WWE SmackDown Results 11/26/2021 (2024)

– The post-Survivor Series edition of WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina with Kayla Braxton in the ring, welcoming everyone to SmackDown. Braxton goes on about Brock Lesnar’s suspension but she’s quickly interrupted by the music of WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. The Tribal Chief and Paul Heyman come out and stop on the stage for the pyro to go off. Heyman raises the strap in the air and they march to the ring. Michael Cole also welcomes us to SmackDown and he’s joined at ringside by Pat McAfee. Cole mentions how Kayla was about to mention the rumors of Lesnar’s suspension possibly being lifted. We go to a video package of highlights from Reigns’ win over WWE Champion Big E at the Survivor Series pay-per-view this past Sunday. Reigns and Heyman enter the ring to more pyro going off.

Heyman snatches the mic from Braxton and brings up rumors on Lesnar, asking if that’s the best she has. Heyman says we don’t do rumors on The Island of Relevancy, and that’s Kayla’s problem – she parades around here like she’s a journalist with news on Lesnar’s suspension, knowing what it means to Reigns and Heyman, when really she just wanted to come get a spotlight for herself with rumors. Fans boo Heyman. Heyman tells them not to boo Kayla, then tells her that he defended her as his co-worker, a co-worker he’s ashamed of because of these rumors. Heyman tells Kayla to get some sources and next time come with facts when in the presence of Reigns. Heyman says he once liked Kayla because others thought she was pretty, but here she is with rumors, and living her life through an Instagram filter, which is no way for a legit journalist to live, and until she’s a legit journalist, this is her cue to leave the ring. Heyman thanks her for her time and says goodnight. Fans boo Heyman some more as a “we want Brock!” chant starts up.

Reigns asks Heyman if he wants to know the problem with rumors. They give losers false hope, and compared to Reigns, everyone else around here is a loser because he’s beaten them all. Reigns says Lesnar is the #1 loser around here. The boos continue. Reigns says he beat Lesnar and the conditions weren’t even ideal, Reigns flew around the world and smashed his ass. Reigns repeats it – Lesnar is a loser and he doesn’t care about the rumors, that’s a fact. Reigns says Big E is also a loser because he got smashed at Survivor Series. Reigns says these fools are just a part of a long list he’s beaten. Reigns says it’s getting embarrassing because he’s running laps around the roster, and management is getting worried.

Reigns and Heyman bring up the Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal to determine his next challenger. Reigns says it doesn’t matter what kind of match they have, they can let 3 or 4 win tonight and it won’t matter because he will smash them all. He can do that because he’s the best of the best, the Universal Champion, The Head of The Table, our Tribal Chief, and the greatest of all-time, and when his days are done around here, which could be sooner than later, then the whole world… will acknowledge him. The music starts back up as Reigns raises his finger in the air.

– Cole and McAfee hype tonight’s Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal main event. They send us to the Progressive Match Flo replay for this week, showing last week’s Jeff Hardy vs. Madcap Moss match, which led to Hardy and Drew McIntyre vs. Moss and Happy Corbin on tonight’s show.

Jeff Hardy and Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss and Happy Baron Corbin

We go back to the ring and out homes Jeff Hardy to pyro and a home state pop. Drew McIntyre is out next with his sword, Angela. Drew raises the sword in the air as pyro explodes. McIntyre marches to the ring and poses in the corner with the sword as the fire shoots up around the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Happy Baron Corbin and Madcap Moss as Hardy and McIntyre stand tall together in the ring. The pyro hits before Moss and Corbin head to the ring together. The bell rings and Corbin attacks Hardy from behind, beating him down and taunting him. Corbin sends Hardy into the corner but misses a charge in. Hardy drops Corbin and hits several of his signature moves, including the basem*nt dropkick. Corbin turns it around and tags in Moss to take over.

Moss levels Hardy with a running shoulder. Moss runs the ropes but Hardy nails a hip toss for a 2 count. Drew tags in for a quick double team with Hardy. Moss kicks out at 2. Drew with a big chop in the corner to Moss. Moss fights out of the corner but Drew nails a clothesline coming out of the opposite corner. Drew warns Corbin that he’s next. Drew holds Moss while Hardy flies off the top rope with a right hand.

Fans chant for Hardy now. Moss charges but gets sent to the floor. Hardy sends Moss to the barrier and then drops Corbin over the top rope to send him to the floor. Hardy with a right hand off the apron to the floor. Hardy celebrates until Moss tosses him over into the timekeeper’s area. Moss celebrates at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin is in control. He drops McIntyre off the apron with a cheap shot. Moss with cheap shots to Hardy while Corbin has the referee distracted. Moss tags back in but Hardy fights back. They collide with double lariats and both go down as fans rally for Hardy now.

Drew and Corbin tag in at the same time. Drew unloads with clotheslines, then an elbow to drop Corbin. Drew with a big belly-to-belly suplex, then a neckbreaker. Corbin runs in and dodges a Glasgow Kiss but Drew drops him with a neckbreaker, then a kip-up for a big pop. Drew waits for the Claymore Kick but has to stop and knock Moss off the apron. Drew turns back around to a big Deep Six from Corbin for a close 2 count. Moss tags back in and goes for a double team on Drew but Hardy makes the save. Corbin leaps off the second rope but Hardy kicks him.

Corbin sends Hardy to the floor as Drew also sends Corbin to the floor. Drew with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt and the Claymore Kick to Moss for a big pop. Drew tags in the home state hero for a big pop. Hardy goes to the top and hits the Swanton Bomb for the pin to win.

Winners: Jeff Hardy and Drew McIntyre

– After the match, Hardy and McIntyre celebrate as the music hits.

– Kayla Braxton is backstage talking with Aliyah when Paul Heyman walks up. Aliyah says it was good chatting to Aliyah, but she’s sure Kayla and Heyman have a lot to talk about. Heyman asks if Kayla has confirmation on those Lesnar rumors, but he dismisses the idea of the Lesnar rumors and says Lesnar got himself suspended for touching Adam Pearce and is hiding behind the suspension because he is afraid of Roman Reigns. Heyman mentions how he doesn’t have Lesnar’s new phone number, but neither does Kayla. Heyman says he’s pushing for Kayla to be gone unless she has confirmation on the Lesnar rumors before the end of the night, or maybe that’s just a rumor. Heyman walks off.

Cesaro vs. Ridge Holland

We go back to the ring and out comes Ridge Holland with Sheamus as Mike Rome does the introductions. Holland comes out to Sheamus’ theme song. We see what happened last week to set this match up. Holland prepares to make his blue brand in-ring debut as Sheamus hypes him up. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus has joined Cole and McAfee on commentary. Holland waits in the ring as Cesaro makes his way out now. The bell rings and Cesaro takes it to the corner but backs off as the referee warns them. Cesaro goes to work on Holland with uppercuts. Cesaro with a big running uppercut into the opposite corner. Cesaro mounts Holland with right hands in the corner, but Holland turns it around after a distraction by Sheamus.

Holland with a big back-drop to Cesaro. Holland rams Cesaro back into the corner and works him over. Holland levels Cesaro with a clothesline for a 2 count as Sheamus talks about leading Holland to greatness in WWE, following in his footsteps. Holland grounds Cesaro in the middle of the ring now. Cesaro fights up and out but Holland grabs him, delivers a headbutt, then launches him with a big overhead throw. Cesaro kicks out at 2. Holland grounds Cesaro once again as Sheamus continues praising him on commentary.

Holland catches Cesaro with a powerslam for a 2 count. Holland stops the pin and drops knees and elbows on Cesaro to keep him down. Cesaro counters Holland out of nowhere and rolls him up for the pin to win.

Winner: Cesaro

– After the bell, Cesaro rushes to ringside to pose with fans after stealing the win. Sheamus rushes into the ring to stand with Holland.

– Drew McIntyre is in an office with Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce now. Drew wants to be in the Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal but Deville says they don’t have the final list of participants yet, and when they do they will let him know.

Thanksgiving Leftovers Throwdown Match: Rick Boogs vs. Angel

We go back to the ring and out comes Rick Boogs with his guitar. He does a grand introduction for himself and then WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura. They head to the ring together for what Cole and McAfee call a Thanksgiving Leftovers Throwdown match. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Angel is out with Humberto. The bell rings and Garza nails a dropkick into the corner. Angel mounts Boogs and unloads, beating him to the floor. There’s a dinner table set up at ringside with Thanksgiving leftovers but Boogs stops Angel from putting him face-first. Angel with a big kick from the apron. Angel brings it back in and grounds Boogs as Nakamura and Humberto look on from ringside.

Angel keeps Boogs grounded until fans start to chant for tables. Boogs screams out and breaks the hold, tossing Angel across the ring. Boogs then spins Angel around into a powerslam. Boogs man-handles Angel some more, then launches him with a gutwrench slam. Boogs knocks Humberto off the apron, almost knocking him through another dinner table in front of the announcers. Angle attacks but Boogs man-handles him some more, tossing him around and slamming him with another gutwrench. Angel kicks out at 2.

Boogs hulks up some more and applies an abdominal stretch, punching Angel while he’s in the hold, but he stops when Humberto starts playing his guitar at ringside. Boogs stops to yell at Humberto, telling him to put his guitar down. Nakamura comes over and puts Humberto through the other dinner table in front of the announcers. Boogs turns back around to a stiff shot by Angel. Angel follows up with The Wing Clipper for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Angel

– After the match, Los Lotharios celebrate as Nakamura checks on Boogs.

– We get a look back at RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch defeating SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair at Survivor Series this past Sunday.

– We go back to the ring and out comes SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair to a mixed reaction from her home state. Flair stops on the ramp and poses as the pyro explodes above. The graphic bills this as a “Flair for the Dramatic” segment. Flair enters the ring as Cole says he’s going to interview her in the ring. We go to commercial as the referee opens the ropes for Flair to enter.

Back from the break and Kayla stops Adam Pearce in the back, asking about tonight’s Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal, but Pearce is headed to his office to work on that match. She also asks about the possible reinstatement of Brock Lesnar. We get a video package showing how Lesnar attacked Pearce a few weeks back, leading to his indefinite suspension and $1 million fine. Pearce tells Kayla he hasn’t heard anything about Lesnar’s indefinite, and he repeats – indefinite, suspension, but stranger things have happened around here. Pearce brings up the property damage, medical bills and therapy sessions Lesnar has caused, and says he would be personally shocked if the suspension was lifted any time soon. Pearce excuses himself and walks off. We go back to the ring and Cole is in with Flair. Cole says Flair must be devastated over the Survivor Series loss to RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch.

Flair says no, the only thing she’s disappointed with was the poor officiating in that match. Flair says we all saw it, and the only way Becky could beat her was blatant cheating. Flair says Becky is just as under-handed as she thought, and Becky got a hollow win, and the win proved nothing. She says Becky knows deep down that Flair is a better woman, and Becky’s success is all thanks to Flair. Cole asks what is in the near future for Charlotte. She says Becky can pretend to be Big Time Becks on RAW, in fantasy land, but Flair is still the most dominant woman in sports entertainment here on SmackDown. The music interrupts and out comes Toni Storm.

Storm says she called it – Flair’s obsession with Lynch made her vulnerable, and Lynch won. Storm says now Flair is going to come after her because she was tough enough to stand up to Flair. Storm figured she’d make it easy for Flair – she’s right here. Flair mocks her and says she barely knows Storm exists. Flair says she wipes her boots when entering the ring because there are levels to this, and she’s on a different level. Flair asks how Storm wants to be embarrassed tonight – by beating her to a pulp, or like this… Flair charges but Storm ducks and sends her to the floor. Flair ends up grabbing a pie from the same dinner table that was out in the previous match, then smashing it all over Storm. Flair taunts Storm, who is seething now. Flair hits Storm with another pie and mocks her now. The music starts back up as Flair makes her exit. Storm seethes at ringside and wipes some of the cream from her hair.

– We see footage from earlier today of Banks confronting Sonya Deville backstage. Banks says she was Team Captain at Survivor Series, but Deville put her on a team with a bunch of flakes and traitors. Banks goes on and blames Deville for the loss, saying she should’ve been allowed to pick her own team. Banks goes on but Deville tells her to watch her tone in talking to her, and says Banks can’t just re-write history, Banks loss and the loss is on her because she was captain. Deville also says she has no issue with Naomi. Banks says she’s lying, then goes on wondering if Deville is jealous of Naomi for various reasons, such as popularity and Deville being downgraded to a suit. Deville says maybe that makes her a… boss. Banks smirks. Deville books Banks and Naomi vs. Natalya and Shayna Baszler for tonight. Deville walks off.

Naomi and Sasha Banks vs. Natalya and Shayna Baszler

We go back to the ring and out comes Naomi for the next match. Sonya Deville is already at the announce table with Cole and McAfee. Naomi wraps up her entrance as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another new comic-style vignette for the Xia Li gimmick change. Li still remembers the deep breath of a bully that was picking on her older brother at school. Her pacifist, kind brother who was too good for the bully. She hates vultures, their confidence grows like mold on dirty dishes. If you let it, it will suffocate your spirit. The comic shows Li taking care of the bully. She hates vultures. We see the real Li standing backstage in her new attire now. She is Xia Li, the protector, defender of those who are wronged. Li says defends people, she finds them. Li is “coming soon” to SmackDown. We go back to the ring and Sasha Banks comes out. Natalya and Shayna Baszler are already in the ring. Banks confronts Baszler and they have words as fans cheer. Baszler slaps Banks but she slaps back harder.

Banks and Baszler go at it following the slaps. They tangle and Baszler blocks a takedown, going for an ankle lock after Banks fights from the mat. Baszler counters and gets the Kirifuda Clutch locked but Banks backs her into the corner. Naomi tags in and ends up rolling Baszler for a 2 count. Baszler blocks another attempt and grounds her by her arm now, with a boot on the head. Baszler continues to work on the arm, backing Naomi into the corner. Natalya tags in and takes Naomi down in the middle of the ring.

Naomi with a leg scissors as she gets out. They both kip up and face off as fans pop. They trade offense and Naomi gets the upperhand, nailing a dropkick. Naomi rocks Baszler on the apron now after Natalya ends up on the floor. Naomi slides out but Natalya counters and slams her onto the floor. Baszler tags in and levels Naomi with a knee to the face to keep her down in front of the announcers. Baszler brings it back in and goes for the Kirifuda Clutch. Banks runs over, ducks and drops Natalya at ringside, then runs in and takes Baszler out to save Naomi. Banks runs back out of the ring and rallies for Naomi from ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Naomi slams Natalya to finally get an opening. Baszler tags in and knocks Banks off the apron as Naomi crawls to her for a tag. Fans boo as Baszler pounds on Naomi in the middle of the ring. Baszler keeps Naomi down and stomps on her leg. Natalya tags back in for a quick double team. Naomi kicks out at 2. Fans rally for Naomi but Natalya puts her back down on the mat. Baszler tags in for another double team as Banks looks on. Naomi kicks out at 2 as Baszler covers.

Baszler works on Naomi’s leg some more, wasting time with trash talking. Natalya and Baszler with more tags. Baszler approaches but Naomi takes her down face-first. Naomi drops Baszler again for a pop as Banks reaches and rallies on the apron. Banks goes to tag but Baszler pulls her to the floor. Banks and Baszler go at it. Naomi is close to another tag but Baszler drops her at ringside once again. Banks fights back and sends Baszler into the barrier, then nails the Meteora.

Natalya and Naomi trade pin attempts in the ring. Natalya with a big discus clothesline for a 2 count. Natalya with a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Natalya seethes now but Naomi fights back from the apron. Naomi rolls into a sunset flip for the pin to win.

Winners: Naomi and Sasha Banks

– After the match, Naomi stands tall as her music hits. Banks joins her and they celebrate. Naomi taunts Deville from the ring and then goes to face off with her at the announce table. Deville applauds her and tells her that was a good job. Naomi stares her down and walks away.

– We see Superstars backstage checking a paper to see if their name is on the list for the Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal. Sheamus tells Drew McIntyre he will see him out there. Sheamus also says there’s no good way of saying this but… he didn’t make the call. Sheamus laughs at Drew and walks off as the announcers wonder if Drew could really be left out of the match.

Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal: Sami Zayn, Erik, Ivar, Angel, Humberto, MACE, Mansoor, Cesaro, Ricochet, Drew Gulak, Rick Boogs, Jinder Mahal, Shanky, Madcap Moss, Happy Baron Corbin, Jeff Hardy, Ridge Holland, Sheamus

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event, the Black Friday Invitational Battle Royal, as Sami Zayn makes his way out first. The winner of this match will be the new #1 contender to WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Out next are The Viking Raiders – Erik and Ivar. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a RAW Rebound video from Monday’s show. Back from the break and Ricochet is out as the other Superstars look on from the ring. Rome does the match intro and the bell hits but the music interrupts and out comes Drew McIntyre. Drew rushes the ring with his sword, Angela, but the other Superstars retreat as he rushes in swinging the sword. Drew asks who’s going to come in and do something. Adam Pearce comes down and yells from ringside, asking Drew what he’s doing out here with the sword. Drew and Pearce yell at each other while the other Superstars wait at ringside. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the match begins as everyone goes at it. Cole says McIntyre left to the back during the break. Sheamus works on Rick Boogs now while MACE works on Erik in the corner. We see The Bloodline watching from the back, and Pearce watching from ringside. It looks like Jinder Mahal may have been eliminated. Sheamus and Ridge Holland double team Cesaro. Cesaro hangs on while Drew Gulak works on Sami Zayn now. Sami eliminates Gulak with a Helluva Kick.

Cesaro works on Zayn now. Mansoor works on Sheamus. Madcap Moss works on Jeff Hardy. Holland and Sheamus toss Mansoor but he hangs on. Sheamus and Holland then eliminate Mansoor. T-BAR works on Ivar. Erik works on Shanky it appears. MACE tries to dump Moss but he hangs on. Moss eliminates Mace. Sheamus stands on Hardy. Shanky beats Moss down now. Sheamus saves Holland from Ivar. Moss eliminates Shanky. Cesaro interrupts Moss’ celebration but he hangs on. Holland and Sheamus try to dump Sheamus. Boogs stomps on Moss. Cesaro eliminates Holland. Moss eliminates Cesaro.

Happy Baron Corbin and Moss celebrate now. Moss almost dumped Corbin but he was just joking. Ricochet works on Ivar now. Corbin changes his mind and eliminates Moss. Moss laughs it up with Corbin after the elimination. Ricochet attacks Sheamus while Corbin laughs with Moss some more and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the Battle Royal is going on. Kayla Braxton is waiting at ringside so she can interview the winner. We also see The Bloodline (WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos, Paul Heyman) watching backstage again. Corbin and The Viking Raiders work on Ricochet while Angel and Humberto double team Boogs in the corner. Sami tries to talk Sheamus into double teaming Hardy with him. Sheamus kicks Sami and beats him down in the corner.

Corbin works on Ricochet. Erik and Ivar try to help Corbin dump Ricochet but he hangs on. Sheamus almost dumps Sami but he hangs on. Boogs fights off Angel and Humberto. Angel eliminates Boogs. Los Lotharios double team Erik but Ivar makes he save. Ivar eliminates Angel. Erik and Ivar eliminate Humberto, tossing him onto Angel. Sami gets double teamed by The Viking Raiders now.

Sami falls through the middle ropes to the floor, so he’s still in it. The Vikings double team Ricochet until Sheamus attacks them. Sheamus also gets double teamed. Sheamus avoids an elimination, then clotheslines Erik for an elimination. Sheamus then back-drops Ivar and he’s also eliminated.

It’s down to Sheamus, Corbin, Hardy and Ricochet. Sheamus and Ricochet trade offense as fans cheer them on. Ricochet kicks Hardy away and dropkicks him in the corner. Corbin decks Ricochet as he turns around. Corbin and Ricochet trade strikes. Corbin chokeslams Ricochet into his knee. Sheamus watches from the corner and Hardy is still flat on his back. Ricochet springboards in from the apron and nails a missile dropkick to Corbin. Sheamus levels Ricochet with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus eliminates Ricochet.

Sheamus stands tall as some fans boo. He goes to work on Corbin but Corbin fights back as Hardy watches from the mat. Sheamus dumps Corbin over the top but he hangs on. Sheamus with knee strikes but Corbin elbows him and comes back in. Hardy decks Sheamus, then Corbin. Hardy takes turns on both opponents. The home state crowd chants chant “Hardy!” but Sheamus runs over him. Hardy goes on and nails a Whisper In the Wind to Sheamus. Corbin goes to toss Hardy but they tangle into the ropes. Hardy with a Twist of Fate. Sheamus stomps on Hardy now.

Sheamus tells Corbin to help him eliminate Hardy. They go for the double team as fans rally for Hardy. Hardy hangs on as fans boo the heels. Corbin turns on Sheamus and eliminates him. Hardy comes right back and knocks Corbin over the top rope for the pin and the future title shot. Hardy begins to celebrate the win but we forgot about Zayn. Hardy is announced the winner and he goes to the corner to pose for the fans but here comes Sami to eliminate him for the victory.

Winner and New #1 Contender to WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns: Sami Zayn

– After the match, Sami begins celebrating as the music hits. We see The Bloodline backstage watching again. Kayla comes in to interview and congratulate Sami but before he can speak, she has someone passing along breaking news in her ear. Kayla announces that Brock Lesnar’s suspension has been lifted, and he will be live on next week’s SmackDown. Sami is upset because his interview is interrupted and Kayla’s ignoring him. The Bloodline is shown backstage again as Kayla announces Lesnar’s return. Fans chant “we want Brock!” now. Reigns seethes at Lesnar’s return while a stunned Heyman looks at him. The post-Survivor Series edition of SmackDown goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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WWE SmackDown Results 11/26/2021 (2024)


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Sasha Banks & Naomi def.

After Naomi picked up the tag team victory by scoring a quick, yes effective pin fall on Natalya, Sonya Deville was on hand to stand and clap for her.

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Sheamus and Drew McIntyre win Fatal 5-Way

There was a Dusty Finish where both Sheamus and McIntyre scored separate pinfalls simultaneously. finishes like this typically get booed, but WWE can do no wrong with its audience, so fans began chanting “Triple Threat!”

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SmackDown results, Dec. 30, 2022: Cena & Owens triumph over Reigns & Zayn on the final SmackDown of 2022.

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Reigns received a diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia, or CML, in 2007 at the age of 22, and the cancer returned in 2018, causing him to take a step back from WWE TV. He later returned in 2019.

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The "SmackDown" Fist came about because on the August 9th, 2001 episode of "SmackDown," Rhino Gored Chris Jericho through the original set, retiring it for good. The week after, the "SmackDown" Fist debuted and a new era of "SmackDown" was born. The fist graced audiences until January of 2008.

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With the cancellation of Star Trek: Enterprise, SmackDown! moved into its former timeslot on Friday nights for the 2005–06 season, beginning September 9, 2005. WWE subsequently announced that the show would be renamed Friday Night SmackDown! to emphasize the new scheduling.

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Starting in October 2024, Fox will no longer air WWE's "SmackDown" on Friday nights.

Where was SmackDown on December 23? ›

WWE SmackDown Results – 12/22/23 (US Championship Tournament, AJ Styles vs. Solo Sikoa) Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

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The brand extension was enacted to alleviate the issues of an overcrowded roster and to imitate competition the company no longer had from the former promotions. The first two brands established were Raw and SmackDown, named after the respective weekly shows, Raw and SmackDown.

What did Roman Reigns say to Grayson Waller? ›

So what did Reigns say to Grayson Waller on WWE SmackDown? Our best guess is that he told Waller to tell Australia to acknowledge him. That's it. It could have been done just to hype the premium live event.

Why Roman Reigns is not on SmackDown? ›

His absence was explained early in the show when Kayla Braxton conducted a backstage interview with his long-time Special Counsel Paul Heyman. Heyman explained that Reigns will not be returning to the company for the time being so there is no point in him taking the top draft spot.

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In response to The Rock's segment, Reigns, known as The Tribal Chief, took to social media with a succinct reaction—sharing a post with a laughing emoji.

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Despite WWE previously presenting Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Roman Reigns as close family members, the two are not actually related by blood. Interestingly, the grandfather of The Rock, Fanene Anderson (Peter Maivia), and the grandfather of Roman Reigns, Amituana'i Anoaʻi were blood brothers.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.