WWE SmackDown Results 11/17/23 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 11/17/23
Ford Center
Evansville, Indiana

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick and Road Dogg)

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Damage CTRL & Team Bianca Segment

Bayley: Oh, come on. We’re just here to have a good time with you guys. Welcome to Friday Night SmackDown. Trust me, we don’t want to share this huge, monumental moment with a bunch of dumb-dumbs like you guys in the front of row, and this place you call a town. Whatever, here we are. Because, I mean, my plan to bring Asuka into Damage CTRL has to be, I mean, one of the top moments in WWE history, am I right? I know, guys, you’re normally like, oh, Bayley, you’re so humble, but come on, this idea was brilliant. It was brilliant because the new and improved Damage CTRL is obviously with no doubt in my mind, the strongest faction in all of WWE right now. Look at us. I mean, we are all playing chess when the rest of you idiots are playing candy land. I got one more. Charlotte, you suck. Charlotte, Bianca, and Shotzi were not ready for Asuka. Come on, guys, that was a good one. Did I miss something? What are you guys talking about?

Dakota Kai: It’s nothing, but Iyo was just saying, this was the new and improved Damage CTRL because someone in this ring is not part of the new and improved Damage CTRL. Dude, it’s because Asuka is not part of group. We haven’t even let her in, yet. That’s your job.

Bayley: I’ll do the honors. Shoosh, kid, shut up, this is a very important moment. I’m so sorry, Asuka, you’re going to have to get use to these idiots. Asuka, will you join Damage CTRL? We’ll put you on the shirt, I swear. That’s what I’m talking about. Let’s celebrate.

Dakota Kai: Iyo also said, and you’re going to love this idea, you’re going to love it, she said that yourself, Iyo, Asuka and Kairi challenge Bianca, Charlotte and Shotzi to find a fourth member, and to meet in War Games.

Bayley: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. You read my mind. War Games. We want War Games. Two rings enclosed by a giant cage, and the four of us are going to dominate.

Shotzi Blackheart attacks Damage CTRL from behind with a Flying Crossbody Block. Bianca BelAir and Charlotte Flair joins the fray. All hell is breaking loose in Evansville. Damage CTRL clears the ring to close the segment. Nick Aldis tells Team Bianca that he needs to know who the fourth member will be by the end of the night. We also see Cody Rhodes standing inside Aldis’ office.

First Match: The Street Profits vs. Pretty Deadly vs. The Brawling Brutes In A Triple Threat Match. The Winners Will Become The Number One Contenders For The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships

Angelo Dawkins, Elton Prince and Butch will start things off. Butch immediately attacks Prince after the bell rings. Butch with a flurry of chops to Dawkins. Butch ducks a forearm from Prince. Butch is lighting up Prince’s chest. Dawkins drops Butch with a shoulder tackle. Dawkins clotheslines Prince. Dawkins tags in Ford. Dawkins whips Prince across the ring. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Ford dropkicks Prince. Double Face Plant to Prince. Ford slams Butch’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Ford with a blistering chop. Ford with a Standing Frog Splash. Ford repeatedly stomps on Butch’s chest. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins is putting the boots to Butch. Dawkins with rapid fire bodyshots to Prince. Dawkins tags in Ford. Ford continues to stomp on Butch’s chest. Butch is displaying his fighting spirit. Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Butch. Ford kicks Butch in the chest. Ford with a Lariat. Ford with a Belly to Back Suplex, but Prince blocks it. Prince decks Ford with a back elbow smash. Prince tags in Wilson. Spear/Flying Uppercut Combination.

Wilson repeatedly stomps on Ford’s chest. Wilson with a straight right hand. Standing Switch Exchange. Butch with a shoulder block from the ring apron. Butch tags in Holland. Holland with a shoulder tackle to Ford. Holland with an Overhead Toss to Wilson. Holland ducks a clothesline from Wilson. Holland has Wilson perched in between the turnbuckles. Holland with a Running Crossbody Block. Holland with a Swinging Guillotine Choke. Holland follows that with a Back Body Drop to Ford. Holland drops Wilson with a DDT. Holland clotheslines Wilson over the top rope. The Profits run interference. Ten Beats Of The Bodhran Party. Prince yanks Butch off the apron. Wilson delivers a chop block. Pretty Deadly throws Holland into the steel ring steps. Holland with a Double Vertical Suplex. Butch and Dawkins are tagged in. Butch with a flurry of enzuigiri’s. Butch with a MoonSault off the ring apron. Butch with a Tornado DDT off the ring steps. Butch stomps on Dawkins’ fingers. Butch with a Roundhouse Kick. Butch is fired up.

Butch lands The Orihara MoonSault. Butch rolls Dawkins back into the ring. Butch kicks Dawkins in the gut. Butch with The Shiranui for a two count. Butch applies The Triangle Choke. Dawkins PowerBombs Butch into Prince. Holland, Ford and Wilson are tagged in. Holland and Ford are exchanging blows. Wilson with a running forearm smash. Ford answers with a back fist. Holland HeadButts Ford. Wilson with a Rebound Lariat. Holland with The SuperPlex. Prince made the blind tag. Ford with The Frog Splash. Prince hits The Flying Leg Drop for a two count. We see Bobby Lashley having a conversation with B-Fab. Butch starts attacking everything that moves. Pretty Deadly sends Butch crashing to the outside. The Profits with Stereo Enzuigiri’s. Holland with a pair of double clotheslines. Prince blocks The Half Nelson Slam. Butch inadvertently clocks Holland with The Brogue Kick. Ford tags in Dawkins. Ford tosses Prince out of the ring. The Profits connects with The Revelation to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Street Profits via Pinfall

– We see a video recap of Santos Escobar turning his back on Rey Mysterio.

– Next week’s SmackDown will be on FS1.

Second Match: Dragon Lee vs. Axiom

Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Ankle Pick Exchange. Lee applies a wrist lock. Axiom reverses out of the irish whip from Lee. Axiom with the backslide cover for a two count. Lee kicks Axiom in the gut. Lee rolls Axiom over for a two count. Lee with a side headlock takeover. Axiom whips Lee across the ring. Axiom drops down on the canvas. Lee dropkicks Axiom in mid-air. Lee lands The SomerSault Plancha. Lee rolls Axiom back into the ring. Lee with a Corner Dropkick. Lee sweeps out the legs of Axiom. Combination Cabron. Lee is raining down haymakers in the corner. Lee with The Hesitation Dropkick for a two count. Lee has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Axiom decks Lee with a back elbow smash. Axiom with a flying arm-drag. Axiom pops backon his feet. Axiom dropkicks Lee to the floor. Axiom with The Quebrada to the outside. Axiom is fired up. Axiom rolls Lee back into the ring. Axiom dives over Lee. Lee with a Pop Up SuperKick.

Lee ascends to the top turnbuckle. Axiom with a forearm smash. Lee blocks The SuperPlex. Forearm Exchange. Lee gets Axiom tied up in the tree of woe. Lee with The Flying Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Axiom fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Chop Exchange. Axiom whips Lee across the ring. Axiom dropkicks Lee. Lee blocks The O’Connor Roll. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Lee. Axiom with The Half & Half Suplex. Axiom blasts Lee with The PK. Lee drills Axiom with The Brainbuster. Lee goes for a SitOut PowerBomb, but Axiom counters with The Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Lee kicks Axiom in the face. Lee ascends to the top turnbuckle. Axiom with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Axiom with The Avalanche Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom kicks Lee in the face. Lee rolls Axiom in the face. Lee with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Lee with a Running Knee. Lee connects with The Operation Dragon to pickup the victory.

Winner: Dragon Lee via Pinfall

Santos Escobar & The LWO Segment

Santos Escobar:There’s something I need to say. I got to get it off my chest. You know, there’s an old expression that says, never meet your hero’s. You know, I come from a rich luchador tradition. My family, all of them have been labeled heroes. But to me, like most of you, especially the little ones right there, my hero was Rey Mysterio. I patterned and modeled my entire career based off of Rey Mysterio. And it was my wish, still a wish that the next generation would look at me, just like I did with Rey Mysterio. You became a father figure to me. And you made me feel at home. But after last week, I realized that he was right, everything that he said, Dominik was right. Now, let’s think about it for a second. I deserve to be the United States Champion, and who became the champion? I wanted to rebuild the LWO, and who took over and brought in new members?

New members like, Carlito. Hey, Carlito, we were supposed to be like family. Rey, what did you do? You decided with an outsider like Carlito over me? You know what, Rey, I know you’re watching from your hospital bed. All of this pain you’re suffering right now, I hope it reminds you of how you made me feel when you betrayed me. And you, you’re going to like this more. You thought I was going to come out here and apologize. Okay, I’ll apologize. I apologize for not doing more damage. And Rey, this one from the bottom of my heart, I hope the surgery didn’t go well, I hope you got an affection, and they’ll have to amputate your leg. I hope you never come back. You’re nothing but trash.

Zelina Vega comes down to the ring to confront Santos. Santos tells Zelina that they’re done. Zelina slaps Santos in the face and exits the ring.

Santos Escobar: Oh, isn’t that cute. Joaquin, Raul, you’re going to pick her over me? I made you. You only exist because I allow you to exist. What is this?

Joaquin tells Santos that he was out of line. Santos wants Joaquin and Raul to get out of the ring and calls them dead weight. Santos then jumps Joaquin and Raul from behind. Carlito storms into the ring to make the save.

Third Match: Grayson Waller w/Austin Theory vs. Cameron Grimes

Austin Theory joins the commentary team for this match. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Grimes with a wrist lock takedown. Waller grabs the top rope which forces the break. Waller with a straight right hand. Grimes ducks a clothesline from Waller. Waller blocks The O’Connor Roll. Grimes dropkicks Waller. Waller kicks Grimes in the face. Waller drops Grimes with a Roll Through Flatliner for a two count. Waller transitions into a ground and pound attack. Waller with hammer elbows.

Waller applies a rear chin lock. Grimes with heavy bodyshots. Grimes whips Waller across the ring. Grimes with a back bridge cover. Grimes scores two forearm knockdowns. Grimes follows that with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Grimes with a Mid-Kick. Grimes with a Spinning Back Kick. Grimes with a Sliding Dropkick. Grimes hits The Swinging Uranage Slam for a two count. Waller avoids The Cave In. Theory helps Waller get back on his feet. Grimes blast Theory with The PK. Waller knocks Grimes off the ring apron. Waller connects with The Flipping Unprettier to pickup the victory.

Winner: Grayson Waller via Pinfall

– Damage CTRL laid out Zelina Vega in the backstage area.

– Santos Escobar will battle Carlito at Survivor Series.

– Next week on SmackDown, Kevin Owens will be a special guest on “The Grayson Waller Effect”

The Bloodline & LA Knight Segment

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And as The Wise Man and Special Counsel, have I got a surprise for you tonight. An impromptu acknowledgement, pun intended ceremony for the winner of the match at WWE Crown Jewel via pinfall. Through several Samoan Spikes. Direct from The Island Of Relevancy, on behalf of The Bloodline, the winner is Solo. You can boo all you want, but my god, you’re about to cheer because the surprise of the night, joining us here live, tonight in Evansville, Indiana, the 16 Time Heavyweight Champion of the world. From West Newbury, Massachusetts. John Cena is not here this evening. And that’s all thanks to Solo. As a matter of fact, John Cena will never appear in a WWE ring ever again. And that’s all thanks to Solo. And I see the little kid in the front row crying, like I can’t believe John Cena can’t say it so. John Cena can barely speak, and that’s all thanks to Solo. And if even John Cena could speak right now, would he? John Cena has so much hustle, loyalty, respect, affirmation and admiration for each and every single one of you. John Cena doesn’t have the heart to say goodbye to the WWE Universe. So, I get to say goodbye to John Cena. And I get to say goodbye to you for John Cena. On behalf of your Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, on behalf of Jimmy Uso, on behalf of Solo, John Cena, goodbye. Three. Two. One.

And now you know how serious this is. Because that was John’s cue. Someone comes out here and says, you’ll never see him again, if you do, Solo will whoop his ass, and then John Cena slides into the ring. He’ll hit the five moves of doom on Jimmy, the five of moves on Solo, and the same thing to me, and everybody goes crazy. And you’ll never experience that again, and it’s all because of Solo. I know what you’re thinking, no one stays gone forever. And if John ever comes back, Solo has to be his opponent. Solo has to be his target, if not, he’s not John Cena. And we all know that John Cena is John Cena, 24/7, 365. Except he can’t communicate, so he’s not really John Cena anymore, and it’s all because of Solo. Jimmy, it would have been the greatest promo of his career. He just acknowledged the real goat. But now he can’t even say goodbye since Solo spiked him in the throat. No, you won’t see him in Hollywood. No place far, no place near. You can’t see John Cena because John Cena won’t be here. And it’s all because of Solo.

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. You’re out here talking about cause and effect. And the one cause and effect that you haven’t mentioned is no matter how good Roman Reigns is, everybody knows that the only reason Roman Reigns is still champion today is because of The Bloodline, YEAH! Everybody here knows that is a problem. The whole world knows that’s a problem. I know that’s a problem. So, I think to myself, we got a problem here, and I got a problem solver. And his name is, LA Knight, YEAH! But what does that mean? It means that I’m standing here on SmackDown, because I made it that way. I stood across the WWE Champion at Crown Jewel, because I made it that way. The Bloodline will cease to exist because I’ll make it that way.

But the first stop on the path, every single one of you, Solo, Jimmy, Paul, each one of you will fall until it’s just me and Roman. Nowhere to go. Nobody to save him. And tonight, the first stop on that path is Jimmy Uso. Since you cost me the WWE Championship, you been elected to pay the price. But I just heard MC Boss Hog out here, he wanted to come out here and give his lyrical stylings. I got a little something for you about Jimmy Uso. It goes like this. He says yeet or no yet. Jim is HIM. But Jim is about to be really dimmed, after all the drama, he eats a BFT, The Blood Force Trauma, YEAH! Which means you got a first-class ticket to you getting stomped out by the man they call the megastar, with everybody saying, LA Knight, YEAH!

Fourth Match: LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso w/The Bloodline

Heyman and Solo leave the ringside area after getting a phone call from Roman Reigns. Knight is throwing haymakers at Jimmy. Knight whips Jimmy across the ring. Knight with a Back Body Drop. Knight with a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Knight repeatedly stomps on Jimmy’s chest. Knight goes for a Running Boot, but Jimmy heads to the outside. Knight with a straight right hand. Knight rolls Jimmy back into the ring. Jimmy kicks Knight in the chest. Knight slams Jimmy’s head on the top rope. Knight with a slingshot shoulder tackle for a two count. Knight with another right hand. Knight hammers down on the back of Jimmy’s neck. Jimmy reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Jimmy with The Samoan Drop. Jimmy puts his knee on the back of Knight’s neck. Knight with three haymakers. Jimmy reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Jimmy with a short-arm clothesline. Jimmy chops Knight. Knight sends Jimmy crashing to the outside. Knight with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Knight repeatedly slams Jimmy’s head on the announce table. Knight launches Jimmy over the announce table. Knight is fired up. Jimmy regains control of the match during the commercial break.

Jimmy applies a rear chin lock. Knight decks Jimmy with a JawBreaker. Knight blocks a boot from Jimmy. Jimmy with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Jimmy is raining down haymakers in the corner. Knight avoids The Running Hip Attack. Knight with a back elbow smash. Knight tees off on Jimmy. Jimmy reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Jimmy goes for The Samoan Drop, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight kicks Jimmy in the gut. Knight drops Jimmy with The DDT. Knight with two haymakers. Knight clotheslines Jimmy. Knight whips Jimmy across the ring. Knight with The Flapjack. Knight ducks a clothesline from Jimmy. Knight with a Facebuster for a two count. Jimmy with an Apron Enzuigiri. Jimmy ascends to the top turnbuckle. Knight with a straight right hand. Jimmy blocks The SuperPlex. Jimmy dives over Knight. Knight blocks The SuperKick. Jimmy denies The BFT. Jimmy goes for another SuperKick, but Knight ducks out of the way. Knight connects with The BFT to pickup the victory. After the match, Solo Sikoa walks down to the ring. Jimmy attacks Knight from behind. Solo delivers The Samoan Spike. Solo puts Knight on the announce table. Cody Rhodes brings the fight to The Bloodline. Rhodes throws Jimmy into the steel ring steps. Rhodes and Knight stand tall in the ring as Solo looks on from the outside.

Winner: LA Knight via Pinfall

– Nick Aldis tells Cody Rhodes to leave the arena.

Team Bianca’s Decision

Charlotte Flair: You know, we can stand in the ring all night and talk about what Damage CTRL has done, but we are running out of time. Me, Shotzi, and Bianca, we accept your War Games Challenge. And you know what? I know a thing or two about turning on best friends. And there’s a thin line between love and hate. But if we’re going to war, there’s only person I want on my side.

Bayley: You guys believe this? Hey, Charlotte, we know that you’re bluffing because I don’t know if you guys saw what we did back there? But we took down every girl you tried to have on your side. Since you got nobody else on your phone because you’re an idiot, and you’re a loser. You’re not going to make it to War Games. Actually, you’re not going to make it out of the building tonight.

Damage CTRL hops on the ring apron and are playing mind games with Team Bianca. Becky Lynch slides into the ring. Becky has joined Team Bianca. A massive pier six brawl ensues to close the show.

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WWE SmackDown Results 11/17/23 (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.