Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/29/23) (2024)

Raw’s Absolute Best of 2023 was great, but SmackDown will show the best of Universal Champion, Your Tribal Chief, Roman… Reigns…! Oh, and others, too.


  • November 4th, 2023 – Crown Jewel: John Cena VS Solo Sikoa; Solo wins.
  • April 1st, 2023 – WrestleMania 39, Night 1: Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn; Kevin & Sami win and become the new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions.
  • September 15th, 2023 – Friday Night SmackDown, The Rock humiliates Austin Theory Live.
  • November 25th, 2023 – Survivor Series: Women’s WarGames: Damage CTRL VS Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, Shotzi Blackheart & Becky Lynch; Bianca, Charlotte, Shotzi & Becky win.
  • November 4th, 2023 – Crown Jewel: WWE United States Championship: Rey Mysterio VS Logan Paul; Logan wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.
  • December 15th, 2023 – Friday Night SmackDown, AJ Styles’ Phenomenal return.
  • April 2nd, 2023 – WrestleMania 39, Night 2:Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa VS Cody Rhodes; Roman wins and retains the titles.


The countdown begins!

But LA Knight says to hold on a minute. Bring it in. It ain’t the New Year just yet, NAH NAH. You might’ve seen The Miz ring in the best of 2023 for Raw, but if we’re talking about the absolute best of 2023, whose game is it? With everybody saying, “L! A! Knight! YEAH!” “So WWE Universe, lemme talk to ya! SmackDown has had one hell of a year, and nobody knows one hell of a yeah better than I do. And with all the noise of a Mega Star setting fire to Friday nights, it’s no surprise that everybody wants to be back on the Blue Brand.” John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk (for a moment), and even The Rock earlier this year.

We’ve seen it all! Friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and moments were made, as well as headlines! We’ve seen new champions crowned, and champions break records and make history. What is Knight doing? Being Kayla Braxton right now? Is this why they brought him in here? To talk about Bloodline? As far as Knight is concerned, they can all go f- Um, well, Knight takes a moment to calm down, and we move on to resolutions, champagne, confetti. 2024, see you soon. But tonight, SmackDown celebrates the Absolute Best of 2023! Hit the countdown, dummy! THREE, TWO, ONE! YEAH!!

Jackie Redmond is back in the control.

And this time, she has Corey Graves with her to look back at the best SmackDown had to offer. Some new and some familiar faces, but perhaps none bigger than the returning Greatest of All Time, John Cena. The SIXTEEN-TIME World Champion came back because he wanted to show he still had the hustle, loyalty and respect to hang. But that made him a target of The Bloodline’s Enforcer. The Tribal Chief told Solo Sikoa to rid the WWE of Cena once and for all, and perhaps he did…

John Cena VS Solo Sikoa!

He may be the Greatest Of All Time, but even he knows he hasn’t won in five YEARS. Will Cena look to end that 2000+ day streak? Or will the Enforcer of the Island not just keep that streak going, but end Cena’scareer?

The bell rings and the fans are fired up already. Solo already holds his thumb up to remind Cena the dangers of the Samoan Spike. Solo swings, Cena dodges, and fans rally up. “Let’s Go, Cena!” “Cena Sucks!” Cena watches Solo, dodges again to headlock then hit the takeover! Cena then goes for the arm to stomp the hand! Cena wants to neutralize that weapon, and he hits a straight arm lever! Then a wrench, and he RAMS the arm! Another wrench, and he RAMS the shoulder again! Fans rally as Cena runs Solo over! Cover, ONE! Cena is back on the arm with a cording hold! Solo fights but fans rally, “You Still Got It!”

Cenabendsthe fingers and thumb, then HIP DROPS the arm! Cena puts Solo in a corner, wraps the arm around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Cena lets off at 4, and he whips Solo out of the ring! Fans cheer as Cena goes out after Solo, and SMACKS the hand off steel steps! Cena puts Solo back in, storms up on him and throws him back out! Cena pursues, and the fans duel as Cena isolates the arm. Cena SMACKS the hand off the other steel steps! Solo shakes out the hand, Cena puts him back in the ring, and then Cena runs up to go after the arm. Cena wraps the arm around ropes, but Solo pulls Cena’s hair with the other hand!

Solo HEADBUTTS Cena down, then stomps away! Fans boo but Solo snarls as he shakes out the bad hand. Fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at Solo but he HEADBUTTS Cena back down. Solo soaks up the heat from the fans, and he storms up on Cena to HEADBUTT again! Solo drags Cena around but the bad hand bothers him. Fans rally as Cena blocks the whip. Cena kicks low, kicks again, and he runs, but into a WHEEL KICK! Solo scowls and he drags Cena to a corner. Fans rally for Cena but Solo goes up the corner. BANZAI DROP! Fans boo but Solo stalks Cena. Solo pushes Cena down and taunts him.

Cena sits up, gets to his feet, and Solo prepares the thumb! But Cena ducks to fireman’s carry! But Solo fights free to SUPERKICK! Cena falls, Solo covers, TWO! Cena goes to a corner, Solo goes to the opposite end. Solo runs in, to HIP ATTACK! Solo fires up but the fans boo again. Solo eggs Cena on, and Cena rises up. Fans rally as Cena stands but Solo takes aim again! But Cena catches the arm into a CROSSFACE!! Solo endures, reaches out, but Cena thrashes him around! Solo powers Cena back to a cover, TWO! Cena lets go, and Solo LARIATS! Fans boo but Solo soaks it up. Solo drags Cena up to then put him on the top rope.

Solo drags Cena into the Tree of Woe, and he runs side to side, FALLING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! Cena is still in this, but Solo knows he still has his best card to play. Solo stands Cena up, and hits a BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Fans chant “SOLO SUCKS! SOLO SUCKS!” but Solo just soaks it all up. Solo watches Cena sit up in the corner, and runs in to HIP ATTACK again! Cena flops over and Solo smirks. Solo looms over Cena as Cena rises up, and Solo clamps on! SAMOAN- NO, Cena dodges again, and starts on the shoulder tackles! Fans fire up as Cena rallies, gets around, SPINOUT BOMB! And he puts up the hand!

Fans fire up as Cena says “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” Cena runs for the FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! And then, Solo staggers up into the fireman’s carry! But Solo slips free, shoves and SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Cena survives and Solo grows frustrated. Solo watches Cena go to a corner, and he takes aim again. Solo runs in, to HIP ATTACKagain!Fans boo as Solo hits a hattrick of those. Fans chant “UMAGA! UMAGA!” for the late Samoan icon Solo is paying tribute. But then Cena HOTSHOTS the bad arm! And CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Cena goes to ropes.

Cena drags himself up, Solo stands, and Cena hurries to fireman’s carry! But solo fights free again, to SUPERKICK! And then SAMOAN- NO, Cena choke grips?! To CHOKE SLAM?! Cover, TWO!!! Cena shouts out the Deadman, and fans fire up as both men are down. Cena and Solo stand, and Solo HEADBUTTS! Cena throws a haymaker! Solo HEADBUTTS again! Cena throws a haymaker! And another, and another! Fireman’s carry, but Solo again gets loose! SPINNING SOLO! Cover, TWO! Cena survives yet again and Solo is seething! Solo storms up on Cena, clamps on and SAMOAN- NO!! Cena blocks the arm!

Cena and Solo fight, Cena drags Solo down! STF!! Fans fire up as Solo endures! Solo drags himself and Cena towards ropes, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Cena lets go, wants the legs again, but Solo BOOTS him away! Cena runs up,into the SAMOAN SPIKE!!But it hurts Solo’s hand just as much to do it! Fans fire up as both men stand, Cena clutching that throat. Solo SAMOAN SPIKES again!! Solo growls, fans boo, but Solo reloads. Cena stands, into aTHIRDSAMOAN SPIKE!!! Cena flounders and sputters but Solo isn’t going for any pins. Solo wants Cena to stand again! Cena rises, fans rally behind him, and he manages to stand.

Solo has Cena again, aFOURTHSAMOAN SPIKE!!! Still no cover!? Solo wants to truly end Cena! AFITH, SIXTH, SEVENTH!!Solo just jams the thumb in again and again and again!! Cover, SOLO WINS!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

Fans boo because they cannot believe it! Cena’s must win match ends up a devastating defeat! But has The Enforcer truly disposed of Cena once and for all? Was this the last loss Cena ever suffers? If so, fans give a standing ovation and chant “Thank You, Cena!” as the GOAT gets to his feet.

John Cena speaks.

“WWE Universe, John Cena here. All dressed up to celebrate a wonderful group of people. A toast to the WWE Universe for making my 2023. As you know, I was able to return to SmackDown int he Fall, and the reception and the respect, I will never forget. I do not know how much time in the WWE I have left. But I do know in recent times, when I’ve been able to return home, you’ve always welcomed me as one of your own. I am forever indebted to your generosity, your empathy, your respect, and your excitement. I look forward to the next time we can get together, but I wanted to take a moment to truly say thank you for making this a memorable year for me and my family.

“To the WWE Universe. Until the next round, cheers.”

Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits speak.

The All Mighty gives us a 2024 prediction: The All Mighty and the baddest tag team in the WWE get what they want, and that is more. Montez Ford says theyare the Street Profits. Angelo Dawkins says, “Talk to ’em.” They are the Triple Crown that puts it down. “Talk to ’em!” This is the holiday season so what’re they giving out? Angel, Humberto, they didn’t forget about y’all. New Year, new beef! But real talk, 2024 is gonna be the year of gold, it’s gonna be all good. Secret handshake. Lashley says it won’t be all good. It’ll beAll Mighty.

SmackDown returns to Jackie & Corey.

Corey says the New Year is about new horizons, new beginnings. And no two men represented that more in 2023 than Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn. Jackie says Kevin tried starting 2023 strong by taking down Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, but the Bloodline again proved to be too much. There was the post match beatdown, but the then Honorary Uce could not stomach it. Push came to shove, and Sami did what he had to do and stood with his former best friend. But blood is thicker than friendship, and the beating turned on Sami. But after weeks of internal conflict, Kevin would reunite with Sami, and they would go on to face The Usos for the tag titles.

The Usos had stood atop the WWE Tag Division for 622 days, but as two sets of brothers battled, it’d all change.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn!

For over 620 DAYS, Jimmy & Jey have been the ones in the WWE Tag Division. But because of Bloodline’s family drama full of manipulation, deception and betrayal, they are now facing two men as close as brothers who both have a reason to stop the madness. Will the Prizefighter and Great Liberator accomplish both goals of winning gold and helping the Usos break away from The Tribal Chief? Or will Jimmy & Jey put “WrestleZAYNIA” on lockdown?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if night one has either a happy or tragic ending!

The teams sort out and Jimmy starts against Sami. Fans fire up as Jimmy talks smack on Sami. Fans sing “OLE~, OLE OLE OLE~!” for Sami while Jimmy talks with Jey. Jimmy fires Jey up, and tags him in. Fans fire up as now Jey and Sami circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but then Jey shifts to headlock. Sami powers up and out, but Jey runs him over. Jey eggs Sami on, then raises the finger. Fans are torn but Sami keeps cool. Sami and Jey circle, tie up again, and they’re in another deadlock. Jey headlocks again, but Sami powers up and out again. Sami drops, then CLOBBERS Jey! Sami rains down fists from all sides!

Fans fire up as Sami paces around Jey. Sami stands Jey up, ROCKS him, then whips. Jimmy tags in and Jey reverses the whip. Sami ducks but Jimmy dumps him out! Jimmy waist on Sami to stand up, then CLOBBERS him! Jimmy eggs Sami on, brings him up and POSTS him! Jimmy stalks Sami, refreshes the ring count and tags Jey. Jimmy then holds Sami for Jey to DIVE! Direct hit and Sami hits barriers! Kevin storms over but the ref has him stay back. The Usos talk trash on Sami, Jey brings Sami up, and snap suplexes to the floor! The ring count is climbing, Jey refreshes it again, and he drags Sami into the ring.

Jey stands Sami up, ROCKS him with a right, and Sami sits down. Jey pie faces Sami to ropes, then CLUBS away on him! The ref counts, Jey let off, but Jimmy BOOTS Sami down! Fans boo but Jimmy soaks up the heat. Jey holds up the finger, but Sami lurches for Kevin! Jey drags Sami back, tags Jimmy, and Jimmy stomps Sami down. Jimmy then sucker punches Kevin! The ref reprimands but Jimmy taunts Kevin. The ref has to stop Kevin from rushing in, and Jimmy stands Sami up. Jimmy CHOPS Sami, and Sami staggers into the Uso corner. Tag to Jey, Jimmy holds Sami in place for the forearm smash! Cover, TWO!

Jey keeps his eyes on Kevin, and he keeps Sami from him. Jey wraps on a chinlock, fans rally up, and Sami fights up. Sami throws body shots, reaches for Kevin, but Jey whips Sami away. Sami holds ropes, BOOTS Jey, then he DECKS Jimmy! Jey runs in but Sami TOSSES him! Fans fire up as Sami crawls his way over! Hot tag to Kevin! Kevin goes up the corner to SUPER CANNONBALL the Usos! Kevin drags Jimmy up to POST him! Then he CLOBBERS Jey! And he CLOBBERS Jimmy! Kevin puts Jey in, then FROG SPLASHES Jimmy on the floor! Kevin goes up top, FROG SPLASH on Jey! Cover, TWO!

Jey survives but Kevin aims at him. Jey stands, Kevin kick slow, but no stunner! Jey POP-UP NECKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Jey stalks Kevin, puts him in the Uso corner, then snarls as he storms up. Jey puts Kevin up top, climbs up after him, but Kevin fights back! Jimmy tags in, but Kevin fights him off, too! Kevin HEADBUTTS Jey down! Kevin adjusts, SWANTON BOMBSbut onto knees!Jimmy USO SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives and fans fire up! Kevin crawls to a corner, Jimmy aims from the opposite. “UCE! SO! UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in, but Kevin avoid the hip attack! SUPERKICK! ANOTHER SUPERKICK!

Kevin runs corner to corner, “SUCK IT!” CANNONBALL! Fans fire up and Kevin goes up top again! But Jey anchors him! Kevin fights Jey, Sami gets Jey with an APRON BRAINBUSTER!! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Jimmy survives and the fans can’t believe it! Sami hurries to the corner, Kevin tags him in! Sami goes up top now, he aims at Jimmy, and he raises the finger! SAMI SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Jimmy survives Sami’s take on the Usos’ favorite move! Sami shakes his head, and fans sing for him again. Sami drags Jimmy up, but Jimmy blocks the lift! Jimmy CLUBS away on Sami, and SUPERKICKS Kevin!

Sami shoots around, to BLUE- NO, Jimmy still fights it! Jimmy HEADBUTTS, tags Jey, but Sami BLUE THUNDER BOMBS Jimmy! Jey SUPERKICKS! Jey drags Sami up, whips him and SUPERKICKS him down! Cover, TWO!! Jey snarls, he tells Sami to get up, and Sami sits up. SUPERKICK! Jey pushes Sami back down, then he takes off his shirt. Jey throws the shirt at Sami, tags in Jimmy, and Jimmy SUPERKICKS! Jey SUPERKICKS! The Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cover, Kevin breaks it!! Jey SUPERKICKS Kevin! Kevin flops out of the ring, Jimmy says it’s time to execute. Tag to Jey and the Usos stalk Sami.

Jey sits Sami up and tells him this is it. The Usos DOUBLEBLINDSIDESUPERKICK!! Cover, TWO?!?! Jey is growing further frustrated but the fans rally up. Sami feebly grabs at Jey but Jey pushes him away. Jey talks with Jimmy, and Jey tags Jimmy back in. Sami sits up but then flops over. Sami tries again, he’s on his knees, and the Usos SUPERKICK SANDWICH!! Cover, TWO!?!?? How is Sami doing this!? The Usos are pissed with the ref but the count is the count! Tag to Jey again, they circle Sami like sharks, and they bring him back up. The Usos say this is what he gets, and they double whip, but Kevin trips Jimmy!

Sami sunset flips Jey, TWO!?!? Jey escapes, but Kevin SMACKS Jimmy off the desk! And again and again and again! Kevin clears off the desk, drags Jimmy up onto it, and reels him in! But Jey hurries to save Jimmy! Jimmy UPPERCUTS then SUPERKICKS! Kevin wobbles, the Usos hurry up onto the desk with him, DOUBLE UREANGEthrough the OTHER table!!Jey says that’s what he gets! “Look at you now!” The ring count climbs, but the Usos leave Kevin behind to go back to Sami. Sami sits up in a daze, Jey tags Jimmy. Jey reels Sami in, ONE AND DONE!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? IS SAMI EVEN HUMAN!?!?

Jimmy and Jey are in utter disbelief, but Jimmy tags Jey back in. Jey taunts Sami as Sami flounders to the corner. Why won’t Sami quit? HUH!? WHY!? Jey SLAPS Sami and wants a response. Sami mutters and mumbles as Jey keeps SLAPPING him! Jey throws forearms now! The ref counts, Jey UPPERCUTS Sami! Sami leans against the buckles, and Jey backs away. Jey watches Sami flop in the corner, drag himself back up, then flop down again. Fans rally for Sami as hard as ever, but Jey runs in, to HELLUVA KICK!!! Sami falls against Jey, and Jey says this is what they do. Sami should’ve never left-

EXPLODER INTO THE CORNER!! Sami had one last gasp in him!! And somehow, Kevin is back!? Kevin’s just as inhuman as Sami! Sami crawls his way, to hot tag Kevin! Jimmy rushes in, but Kevin dodges, to POP-UP POWERBOMB! POP-UP POERBOMB for Jey!! Kevin calls to Sami, Sami runs in to HELLUVA KICK Jimmy! Kevin STUNNERS Jey!! Cover, TWO!?!? Jey survives and Kevin can’t believe it! All four men are down, exhausted, and the fans are thunderous! “This is Awesome!” as Sami and Kevin regroup on one side of the ring and the Usos go to the other. Kevin helps Sami stand, the Usos help each other.

Kevin and Sami stare down with Jimmy and Jey. Fans fire up all over again, and Kevin shouts, “LET’S END IT!” THE BRAWL IS ON! SUPERKICK for Sami! SUPERKICK for Jimmy! SUPERKICK for Jey! Kevin whips, Jimmy tags Jey and Jey leap frogs! SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Sami! The Usos set Kevin up in the drop zone and the Usos each take a corner! DOUBLE USO SPLASH!!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?!?! THIS IS UNHEARD OF!!!! The Usos have no explanation for how Kevin and Sami have lasted this long! Kevin drags himself up with the ropes, but Jey is right on him.

Jey stands Kevin up, to then back off and tag Jimmy. The Usos run in, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!! Kevin slumps right down, and Jimmy says to finish this with “a big one.” Tag back to Jey, they hoist Kevin up top, but Sami drags Jimmy out! Sami TOSSES Jimmy, Kevin hits the SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Jey flounders around, Sami hurries back over! Kevin crawls, to hot tag Sami! The hottest tag ever! Sami glares right at Jey, and then he runs in to HELLUVA KICK!!! Jey falls against Sami now, and Sami says, “I’m sorry, Uce.” He sets Jey up foranotherHELLUVA KICK!!!! Jey is wobbling, Jimmy returns, into a STUNNER!!

Sami sets Jey up for aTHIRDHELLUVA KIIIIICK!!!!! Cover, SAMI & KEVIN WIN!!!!

Winners: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens, by pinfall (NEWUndisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

621 days, and DONE! The Hollywood ending comes true for Kevin and Sami! They are not only tag team champions for the first time in either man’s WWE career, they are finally tag team championsTOGETHER!Jimmy & Jey are no longer the ones, that title, andthe tag team titles, belong to Kevin & Sami! Is this only the beginning of the Bloodline’s fall?

Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

Cathy Kelley says that was a wonderful moment, Kevin and Sami capturing the Undisputed Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania. Yeah, Kevin doesn’t have the words. And he’s still heartbroken for how that ended, but that’s a story for another time. He’s looking ahead to next week. SmackDown New Year’s Revolution, Kevin is in the finals of the United States Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament and Santos Escobar stands in his way. It isn’t even about getting more gold, but about taking it from Logan Paul. Kevin will say it before and he’ll say it again: Logan in the WWE, in Kevin’s ring, as a champion, is an absolute nightmare.

Kevin vows to do everything he can, broken hand or not, to make Logan go away. He’ll beat Santos, beat Logan, and then restore prestige to the title. Then that must be his New Year’s Resolution. New Year’s Resolution for New Year’s Revolution, that’s perfect. They high-five, it hurts Kevin’s hand, but he says that’s his bad. Wrong hand. Cathy says she saw it going bad in slow motion as it happened. Kevin heads out, will he get to break Logan like he’s broken his hand?

A-Town Down Under speaks.

Austin Theory can’t believe Nick Aldis is asking them to give their New Year’s Resolutions. Grayson Waller says Aldis could’ve at least had them do it on the Grayson Waller Effect. This set is just meh. But here’s an idea, take it over with his music and ticker anyway! Impromptu episode of GWE in effect, and Theory likes it better. Their fans saying nice things about them,this is how you show your top stars respect. So their 2024 resolutions: win singles gold; win tag team gold; win the Royal Rumble; headline WrestleMania; win MITBagain for Theory, or the first time for Waller. But personally, Waller wants to headline Elimination Chamber in Perth!

Theory says that’d be so awesome. Wait, someone slipped in an insult on the ticker! FightOwensFight says “Oh brother, these guys STINK!” And that this segment puts them to sleep. They’re so punchable. Are not! The only thing better than punching one face is two at the same time… And their resolutions should be to just shut up? They’re done! Theory rips his shirt in anger as he storms out. But with these two wanting everything, will they get what they want? Or just what they deserve?

We return to Jackie & Corey.

Jackie asks why it’s so fun watching those two get upset. Corey says he’s not surprised she likes seeing them get upset. But why does Kevin insist on harassing two of the biggest rising stars? Well, they did break his hand… And even Core has to admit, those two rub people the wrong way, like when Theory confronted Pat McAfee in September. Don’t remind Corey of Pat. Pat should’ve never been on SmackDown to begin with. Well, Corey’s issues aside, Theory claimed SmackDown is his show, when we know it’sThe People’s Show. Corey does his best Rock eyebrow as a response.

Pat McAfee is here!

Denver is all fired up but Corey Graves is upset that Pat is back! He gets the mic to say, “Mile High City, I love you~! Y’know, I was just up the road in the Rockies for College Game Day covering Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffalos, and when I looked online to keep up with the greatest wrestling show to ever grace television, WWE SmackDown, I saw that it was an hour away in this gorgeous city. And there was ZERO percent chance I wasn’t gonna take the ride down here to feel the greatest universe on Earth, the WWE Universe!” Fans cheer that!

Pat then says the greatest crowds of all crowds, and so it is his honor to welcome us to Friday Night SmackDown! But wait, here comes Austin Theory… Pat is no stranger to The Now, and Theory makes his way to the ring as fans boo. Theory has a mic now and he tells Pat, “This isn’t SmackDown! This is Austin Theory Live!” Fans boo more but Theory says look what the cat dragged in. Fans cheer for Pat but Theory says a lot of the people living here don’t get a lot of oxygen because we’re so high up. But hey, they gotta boo Theory, he’s only 26 years old and he’s everywhere. Pat at 26 was getting mug shots while Theory is on mugs, shirts and backpacks!

Theory tells the fans to shut up but they boo harder. Theory says he is here for Pat. They have unfinished business! Theory doesn’t know who Pat thinks he is, having his private jet and his news desk to talk about college football all day. But Theory has something real special. He’s gonna job Pat in a few seconds, and then what happens? Pat is gonna go back to his show, sit there all hurt and unable to do a damn thing, just like Aaron Rogers! Fans boo and they’re not even Jets fans! But Pat says Theory’s the one not gonna do a damn thing but Pat is pumped Theory is dressing like him and acting like him.

Theory says dawg, when he wears a black tank top, he looks like a Greek god! When Pat wears one, he looks like he should be flipping fries. Pat tells the Greek god to listen up. Pat’s not gonna fight Theory now, he’s enjoying the local laws here, wink wink. But uh, what was that about this not being SmackDown but what? Austin Theory Live! Get used to it, loser! Oh, well this is the biggest problem with Theory. Theory is so disrespectful to not just the business as a whole, but to all the people in the crowd. Fans cheer but Theory says he doesn’t care about them! Pat tells Theory this will never be HIS show, this is the people’s show.

And y’know what that means? IF YA SMELLLL~! Fans go nuts as yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson makes his epic return to SmackDown! The Rock smiles as he soaks it all in. Then he makes his way down the ramp! Fans fire up even more as The Rock gets up on the corner for his signature pose. Then The Rock steps into the ring with Pat and Theory, and The Rock of course bro hugs it out with Pat. The fans chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” and he smiles as he soaks it in again. The fans lose their minds even, which Fox has to censor. Theory says, “You know whose ring you’re in? It’s been a long time, Rock. A long time.

“But let me-” “Shut your b*tch ass up!!” Rock stops Theory in his tracks with that! Theory clearly does NOT know how all this works. The Rock takes off the jacket to show off the guns, and then he throws the jacket to the crowd for a free souvenir! “Finally, The Rock has come back to Denver…!” Fans fire up for that one, and chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” again. Theory says he will try. “Finally-” The fans boo over Theory but he says the ignorant people finally get to see The Rock andAustinin the ring again, one last time. But it won’t be boring old Stone Cold, it’ll be a real ass kicker! The Austin that’ll go on to be so great, he’ll be the entire Mount Rushmore!

The Rock says- “IT DOENSN’T MATTER WHAT THE ROCK SAYS!” Theory beat Rock to the punch on that one, but The Rock says itdoesmatter what The Rock says. And it does matter what thepeoplesay. You bring up Stone Cold, that’s The Rock’s boy. But if Stone Cold were here instead, this is what he would say. “If you wanna see me beat this Jabroni’s ass, gimme a ‘Hell yeah!’” “HELL YEAH!!” The roof blew off the place because they are live, this is The Rock’s show, and it matters what the fans say. So hearing how hot the fans just got, Theory wants to talk trash about The Rock, talk trash about Pat, about the fans…

The Rock says this is Austin Theory, right? Damn right! And he’s from… A-Town? Right? Damn right! Well, something else The Rock is right about is that Theory is an A-Hole. And oh, The Rock is gonna show you live how much of an A-Hole Theory is. In about three seconds, this side is gonna chant “You Are.” And then the other side chants “An A**hole!” Three, two, one. “YOU ARE!” “AN A**HOLE!” And they do!! It gets censored again but oh well. The Rock has everyone stop, because that was amazing! Denver cheers themselves and The Rock has goosebumps. But this is the people’s show, let’s flip it around!

Three, two, one! The fans go again, “YOU ARE!” “AN A**HOLE!!” Theory gets so mad and he shouts for them to stop! Shut up! Enough! He is not that! But the fans won’t stop! The censoring can’t even keep up! Pat says this is a two hour show, we gotta get going. Right, but we’re having fun, aren’t we? The fans cheer that. The Rock tells Theory that he doesn’t know who Theory is, but he knows what Theory is, and clearly you’re an a-hole. But Theory, The Rock has a theory of his own: Theory comes out here on The Rock’s Show, the People’s Show, and runs down the people. They’re the reasons why this all happens.

So the theory is, in three seconds, The Rock whoops Theory’s candy ass all over Colorado. Fans fire up as The Rock counts down, but Theory fires hands first! Theory whips, The Rock reverses and hits a SPINEBUSTER! And we know what that means! Fans are thunderous and Pat clears space for this one! The Rock sets Theory up, runs side to side, for the PEOPLE’S ELBOW!! The Rock then welcomes Pat to try something. Pat gets up on Theory, fans are thunderous for it, and Pat runs side to side, for the MCAFEE ELBOW! Theory’s shoe comes off! The Rock throws it to the fans, another free souvenir!

If this is how the night is starting, just what madness is going to happen here in the Mile High City?

Bianca Belair joins the show.

Jackie & Corey talk with The EST via video and wish her a Happy New Year. They want her to look back at 2023 and see if there’s one particular thing she’s proud of. Well, 2023 was a great year for her, but becoming the longEST reigning Raw Women’s Champion of all time is a big one. Understandable, as she made history and went all over media. So what is next for Bianca? Is she a goal setter? What’s first up for 2024? Well, she doesn’t make resolutions, she stays ready so she doesn’t have to get ready, but while she had a huge accomplishment with her reign, she had one of the hardest times in 2023 when Iyo Sky cashed in on her.

So the goal is to go after Iyo Sky and get that title back in 2024 for another great year. So if we’re talking Iyo, we’re also talking Damage Control, who definitely gave Bianca a run for her money. Is DMG CTRL in her rearview? Definitely not! She’s been fighting DMG CTRL for the past TWO years, they played a part in the cash-in, and they just had it out in WarGames. Now they’re even more dangerous, so Bianca has to have eyes in the back of her head. Understandable, because Bianca as the longEST reigning, that’s a great accomplishment. But what about specific moments from this year?

Definitely WrestleMania, going out to threepeat, and her entrance will stick with her for life. The Divas of Compton breaking it down in front of 70+ THOUSAND, that will be a moment for them all to remember, one of the most special. Well, eyes on the prize, so busiEST is gonna be a new accolade for Bianca. Tell us about the new show, Love & WWE: Bianca & Montez. Yes, the reality series of her and husband, Montez, comes out on Hulu starting February 2nd. Very excited for that, for the WWE to see it, and how it chronicles the road to WrestleMania, their busiest time of the year.

This shows the fans how they are outside the ring, how they navigate the work and life balance, she hopes everyone gets a chance to watch it. Corey says looking forward to 2024, what are the overall goals? Hands down, new Women’s Champion. Go back to WrestleMania for four in a row, UN-DE-FEA-TED at Mania. No big deal, right? Always go big. Then New Year’s Revolution, Mia Yim gets her shot at Iyo, how does Bianca see this going? Iyo has a big task on her hands as Michin brings it. Bianca wants Michin to win, but selfishly, Bianca wants to be the one to get it off Iyo because Iyo did it to Bianca. But who knows, we might get a new champion right away.

Jackie thanks Bianca for her time, Bianca really is the EST. Happy New Year! And speaking of Bianca’s issues with DMG CTRL, Kairi Sane & Asuka made the team stronger than ever, so Bianca recruited allies in Charlotte Flair, Shotzi Blackheart, and even Becky Lynch. The only way this could be settled was in… WARGAMES!

Women’s WarGames: Damage CTRL VS Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, Shotzi Blackheart & Becky Lynch!

The sirens howl as these eight alluring and lethal ladies prepare to tear each other apart like harpies! As always, two start, members will be released every few minutes, and this can only end once all eight are in! Team EST has the advantage, will that help them tare down Bayley, Iyo Sky, Asuka & Kairi Sane? Or will the Role Model, Evil Genius, Empress of Tomorrow and Pirate Princess be a far more cohesive unit?

But who will be the first two in? Well going by entrances, The Man comes around last, so she’ll enter for Team EST. She’s oddly also the only one not wearing hot pink anywhere… And from DMG CTRL, they’re all coming out together and in kabuki masks to show their solidarity. This keeps Team EST guessing, but it’s Bayley stepping up first. Bayley has a lot of swagger given she & DMG CTRL also won last night on SmackDown against Becky & Charlotte. The doors close, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock! Fans fire up as the two circle then tie up. Becky fires off hands, bumps Bayley off buckles, then off more buckles! And even more buckles!

Becky digs Bayley into the cage but Bayley turns things around. Becky fights back, and she goes for a corner. Bayley fights back and she smacks Becky off buckles! Fans boo, Bayley tells them to shut up, and she ROCKS Becky! Bayley ROCKS Becky again, runs, but Becky follows to CLOBBER Bayley! Fans fire up with Becky and she runs in at a corner. But Bayley puts Becky in the gap! Becky ROCKS Bayley, climbs, but Bayley ROCKS Becky back! Bayley climbs, Becky throws hands, and she shoves Bayley away. Becky adjusts to leap but Bayley gets under. Bayley then kicks low, CLUBS Becky, but Becky ROCKS Bayley!

They continue to throw forearms back and forth, and Chicago is on Becky’s side with every shot! Becky gets the edge, then UPPERCUTS, SOBATS and runs! But Bayley swings, only for Becky to dodge and CLOBBER Bayley! Fans cheer as Bayley goes to a corner. Becky runs in to forearm smash, and BECKSPLODER! Fans rally as Becky storms around and she drags Bayley up. Becky whips, Bayley reverses and sends Becky into steel! Bayley snarls, she drags Becky up and throws her into more steel! Becky writhes, fans boo, but Bayley just soaks it all up. Bayley then drags Becky up to CLUB her and TOSS her to the bridge between rings.

Bayley storms after Becky, fans duel, and Bayley suplexes. Becky fights, throws body shots, and we’re under two minutes. Bayley suplexes Beckyonto the steel!Both women writhe into the ring on the right, and Bayley drags Becky up. Bayley CLUBS Becky, ROCKS her with a forearm, and then taunts Maggle. Bayley headlocks, but Becky throws body shots. Bayley CLUBS away on Becky, whips, but Becky reverses to send Bayley into steel! And she runs to DROPKICK Bayley into steel! Fans fire up as Becky keeps going, another DROPKICK! Becky has a DISARM-HER int he ropes! Bayley can’t tap, the match can’t end yet!

Wait! Dakota Kai is here! She JABS Becky with a kendo stick! Becky snarls, and she grabs the stick! But Bayley CLUBS Becky! Bayley fires off on Becky, Becky DECKS Bayley, but then Bayley drop toeholds Becky into the kendo stick! Fans want tables but we’re at 15 seconds left. Bayley has the kendo stick, she SMACKS Becky! And SMACKS! And SMACKS! Time’s up, and first out for Team EST is SHOTZI! The Wild Child runs down the ramp, but Bayley slams the door shut! She won’t let Shotzi get in, but Shotzi takes the door to SMACK Bayley with it! And then Shotzi finds CHAIRS! SO many chairs!

But then Shotzi digs deeper, and finds a trash can! Shotzi tosses all those in, but Chicago still wants a table! Shotzi storms into the ring, but Bayley has a chair! Shotzi BOOTS it into Bayley! Shotzi then runs up, Bayley puts her on the corner, but Shotzi BOOTS and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up as Shotzi wheelbarrows to victory roll FACEBUSTER! Bayley flounders and Shotzi gets a chair! Shotzi sits it up, gets the trash can out of the way so she can run and use the chair to FLYING CANNONBALL! Fans fire up with Shotzi and she has a crazy grin. Bayley goes to the east ring, Shotzi runs to DIVE through ropes, but into a CUTTER!

Fans rally, Bayley and Becky fight over the kendo stick! Becky kicks low, then SMACKS Bayley! And SMACKS her again! Bayley is caught between a kendo stick and a steel chair! She goes up a corner, but gets SMACKED from all sides! She still manages to climb, so Shotzi & Becky go after her! Bayley has to remember, leaving the cage is a forfeit! She makes it to the top, but Becky & Shotzi drag her back down! We’re under a minute on the clock, Bayley fights desperately, but Shotzi & Becky dribble her off steel! But she hits them back! But Becky SMACKS Bayley off steel and she falls back! Becky & Shotzi see Bayley in position, and they coordinate.

Bayley flounders back to her feet, into a DOUBLE DOUBLE AX HANDLE! The countdown is back, DMG CTRL sets out the WWE Women’s Champion, Iyo Sky! Iyo hurries around, looks under the ring, and she brings out steelchains!Fans still want tables but Iyo SMACKS Becky and SMACKS Shotzi, then she wraps up Shotzi to TOSS her! Iyo does the same to Becky to TOSS her! But Becky lands on her feet and reels Iyo in to ROCK her! But Iyo HOTSHOTS Becky back! Becky & Shotzi go to the east ring, Iyo springboards to DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up with Iyo as she has targets in opposite corners.

Iyo runs to METEORA Shotzi! METEORA for Becky! And then she calls to Bayley. They get the trash can, and everyone knows what Iyo has done with one of those before! Iyo goes up, Bayley hands off the can but Becky goes after Bayley! They brawl, Iyo sets the can down to help Bayley mug Becky. They put Becky up top and fire off hands. But Becky hits back! Bayley UPPERCUTS Becky, she and Iyo climb, but Becky fights them both! DMG CTRL mugs Becky, and they DOUBLE SUPERPLEX! But while Bayley & Iyo grin and stalk Shotzi, time is ticking away. DMG CTRL mugs Shotzi and bring her to the west ring.

Bayley fires off on Shotzi while Iyo gets the trash can. Bayley sits Shotzi down, coordinates with Iyo, and they hoist her up top. But we’re at 15 seconds! Bayley & Iyo climb up after Shotzi but Shotzi fights back! Time’s up, here comes Bianca Belair! The EST goes right in, she has two braids to SMACK both Bayley & Iyo! She LASHES each of them, fires off more shots on Iyo, and the fans fire up! Bianca drags Iyo up, whips her to a corner, but Iyo reverse! Bianca avoids the trash can to elbow Iyo! Bianca then hoists Iyo up, ALLEY-OOP onto the trash can! Fans fire up as Bianca and Bayley go chair vs hair! Bianca sends Bayley into buckles, then hits a SPINEBUSTER!

Bianca has Iyo in a corner and she climbs up to rain down fists! The fans fire up but Bayley stops Bianca from going to ten! They use the braids against her! DMG CTRL YANKIS Bianca down but Bianca backflips through! Bianca reels them in, to DOUBLE SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Shotzi then takes aim from up top! As does Becky! SUPER SPLASH and a MAN’S LEG DROP! Team EST stands tall and the fans fire up! “This is Awesome!” and now the clock runs out! DMG CTRL sends Kairi! She almost frolics her way down, and she decides to go looking for goodies. Fans cheer for tables, but Kairi has to go down deep to bring out… a trash can lid!

Kairi nods, brings the lid in, and she dodges Shotzi to BAKCHAND SMACK her with it! Then she gives the lid to Becky to DROPKICK it into her! Kairi and Bianca throw hands, Bianca whips but Kairi goes up and RANAS! And a SHOTGUN! Fans fire up for Kairi and she runs side to side, SLIDING Dinto the steel!Fans rally as Kairi marches, and Iyo scoops Shotzi to SLAM! Kairi joins the others as Bayley & Iyo bury Shotzi in steel chairs! They mug Becky, SMACK her with that trash can lid, and then Kairi runs to get a boost from Iyo! FULL METAL ELBOW DROP onto Shotzi! Kairi salutes and soaks up the heat while Shotzi writhes.

DMG CTRL mugs Bianca, Kairi keeping her in the east ring. Kairi goes up but Bianca ROCKS her! Kairi hits back, they brawl, and fans anticipate what’s coming with the clock counting down. But then Bianca lifts Kairi to TOSS her onto Bayley & Iyo! Fans rally for EST as all of DMG CTRL is down! Bianca gets herself a chair, as does Becky, and they just SMACK whoever sits up! Kairi hits Becky in return, then so does Iyo! Bayley turns things around on Bianca to SMACK her, DMG CTRL is taking control! But we’re under 15 seconds, and the fans “WOO~!” Last in for Team EST is The Queen! Charlotte hurries right in and she BOOTS Kairi!

Charlotte catches Bayley into a BACKBREAKER and BUCKLE SHOT! Then she catches Iyo to FALL AWAY SLAM herinto Bayley!Kairi gets up but Charlotte CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Charlotte CHOPS away on Iyo now! Kairi returns, Charlotte scoops her, and fans fire up for the FALL AWAY SLAMinto the steel!Fans fire up but Iyo BOOTS Charlotte! And FLYING- NO, Charlotte turns rana into BOMB into the steel!! Kairi & Bayley attack Charlotte together, and TOSS her to the east ring. They storm in after her, and Iyo even gets the chains. Fans still want tables but Charlotte is sent to a corner. Charlotte goes up and to the bridge to then BOOT everyone back!

Charlotte hurries up a corner, and she DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTERS! Fans fire up as Charlotte and Becky stare down! They’re on the same team, though! But then Iyo & Kairi shove them into each other! Iyo hits them with the chain, but Becky fires off on Kairi! Charlotte fireman’s carries Iyo, and she goes up a corner as Becky fights Kairi and Bayley! Dakota panics as Charlotte goes up with Iyo, and Bianca RAMS Bayley into buckles! Charlotte wants to go to the very top!? Iyo fights using the chain! Iyo sends Charlotte down, then finishes climbing to the very top! Fans fire up and Iyo lets the chain down so Dakota can grab it!

Wait, that chain has a hook on it! Dakota hooks it up to a trash can! Iyo drags the can up to the top to join her! Fans fire up as Iyo looks to recreate her signature WarGames moment! Iyo stands on the very top, puts the trash can on like it’s armor, and she SUPER TRASH CROSSBODIES EVERYONE!!! The fans are thunderously losing their minds, and the countdown is under 15 seconds! Last but certainly not least, it’s ASUKA!! And truly, no one is ready! Asuka says chotto matte, and she looks under the ring. KENDO STICKS! Fans are disappointed, those aren’t tables. But wait! MORE kendo sticks. Chicago doesn’t like this trolling.

But then wait! A TABLE!!! Dakota helps load the table in and Chicago is finally happy! Oh, and a fire extinguisher for good measure. And then the bell rings again, because now, “Let the WarGames begin!!” The kendo sticks are handed out to DMG CTRL, and they’re like hyenas looking at easy prey. DMG CTRL storms in and they fire off! “This is Awesome!” as Team EST can only take the shots! Becky still hits back but Asuka CLUBS her down! Iyo uses that chain to wrap Becky and Bianca up together! Asuka & Kairi are very excited for this as DMG CTRL all take corners. Ichi, ni, san, SHI NE!! QUADRUPLE DROPKICKS!!

Fans are stunned as DMG CTRL unties Becky & Bianca and then put Becky in what’s left of that trash can. Fans rally up as Asuka goes up, but Shotzi is after her! Asuka BLUE MISTS Shotzi!! Shotzi falls and Asuka gets even more fired up! TRASH CAN MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!!! Becky survives and Bayley can’t believe it! But then DMG CTRL keeps everyone down with clubbing shots. Fans want that table to come into play, so the Kabuki Warriors say okay! They set that up, Bayley supervising. Iyo SMACKS Team EST with the kendo sticks while the table is standing. DMG CTRL then pick out someone from Team EST to bring over.

Iyo & Bayley haul Charlotte onto a corner, Kairi SMACKS Becky but Becky hits back! Bianca DECKS Asuka! Becky & Bianca help Charlotte by getting Bayley & Iyo for DOUBLE POWERBOMBS! Fans fire up and Charlotte thinks a moment. Charlotte goes up top!! Fans are thunderous as Charlotte SUPER ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!! Down goes everyone!! Cover on Bayley, TWO!!! Charlotte is a bit surprised but fans are still losing their minds over what she just did! Charlotte drags Bayley up but Bayley fires forearms! Becky fires off on Bayley and then Charlotte BOOTS Bayley! They get Iyo together, to DOUBLE SUPLEX!

Fans fire up as they also get Kairi! DOUBLE POWERBOMB! The Man & The Queen are fired up, and they HUG!! Dakota panics, but then Iyo & Asuka roll them up! TWO, and then HIP TOSS into an ARMBAR! FIGURE FOUR on Iyo!! Then FIGURE EIGHT!!! DMG CTRL endures, but Kairi is up top! Bayley MACHO ELBOWS Charlotte, Kairi InSANE ELBOW,onto knees!!Becky has a DISARM-HER!! But Bayley KNEES Becky down!! Bianca ROCKS Bayley, and Electric Chair Lifts Asuka! Shotzi is up top, MISSILE DROPKICK DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Bayley breaks it! All eight women are down and the fans fire up again!

Becky and her team hurry to the west ring, and Bianca finds that extinguisher. Becky and Kairi brawl, Becky ducks the uraken to ROCK and REVERSE DDT! But Bayley kicks low, ROSE PLANT!! But Shotzi BOOTS Bayley, and cravats, SLICED BREAD! Shotzi ducks the blue mist, Bianca BLASTS Asuka with the extinguisher smoke! But Iyo SMACKS Bianca down! Shotzi TIGER PLEXES Iyo! Kairi TRASH CAN LID URAKENS Shotzi! Charlotte BOOTS Kairi! Charlotte aims, runs in, but Bayley takes the SPEAR for Kairi!! But Shotzi is back up top! SUPER SENTON onto Bayley! Bianca torture racks her, and Becky is up top!

The table is put in position while Bianca hits a KISS OF DEATH!! And then Bianca hands Bayley off to Becky! SUPER MANHANDLE SLAMthrough the table!!!Cover, Team EST wins!!!

Winners: Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, Shotzi Blackheart & Becky Lynch, by pinfall

Now THAT was Big Time revenge!! The EST, the Queen, the Wild Child & The Man all stood together, united against DMG CTRL, and they stand tall in the end! Is this the end of DMG CTRL once and for all? Will this be just the start of big things for Bianca, Charlotte, Shotzi & Becky?

DMG CTRL speaks.

Bayley says not to dwell on the past. Talk about the good in 2023! Iyo Sky becoming WWE Women’s Champion! Kairi Sane returning to stand side-by-side with Iyo! And Bayley’s personal favorite, Asuka deciding to join her own to help DMG CTRL! That put them above everyone else! Dakota says not only that, at New Year’s Revolution, Iyo grants Michin her biggest opportunity yet, only to crush her. Mia got lucky pinning Iyo in that 8 Woman Tag, so Iyo will show everyone why this is HER title! Asuka & Kairi say they’re going back for titles of their own! In translation, 2024 is gonna be DMG CTRL’s biggest year yet! These five are all laughing now, but will they have the last laugh?

WWE remembers Bray Wyatt.

One of the most unique personas in professional wrestling, we look back on the legacy of a man who touched us all with his passion, creativity and spirit. #ThankYouBray then, now and forever.

SmackDown returns to Jackie & Corey.

WWE in Baltimore was wild, because even Steve Aoki showed up! And Motor City revved it up for the Holiday Tour, as did Madison Square Garden. They shattered gate records for non-televised events, highlighted by CM Punk’s return to MSG in over a decade, and the thanks he gave to the fans.

Nick Aldis speaks.

“Safe to say that 2023 has been a banner year for the blue brand, and yours truly is so proud to be the General Manager of SmackDown. But 2024 is shaping up to be a whole different level. Because I’m kicking it off with a big, big bang at New Year’s Revolution. Iyo Sky defends the Women’s Championship against Michin, the finals of the United States Championship tournament with Kevin Owens and Santos Escobar, and then the Triple Threat match. LA Knight, AJ Styles, Randy Orton, the winner gets Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble.” But then Pretty Deadly walk in, say hello, and compliment Aldis on his job. A true British icon!

But they’d also like to add apretty suggestion. Instead of Kit & Elton VS “Butch” Pete Dunne and a partner of his choice, this could be the opportunity to have Pretty Deadly VS The Undisputed Tag Team Champions! Yes, Finn & Priest against the team with the right amount of hair and right amount of flair. Aldis bets it’d be for the titles, right? Yes, he gets it! Aldis can see it. All it takes is a #YesBoy. Well, Aldis is feeling festive, so NO. They WILL face Dunne and his partner, and that is final. Then he’s just made a big mistake. BIG! HUGE! Aldis glares and Pretty Deadly runs away. Will Kit & Elton just have to worry about whatever big surprise Dunne has planned for them?

We return to Jackie & Corey.

Did Kit & Elton just get rejected? #YESBOY~! Stop it… She couldn’t resist. Corey says that is no way to treat future tag team champions. Y’know who wouldn’t stand for that? The social media sensation, Logan Paul. The Maverick is no stranger to going viral, knocking out opponents and signing Super Bowl MVP, Patrick Mahomes, to an endorsem*nt deal for his energy drink brand, Prime! Corey wishes he’d get an offer like that. But the Logan Paul brand skyrocketed this year, so the only thing left was to win WWE gold. And that all came to a head at Crown Jewel.

WWE United States Championship: Rey Mysterio VS Logan Paul!

The King of Lucha Libre has faced the Maverick before, and lost. But Logan himself said that was already awhile ago. Will Rey make sure to make up for that defeat? Or will that #OneLuckyPunch land and win Logan the gold he’s always wanted?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who returns stateside as America’s champion!

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up for Rey and the two tie up. Logan powers Rey to a corner, then lets off to pat Rey on the head. Fans boo but Rey shakes that off. The two circle, Rey gets around to waistlock, but Logan moves around. Logan wrenches free and knuckle locks, to then RAM shoulders with Rey. And again, and then another wrench for a straight arm lever! Logan drops Rey but holds onto the knuckle lock. Rey fights up to kick, and kick, but Logan knees low. Logan turns, throws Rey, but Rey lands out! Rey has Logan on a monkey flip, Logan gets up but Rey sunset flips over! Logan rolls through, Rey rolls him up!

Logan gets free, kicks low again, and he TOSSES Rey to a corner. But Rey ELBOWS back! And BOOTS! Rey goes up, leaps and RANAS Logan to the other corner! Rey then goes after an arm, but Logan scrambles free of the crossface. Fans boo as Logan bails out, but the ring count climbs. Logan hurries back into the ring, and he resets with Rey. They tie up, Logan waistlocks but Rey wrenches to a waistlock of his own. Logan elbows free, whips Rey to ropes, then hurdles, drops and- NO, Rey avoids the dropkick, then applauds. Fans cheer along, but Logan rolls his eyes. Logan swings, Rey dodges and returns to tilt-o-whirl RANA!

Logan’s on ropes and Rey dials it up! But Logan dumps Rey out! Rey ROCKS Logan in the back, ROCKS him in the face, then goes up top. Rey leaps to CROSSBODY, but Logan rolls and lifts! Fireman’s carry, CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Logan hauls Rey back up, ROLLING SENTON! Then the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Rey is still in this but Logan keeps cool. Logan storms up on Rey, throws body shots again and again, but lets off as the ref counts. Logan fires off more shots, then knees low! Logan whips corner to corner, Rey bounces off buckles and falls at Logan’s feet! Logan smirks while fans boo, and Logan talks trash on the champ.

Logan drags Rey up, reels him in to whip again, then waistlocks to SLAM Rey down! Logan holds on but Rey fights around. Logan leans on a rear bearhug, but the fans rally up. Rey fights around, gets to his feet, and fans continue to rally. Rey throws elbows, stomps a foot, and Rey runs to then KICK Logan! Rey ROCKS Logan with forearm after forearm, then whips. Logan reverses and scoops, BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Rey is still in this and Logan is annoyed. Logan drags Rey up, and trophy lifts him! Fans boo as Logan does presses, before the DROP! Logan mocks the Ultimate Warrior, runs and runs and WARRIOR SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Another cover, TWO! Another, TWO! Logan is frustrated now, but the fans rally up for Rey. Rey rises, Logan aims and clamps on the bearhug! Logan thrashes Rey but Rey endures. Logan thrashes Rey more but the fans continue to rally. Rey refuses to quit, and he throws elbows on Logan! Rey is free but Logan knees low! Logan then gut wrenches to a Canadian Rack! But Rey fights and arm-drags Logan away! Rey runs up, but Logan RAMS him into the corner! Logan RAMS Rey again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Logan talks trash as he goes to the far side, then he storms back up on Rey to fire off hands!

Logan stands Rey up, runs corner to corner, but Rey dodges! Logan POSTS himself and falls to the floor! Rey then builds speed and he DIVES to take Logan down! Fans fire up as both men are on the floor! A ring count starts, Rey puts Logan in, and then Rey climbs a corner. Rey leaps to SEATED SENTON! And he keeps moving, to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Logan’s tougher than that, but Rey Oklahoma Rolls! TWO! Rey has the arm, steps through, LA MAGISTROL! TWO! Rey pushes Logan around, steps over again, and ghost pins, TWO! Logan escapes another pinfall but Rey doesn’t lose his cool.

Fans rally for Rey and he waistlocks. Logan fights, goes to ropes, and he HOTSHOTS Rey away! Logan slingshots, BUCKSHOT! Cover, TWO! Logan didn’t hit it as clean as he wanted and that might’ve saved Rey. Logan waits on Rey to stand up, says he has to end it, and he prepares that metal enforced fist! Rey ducks, dodges, tilt-o-whirls, and wrangles Logan into a CROSSFACE! Logan endures as Rey pulls on the bad arm! Logan claws his way around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Rey lets go in frustration but he KICKS Logan in the side. Rey eggs Logan on, and KICKS him again! And CLUBS him! Rey runs, springboards, but Logan manages to catch Rey!

Logan spins to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Rey goes to the apron, Logan drags him up, and they go up the corner. Fans rally for Rey and he throws elbows! Rey HEADBUTTS Logan off the corner, then adjusts. Fans fire up, but Logan springs right up to CLUB away on Rey! Logan then scoops Rey, for a SUPER FALL AWAY MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO!! Rey survives and fans fire up again! Logan gets up and he eggs the fans on even! Logan goes to a corner, climbs up, and gives some Latino Heat. But Rey avoids the Frog Splash! Logan kicks low, gets Rey up, but Rey RANAS Logan onto the ropes!

Fans fire up as Rey dials it up, but Logan blocks the call! Logan throws hands on Rey, but then Rey gets loose to GAMANGIRI! Rey goes up and fans fire up, but Logan anchors Rey’s feet! Logan CLUBS Rey, goes up to get under, but Rey throws hands! Rey spins around to SUPER SUNSET BOMB!! Logan hobbles up, into a CODE RED!! Cover, TWO!! Logan survives being thrown around and flounders to the apron. Wait, Logan’s friend slips him brass knuckles!? Flashback to SummerSlam and how Logan cheated Ricochet! Fans boo, Rey stands, but Rey POSTS Logan first! The knuckles fall to the floor!

Logan panics, his friend scurries over, but WAIT! Santos Escobar is there to stop him!! Fans fire up as the Emperor has Rey’s back! Santos scares Logan’s pal off, but he leaves the knuckles behind! Rey DROPKICKS Logan to ropes, and Logan finds the knuckles! Rey dials it up, 619!! Rey springboards, into a BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH!!! Cover, Logan wins!!

Winner: Logan Paul, by pinfall (NEWWWE United States Champion)

Fans boo as the Maverick cheats to win his first WWE title! The ends may justify the means for the ImPAULsive Influencer, but will the LWO come back for revenge?

Cut to a few weeks later…

Santos Escobar subtly helping Logan Paul was because Santos secretly hated Rey Mysterio for taking the US Championship opportunity for his own, and then siding with an “outsider” like Carlito over Santos! The Emperor of Lucha turned on the King of Lucha, injured him, hoped Rey would lose the leg and never return to the WWE! He left the LWO in shambles, injured Carlito, defeated Dragon Lee TWICE, and now has new hermanos in Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo. He has revealed his true colors, will he look to make 2024 the Year of Legado?

Rey Mysterio joins the show!

Jackie & Corey welcome Rey via video, as he is recuperating at home. How is that, by the way? Going great, he looks forward to returning and taking care of business. 2023 had highs, lows, ebbs, flows and everything in between. But what sticks out to Rey the most? Oh, c’mon. That’s an easy question. The unfortunate answer is what Santos did to him and the LWO. It has occurred to Rey over his WWE career, he always picks the wrong partners. But all things will be told when the time is right. Then what does Rey think of Santos’ new alignment with Angel y Humberto? Rey admits, he saw that one coming once Santos betrayed him.

But Rey doesn’t sweat it. He has LWO, he has people he trusts, and this will be taken care of sooner or later. Jackie says Rey’s been in the business a long time, seen it all, but what does he think about his Hall of Fame induction this year? A highlight for sure, but an interesting situation given the fallout with his son, Dominik. When he looks back, what does all that mean to him? Rey says it was hard to see, out the corner of his eye, Dom get up and just walk out. That was hurtful. But at the same time, these are reoccurring events. Rey has already set his heart in stone for situations like this, so he just powers through and keeps moving forward

Jackie does wanna keep talking about this thing with Dom. Not only did he betray Rey, but he’s become one of the most hated superstars in the WWE today. Will Dom ever find his way back? Rey truly hopes so as a father. Deep down, Rey gives Dom credit for what he’s accomplished. Yes, he turned his back on Rey, but his growth in ring has been tremendous, can’t take that away from him. Then to the man whodethroned Dom, one Dragon Lee. What does Rey see in 2024 for Dragon? “That kid is a superstar. I totally endorse him as the future of Lucha Libre. I truly believe that. I see a lot of young Rey Mysterio in him.

“He steps into the ring every time, willing to give it all. He’s incredible. He’s unique, he’s very creative. I really enjoy watching Dragon Lee when he steps into that ring.” And that means a lot coming from Rey, who has faced the best of the best. Now, to Logan Paul. They had a huge match at Crown Jewel. Logan’s tactics may be questionable, but what does Rey think of Logan as a superstar? Logan’s doing what he needs to do for himself to become the star that he is now, and Rey gives him credit. Can’t take anything away from him, either. Is there unfinished business when it comes to the title?

Oh, most definitely. Rey’s 2024 list starts with Santos, Dom, and Logan. You wanna get added to the list, just jump on board. Jackie likes this Naughty List getting in full swing. All the best, Happy New Year, can’t wait to have you back. Rey thanks them for that and hopes to be back soon.

SmackDown returns once again.

Jackie says that for all the surprises of 2023, there is one thing that remained constant: The dominance of the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. The Tribal Chief has held this title for an astonishing 1216 DAYS, the longest reign in roughly 40 YEARS! Corey does note it has been with help from The Bloodline. But the Head of the Table has defeated every challenger put in front of him. But recently, the reign has become a perilous one, especially with the return of The Viper. Randy Orton was out for 18 MONTHS thanks to what The Bloodline did to him. Plus, LA Knight skyrocketed to the top in 2023, and there is yet one more superstar who wants after Roman.

The Phenomenal AJ Styles returned just two weeks ago, technically making the save for Randy Orton & LA Knight, but really just making his presence known. Styles inserted himself into a crowded field of challengers but… Oh, Paul Heyman is here in person. No one warned Jackie or Corey, but Corey welcomes The Wise Man. Well, no better person to ask then. Roman Reigns has switched from hunter to hunted with Orton, Knight AND Styles all breathing down his neck. Is he starting to feel the heat? Yes. Ok… Has Roman’s preparation changed at all then? Yes. And of the three, does Roman have a preference? For what?

Uh, well, maybe one is a bigger threat. No, they’re just three top challengers all qualified to be a world champion, all coming after the number one box office attraction in the history of sports entertainment, that is enough for Heyman, for The Wise Man, to be concerned. Then Jackie is curious on Heyman’s thoughts on Jimmy Uso, and how Jimmy must be feeling afterSolo Sikoa was deemed The Tribal Heir. Heyman says now things get personal. Corey says this is usually where Heyman calls Roman. But instead, Heyman calls Jimmy! The call goes through, Jimmy says what up, OG! What’s the deal?

Check it, Jimmy heard Corey and everybody talking about Jimmy hating on his little brother and his Tribal Chief. No, ’tis the season! Have you been naughty or nice? Everything is nice over here! So to answer the questions, is Roman Reigns scared of Knight? NO. Of Orton? HELL NO! Roman ain’t thinking about any of that, y’all. He is home, sitting by the fireplace with roasted chestnuts and eggnog. You think he’s tripping about y’all? No! In fact, Jimmy wants to call Roman and ask him if he’s enjoying his nog. Happy New Year, y’all! Solo Sikoa texts. Deuces, Uces! Jimmy hangs up, and Corey says, “So there’s that.”

Jackie says it is all nice. There is a lot to look forward to in 2024. After all that, Jackie can’t wait for next Friday, SmackDown: New Year’s Revolution. We will find out who is Roman’s next challenger at the Royal Rumble. But at this past year’s Royal Rumble, Cody Rhodes won to punch his ticket to WrestleMania 39 to capture the one title that has alluded the Rhodes Family. The American Nightmare had his shot, but did he #FinishHisStory?

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa VS Cody Rhodes!

And it all comes down to this. The Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, the reigning, defending Universal Champion of 945 DAYS wants the world to ACKNOWLEDGE him. But the American Nightmare says Roman is going to acknowledge HIM! Will Cody Rhodes #FinishTheStory? Or will there still be some gold on the Island of Relevancy?

Cody has a new jacket for the occasion, and he hugs his wife and daughter ringside. He also gives his weight belt to Brodie Lee Jr, sone of the late, great Brodie Lee/Luke Harper. As for Roman, he has six live pianists playing the opening to his song! Roman has the Wise Man and the Enforcer with him, as he raises the belts for the pyro. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is truly ready to be The Guy!

Roman hears the fans chanting for Cody but he has them all quiet down. Heyman hands over the mic, and Roman grins as he says, “WrestleMania! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Heyman and Solo finally step out of the ring, the bell rings, and fans fire up even more. Roman and Cody step to each other and stare down. Fans are going nuts, and then Roman smirks. Roman and Cody circle, Roman mocks Cody a bit, then they tie up. They go around, Cody headlocks, then spins and hammerlocks. Roman gets the ropebreak, and he grins as he wags his finger. Cody lets off quickly and cleanly while fans boo Roman.

Roman and Cody reset, but Roman is almost swaggering as they circle. They tie up, go around, and Cody headlocks again. Roman powers up and carries Cody, but Cody uses that to hit a takeover! Fans fire up while Cody squeezes tight. Roman fights to his feet, fans rally for Cody, but Roman powers out of the hold. Cody slides under, kicks low, RHODES UPPERCUT! Roman staggers, is furious, and he bails out! Fans boo while Heyman talks with Roman. Heyman says Cody is here because of Roman. Who is the relevant one? The fans paid for Roman to face anyone, it just happens to be Cody, so SMASH him!

Roman takes his time returning, but Cody keeps his focus. The two go again, Roman waistlocks but Cody switches. Roman elbows free, Cody staggers, and Roman whips to CLOBBER Cody! Fans are torn between cheers and jeers as Roman holds up the finger. He the one, and he throws lariats in the corner! Roman goes all the way to TEN, then runs, but Cody dodges the boot to DROPKICK! Cody hurries to cover, ONE!! Roman frowns but Cody clamps onto the armlock. Roman endures as Cody steps over to put on the pressure. Cody then wrenches Roman’s arm, YANKS it, then CLUBS the arm!

Cody YANSK the arm again, headlocks and punches! Cody runs, springboards, but Roman catches him! POWERBOMB! Cody writhes, Roman covers, TWO! Cody’s Beautiful Disaster almost became a disaster, but he and Roman stand again. Roman CLUBS Cody, ROCKS him, then KNEES him down! Roman puts Cody on the ropes to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Roman lets off at 4, and he glares at the ref. Fans rally up, Roman brings Cody around to snap suplex! Cover, ONE!! Cody surprises Roman now, nut then he grins. Roman drags Cody back up, to snap suplexhard!Cody writhes and Roman waves at Brandi Rhodes.

Roman stalks Cody to a corner, brings him up and around, to TOSS him up and out! But Cody skins the cat! Cody TOSSES Roman out! Then Cody goes to the apron, but Roman blocks the kick! Roman trips Cody and Cody hits the apron hard! Roman brings Cody up off the floor, and TOSSES him up the ramp! Cody writhes on the hardwood, only for Roman to scoop and SLAM him onto it! Roman goes back to the ring to refresh the count, and then he has Solo follow him. The ref restarts the count as Roman toys with Cody. Roman scoops Cody, but Cody slips free to scoop Roman! Cody SLAMS Roman on the ramp!

Fans fire up as Cody stalks Roman. Solo backs off as Cody CLUBS Roman around the way. Cody ROCKS Roman, CLUBS him again, but Roman throws body shots! Roman goes to bump but Cody bumps Roman off the apron instead! Cody refreshes the count, CLUBS Roman and throws down hands! Cody drags Roman up, throws him into the ring, but Solo is lurking! Solo grabs a chair and JAMS Cody!! The ref misses it while checking Roman and the fans boo. Roman pretends to be surprised by that. Roman hurries out, to hit the DRIVE-BY DROPKICK! Cody staggers away, Roman puts Cody in the ring. Cover, TWO!

Roman is annoyed again as Cody is still in this. Roman hurries to cravat and grind Cody down. Cody endures the neck wrench and fights up. Cody throws body shots and gets free. Cody ROCKS Roman with a forearm, runs, but Solo trips him up! The ref misses it again! Roman LARIATS Cody inside-out! Cover, TWO! Roman grows further annoyed that Cody is still in this. Cody goes to ropes, drags himself up, and Roman is almost amused now. Roman stalks Cody, brings him around and whips him corner to cornerhard!Cody stumbles and falls, clutching his ribs. Fans boo and give thumbs down but Roman just shrugs it off.

Roman brings Cody up, TOSSES him out, and the ref watches Solo closely this time. Roman goes out and he clears off the announce desk! Actually,desks!Both English and Spanish announce desk are cleared, and Roman SMACKS Cody off one. Roman refreshes the ring count and even tells the ref to shut up or else. Roman gets on the desk with Cody, raises the finger, and grins as the fans boo. Roman brings Cody up, but Cody fights the lift! Cody back drops Romanthrough the English announce desk!!Fans are thunderous while Roman writhes in the wreckage! Heyman is freaking out as Cody refreshes the ring count.

Cody hobbles over and fetches Roman from the wreckage. Cody puts Roman in, but Roman ROCKS Cody! Roman runs, Cody follows, and ROCKS Roman! Kick, RHODES UPPERCUT! Roman runs at Cody, Cody goes up and over in the corner to then POWERSLAM! The fans are thunderous again as Cody springboards, CODY CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!?! Roman survives but Cody isn’t shocked. He might be frustrated, but he isn’t shocked. Fans rally as Cody stomps Roman around, legs then arms then chest. Roman flops out of the ring, so Cody just builds speed! Cody DIVES! Direct hit into the barriers!

Roman flops down as fans fire up again! Roman crawls, sputters, but Cody brings him up and around, back into the ring. Cody goes to the apron, but Solo WHIPS Cody with his weight belt!! Solo snatched that from Brodie Lee Jr?! But the ref HEARD that, and so he EJECTS Solo!! Fans are thunderous but Solo is furious! Solo throws a fit, but he has no choice but to leave, and that worries Heyman even more! But Roman grabs the weight belt now! Fans boo, the ref tells Roman not to, and they fight over it. Roman has the belt, but Cody SUPERKICKS! And then CROSS RHODES!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Now Cody might be a bit shocked that Roman survives. Fans sure are, and are rallying up again. Cody brings Roman back up, but Roman is deadweight! Cody forces Roman up, but Roman JAWBREAKERS! And HEADBUTTS! And CLUBS Cody on the neck! And again! Heyman feels a bit better now but he still clutches the lei as he stresses. Roman TOSSES Cody, but Cody again skins the cat! Only for Roman to catch him! But Cody slips free, only for Roman to hit a ROCK BOTTOM!! Cover, TWO!!!! Cody survives Roman’s reference to hisothercousin! Roman frowns but nods, understanding Cody is tougher than that.

Roman goes to a corner as the fans boo. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, runs in, SUPERMAN- NO, Cody slips around it! TO underhook and PEDIGREE!! Cover, TWO!!! Roman survives Cody’s shoutout to The Game! Cody is frustrated and he punches himself for not finishing it here. Fans rally back up and Cody is feeding off it! Cody brings Roman up, but Roman shoves him away! Cody ducks, BEAUTIFUL- SUPERMAN PUNCH!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Cody still survives and now Roman is beside himself! Heyman thought it was over, but he was wrong. Even so, he tells Roman that this is still all his! Does Roman believe that?

Fans believe “This is Awesome!” but Heyman says Cody is ready to lose now. Roman lets out the battle cry, and he runs in, into a sunset flip! TWO!! Cody tackles Roman, “WOO~!” and FIGURE FOUR!! Roman endures as Cody thrashes the leglock! Roman’s shoulders are down, TWO as he sits back up! He’s down again, ONE as he turns to his side! Roman keeps trying, Cody fights to keep it on, but Roman turns it over! Cody hurries and crawls to the ROPEBREAK! The Figure Four is undone but the damage was done. Fans are still thunderous while Roman clutches his legs and Cody goes to the apron.

Cody stands, but Roman ROCKS him! Cody ROCKS Roman back, but Roman ROCKS Cody again! They go back and forth, haymaker for haymaker, the fans on Cody’s side! Cody hits low, throws another haymaker, but Roman runs in! Cody HOTSHOTS Roman away! Cody hurries up top, but Roman gets under the leap! Cody runs, into a SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Roman is in utter disbelief as Cody survives again! Roman paces, talks to himself, talks some trash on Cody, then he starts raining down fists! Fans boo as the fists turn into forearms! Roman lets off, paces around some more, and he says he’s gonna whoop Cody’s ass.

Roman says it’s done, and he brings Cody up. Into the GUILLOTINE!! Roman squeezes the air out of Cody but fans rally even harder. Cody is still on his feet, but he’s turning red! Cody’s fading! Cody drops to a knee, and the ref checks him. CODY COMES BACK TO LIFE! Roman is shocked as Cody fights up, so Roman jumps to put on the body scissors! Roman has Cody down on the mat! But Cody still pries at the hold! Fans rally as hard as they can, and Cody keeps fighting! Cody powers out of the hold! And he rains down forearms in return!! Fans are electric with every shot, and Heyman is speechless!

Roman shoves Cody away, Cody runs in, the BOOThits the REF!SUPERMAN PUNCH!! LARIAT!!! Both men are down!! Fans are electric as both men slowly stir. Cody sits up first, still catching his breath. Fans fire up as Cody looks to the heavens. Cody then looks at Roman and tells him to get up. Roman stands, Cody dragon sleepers, but THE USOS DOUBLE SUPERKICK!!! Ofcourse!Jimmy & Jey may not be champions anymore, but they’re gonna help Roman stay champion! ONE AND DONE for Cody!!! But here come Kevin & Sami!! The NEW champions brawl with the Usos, and the fans are going nuts!

Sami CLOBBERS Jey out of the ring, Kevin TOSSES Jimmy! Roman sees he’s alone, he gets a STUNNER! And then, a HELLUVA KICK!! But the Usos return! The brawl is back on, it spills out of the ring and into the crowd! Cody and Roman are both down, but Cody crawls his way to a cover! The ref returns, he starts the count, TWO!?!?!?! Roman is still in this and Hollywood is about to take off into space! Fans rally up behind Cody again as he sits back up. Cody drags Roman up, and throws a haymaker! Roman gives it back! Cody throws another, so Roman HEADBUTTS! Cody ROCKS Roman, Roman ROCKS Cody!

Cody UPPERCUTS Roman! Roman ROCKS Cody! Cody kicks, Roman rebounds, and Roman kicks. Cody ROCKS Roman, Roman ROCKS Cody! They keep going back and forth, Roman UPPERCUTS! Cody ROCKS Roman! Roman UPPERCUTS! Roman reloads, SJUPER- JAB! JAB! JAB! And again and again and again! Cody flips, flops, and BIONIC ELBOWS! RHODES UPPERCUT! And then the dragon sleeper! CROSS RHODES!!! But he holds on!!! CROSS RHODES!!!But he still holds on!Heyman shouts at the ref, the ref tells him to get down, but SOLO RETURNS! Solo SAMOAN SPIKES Cody!! Roman runs to SPEAR!!!! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall (stillUndisputed WWE Universal Champion)

That should really be by assist, because without Solo, Roman wouldn’t have even be champion after Clash of the Castle! The Bloodlineruinsthe story, but they keep themselves on top. Will nothing stop the Tribal Chief from reigning as Head of the Table past 950 Days? Past 1000 days? Past however many days are left in Roman’s career until he retires?

Get ready for New Year’s Knockout Week!

Monday Night Raw: Day One! NXT New Year’s Evil! And SmackDown: New Year’s Revolution! Major titles and title opportunities are on the line, will WWE’s landscape change right at the start of 2024?

My Thoughts:

Another very good recap show to give superstars time off, and another great selection of matches and moments. Sure was a lot of Bloodline, but The Bloodline was also a major highlight of this year. Great appearance by Heyman and Jimmy to also play up the dysfunction slowly growing within the Bloodline, can’t wait to see where the story goes from here. Good promos from everyone else, as well, such as DMG CTRL reiterating their goal, and Pretty Deadly getting told to just take the match that’s coming. I really hope Dunne gets Tyler Bate to join him on SmackDown, it is time for British Strong Style to get in on the tag title discussion.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/29/23) (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.