WWE SmackDown Results 11/24/23 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 11/24/23
Allstate Arena
Rosemont, Illinois

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves)

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Team Bianca & Bayley Segment

Becky Lynch: Well, it’s been a while, but I am so happy to stand in this ring and say that The Man has come around to Friday Night SmackDown. And I know, a lot of people are wondering why I agreed to team with Charlotte. But when the right offer comes to slap the heads off of Damage CTRL, and I’m carving on mash potatoes, the answer is always going to be a hell yeah. And what better place to do that than in Chicago, Illinois, at War Games?

Bianca BelAir: Now that we have four members, and a solid team, War Games is the perfect match for all of us to get our licks back. See, Damage CTRL, they’ve been going low for some time now. I love y’all. But at War Games, with two rings, one cage, no disqualifications, weapons, when Damage CTRL goes low, we not just going lower, we going to war.

Shotzi Blackheart: Yeah, I can’t really contain myself, just thinking about all the carnage. Damage CTRL, they humiliated me, when they took me down and cut my hair. They thought they could break me. But what they really did was change me, yeah. They made me stronger, unpredictable, and unbreakable. And I cannot wait to unleash my frenzy of madness on them.

Charlotte Flair: What Shotzi said, exactly. Wooo! You see, War Games is a new beginning for us, I mean, all of us. But tomorrow, at War Games, it’s the end of Damage CTRL.

Bayley: Well, well, well. Hello to you, too, idiots. I never thought I would see the day that Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch would be standing next together. Fighting the good fight, together. Now, everyone knows that I’ve known you the longest, I’ve known you guys for almost a decade, right? And Charlotte, I mean, every time we had a car ride together, you always had to say something about Becky, didn’t you? Don’t worry, I never told her. Becky don’t look at me like that, because every personal conversation we’ve had, you always had a little dig at Charlotte. I didn’t tell her, though. So, Bianca, I would be afraid choosing teammates next time because things are always going on when you’re not listening. I get it, I understand, two egos’, clashing, fighting to the top, I get it. Shoosh, Becky, you want to chant for Becky? Am I the only one who realized that being a mom has made The Man, soft?

Becky Lynch: Oh, come on, Bayley.

Bayley: It seems to me like you were going to be picked last. You were the last resort. You’re used to being picked last, like a loser in school, right? War Games is one of the most brutal matches of all-time. And you need a total cohesive unit to be successful in this match. And we all know, the only real team walking into War Games is Damage CTRL.

Charlotte Flair: Bayley, you’re out here alone? Where’s Damage CTRL? Damage CTRL is a real team, right? Where are your team members?

Becky Lynch: Bayley, you think that Charlotte and I can’t get along. Well, I didn’t come to Chicago to talk, I came here looking for a fight. So, how about any two of your dopey team take on the two of us in the main event?

Bayley: Oh, you guys are excited? Great. That’s awesome, that’s exactly what I wanted, Becky, you big old, idiot. We’ll see you, tonight. I thought we were going to have to wait till War Games to see this implode, but it’s going to happen tonight.

First Match: Finn Balor & Damian Priest (c) w/Rhea Ripley vs. The Street Profits w/Bobby Lashley For The WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship

Damian Priest and Angelo Dawkins will start things off. Priest kicks Dawkins in the gut. Priest punches Dawkins in the back. Priest whips Dawkins across the ring. Priest with a leaping back elbow smash. Priest tags in Balor. Balor with a gut punch. Balor applies a wrist lock. Dawkins with a straight right hand. Dawkins tags in Ford. Dawkins whips Balor across the ring. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Ford dropkicks Balor. Ford mocks Priest. Ford tags in Dawkins. Double Irish Whip. Double Flapjack for a one count. Dawkins tags in Ford. Lashley is busy having a conversation in the back with B-Fab. Ford with a toe kick. Ford whips Balor across the ring. Balor holds onto the ropes. Balor kicks Ford in the face. Priest tags himself in. Ford dodges The Big Boot. Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Priest. Ford kicks Priest in the chest. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ford ducks a clothesline from Priest. Ford clotheslines Priest over the top rope. Ford blocks a boot from Balor. Ford with a knife edge chop. Ford with The Slingshot Pescado.

Ford is fired up. Priest delivers The Pounce on the outside. Priest strikes a viper pose. Judgment Day has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Ford with elbows into the midsection of Priest. Ford is throwing haymakers at Priest. Priest with The Rolling Elbow. Ford slaps Priest in the chest. Priest with a Leaping Head Kick. Ford side steps Priest into the turnbuckles. Priest tags in Balor. Balor with a running elbow drop across the back of Ford. Balor goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford ducks a clothesline from Balor. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins scores the elbow knockdown. Dawkins clotheslines Balor. Dawkins knocks Priest off the ring apron. Dawkins rocks Balor with a forearm smash. Balor reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs over Balor. Dawkins with a corkscrew elbow.

Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Dawkins follows that with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dawkins ducks a clothesline from Priest. Dawkins drops Priest with The Silencer. Dawkins puts Balor on his shoulders. Dawkins tags in Ford. The Doomsday Blockbuster for a two count. Ford with an Apron Enzuigiri. Ford dives over Balor. Balor hits The Slingblade. Balor tags in Priest. Balor with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Priest with a Running Leg Drop for a two count. Dawkins dumps Balor out of the ring. Priest with a forearm smash. Priest goes for The South Of Heaven Chokeslam, but Ford lands back on his feet. The Profits connects with The Revelation for a two count. Balor sends Dawkins shoulder first into the steel ring post. Ford with Two SuperKicks. Ford prepares for The Frog Splash. The referee gets distracted by Ripley. Balor sweeps out the legs of Ford. Priest tags in Balor. Priest with a Modified Tombstone PileDriver. Balor plants Ford with The Coupe De Grace to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Finn Balor & Damian Priest via Pinfall

– We see Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair bickering with each other in the locker room. Becky claims that Charlotte can’t trust her. She didn’t come here to socialize, she’s here to fight.

Dragon Lee Promo

I grew up in a beautiful town, my hometown called, Jalisco, Mexico. As long as I can remember, Lucha Libre has been everything to myself, to my family. I am second generation, and I started training when I was 12 years old. And I’m not just saying physically, but mentally. There is an expectation with lineage, that makes good enough, never enough. If you are not strong mentally, you will never find success. But failure was never an option. If I failed, I adapted, I learned, and I never stay down. Now I stand in front of you, as the blood running through my veins, honors my family before me. I am the evolution of Lucha Libre. I am Dragon Lee.

The Grayson Waller Effect Featuring Special Guest: Kevin Owens

Grayson Waller: Chicago, welcome to The Grayson Waller Effect. I love me, too. But my guest tonight, we haven’t been getting along, lately. I think tonight may be a start of a beautiful friendship. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the returning, Kevin Owens.

– Austin Theory walks down to the ring wearing KO Gear.

Grayson Waller:Kevin, you’re looking a little gassed, are you okay, mate? Welcome to The Grayson Waller Effect.

Kevin Owens: Wait, wait, wait. What are you guys doing? What do you mean, what I’m doing here? You announced me as the guest on The Grayson Waller Effect, so I’m here.

Grayson Waller: But you were suspended.

Kevin Owens: I was suspended. The suspension ended today, so I figured that’s why you announced me last week as your guest. Well, that’s nice. You know, offering an olive branch, I’ll come out here, we’ll talk our differences out, we’ll share some grilled cheese in catering, what is this?

Grayson Waller: He was supposed to come out here, dressed exactly like you, and we were going to make fun of you.

Kevin Owens: Make fun of me? Jokes on you, I never looked better. By the way, Theory, where did you get those shorts? Those are my shorts, I haven’t seen those shorts in a while, did you go through my bag, you creep? You know what I should do? You guys are lined up right now. I should punch the both of you in the face at the same time, right now.

Grayson Waller: You know what? There’s two of us, and one of you, I think we should beat you up, because I owe you one. Two weeks ago, you cost me my match with LA Knight. Yeah, on commentary, 10 out of 10 times, without you, I will always beat LA Knight.

Kevin Owens: Wait a minute, am I the only one who knows how things work around here? Because you did it, twice, and it hasn’t happened yet. You know what happens when you keep mentioning someone’s name?

Grayson Waller: What is he talking about?

Austin Theory: I don’t know, he might be talking about LA Knight.

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. Boy, oh, boy, did you boys’ step in it tonight. YEAH! See, KO tried to warn you, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You thought you could come out here and talk trash about him. You thought he wasn’t going to be here. You got caught. So, I figured that I would come out here and watch him punch you both at the same time. But then you started talking about me. And you didn’t stop. So, I figure, if you’re going to talk about me, that means you got caught, again. But I’ll put it to you like this, you talk about every little bit of an excuse why you couldn’t beat me. I’ll tell you like this, it doesn’t make a difference if KO was there, it doesn’t make a difference if your friend, A-Town Clown was there. Every single minute, of every single hour, of every single day, you losing to me is just a fact of life. YEAH!

Grayson Waller: You know that’s not true. I can beat you, easy.

Kevin Owens: I don’t agree with him on much, but he’s exactly right about this.

Grayson Waller: For one, your opinion doesn’t matter, yeah.

Kevin Owens: My opinion doesn’t matter. I’m a guest of your show? My opinion is the only one that matters, you idiot.

Grayson Waller: It doesn’t matter because you weren’t supposed to be here. You know what, Theory? I think we should punch both of them in the face. How does that sound? At the same time?

Kevin Owens: You want to punch them first?

LA Knight: YEAH!

KO and Knight tees off on Waller and Theory to close the segment.

Second Match: LA Knight & Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller

This match started during the commercial break. Waller tags himself in. Waller wants a piece of Knight. Owens bocks a boot from Waller. Owens unloads three knife edge chops. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Owens. Waller drops down on the canvas. Owens with a straight right hand. Owens tags in Knight. Knight kicks Waller in the gut. Knight with two haymakers. Knight with clubbing shoulder blocks. Knight sends Waller to the corner. Knight clotheslines Waller. Knight with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Knight applies an arm-bar. Waller drives his knee into the midsection of Knight. Waller with a forearm smash. Theory runs interference. Waller dumps Knight out of the ring. Knight ducks a Sliding Lariat from Waller. Knight clotheslines Waller on the floor. Knight kicks Theory in the gut. Knight dribbles Theory and Waller’s head on the announce table. Knight hammers down on Waller’s chest. Theory yanks Knight off the ring apron. Knight with a straight right hand. Waller clotheslines Knight. Theory and Waller has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Theory puts his knee on the back of Knight’s neck. Theory tags in Waller. Waller unloads a flurry of right jabs. Knight is displaying his fighting spirit. Waller goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight tags in Owens. Owens ducks a clothesline from Waller. Owens knocks Theory off the apron. Owens with rapid fire haymakers. Owens repeatedly stomps on Waller’s chest. Owens poses for the crowd. Owens with two running clotheslines. Owens SuperKicks Waller. Owens rolls Waller back into the ring. Owens SuperKicks Theory. Owens with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the apron. Owens lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Waller blocks The Stunner. Waller tags in Theory. Waller pulls Knight off the apron. Theory with The Roll Through Dropkick. Theory and Waller gangs up on Owens. The referee tells Knight to get out of the ring. Theory is choking Owens with his knee. Theory applies an arm-bar. Waller tags himself in. Theory with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Waller with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Waller with hammer elbows. Owens punches Waller in the face. Waller transitions into a ground and pound attack. Waller hooks the outside leg for a one count. Waller applies a rear chin lock. Owens with desperate haymakers. Waller answers with a knee lift.

Owens kicks Waller in the chest. Waller tags in Theory. Waller knocks Knight off the apron. Theory rocks Owens with a forearm smash. Waller with The Rolling Elbow. Theory drops Owens with The Roll Through Blockbuster for a two count. Owens with forearm shivers. Theory drives Owens back first into the turnbuckles. Theory with repeated shoulder blocks. Theory tags in Waller. Theory with another BackBreaker. Waller goes for The Springboard Elbow Drop, but Owens ducks out of the way. Knight and Theory are tagged in. Knight with a flurry of jabs. Knight clotheslines Theory. Knight with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Knight with a running clothesline. Knight with a shot to the midsection of Waller. Knight drops Waller with The DDT. Knight with a Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam to Theory. Knight repeatedly stomps on Theory’s chest. Knight with a Flapjack to Waller. Knight is putting the boots to Theory and Waller in the corner. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight with another Powerslam. Knight follows that with The YEAH! Elbow for a two count. Waller is trying to back away from Knight. Theory goes for The A-Town Down, but Owens gets in the way. Knight shoves Theory into Waller. Owens hits The Stunner. Knight connects with The BFT to pickup the victory.

Winner: LA Knight & Kevin Owens via Pinfall

– Bianca BelAir has something she wants to share with Becky Lynch, but she’s not going to like it. It has to be said, Charlotte was right, she was not trying to be smart with Becky. Bianca wasn’t there when Becky had her fallout with Charlotte, and frankly she doesn’t care what happened. Becky made the choice to help them, so she needs to put all of this to the side. There was a point and time where nobody that Bianca and Becky would put their differences aside, but here we are. At War Games, Bianca needs Becky and Charlotte to get on the same page. Becky wants to know why Bianca is making her feel bad for being a hot head, but she’s fine, she’ll be cool.

Carlito & Santos Escobar Segment

Carlito:Buenas noches, Chicago. It’s been a long time. Tomorrow night at Survivor Series: War Games, it will be Carlito’s first match on a WWE PLE in almost 13 years. And that, that’s cool. But honestly, all I can think about is my injured friend, Rey Mysterio. And all I can think about is getting my hands on the one person responsible for injuring him, Santos Escobar. Now, Santos came out here last week, and said some horrible things, and he had a message for Carlito. Well, Carlito has a message for you. Excuse me, but I’m going to say this in Spanish, because I want him to clearly understand what I’m saying. Santos, you made a very big mistake.

Santos Escobar: Carlito, you’re not part of The LWO. You want to talk about family? Let me get this straight, you’re really saying that? You, all of people, where’s your tattoo? You’re not even representing The LWO colors.

Carlito: Of course, he’s, my family.

Santos Escobar: No, Rey was always my family. The LWO was my family. If it wasn’t for you, an outsider, my family would still be together. It’s because of you that Rey is not healthy, it’s because of you that Rey can’t walk. Rey’s career is over. He is never coming back, and it’s all because of you.

Santos throws a microphone at Carlito. Santos and Carlito gets into a pier six brawl on the outside. Carlito tosses Santos around the ringside area. Carlito transitions into a ground and pound attack. Carlito had to be held back by the referees. Santos delivers a Flying Knee Strike off the barricade to close the segment. Santos proceeds to viciously attack Carlito in the backstage area. Santos delivers The Sacrifice to Carlito’s left shoulder. Dragon Lee makes the save.

Third Match: Pretty Deadly vs. The Brawling Brutes

Kit Wilson and Ridge Holland will start things off. Holland clotheslines Wilson. Holland knocks Prince off the ring apron. Holland levels Wilson with The Body Avalanche. Holland with an Overhead Suplex. Holland with clubbing crossfaces. Prince prevents Wilson from colliding into the turnbuckles. Wilson with a running forearm smash. Butch and Prince are tagged in. Holland with a double shoulder tackle. Ten Beats Of The Bodhran Party. Prince slams Butch’s head on the top rope. Wilson with a blindside dropkick to Holland.

Prince transitions into a ground and pound attack. Butch with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Holland decides to walk out on Butch. Prince tags in Wilson. Prince with a Running Uppercut. Pretty Deadly with The Assisted Gutbuster for a two count. Wilson tags in Prince. Wilson kicks Butch in the face. Butch unloads a flurry of chops. Butch brings Pretty Deadly to Suplex City. Butch with Two Running Enzuigiri’s. Butch stomps on Wilson’s fingers. Butch with a Roundhouse Kick. Butch is fired up. Butch nails Prince with The Brogue Kick for a two count. Butch snaps Prince’s fingers. Wilson made the blind tag. Butch hits The Bitter End. Wilson responds with The Rolling Crucifix to pickup the victory.

Winner: Pretty Deadly via Pinfall

– Shotzi Blackheart thanks Charlotte Flair for picking her up when she was at her lowest. She doesn’t want Charlotte to forget about her past with Becky Lynch, but maybe some words could really change things.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Nick Aldis. Carlito is hurt badly, and he’s not in any condition to compete tomorrow night. He decides to put Dragon Lee in Carlito’s place.

The Judgment Day Promo

Rhea Ripley: The Judgment Day on SmackDown. Why? Because Judgment Day runs all of the WWE.

Finn Balor: What a nice little warmup, tonight was, defending our undisputed tag team titles ahead of War Games.

Dominik Mysterio: And speaking of War Games, isn’t the last member another guy that Jey Uso took out for two plus years?

JD McDonagh: I guess you are better off staying at home.

Damian Priest: You know what, JD? I can’t say that you’re wrong. Hey, Randy, if it’s not your partner taking you out again, it’s The Judgment Day making sure that you don’t have another comeback.

Fourth Match: Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair w/Bianca BelAir & Shotzi Blackheart vs. Bayley & Asuka w/Damage CTRL

Becky Lynch and Bayley will start things off. Becky with a straight right hand. Becky slams Bayley’s head on three turnbuckle pads. Becky side steps Bayley into the turnbuckles. Becky with The Exploder Suplex. Bayley regroups on the outside. Becky tags in Charlotte. Becky with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Becky with a flying punch off the ring apron to Asuka. Charlotte follows that with The Orihara Moonsault. Damage CTRL regains control of the match during the commercial break. Bayley uses the middle rope as a weapon. Bayley is throwing haymakers at Becky. Becky with heavy bodyshots. Bayley drives Becky back first into the turnbuckles. Bayley tags in Asuka. Asuka repeatedly stomps on Becky’s chest. Asuka is choking Becky with her boot. Asuka punches Becky in the back. Asuka applies an arm-bar. Becky attacks the midsection of Asuka. Asuka applies a wrist lock. Asuka pulls Becky down to the mat. Asuka toys around with Becky.

Asuka continues to work on the left shoulder of Becky. Asuka repeatedly kicks Becky in the face. Becky with forearm shivers. Asuka with a Spinning Back Kick. Becky kicks Asuka in the face. Becky decks Bayley with a back elbow smash. Becky with a JawBreaker to Asuka. Asuka stops Becky in her tracks. Becky with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Charlotte and Bayley are tagged in. Charlotte with a Flying Crossbody Block. Charlotte unloads a series of knife edge chops. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Charlotte. Charlotte with The Fallaway Slam. Charlotte pops back on her feet. Charlotte with a Handstand Lariat for a two count. Charlotte kicks Asuka off the apron. Bayley punches Charlotte. Charlotte answers with a back elbow smash. Charlotte kicks Bayley in the face. Charlotte with a Slingshot Rollup for a two count. Bayley decks Charlotte with a back elbow smash. Charlotte with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Charlotte drops Bayley with The Big Boot for a two count. Charlotte applies a waist lock. Bayley holds onto the ropes. Asuka tags herself in.

Charlotte goes for The Figure Eight, but Asuka counters with The CodeBreaker for a two count. Bayley with a Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley and Asuka dumps Becky out of the ring. Bayley delivers a chop block. Charlotte uses her feet to create separation. Charlotte tags in Becky. Becky with two clotheslines. Becky with a Leg Lariat. Becky follows that with a flying forearm smash. Becky with Two Springboard Sidekicks. Becky with a Double DDT for a two count. Bayley launches Becky over the top rope. Becky with a straight right hand. Becky with The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Becky applies The Dis-Arm-Her. Asuka kicks Becky from behind. Becky shoves Asuka out of the ring. Bayley kicks Becky in the gut. Becky denies The Rose Plant. Becky with a Belly to Back Suplex. Becky connects with The Man Handle Slam. Becky goes into the cover, but Charlotte accidentally breaks up the cover with a Spear to Asuka. Becky is not happy. Bayley shoves Becky into Charlotte. Bayley rolls Becky over to pickup the victory. After the match, tensions continue to rise with Becky and Charlotte as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Bayley & Asuka via Pinfall

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WWE SmackDown Results 11/24/23 (2024)


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