What Is Eat the Frog? A Dead Simple System for Productivity Minimalists (2024)

“Most people overestimate what they can get done in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade.”

This famous piece of wisdom (most commonly attributed to Bill Gates) holds true over shorter time spans, too. We tend to overestimate what we can get done in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.

How do we get around this quirk of human psychology? How do we make consistent progress toward our biggest goals without drowning day-to-day in our overly optimistic to-do lists? How do we overcome the mental resistance that comes with big goals and just get started?

The answer is a deceptively simple and memorably named productivity method called Eat The Frog.

We've made a companion video for Eat the Frog because everyone learns differently and we know some of you prefer to watch instead of read. Check out that video below, or continue reading for a deeper dive.

Eat The Frog is perfect for anyone who:

  • Struggles with procrastination

  • Gets a lot done but isn’t making progress on the important stuff

  • Has a hard time sticking to a productivity system

  • Has trouble deciding what to work on at any given time

  • Feels overwhelmed by their to-do list

What is Eat The Frog?

“If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.”

Productivity consultant Brian Tracy named the Eat The Frog method after this vivid piece of advice from Mark Twain. While there’s more power and nuance to this method than meets the eye, it all boils down to this: Identify one important task for the day and do it first.


Bear with me. If you feel pulled in a million directions and overwhelmed by the number of tasks on your plate each day, I’d argue that this method will be even more powerful for you. It’s not that you’ll kick up your feet and call it a day once you’ve eaten your one frog. You’ll still work on other things, but your most important (often your most difficult task that requires the most energy and focus) will be prioritized first before all those other less-important-but-more-urgent things get in the way. For example, Doist’s founder and CEO routinely checks 15-20 tasks off in a day but sets a goal to complete at least one high-impact task daily.

Of course, you can always experiment with the exact number of tasks. Agile Results calls for 3 tasks a day, and the Ivy Lee method calls for 6. But I’d encourage you to try out the most extreme version first. There’s something about the extreme simplicity and hyper-focus of just one task that I’ve found makes this method particularly effective.

Why Eat The Frog works

Here's why Eat the Frog should be in everyone's productivity arsenal, even if you already use another method like time blocking or the pomodoro technique:

It promotes a deep work habit

The most valuable work in today’s knowledge economy is almost invariably work that requires all your mental resources to be focused on one thing — think cognitively demanding tasks like coding, designing, writing, strategizing, and problem-solving. Yet the modern workplace isn’t set up to support that kind of distraction-free “deep work” (a phrase coined by computer science professor Cal Newport). We’re distracted by so many emails, meetings, chat messages, and requests for input that we don’t have the time or space to focus on our highest-impact tasks.

Eat The Frog requires us to push back against all of those distractions —both external (others interrupting us) and internal (us interrupting ourselves) —and prioritize the actions that will actually bring us closer to our goals.

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It ensures you’re setting your own agenda

All too often, the first thing we do when we sit down to work is check our email and incoming messages. Email and instant messaging toolsput you in reactive mode — as soon as you start responding, you’ve ceded your time and attention to what other people want or need you to do. This kind of reactive prioritization can quickly take over your workday. In contrast, Eat The Frog asks you to put your agenda first before any other requests come in to derail your day.

It sets you up to win

As we discussed at the start of this guide, it’s human nature to overestimate what we can get done in a day, even when we know we’re likely to overestimate. That’s why productivity systems often make us feel like we’re constantly behind and failing to keep up. When we feel bad, we’re more likely to avoid what’s making us feel bad in favor of things that boost our mood in the moment (i.e., procrastination).

In contrast, Eat The Frog forces you to focus on less, even when you know you can do more. Any day that you eat your frog is a good day. Furthermore, following the method means you’ll be making progress on something meaningful on a daily basis. Studies have shown that that kind of progress is a key motivator and predictor of happiness and engagement at work and can lead to a virtuous cycle of getting things done. We feel good when we follow through on the things we intend to do, which, in turn, makes it easier to continue doing them. When you experience a win first thing in the morning, you’re more likely to build momentum and good vibes to carry you through the rest of your workday.

It takes full advantage of your best work hours

We all know intuitively that not all work hours are created equal. The first hour of the morning, when your energy and willpower are high, is a helluva lot more productive than the hour after lunch when all you want to do is curl up and take a nap. Eat the Frog ensures that you’re using your best hours to do your most mentally taxing work and leaves less important tasks for times when you’ve already exhausted your brain power for the day.

It’s dead simple and infinitely flexible

While there are benefits to more complex and all-encompassing methods like Getting Things Done, maintaining them can often become just another task on your to-do list that you’re not getting to. Eat The Frog is a simple method anyone can fall back on at any time with very little time or mental resources required. And it’s almost universally applicable. No matter your job, goals, or circ*mstances, we all have to contend with our limited time and energy. Eat The Frog is a simple yet effective way to ensure that you’re making progress on something meaningful each and every day.

Tips for eating your frogs

Eat The Frog is simple and straightforward, but there are a few tips that will help you apply the method consistently and successfully:

1. Decide on your frog

Also known as your Most Important Task (MIT). This task is often important but not urgent, the type of difficult task that creates a lot of mental resistance and ensuing procrastination if you don't intentionally make time for it. You probably already know the task I’m talking about.

2. Pick something you'll be able to complete in 1-4 hours

Your frog should take half a day’s work, tops. A clearly defined, realistic task will make it easier to get started and not procrastinate. Checking it off your list before lunch will give you a concrete win and accompanying endorphin boost to carry you into the rest of your day.

3. Break it down into smaller steps if needed

If your frog is going to take more than half a day, break it down into smaller steps that will take 4 hours or less. The next concrete action on that list is your new frog. For example, in order to complete the task “Create a business plan,” your frog for today might be “Complete competitive market research.”

Todoist Tip

4. Resist the temptation to plan ahead

Once you start breaking your big tasks down, you may be tempted to schedule your frogs for the whole week or several weeks to come. Don’t do it! Accurately forecasting tasks into the future is nearly impossible and will only set you up for getting behind quickly. One of the benefits of Eat The Frog is that you get to start fresh with a singular focus each morning. Identify and tackle your frogs one day at a time.

5. Prepare your frog the night before

Okay, so you should plan a little bit ahead. The night before, you’re close enough to be able to plan accurately but still far enough removed from actually having to do it for too much mental resistance to kick in.

Lifehacker founder and serial entrepreneur Gina Trapani recommends getting everything you need to get started on tomorrow’s frog set up before you leave work at the end of the day. For example, today, my frog was to finish the first draft of this guide. Yesterday, before closing my computer at the end of the workday, I closed out all of my other tabs and apps but left my research and outline Word document open in full-screen “Focus” mode, so it was the first and only thing I saw when I sat down to work this morning.

It’s not a fool-proof method of staying on track, but it does provide a powerful reminder of what you’re supposed to be working on and decreases the chances you’ll get distracted looking for the right app, email, document, website, or whatever else you need to get started.

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6. Eat your frog first thing

Whatever your frog for the day happens to be, do it first thing when you sit down to work. If at all possible, don’t schedule meetings. Don’t catch up on Twitter. Don’t check your email. Don’t even think about thinking about all the other less important things you’ll have to do later in the day. Focus all of your mental energy on your frog and only your frog.

Not a morning person? Don’t throw the tadpole out with the swamp water. The same principles of hyper-prioritization can be applied to any time of day that you feel the most energized, focused, and productive. The point is to take full advantage of your best work hours, whether that’s 8am or 8pm. When that time comes around each day, do your most important task first.

How to eat your frogs with Todoist

As with most workflows, there are multiple ways you can set them up with Todoist. For Eat The Frog, we recommend one of two approaches: priority levels or labels.

Using priority levels

The easiest way to set up Eat The Frog in Todoist is with priority levels. Here’s how:

  • Identify your most important task and mark it P1. You’ll need to be very disciplined with using “priority 1,” as you’ll only get one P1 task per day.

  • Create a new filter called “Today’s Frog 🐸” using the query “p1 & today”. This filtered view will show just your P1 tasks due today — in other words, your single frog for the day.

  • (Optional) Set your Eat The Frog filter as your Start View in the General tab of your Todoist Settings so it’s the first thing you see when you open Todoist for the day.

Todoist Tip

Using labels

If you already use priority levels in a different way, you can also use an “@frog 🐸” label to identify your most important task of the day. You can either pin the label directly to your favorites or create a filter with the query “@frog & today” to show you all tasks labeled @frog that are due today.

When it comes to productivity methods, it's tempting to go for the more complex workflows and overlook the simple ones. However, the most effective methods are the ones we can stick to when we're low on energy and fall back on when we find ourselves reverting to bad habits.

Whether you're looking to overcome procrastination or bring more focus and intention to your workday, Eat The Frog is a deceptively simple yet powerful tool to help you get there.

What Is Eat the Frog? A Dead Simple System for Productivity Minimalists (2024)


What Is Eat the Frog? A Dead Simple System for Productivity Minimalists? ›

If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.” Productivity consultant Brian Tracy named the Eat The Frog method after this vivid piece of advice from Mark Twain.

What is the eat the frog method of productivity? ›

To put it simply, eating the frog is the process of identifying your most difficult task of the day and completing it before you do any other work. If you have to eat two frogs, eat the bigger one first. Identify which task is more challenging, and do that first thing.

What does the expression "eat the frog" mean? ›

“Eat the frog” is a saying that motivational speaker Brian Tracy coined. It means completing difficult, frustrating, or tedious tasks — also known as frogs — before the ones you'd rather do, getting them over with. Tracy's best-selling book from 2001, Eat That Frog!, explores this task prioritization strategy.

What is an example of eat the frog? ›

For example, if you have a big project you need to start, but that isn't due for months, then it makes more sense to get other, more-immediate deadlines out of the way first. These are all examples of when the "frog" you are supposed to eat isn't necessarily the first thing you can or should be doing.

What is Eat That Frog time management summary? ›

The “Eat The Frog” technique is a productivity and time management strategy that involves tackling your most challenging or important task first, right in the morning. It allows you to make consistent progress on top priorities, build momentum, and manage your daily schedule more effectively.

What is the 1 3 5 rule? ›

The 1-3-5 rule is all about completing three categories of tasks. The 1-3-5 rule categories and task split-ups are as follows: one major task, three medium tasks, and five minor tasks.

Is Eat That Frog worth reading? ›

Eat That Frog! (2001) by Brian Tracy is a book that helps us tackle our biggest tasks and be more productive. Here's why this book is worth reading: It provides practical strategies for overcoming procrastination and getting important things done, helping us increase our productivity and achieve our goals.

What did Mark Twain say about eating a frog? ›

Eat the Frog is a productivity technique that gets its name from a pithy quote by Mark Twain: “If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.”

What is the lesson of eat that frog? ›

Applied to work, the "frog" represents the most important and impactful task that you need to complete. If you eat the frog—that is, work on your most important or impactful task first thing every morning—Tracy suggests you'll increase your productivity and reach your goals faster.

What is the message of eat that frog? ›

Eat that Frog technique delivers an important message that says that if people wish to be successful in their lives, then they have to take immediate, and necessary actions without overthinking too much. According to Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog tactic should be implemented first thing in the morning.

What is eating by the frog? ›

Small frogs eat insects such as flies and moths, as well as snails, slugs and worms. They use long tongues and sticky saliva to catch prey that passes them by. Tadpoles eat algae in the ponds they grow in. As they grow, they feed on plants and small insects.

Who wrote Eat That Frog? ›

Author Brian Tracy wrote a book called “Eat That Frog“. He took the idea from the Mark Twain quote posted here. The idea of the book (and the quote) is that most people procrastinate doing the most important things because they are usually the hardest things to do.

Which countries eat frogs? ›

The legs of edible frogs are also consumed in other parts of the world, including Vietnam, Southern China, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Northern Italy, the Alentejo region of Portugal, Spain, Albania, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Northwestern Greece, South Africa and the Southern regions of the United States.

What does the phrase eat that frog mean? ›

Eating the frog means to just do it, otherwise the frog will eat you meaning that you'll end up procrastinating it the whole day. Once that one task is done, the rest of the day will be an easier ride and you will get both momentum and a sense of accomplishment at the beginning of your day.

What is the eat the frog mindset? ›

“If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.” Productivity consultant Brian Tracy named the Eat The Frog method after this vivid piece of advice from Mark Twain.

What are the 7 steps of eat that frog? ›

Eat That Frog: Clarify Your Goals
  • Step 1 - Decide exactly what you want? ...
  • Step 2 - Write it down. ...
  • Step 3 - Set a deadline. ...
  • Step 4 - Make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to need to reach your goal. ...
  • Step 5 - Organize the list into a plan. ...
  • Step 6 - Take action immediately.
Jul 18, 2023

What is the best way to manage an eat the frog task? ›

Tips for eating your frogs
  1. Decide on your frog. Also known as your Most Important Task (MIT). ...
  2. Pick something you'll be able to complete in 1-4 hours. ...
  3. Break it down into smaller steps if needed. ...
  4. Resist the temptation to plan ahead. ...
  5. Prepare your frog the night before. ...
  6. Eat your frog first thing.

What is a frog's feeding strategy? ›

During feeding, frogs extend their legs, lunge toward the prey and rapidly open their mouths. Rapid depression of the lower jaw (9–24 m s1) propels the tongue out of the mouth and onto the prey, after which the tongue is retracted with the prey into the mouth.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.