stuck at Crown Jewel is up his ass. Cena says that’s about 90 seconds as he drops the microphone and leaves the ring.

We cut backstage and Damage CTRL are celebrating having attacked Bianca earlier. Bayley says and maybe tonight it will be herself against IYO for the title. Bayley says it’s a joke and in comes Nick Aldis. He tells Bayley that he has to ensure the WWE Universe gets what they paid for. He says Damage CTRL are banned from ringside tonight.

Paul Heyman is stellar on the microphone and they did well with keeping Solo's words to a minimum. But John Cena is another level. His short promo was better than most promos these by superstars these days. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

-Commercial Break-

Donnybrook Match – Pretty Deadly defeated Brawling Brutes

As Pretty Deadly are making their entrance, the Brawling Brutes attack them on the ramp. They throw them in the ring as the bell rings and we are under way. Butch and Holland hit them with the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Holland places Prince in a tree of woe as he and Butch double team him. In comes Wilson but they double team Wilson. Butch with a knee to the face onto Prince who is on the outside of the ring. He grabs Prince but Prince slams Butch face first onto a bar that is placed at ringside.

Ridge with a shoulder tackle onto Prince on the outside. Wilson pushes Holland into the ring post. They throw Holland back into the ring and double team him. They grab a pair of sheleighleigh’s and try to hit Holland with it but he blocks them. He lifts them both up and throws them to the outside of the ring. Butch climbs the top rope and he lands a moon sault and lands on all three men on the outside of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Holland with a Boston crab onto Wilson in the middle of the ring. Butch with an ankle lock on Prince but Prince kicks Butch away. Prince grabs a bar stool and hits Holland across the back with it. Pretty Deadly double team Holland and go for the cover but Butch breaks it up. Butch with chops to the chest onto Wilson. Prince hits Butch from behind. Holland grabs Prince and lands a gorilla press. He grabs Wilson but Wilson lands on his feet and hits him with a knee to the face. Butch with a kick onto Prince. Wilson with a clothesline onto Butch and all four men are down.

Wilson grabs Butch but Butch grabs Wilson’s hand and twists his fingers. Butch goes for a kick but Wilson moves. Prince hits Butch with a sheleighleigh. Wilson goes for the cover but Butch kicks out. Prince on the ring apron but Ridge grabs him and power bombs him through a table that was at ringside.

Wilson turns around and Butch hits him with a Brogue Kick. He goes for the cover but Wilson kicks out. Holland grabs a table from under the ring and places it in the ring. Wilson rolls to the outside of the ring. Butch to the outside and runs towards him but Wilson moves and Holland hits the beer barrels on the outside. Wilson gets in the ring but Butch places him on the second rope. Prince hits Butch with a beer bottle from behind. Pretty Deadly slam Butch through the table. Wilson goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Pretty Deadly

Nick Aldis is shown walking and he is approached by Paul Heyman. He asks Aldis if he can offer him words of wisdom. Aldis tells him it’s not like he has a choice. Heyman tells him if he would him, he would have a lot of medical personnel at Crown Jewel because he will need it. He says this is the most savage version of Roman Reigns that anyone will ever see. Aldis asks Heyman if he is done and Heyman tells him with LA Knight, hardly.

A fun tag team match. They should be doing more with the Brawling Brutes. As for Pretty Deadly, I love their gimmick and hopefully they could be in the tag team title scene. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

-Commercial Break-

A stage is set up backstage for the weigh in. Nick Aldis is joined by WWE officials as he introduces Logan Paul and Rey Mysterio. A scale is between them as Logan Paul steps onto the scale and he weighs in at 213 pounds. Rey Mysterio weighs in at 175 pounds.

Both men face off as Logan taps Rey on his head. Rey tells him he just has one thing to say and Rey slams Logan Paul in the face. Paul knocks out a WWE official and Rey hits Logan Paul in the face with a microphone as the weigh in is broken off.

-Commercial Break-

Bianca Belair vs. Bayley

The bell rings and we are under way. Bayley with right hands onto Bianca. She throws Bianca to turnbuckle. Bayley goes for a spear but Bianca moves out of the way. Bianca throws Bayley into the turnbuckle. A snap suplex by Bianca followed by a vertical suplex. Bianca with a moon sault. She goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Bianca grabs Bayley but Bayley lands on her feet and rolls to the outside of the ring. Bianca chases Bayley around the ring but Bayley gets back in the ring. As Bianca is about to get in the ring, Bayley goes for an elbow but Bianca moves out of the way. Bianca gets in the ring and she hits Bayley with a body slam. Bianca throws Bayley on the ring apron but Bayley hands Bianca up on the second rope. Bayley with a knee to the face and Bianca falls to the outside.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Bayley hits Bianca with an elbow drop on the outside of the ring. She throws Bianca back into the ring and goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out. Bayley with a chin lock but Bianca grabs Bayley by the arm and slams her. Bianca with a back breaker. Bianca with a shoulder tackle followed by a drop kick.

Bianca with right hands in the corner but Bayley slides under Bianca and drops her face first onto the turnbuckle. Bayley runs to the ropes but Bianca slams her onto the mat. She goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Bianca places Bayley on the top rope and lands a suplex. She goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Bianca goes for a standing moon sault but Bayley moves out of the way. Bayley grabs Bianca’s ponytail and rolls her to the outside. Bayley pull Bianca shoulder first into the ring post. She throws Bianca back into the ring and Bayley climbs the top rope. She lands an elbow drop. She goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out.

Bayley rolls to the outside and clears the announce table. Bayley gets Bianca on the ring apron and Bayley goes for a powerbomb but Bianca gets out of it. Bianca places Bayley on the ring apron. Bayley runs towards Bianca but Bianca moves out of the way and Bayley hits the ring pots face first. Bianca throws Bayley back into the ring and she goes for the KOD but Bayley lands on her feet. Bayley rolls Bianca up but Bianca kicks out. Bayley runs to the ropes but Bianca hits her with the ponytail and hits her with the KOD. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Bayley rolls to the outside of the ring after the match and Bianca hits her with a KOD onto the announce table as SmackDown goes off the air.

A good main event. Bianca Belair is back into being a threat for the title but they have to do better with Bayley. Damage CTRL could be coming to an end and ahe should be back in the title picture. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

A good SmackDown with some fun matches. The focus was on Crown Jewel and despite this being recorded last week, the crowd was still into the show even if this was their second show of the night. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023

What did you think of the 11/3 #SmackDown?

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) November 4, 2023
WWE SmackDown Results - 11/3/23 (Crown Jewel Go-Home Show) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)


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