WWE SmackDown Results 1/5/24 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 1/5/24
Rogers Arena
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Kevin Patrick & Corey Graves)

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Kevin Owens vs. Santos Escobar w/Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo In The Finals Of The Number One Contenders Tournament For The WWE United States Championship

Logan Paul joins the commentary team for this match. The LWO attacks Angel and Humberto after the bell rings. Owens SuperKicks Escobar. Owens with The Running Cannonball Strike. Owens with The Frog Splash for a two count. Owens follows that with a Running Senton Splash. Owens drags Escobar to the corner. Owens ascends to the top turnbuckle. Escobar with a straight right hand. Forearm Exchange. Escobar attacks the injured right hand of Owens. Escobar goes into the lateral press for a one count. Escobar repeatedly headbutts the right hand of Owens. Escobar with a Leg Drop. Escobar applies a top wrist lock. Owens with heavy bodyshots. Escobar responds with a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Escobar works on his joint manipulation game. Escobar applies the short-arm scissors. Escobar kicks the right hand of Owens. Escobar with a forearm smash. Escobar with a Rising Knee Strike. Escobar follows that with a Running Hurricanrana. Escobar lands The Suicide Dive.

Escobar poses for the crowd. Escobar repeatedly stomps on the right hand of Owens. Owens kicks Escobar in the gut. Owens with Two HeadButts. Owens has Escobar perched on the top turnbuckle. Escobar with Two HeadButts. Escobar goes for a Flying Double Axe Handle, but Owens counters with The Inverted Atomic Drop. Owens drops Escobar with The Spike DDT. Escobar rocks Owens with a forearm smash. Owens blocks The Top Rope Hurricanrana. Owens with The Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster. Escobar regains control of the match during the commercial break. Escobar fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Owens HeadButts Escobar. Escobar slams Owens head on the top rope. Owens launches Escobar over the top rope. Escobar with an Apron Enzuigiri. Owens SuperKicks Escobar. Owens with The Swanton Bomb off the ring apron. Owens rolls Escobar back into the ring. Owens goes for another Swanton Bomb, but Escobar gets his knees up in the air.

Escobar with The Corner Meteora. Escobar with The Top Rope Hurricanrana. Escobar follows that with The Frog Splash for a two count. Escobar kicks Owens in the face. Escobar punches Owens in the corner. Owens attacks the midsection of Escobar. Owens HeadButts Escobar. Escobar with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Owens with The Avalanche Rolling Senton for a two count. Owens goes for The Stunner, but Escobar rolls him over for a two count. Owens SuperKicks Escobar. Owens goes for The Pop Up PowerBomb, but Escobar counters with The Hurricanrana. Owens hits The Pop Up PowerBomb. Owens connects with The Stunner to pickup the victory. After the match, Logan grabs the microphone and tells Owens that he gets the opportunity to face the greatest United States Champion of all-time. Logan talks smack about Canada. Owens beating him for the US Title is like the Vancouver Canucks winning the Stanley Cup. It’s never going to happen. Owens rocks Logan with a big forearm smash.

Winner: Kevin Owens via Pinfall

– Kayla Braxton asked Roman Reigns for his thoughts on what The Rock had to say on Raw this past Monday night. Roman just started laughing at her and walked away.

– Cathy Kelley had a backstage interview with Logan Paul. Before Cathy can get her question out, Austin Theory and Grayson Waller interrupt and have decided to bring Logan to the trainer’s room. Waller shoves Cameron Grimes after he was laughing at Logan.

Bobby Lashley, The Street Profits, Karrion Kross, The Authors Of Pain Segment

Bobby Lashley: Welcome to New Year’s Revolution. I’m going to get a little bit personal with you for a second. 2023 was probably the toughest year of my career in WWE. Not because I didn’t put in the work, because the work that I put in didn’t translate into the results I wish I would’ve wanted. But in 2023, the highlight of 2023 was linking up with the greatest superstars, and the greatest tag team in WWE, my boys, The Street Profits. So, our resolution is pretty simple, we are going to fight for, and we’re going to take everything that we deserve in 2024.

Montez Ford: Guys, listen to Bobby. See, Bobby, Dawks, and I, we’re going to hop on the train, but we’re going to fast forward past the part where we think that the grass is greener on the other side. What we will do is take full advantage of every opportunity when it comes to capturing championship gold.

Angelo Dawkins:Yes sir. And look, it’s been a while since me and Tez had those tag team championships. So, Judgment Day, you might want to keep your head on a swivel on Raw. Not only that, but big money Bob is also heading straight to the top.

Bobby Lashley: My personal goal for 2024 is to get back to being The All Mighty. And I’m going to do that by officially declaring myself for the 2024 Royal Rumble Match.

Karrion Kross appears on the stage with Scarlett Bordeaux and Paul Ellering. The Authors Of Pain attacks The Street Profits from behind. Kross throws Lashley into the steel ring steps. AOP connects with The Super Collider. Kross plants Lashley with a Pumphandle DDT to close the segment.

Second Match: Iyo Sky (c) w/Damage CTRL vs. Mia Yim w/The Good Brothers For The WWE Women’s Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Sky backs Yim into the turnbuckles. Sky dodges a flurry of strikes. Yim with a Spinning Back Kick. Yim teep kicks Sky to the corner. Sky uses her feet to create separation. Yim with a deep arm-drag. Yim whips Sky across the ring. Sky cartwheels around Yim. Sky with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Sky blocks a boot from Yim. Yim ducks a clothesline from Sky. Yim with the backslide cover for a two count. Yim rolls Sky over for a two count. Yim dropkicks Sky. Yim with a forearm smash. Yim with a Mid-Kick. Sky responds with a Roll Through Double Foot Stomp. Yim does a Spider Man pose in the ropes. Yim sends Sky tumbling to the floor. Yim lands The Suicide Dive. Sky has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Sky toys around with Yim. Yim with a chop/forearm combination. Yim with a Spinning Back Kick. Yim goes for a Deadlift PowerBomb, but Sky lands back on her feet. Sky ducks a clothesline from Yim. Yim with a Rising Knee Strike. Yim with a GutWrench Suplex. Yim follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike for a two count. Sky blocks Eat Defeat. Sky delivers The Shotei. Yim side steps Sky into the turnbuckles. Yim with a Roundhouse Kick. Yim with a Palm Strike. Yim hits The Draping CodeBreaker for a two count. Yim applies the single leg crab. Sky grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Sky with a forearm shot across the ribs of Yim. Sky slams the right leg of Yim on the middle rope. Yim rocks Sky with a forearm smash.

Standing Switch Exchange. Sky nails Yim with The Bridging German Suplex on the ring apron. Sky with The Springboard Missile Dropkick. Sky drags Yim to the corner. Sky goes for The MoonSault, but Yim gets her knees up in the air. Yim with The Dragon Suplex. Sky blocks The Styles Clash. Sky with a Running Meteora for a two count. Yim punches Sky in the back. Yim with forearm shivers. Yim sends Sky crashing into the canvas. Sky with another Shotei. Sky goes for The Top Rope FrankenSteiner, but Yim counters with The Avalanche Styles Clash for a two count. Sky wisely grabbed the bottom rope. Yim goes for The Suicide Dive, but Sky ducks out of the way. Sky with Two Running Meteora’s. Sky connects with The MoonSault to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Women’s Champion, Iyo Sky via Pinfall

– Bayley is elated that Iyo Sky retained tonight. Iyo says that her era will never end. Bayley feels the same way about her plan. The Kabuki Warriors are next in line for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Bayley will win the Royal Rumble. Bianca BelAir interrupts the conversation. BelAir will be entering the Royal Rumble. She’s going to win the match for a second time and end the Iyo era at WrestleMania. Dakota Kai says that Bayley needs to take care of Bianca if she’s the leader.

Paul Heyman Interview

Kevin Patrick:Paul, before we get your thoughts on tonight’s main event, I have to ask, do you have a reaction to The Rock’s comments from Monday?

Paul Heyman: The Rock name drops Roman Reigns, because The Rock wants to sit at the head of the table. To sit at the head of the table, one must be invited to a dinner of relevancy. The Rock has not been invited, nor will he be, because The Rock is just like everybody else, he’s looking for a shortcut to the headlines. There’s only two ways in this world, to guarantee going viral. One, date Taylor Swift. Two, call out Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns wins a match, outcomes John Cena. Roman Reigns wins a match, outcomes Brock Lesnar. Roman Reigns beats Cody Rhodes, Cody Rhodes is still talking about finishing his damn story. CM Punk comes back to WWE, after ten years, welcome back.

CM Punk says that he’s the OG Paul Heyman Guy, which he is, till I upgraded from best friend to an advocate, then upgraded again to a wise man. Tonight, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, and LA Knight, all have for the privilege of getting smashed by Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble. And the one man who wins tonight, will be smashed by Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, the same way whoever opposes Roman Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania will be smashed by your tribal chief, smashed by the head of the table, smashed by the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world. Because there’s not one man on the face of this planet that can beat Roman Reigns.

Third Match: Butch & Tyler Bate vs. Pretty Deadly

Tyler Bate and Kit Wilson will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Bate with a top wrist lock takedown. Wilson answers with a headscissors neck lock. Bate floats over into a side headlock. Bate kicks Wilson with his heel. Wilson sends Bate to the corner. Bate crawls under Wilson’s legs. Bate toys around with Wilson. Bate rolls Wilson over for a two count. Bate dropkicks Wilson. Bate pops back on his feet. Wilson tags in Prince. Bate kicks Prince in the face. Bate tags in Butch. Bate with a Senton Splash off Butch’s shoulders. Butch dropkicks the back of Prince’s neck. Forearm Exchange. Prince applies a side headlock. Butch whips Prince across the ring. Butch drops down on the canvas. Butch leapfrogs over Prince. Butch with a running clothesline. Butch ducks a clothesline from Wilson. Butch starts bending Wilson’s fingers. Butch stomps on the left elbow of Wilson. Apron MoonSault/Stage Dive Combination. Pretty Deadly regains control of the match during the commercial break.

Prince applies a rear chin lock. Butch slaps Prince in the chest. Butch is displaying his fighting spirit. Prince drops Butch with The Big Boot. Prince goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Butch counters with The X-Plex. Bate and Wilson are tagged in. Bate with a flurry of strikes. Bate kicks Wilson in the gut. Wilson reverses out of the irish whip from Bate. Bate with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Bate with a leaping uppercut. Bate follows that with a knee lift to Wilson. Bate with a flying european uppercut off the middle rope. Bate with The Exploder Suplex. Bate hits The Standing Shooting Star Press. Bate delivers The Airplane Spin. Bate tags in Butch. Double Enzuigiri to Wilson. Handspring Lariat/German Suplex Combination for a two count. Bate drops Prince with a back fist. Prince kicks Bate in mid-air. Prince sends Butch crashing into the ropes. Wilson rolls Butch over for a two count. Butch blocks The Twist Of Fate. Bate tags himself in. Butch snaps Wilson’s fingers. Bate nails Prince with Bop And Bang. Bate and Butch connects with The Double Tyler Driver #97 to pickup the victory.

Winner: Butch & Tyler Bate via Pinfall

– We see Ashante Thee Adonis talking to Nick Aldis. Adonis doesn’t where he belongs on the blue brand. He’s hungry and he wants an opportunity. Aldis has some ideas that Adonis might want to hear.

– Next week on SmackDown, Bianca BelAir will go one on one with Bayley. Grayson Waller collides with Cameron Grimes. Plus, The LWO vs. Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo.

Fourth Match: Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles vs. LA Knight In A Triple Threat Match. The Winner Will Battle Roman Reigns For The Undisputed WWE Universal Championship At The Royal Rumble

This match started during the commercial break. Chop Exchange. Orton kicks Knight in the gut. Nick Aldis is watching this match from the ringside area. Orton slams Knight’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Second Chop Exchange. Styles repeatedly stomps on Orton’s chest. Knight slams Styles head on the top turnbuckle pad. Knight with a knife edge chop. Knight whips Styles into the turnbuckles. Knight ducks a clothesline from Styles. Styles kicks Knight in the gut. Styles with a straight right hand. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Styles. Styles holds onto the ropes. Knight clotheslines Styles over the top rope. Orton dumps Knight out of the ring. Knight drives his elbow into the midsection of Orton. Knight dribbles Orton and Styles’ heads on the announce table. Orton with Three Belly to Belly Suplex’s on the announce table. Styles returns the favor with one of his own. Styles throws Knight into the steel ring steps. Styles rolls Orton back into the ring.

Orton blocks The Phenomenal Forearm. Orton drops Styles with The Draping DDT. Orton is fired up. Orton prepares for The RKO. Knight pulls Orton out of the ring. Knight sends Orton chest first into the ring steps. Styles with a diving dropkick through the ropes. Styles has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Following a snap mare takeover, Styles with a sliding forearm to Knight. Styles is throwing haymakers at Orton. Styles reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Styles with The Kitchen Sink. Styles poses for the crowd. Styles with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Styles knocks Orton off the ring apron. Styles with a chop/haymaker combination. Styles repeatedly slams Orton’s head on the barricade and the steel ring steps. Knight rolls Styles over for a two count. Knight decks Styles with a JawBreaker. Orton slams Styles head on the top rope. Knight unloads a flurry of jabs. Knight repeatedly stomps on Styles chest. Knight tees off on Orton. Orton reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight ducks a clothesline from Orton. Knight with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Knight with a Running Knee Strike to Styles. Knight follows that with a Back Body Drop.

Orton with two clotheslines. Orotn ducks a clothesline from Knight. Orton with Two Powerslams. Knight blocks The RKO. Knight hits The BFT for a two count. Styles wisely prevented the referee from making the final count. Styles and Knight are trading back and forth shots. Styles ducks a clothesline from Knight. Styles with The Pele Kick. Styles with a BackBreaker to Knight. Styles follows that with The Springboard 450 Splash for a two count. Knight is busted open. Styles is trying open up that wound. Knight denies The Styles Clash. Orton drives Styles back first into the turnbuckles. Styles kicks Orton in the face. Styles rocks Orton with a forearm smash. Styles goes for The Phenomenal Forearm, but Orton counters with The RKO for a two count. Knight pulled the referee out of the ring. Roman Reigns appears with The Bloodline. Solo Sikoa goes after Knight. Jimmy is putting the boots to Orton. Reigns repeatedly stomps on Styles chest. Solo with a stair shot to Orton. Reigns PowerBombs Styles. Reigns dumps Styles out of the ring. Reigns drops Knight with The Superman Punch. Reigns connects with The Spear. Jimmy rolls Orton back into the ring. Reigns and Solo plants Orton with their Spear/Samoan Spike Combination. Aldis tells Paul Heyman that Roman Reigns will now have to put his Undisputed Universal Championship on the line in a Fatal Four Way Match at the Royal Rumble as the show goes off the air.

Match Result: No-Contest

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WWE SmackDown Results 1/5/24 (2024)


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