Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (11/3/23) (2024)

Returning triumphant from the Windy City Riot, Jon Moxley brings the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship to AEW Dynamite! But will someone from NJPW come after him?


  • Mixed Tag Match: Adam “Edge” Copeland & Willow Nightingale VS Brody King & Julia Hart; Brody & Julia win.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks VS PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Daniel Garcia; Okada & The Bucks win.
  • Deonna Purrazzo VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther; Deonna wins.
  • Orange Cassidy VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions; Shane wins.
  • Will Ospreay VS Claudio Castagnoli; Ospreay wins.


Jon Moxley heads to the ring!

Indianapolis, Indiana fires up as the NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion walks in from the back of the crowd! The Maniac shocked the world when he defeated Tetsuya Naito in Chicago and added NJPW’s top prize to his already incredible list of accolades. Moxley goes to the ring, gets the mic, and the fans chant for him as he says, “One of the first championships I ever won, y’know, Salvation Army Community Center at Fountain Square right here in Indianapolis.” The fans cheer that! Moxley continues by saying even back then 20 years ago, he was swimming up stream, never had help.

In fact, a lot of people tired to tell him what he can and can’t do, what he can and can’t accomplish. His words to those people now is the same as back then: kiss his ass and watch him! Watch as he climbs mountain after mountain after mountain. Because being great is not about what others say, it’s about what’s inside. Now, if you didn’t know, this is THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. The fans chant “You Deserve It!” and Moxley say this title is steeped in history, illustrious to the extreme, and he has been chasing it for five years. Five years of pain, heartache, wins and losses, pints of sweat and blood, thousands of miles across the ocean.

Five years ago, people said Moxley holding this title, and live on American TV, was impossible. But it wasn’t impossible. Not if they knew what was inside Moxley. That is what this is all about. When your back is against he wall, how deep can you dig? When you feel you have nothing left, choking on your own blood, how deep are you willing to dig and how far are you willing to go? Are you willing to dare to show the world how great you are? THAT is what AEW is about! The fans cheer that, too! Moxley says this brings him to his point: The Don Callis Family. The fans boo now, but Moxley continues.

There are very talented individuals in league with Don Callis. Don Callis is a creep. The fans cheer that! Moxley says he has no time for Callis, but he is feeding these guys lies and those guys are buying it. And then those guys put a hit out and tried to hurt Moxley’s friend and teammate, Bryan Danielson. Now, if you’re putting a target on Bryan’s back, you might as well put one on Moxley’s. You wanna get violent? You wanna be tough guys? Well, you’re welcome to come find Moxley, he’ll be here all night. But he suspects that maybe, he’s not their type. What he could do is run up on them with a tire iron. He could run them over in the parking lot.

But he gets the sense that that wont’ teach the DCF anything. So he’ll pick the biggest, baddest, meanest one of all of ’em, “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, and challenge Hobbs to a match one week from tonight in the main event of Dynamite in Jacksonville, Florida. Hobbswill accept, because in that match, Hobbs will find out just how out of his depths he is stepping to the IWGP World Champion. Because Moxley won’t make it quick or easy. He will drag Hobbs to the deepest waters that there are, and Hobbs will look around and see no shore. When he asks the ref for the rescue, Hobbs will know the difference between him and Moxley, and that Callis is feeding him lies.

Hobbs will know that he, like everyone else in this business, NO ONE can touch Moxley! There are a lot of great wrestlers in this world, but there is and only ever will be ONE Jon Moxley! The fans fire up for that, but will Hobbs survive the homecoming at Daily’s Place?

Mercedes Mone speaks.

“Last week, somebody attacked me in the dark because they were too afraid to face me in the light. But as the CEO, I always get right back up. And as the CEO, I can’t wait to pay back that b*tch that attacked me last week. Lights off, huh? That sounds a little too familiar, Julia Hart.” Mercedes didn’t think Julia was the kind to be a coward. Or maybe, it was someone who wants us to think it’s Julia? Maybe it’s someone who doesn’t wanna face Mercedes when she’s healthy. Either way, Mercedes puts the entire division on notice, and she will watch that Mixed Tag Match. But remember this: There’s a price to pay when you mess with Mone.

Mixed Tag Match: Adam “Edge” Copeland & Willow Nightingale VS Brody King & Julia Hart!

Speaking of that Mixed Tag, Dynamite is about to get Rated R as the TNT Champion and the Babe with the Power are stepping to the King of Death and the TBS Champion! Will Copeland & Willow have theedge going into Dynasty? Or will even now, The House Always Win?

Wait! Willow is down and out! A medic checks her but she says she’s fine. Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway aren’t so sure, but there is Dynasty to think about. And then the lights go out in the arena! And when they come back up, surprise! Brody is in the ring and he CLOBBERS Edge! Julia laughs from the stage as Brody TOSSES Edge out. The fans hoot and bark as Brody whips Edgehard into the barriers! Brody CHOPS Edge, stalks him, then whips him into more barriers! Brody makes Edge take a seat, fires off forearms, then hoots as he gets space. The fans hoot along and Brody comes back, to CROSSBODY Edge against the LEDs!

Brody stands, the ref reprimands but this isn’t even a match yet! Did the House just take out their enemies in quick fashion? Edge crawls towards the ring, he isn’t gonna let the House have their way! Edge drags himself up to the apron and into the ring, and the fans fire up as the bell rings! Brody runs up to SPLASH in the corner! Edge falls over, Brody storms around, then Brody drags Edge up as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Brody CHOS Edge, has him on ropes, and CHOKES him on the ropes! The ref counts, Brody steps back, and Julia gets a cheap shot in! Then she CHOKES Edge while the ref is still busy with Brody! Brody storms up on Edge, suplexes high and hard, then stalks up behind Edge. Brody drags Edge up, ROCKS him, and Edge ends up in a corner. Brody digs his boots in, the ref counts again, but Brody lets off at 4. Edge sits down in the corner and Brody gives him scuffing, toying kicks. Brody lets off to stand Edge up, and CHOP him down! Brody CHOKES Edge on ropes again, but lets off as the ref counts.

Edge sputters, Brody drags him around, and Brody whips Edgehardinto the corner! Edge falls, Brody storms up and stands on Edge’s face, but the ref counts. Brody steps back, Edge goes to the apron, but Julia is there to CHOKE him! The ref is none the wiser and Julia mocks the fans. Brody has Edge under ropes for the GUILLOTINE CATAPULT! Brody drags Edge back up, and CHOPS him to a corner. Brody CHOPS again, Dynamite returns to single picture, and Brody hoists Edge up top. Brody climbs up to rain down fists! Brody only goes to three before he hauls Edge up, but Edge fights the superplex!

The fans fire up as Edge and Brody trade body shots. Edge then HEADBUTTS away on Brody, and BITES his forehead! Edge DECKS Brody off the corner, then adjusts. Brody stands, Edge FLYING LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Julia coaches Brody, he sits up to fire a forearm! Edge fires back, they go shot for shot, then Brody CHOPS! Edge CHOPS! They CHOP, throw forearms, and the fans fire up behind Edge! Edge kicks and IMP- NO, Brody throws him away! Edge dodges the lariat to LARIAT! Brody stays up so Edge runs up to clothesline in a corner! And again! And again!

Edge fires shots, runs side to side, then BOOTS Brody! The fans fire up as Brody leans on the ropes! Edge runs again, for another BOOT! Edge huffs and puffs and he brings Brody around, IMPALER! Cover, TWO! Brody is still in this and Julia coaches him up. Edge stays on Brody, but Brody TOSSES him to the corner! Edge BOOTS back, goes up, and FLYING BLOCKBUSTERS! The fans fire up as Edge rises, and he has a wild look as he goes to the corner. Edge runs in, but Brody LARIATS him down! Julia is fired up, and Brody drags Edge to a corner. Brody storms around as he hoots, then he runs corner to corner to CANNONBALLbut only gets buckles!

The fans fire up as Edge and Brody are both down! Julia coaches Brody, the fans rally, and here comes Willow! Taped up as she is, Willow’s on the corner! Brody drags Edge up and in, but Edge reaches out! Willow tags in! She goes up and she CROSSBODIES Brody! Then she chases after Julia! Julia says no no no, but then Edge SPEARS Brody! Willow hoots now, the fans join in, and Willow gives Brody a CANNONBALL! Julia runs in with a chain! CHAIN PUNCH!! The fans boo as Julia says the House Always Wins! Edge LARIATS Brody out of the ring, but Julia clamps on the HARTLESS LOCK! Willow is OUT, The House of Black wins!

Winners: Brody King & Julia Hart, by submission

The Princess of the Black Throne made sure to have an ace up her sleeve to take this one from Willow! But wait! Here comes Mone! And she has a chair! Julia laughs as she slips away, taking her title with her. The House of Black won tonight, but will they establish their Dynasty?

As for Mone and Willow, well Mone still has the chair and is considering her options. Edge slides back in, so Mone stands down. Edge shakes Mone’s hand, long time no see. Mone still wants to go Double or Nothing, but will she be facing the Keeper of Secrets? Or will it be a long awaited rematch with the Babe with the Power?

Backstage interview with Samoa Joe.

Renee Paquette says we’re just four days away from Dynasty, a PPV where the AEW World Championship will be on the line 1v1, Samoa Joe VS Swerve Strickland. Renee says that in this situation, just Joe and Swerve, how does Joe see Swerve as an opponent? Well, first, Joe viewed Swerve as a worthy adversary. Someone whosome day might be a great champion. But for now, he’s just a nuisance. Joe says Swerve is not someone who has overwhelming speed, strength, size, no. He’s just someone who keeps standing back up after getting knocked down. No matter how many times Joe puts Swerve in the dirt, Swerve just gets back up.

To Joe, that doesn’t seem like a prerequisite to becoming a champion, that’s a punching bag. Then Renee wants to run this back to last week on Dynamite. Joe is always calm, cool, collected and in the driver’s seat. But after last week, Swerve getting his shot in on Joe, then Swerve & Nana holding up the AEW World Championship, Joe’s reaction… Walk us through what that was. As expected, Joe was worried his property was in the hands of someone who will never possess it. That maybe this belt would need to be disinfected before it could be TV ready. You don’t know where Nana’s been!

As for Swerve, Joe will focus on his track record and what he represents. It seems that with every title Swerve has challenged for, he has come up short. Is that not right? Seems like Swerve’s a choke artist. Every championship, every opportunity, every time he tries, he comes just so close, then swerves off target. History will repeat itself at Dynasty, as at Dynasty, Joe will do what he always does, and that is destroy the opposition, cement his legacy as the greatest AEW World Champion of all time, and for Swerve, “my friend, unfortunately you are a choke artist. And come Dynasty, you won’t have to worry about it. I’ll be the one choking you out instead.”

The One True King of Wrestling has spoken, but will he still end up dethroned by The Realest?

AEW takes a closer look at The Young Bucks VS FTR Part 4.

But as the highlights of ladder matches and of All In London 2023 play, the Bucks themselves interrupt. This package sucks, who edited this together? Cut, cut! The video stops, and we cut to gorilla. Matthew Jackson “apologizes” to FTR, but tonight’s episode is already running short on time, so they gotta bump this from the show. But Matthew promises, the full package will go on social media. And Nicholas sure hopes FTR is watching, because they’re about to beat their friends’ asses in a really cool Six Man Tag. And yeah, it’s a tune-up for Dynasty! A ladder match for the tag titles? Are you kidding? The Bucks perfected that match!

And the Bucks will then become AEW’s first-ever THREE TIME World Tag Team Champions. But what about tonight, Rainmaker? Kazuchika Okada says, “Hey, Pac! You willnot make it to Dynasty. You are adead man!” Cue the music, time for the badass entrance using that elevator thing. But will the New Elite really be rolling into St. Louis with momentum? Or are they underestimating the Top Guys’ allies?

Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks VS PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Daniel Garcia!

The trios sort out and The Rainmaker starts against The Bastard as a preview of their Continental Championship match. The fans rally behind Pac, but then The Bucks CLOBBER him, and Okada BLASTS Pac’s corner! The fans boo as The Elite stomps away on Pac, then the Bucks stand down. Okada tags Nick, he storms up but Pac SOBATS! KICKS! And SOBATS! Pac runs to SHOTGUN BOOT! The fans fire up and Pac tags Penta. They double whip, double hip toss, then they coordinate, STANDING MOONSAULT LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Penta runs up to KICK Nick in the leg! The fans rally with “CERO! MIEDO!” as Penta has Nick on ropes.

Penta whips, Nick reverses, and Matt gets a cheap shot! Penta GAMANGIRIS Matt, but Okada BOOTS Penta down! The fans boo as Nick distracted the ref the entire time. Nick stomps Penta, tags Matt, and Matt rains down fists! The fans boo, but Matt tags Nick back in. The Bucks double whip Penta to a corner, then Matt runs in, only for Penta to TOSS him out! Nick runs up, Penta makes him handstand on the corner, and Penta SUPERKICKS! Nick staggers, Penta tags Garcia! Garcia rallies on Nick, wrenches and clinches, HALF HATCH! The fans fire up as Garcia clotheslines in a corner! Garcia goes up, and he rains down fists!

The fans count all the way to nine, then Garcia winds up to DO HIS DANCE! Garcia lets off, runs up on Okada and BLASTS him! Garcia LARIATS Nick, whips him to ropes, but Nick reverses. Okada trips Garcia and drags him out! But Garcia ROCKS Okada first! Matt runs up, Garcia DECKS him! But Nick PENALTY KICKS from the apron! Nick BLASTS Pac off the apron, Matt YANKS Penta down, and The Elite attacks while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Matt drags Penta up to whip him into railing! Penta tumbles over into the front row! Nick sends Pac into railing, then soaks up the heat. Matt throws hands on Pac, and he mocks Garcia’s dance, too! Okada puts Garcia in the ring for Nick, Matt mocks the front row, and Nick rains down fists on Garcia! Nick goes all the way to nine, so also mock the dance! Nick lets off to tell everyone that’s a FINE! Nick stomps Garcia, kicks him around, then he tags Okada. Okada storms up to CLUB Garcia, then he drags Garcia around. Okada snapmares Garcia, runs and basem*nt DROPKICKS! The bucks applaud while Okada stands over Garcia.

Okada tags Matt, Matt drags Garcia up and whips him into the corner. Matt runs up but into an ELBOW! Garcia storms up, but Matt scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Nick tags in, slingshot LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Garcia grits his teeth, he pie faces Nick, but Nick drops a knee on Garcia’s back. Matt gets on a mic to talk to Taz, and to also say hi to Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. Nick CHOKES Garcia on ropes, lets off at 4, and he runs up to SHINING WIZARD! Matt keeps doing his own play by play as Nick bumps Garcia off buckles. Dynamite returns to single picture, Okada holds Garcia in place and Nick runs in, but Garcia BOOTS Nick!

Garcia elbows Okada away, CHOPS Nick, repeat! Matt is concerned on “commentary,” Nick runs back in but Garcia sends him into Okada! Matt says to get him, but Nick waistlocks Garcia. Garcia wrenches to SAIDO free! Matt asks for the tag, Nick tags him, and Matt still holds onto the mic as he stomps Garcia! Matt says it’s fine, he’s got this. Matt promises the ref he won’t hit Garcia with the mic. Matt instead talks trash, shouting, “You think you’re better than me, Garcia?! HUH!?” Matt then pie faces Garcia! Matt eggs on “the kid,” dares Garcia to show him the reason they hired him, and Garcia gets up to reel Matt in!

Matt freaks out, saying he’s sorry, they’re good! But Garcia still gives Matt the SAIDO! The fans fire up while Garcia crawls, hot tag to Pac! Pac RAMS into Matt, slingshots up and over then keeps moving to CLOBBER him! And CLOBBER him again! Pac whips, Matt reveres but Pac stops, sidesteps and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Nick runs in, but he also gets a SNAP GERMAN! The Bucks stagger up, Pac climbs a corner, DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! The Bucks bail out, the fans fire up, and Pac goes up a corner! ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Down goes both Bucks and the fans are thunderous! Pac even dares Okada to get some! Okada says he’s not legal, he can’t!

Pac still taunts Okada, but then Matt CLOBBERS Pac from behind! Okada tags in,now he’s legal. Okada then BLASTS Penta, and Nick steps back in. Okada and Nick get Pac up, they double whip him to a corner, then Okada sends Nick in. Pac puts Nick on the apron, Matt’s on the other side, and Okada runs in, DOUBLE GIRI ELBOW COMBO! Okada then brings Pac up, Alabama Lifts, and REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, Penta KICKS it apart! The fans fire up while Pac and Okada are both down! They stir, crawl, hot tag to Penta! CROSSBODY for Okada! Penta runs, SLINGBLADE for Nick! SLINGBLADE for Matt!

Penta catches Okada, tuck and pump handle, MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, The Bucks break it! The fans boo but Nick rains fists down on Penta. The Bucks whip Penta to Okada, but Penta wheelbarrows and victory rolls, DOUBLE SATELLITE- NO, The Bucks back drop free! Garcia storms up, blocks Nick’s superkick to send it into Matt! Then Garcia reels Nick in, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Matt superkick feints to DDT Garcia! Pac is up, he HOTSHOTS Matt, then slingshots to CUTTER! The fans are thunderous as Pac glares at Okada. Pac drags Penta to the corner, tags in, and “This is Awesome!” as we get that title match preview after all!

Okada fires a forearm, Pac gives it back, and they keep going back and forth! Pac gets the edge, then whips, but Okada reverses. Okada runs up, into a SUPERKICK! The fans are thunderous as Pac goes up the corner! But Matt trips Pac up! Pac crashes down to the mat, but the fans rally as Garcia rises! Pac crawls over, hot tag to Garcia! Garcia fires off forearms on Okada, then CHOPS! Garcia runs, into a DROPKICK! Okada drags Garcia up, scoops, but Garcia slips free to trip him! Jackknife bridge, TWO!! Okada escapes, gets around, and sends Garcia into DOUBLE GAMANGIRI! Then gut wrench and TOMBSTONE!!

Penta runs up, but Okada dodges the slingblade! Okada scoops Penta to TOMBSTONE!! Nick & Matt get in, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS into the RAINMAKER!! Cover, New Elite wins!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks, by pinfall

The Continental Champion smirks as he looms over the Dragonslayer, but The Bucks sit Garcia back up! E V P TRIGGER!! Garcia suffers for being friends with FTR, and then the Bucks bring out a ladder! Penta gets up but Matt DECKS him! Matt stomps Penta, stands on him, and Nick brings Garcia over. Scoop SLAMonto the ladder! Garcia writhes, but the Bucks still aren’t done! They open the ladder, stick Garcia inside, and then squeeze it shut on him! Okada & Matt hold Garcia down while Nick climbs up, but Pac returns! Pac runs the New Elite off with that bell hammer! The Bastard already had reason enough to go after them, but will he take out his rage on Okada?

As for The Bucks, they’ve got the momentum and the upper hand going into that Ladder match! Will they be the ones making history? Or will Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood be the ones to establish their Dynasty?

Dynamite returns with Taz in the ring.

The Suplex Machine promised Chris Jericho to set up a meeting with Hook, so he’s here as moderator as Lionheart makes his entrance. Jericho joins Taz in the ring, followed by Hook. Taz has the mic while fans chant “HOOK! HOOK!” Taz says he’s just here to make sure things go nice and easy. There have been some issues between both Jericho and Hook. That said, Jericho has the floor. Jericho has the mic to say he’s known Taz for 30 years, and he appreciates Taz getting Hook to come out here. And to Hook, Jericho thanks him for coming out here. Jericho just wants to clear up some things.

The reason Jericho pulled Hook off the apron last week was not to mess with Shibata. Shibata ended up collateral damage. Jericho just wanted to get Hook’s attention and let him know it felt like Hook wasn’t listening to him as much as he should. The fans boo and Hook eats chips while Jericho says he is doing this all for Hook. Some say Jericho’s the greatest of all time at this. Others talk about the learning tree. Jericho says he IS the learning tree. The fans boo more but Jericho wants Hook to think about the people who listened to Jericho’s “perfect parables,” his pearls of wisdom. Every single one of them has gotten to that next level.

MJF, Orange Cassidy, Eddie Kingston, Daniel Garcia, Jon Moxley, Will Ospreay, and so many more! Everyone that has come into the “Jericho Vortex” has come out the other side a better performer, a better wrestler, and to be honest, a better person. That is what Jericho wants for Hook. He wants them to scale to the highest of heights together. They can reach the top of Wizard Mountain so they can both breathe in the rarified air of Jericho and reach the top! Jericho knows he can get Hook there. So what does Hook say? Is he ready to put the animosity aside so he can sit under the brilliant branches of the learning tree?

The fans are booing and saying no. What does Hook say? “No!” The fans cheer and Jericho looks disappointed. What does Hook mean, “no?” Hook says he doesn’t need Jericho’s help. Dude, c’mon. Don’t be stupid. Taz stops Jericho there, but Jericho tells Taz to stop. The fans boo but Jericho says he’s doing what Taz should’ve done 30 years ago and give this kid some proper guidance! Seriously! But this is what Jericho is talking about. He needs to get Hook away from all this dead weight that’s been holding him back his entire life. Taz says Jericho needs to calm down but Jericho says Taz needs to stop.

Jericho again tells Hook that he has had people his whole life telling him how good he is, how he’s a future world champion, including Taz, his father. But Jericho says Hook is not as good as he thinks he is! The fans boo more and Taz speaks up again, only for Jericho to SHOVE him! The fans boo even harder, and now Hook is mad! Hook drops the mic, he storms up to Jericho, and then he SHOVES Jericho into a corner! Hook tells Jericho that he crossed the line. You wanna see how good Hook is? He’ll go another round with him, anytime, anywhere! Now get outta his ring! Jericho says Hook doesn’t mean that, but Hook says it again, get outta his ring!

Hook lets Jericho go and the fans sing “Hey hey hey, Goodbye~!” Jericho slowly takes his leave, trying to smooth things over, but it’s too late for that. When and where will the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil get hishooks into Lionheart?

Backstage interview with Swerve Strickland.

Renee now sits down with the #1 contender to the AEW World Championship. In just a matter of days, Swerve’s career could change. Swerve could become the NEW AEW World Champion at Dynasty. In order to do that, he has to beat Joe. We heard from Joe earlier, what is Swerve’s reaction to Joe calling him a “choke artist?” Swerve chuckles at that. He’ll ask back, does Renee agree with Joe that Swerve’s a choke artist? No, she does not. He doesn’t think so, either. Joe talked about Swerve stumbling, title opportunity after opportunity. He isn’t wrong about that. Swerve has stumbled out the gate, stumbling throughout his career.

But guess what? Swerve’s always fallen forward into success. Just in this past year alone, Swerve was put in a coffin, got back up. He got stapled, body thrown into barbed wire, and he got back up. Not but a couple weeks ago, a man punched him in the face with a chain, bloodied him, and Swerve is still here. Swerve always gets back up. That’s his military upbringing, his warrior ethos: never give up, never quit. So Joe, call Swerve whatever you want. Punching bag, choke artist, a parasite, but guess what? This Sunday at Dynasty, he’ll also be calling Swerve the NEW AEW World Champion. “Whose house?”

Renee asks what makes Swerve so confident about Sunday? Swerve thinks about it, and says with all due respect, it isn’t something he should be answering to Renee. He should be saying this to Samoa Joe. Swerve takes off the mic, takes off his jacket and his hat to get up in the camera. Swerve promises to tell Joe this to his face, in that ring, tonight! Swerve storms off, but will Joe bother to meet him out there?

Deonna Purrazzo VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther!

While The Virtuosa won’t be part of the sequel title picture with the leading lady, she’ll gladly take out the understudy! Will Deonna make sure Mariah can’t help Timeless Toni against Thunder Rosa? Or will Mariah make her mentor proud?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Mariah shoves Deonna down. Mariah pulls on Deonna’s hair, they tie up again, and Mariah puts Deonna in the corner. Mariah ROCKS Deonna, whips corner to corner but Deonna reverses. Deonna runs in, blocks a boot, THROWS Mariah by that leg, then runs to KNEE LIFT and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Roll through, but Mariah scrambles out of the ring! The fans fire up as Storm is there to check on her protege, but Deonna builds speed! Storm gets Mariah out of the way as Deonna baseball slides, and Mariah DECKS Deonna!

Mariah whips Deonna into barriers, Storm taunts the “loser,” then Mariah puts Deonna back in. Deonna swings, Mariah ducks and ROUNDHOUSES! Mariah rams a shoulder in, only to get caught! Deonna drags Mariah out for a DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO! Mariah goes to a corner, Storm coaches her, but Deonna runs up, Mariah goes up and over, ROCKS Deonna again, then puts Deonna up top. Mariah runs up to STRATUS- NO, Deonna shoves her away! So Mariah SHOVES Deonnato the floor! The fans cheer as Mariah poses, and Storm taunts Deonna again as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

The ref is busy with Mariah, and that lets Storm step on Deonna’s face! Mariah goes out to kick Deonna around, then CHOPS her against the apron. Mariah puts Deonna in, kicks her around, and then drags Deonna up. Mariah runs to SHOTGUN Deonna down! Cover, TWO! Mariah keeps calm, Storm coaches her and Mariah CHOPS Deonna. Mariah puts Deonna in a corner, bumps her off buckles, then digs her boot in. The ref counts, Mariah lets off, but Deonna dodges the chop to CHOP! And CHOP! Mariah knees low, snapmares, then she clamps on a chinlock. Deonna endures, even as Mariah thrashes her around.

Deonna fights up, but Mariah throws her by her hair! The ref reprimands, Mariah “apologizes,” then she kicks Deonna around. Mariah brings Deonna through the ropes to CHOKE her! The ref counts, Mariah lets off at 4, then she stalks Deonna to a corner. Mariah fires forearms, stomps a mudhole in, then lets off again. Mariah digs her boot into Deonna, lets off as the ref counts, then whips her corner to cornerhard! Mariah runs in, Deonna ELBOWS her back, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Deonna ELBOWS Mariah again, goes up the corner, but Mariah runs up! Deonna BOOTS Mariah, then hits a FLYING KNEE on Mariah’s arm!

Deonna runs up to LARIAT Mariah, then whips her to ropes. Mariah reverses but Deonna KICKS back! And LARIATS again! The fans fire up as Deonna covers, TWO! Deonna is annoyed but she brings Mariah up. Mariah ROCKS Deonna! Deonna ROCKS Mariah! The forearms go back and forth, faster and faster, then Deonna gets the edge! Deonna runs up, but Mariah ROCKS her at ropes! Mariah runs, but Deonna catches her to the BACK2BACKBREAKER, and right into a takedown! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Mariah scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Deonna lets go at 4.

Deonna drags Mariah up, CHOPS her, and Mariah ends up in a corner. Deonna whips corner to corner, Mariah reveres but Deonna dodges to BOOT! Cover, TWO! Mariah survives but Deonna drags her right up. Deonna reels Mariah in, vows to end this, and lifts, but Mariah slips free of the bomb! HEADBUTT! Deonna flops into a corner, Mariah takes aim! Storm and the fans rally up, KISS THIS!! Mariah hits the hip attack, then TORNADO DDTS! Cover, TWO!! Deonna survives and shocks Mariah! Mariah drags Deonna up, Storm wants this to end. Mariah fireman’s carries, Deonna sunset flips! But Mariah sits on it! TWO!!

Deonna finishes the sunset flip, DEONNA WINS!!

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo, by pinfall

But Storm attacks Deonna! She and Mariah beat down The Virtuosa, but here comes Thunder Rosa! She CLOBBERS Luther, then dodges Mariah to BOOT Storm! Then ROUNDHOUSE for Mariah! La Mera Mera shoves Mariah out, has the fans all fired up, and Deonna gets in Rosa’s face. They argue, shove, and then Mariah trips Deonna to drag her out! Mariah and Deonna brawl, Storm takes aim, to kick Rosa low! But Rosa wrenches back to DECK Storm! Rosa gets Storm into a CAMEL CLUTCH, and brings out lipstick! Rosa SMEARS it all over Storm’s crazy face! Rosa gets payback for Storm disrespecting the face paint!

Storm scrambles away, Luther doing his best to clean her up. The Storm and the Thunder are about to clash, which force of nature willreign over the AEW Women’s Division?

Backstage interview with Bullet Club Gold.

Renee is now with the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions, but she has to get the Gunns to stop tapping the mic. This is a very exciting time in AEW as Dynasty is just days away. BCG asked for this time, what is going on? Jay White says it is very exciting but Renee doesn’t seem that excited. This is supposed to be her favorite time of the week! She gets to talk with the who? Bang Bang Gang. Aw c’mon, say it with feeling! Yeah, like this! BANG BANG GANG! The Bang Bang Gang has been having a blast the last couple of months. They did some scissoring, learned new catchphrases, sold new merch, made new friends, got new fans, and the boys even hung out with their old man.

And now everyone can see just how much better off Austin & Colten are without Daddy Ass and with #StepdaddySwitch. And y’know what? They’ll fulfill their destiny at Dynasty! How did this all start? Surprise, surprise, it is all about the gold. They are the ROH Six Man Champs, and Acclaimed have what BCG wants! The Acclaimed are the AEW World Trios Champions! They’ll put it all on the line, #WinnersTakeAll! And then we will see that THE greatest three man unit today is the Bang Bang Gang! And if you ain’t down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP! Jay White & The Gunns want it all, but will they lose it all in St. Louis?

The Acclaimed respond.

Daddy Ass says, “Well. It seems that you three have finally grown a set and showed everybody what your true intensions are, and that’s to get a shot at the championships that we now hold. Well, Jay White, I’ve already beaten the life outta you. And as for those other two, hell, I’ve been beating the hell out of them since they were little kids. You called down the thunder, well now you’ve got it.” Anthony Bowens says, “That’s right, Jay White. You wanna fight? This Sunday on Dynasty, you want us to put the AEW Trios titles on the line? Well guess what? We accept your challenge. So bring your little Ass Boys, bring your big golden bat, because guess what?

“The Scissor King has got a big golden bat of your own, and you can choke on it!” Max Caster says that’s right, “Twinkblade and the Ass Boys. You guys wanna make challenges? Well let us in on the fun, too. Just for old times, let’s run it back! Two on two, Acclaimed and the Ass Boys on Collision this week, and we’re gonna beat your ass, I’ve got no doubts about it! Because…” “EVERYONE! LOVES! THE ACCLAIMED!” The stakes have been raised, who will establish their Dynasty in the Zero Hour?

Orange Cassidy VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions!

Trent Beretta turns on Freshly Squeezed and now it’s all falling apart. And who better to kick someone when they’re down than Big Bad Shaney T. Boy? Will Shane rumble, bad man, rumble? Or will Cassidy fight like a man with nothing left to lose?

The bell rings and the fans rally behind Cassidy. But then Ogogo and Moriarty close in. Shane tells his guys it’s fine, he’s got this. Ogogo and Moriarty stand down. Shane eggs Cassidy on about how he took out Shibata. Shane even says Cassidy can give the people what they want and put his hands in the pockets. Cassidy puts his hands up, and then in the pockets! The fans cheer, Cassidy dodges Shane and SHOTGUNS! Shane stays up, Cassidy kips up, then he dodges again! Another SHOTGUN, another kip up, and Cassidy runs to SHOTGUN again! Shane stays up in a corner, but Cassidy runs in. Shane swings, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirls, but Shane blocks!

Shane suplexes, Cassidy kicks and flails, but ends up on ropes. Shane hits LONDON TOWER! Cassidy flops out of the ring, Shane distracts the ref, and Moriarty stomps away on Cassidy! Moriarty THROWS Cassidy into barriers, then puts him in the ring. Moriarty acts innocent, and Shane puts Cassidy in the corner. Shane taunts Cassidy, puts his arms around ropes and hands in the pockets. Shane winds up to CHOP! Cassidy sputters as he drops to his knees. Cassidy flops out of the ring again, but the ref tells Moriarty & Ogogo to back off while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Cassidy clutches his neck, slowly sits up, but Shane goes out after him. Shane winds up and hushes the fans, only to throw Cassidy into the ring. Shane won’t do what the fans want, and he drags Cassidy up into a corner. Shane wraps the arms around ropes again, tucks them back in the pockets, and then argues with the ref. Shane ROCKS Cassidy, Cassidy flops against ropes, and Shane taunts him while stalking him. Shane puts Cassidy in a corner, talks trash and pie faces, but Cassidy fires haymakers! Cassidy fires off shot after shot, then winds up, but Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves and HEADBUTTS! Cassidy flops out of the ring again!

Moriarty mockingly cheers Cassidy on while Shane goes out to fetch him. Shane puts Cassidy on the apron, and CLUBS him! Shane then goes up to the apron, lines up the shot, APRON LEG DROP! Cassidy sputters as he flounders away, and Shane storms back in after him. Shane taunts Cassidy, and Cassidy “unleashes” body shots. Shane pie faces Cassidy, Cassidy fires more shots, then winds up. Shane encourages the fans to fire up, too, but then Cassidy SUPERKICKS! Shane wobbles, but he DECKS Cassidy! Shane stalks Cassidy to a corner, stands Cassidy up, and Dynamite returns to single picture.

Shane fires off hands, but Cassidy dodges the chop! Cassidy runs in, Shane puts him on the apron, but Cassidy ducks to ROCK Shane back! And bumps him off buckles! ROCK, BUMP, repeat! Cassidy dribbles Shane off the buckles over and over, then lets off as the ref counts. The fans fire up, Cassidy climbs up, but while Shane distracts the ref, Ogogo grabs a foot! Cassidy shakes Ogogo off but Moriarty gets the other foot! Cassidy kicks him away, too, but Shane choke grips! Shane has Cassidy with both hands, but Cassidy throws hands! Shane still holds Cassidy up so Cassidy fires off faster and faster shots!

Shane lets Cassidy go, Cassidy runs to tilt-o-whirl, but Shane blocks the DDT again! Shane suplexes, into STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Shane wobbles, Cassidy runs to DIVE onto Moriarty! Cassidy then DIVES onto Ogogo! Cassidy keeps moving, takes aim, ORANGE- NO, Shane dodges! But Cassidy dodges, only for the SOUTHPAW to hit! Cover, TWO! Cassidy survives, Shane huffs and puffs, and Shane drags Cassidy up. Shane vows to end this, and he tucks Cassidy in, only for Cassidy to fight free! Cassidy tries to Alabama Lift?! Shane’s too big! Shane KNEES Cassidy, but Cassidy ORANGE PUNCHES!! Off comes the elbow pad, Cassidy reloads, ORANGE- HAYMAKER from Shane!

Cassidy wobbles, Shane winds up again, but ORANGE PUNCH!! Cover, Cassidy wins!!

Winner: Orange Cassidy, by pinfall

But then Moriarty clamps on a SLEEPER!! The fans boo as Ogogo storms in and unbuttons his sleeves. The fans boo as STP mugs Cassidy! Ogogo shows off the Olympic level left hand, and then Shane says this isn’t it! Get Cassidy up! Ogogo & Moriarty drag Cassidy to his feet, but here comes Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal! But then BLAM, someone hits Daniels with a chair! And BLAM, same for Sydal! IT’S TRENT!!! Trent CHUCKS the chair into Sydal’s face! The fans boo, and Trent is still wearing the shirt, “Trent & Orange Win The Big One.” Trent glares at Cassidy, STP is a bit confused, but the fans tell off #JustTrent.

STP get Cassidy up again, and Shane DECKS Cassidy!! The fans boo harder, but Cassidy is put in the BORDER CITY STRETCH!! Cassidy suffers as Trent leaves. Best Friends no more, but did Trent just watch the end of Orange Cassidy?


This Saturday, April 20th, the night before Dynasty, it is Collision AND Rampage back-to-back for THREE hours of All Elite Wrestling! Make sure your DVR is set accordingly so you don’t miss a minute of Dynasty Weekend!

BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

Just 24 hours before all their title matches on Dynasty, Okada & The Young Bucks are back in action against Pac & FTR! Will The New Elite win another trios match? Or will the #TopBastards have momentum going into St. Louis?

Roderick Strong speaks.

“Kyle, your comeback was sweet. I swear to you, I smiled and I cried because I was so happy to have you back. But there’s something that you didn’t realize.” Roddy is of course referring to how Kyle could do it on his own, so long as he didn’t get in Roddy’s way. Roddy finishes by saying, “When we step into the ring, I am going to break you, and I am going to end you forever!” Another friendship turned sour all because of pride and greed, but will the Savior of the Backbreaker be Kyle’s doom? Or will there be no End of Heartache when Kyle takes the International Championship away from The Undisputed Kingdom?

Will Ospreay VS Claudio Castagnoli!

The Don Callis Family tried to break the Blackpool Combat Club, and they just about did it to Bryan Danielson at the end of Collision last Saturday. Will the Swiss Superman exact some revenge on behalf of the American Dragon? Or will the Aerial Assassin simply sharpen his blade using Claudio’s body?

Dynamite returns as Claudio makes his entrance. Don Callis has magically appeared on commentary because “the golden goose,” “The King of the Bangers,” is here thanks to him. The bell rings and Claudioimmediately UPPERCUTS Ospreay to the corner! Claudio drags Ospreay to a cover, TWO!! Claudio keeps the hot start going as he hauls Ospreay up, reels him in, and tucks the arms! RICOLA- NO, Ospreay slips free to ROCK Claudio, whip, but Claudio reverses. Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges and RAN- NO, Claudio blocks the rana to pop Ospreay around into a BACKBREAKER! Ospreay clutches his back while fans are torn.

The fans rally for Ospreay as hard as they can, but Claudio stands Ospreay up to ROCK him! Claudio storms up on Ospreay in the corner, throws a body shot, but Ospreay CHOPS in return! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Claudio UPPERCUTS Ospreay down! The fans fire up, Claudio whips Ospreay to a corner, then runs up, into a BOOT! Ospreay goes up to FLYING RANA! Claudio tumbles away, gets up, but Ospreay BOOTS him out of the ring! The fans fire up, Ospreay aims but Claudio moves. No plancha and the fans boo, but Ospreay storms out after Claudio to CHOP him again! Ospreay ROCKS Claudio, but Claudio RAMS Ospreay into barriers!

The fans rally, Claudio RAMS Ospreay into railing! Claudio whips Ospreay at the LED, but Ospreay leaps over! Claudio runs up, but Ospreay ROCKS him first! Ospreay then goes up onto the barrier, to FLYING FOREARM! Down goes Claudio and the fans fire up! Ospreay SMACKS Claudio off aprons, fires shots, then puts Claudio in the ring. Fans sing for “OSPREAY~, OSPREAY OSPREAY OSPREAY~!” as he goes up the apron. Ospreay springboards but Claudio trips him up! Fans boo but Claudio drags Ospreay in, runs side to side, and DOUBLE STOMPS! The fans boo as Claudio stands on Ospreay and stomps around.

The ref reprimands and counts, Claudio steps off at 4, but then DOUBLE STOMPS again! Claudio brings Ospreay up, scoops, and hits a BACKBREAKER! Claudiobends Ospreay back against his knee, but Ospreay endures. Ospreay gets his hands in, throws hands on Claudio and stands up. They trade forearms, the fans rally, and Claudio eggs Ospreay on. Ospreay ROCKS Claudio! Claudio ROCKS Ospreay! Ospreay fires a flurry, but Claudio ROCKS him again! Claudio brings Ospreay around to ROCK him in the back! Claudio eggs Ospreay on, whips, but Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl and again, DEJA VU RANA!

The fans fire up as Claudio bails out! Ospreay gets fans to join in “OI! OI! OI!” then he runs up to PLANCHA! But Claudio catches him! APRON BACKBREAKER! Ospreay writhes, Claudio soaks up the heat, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Claudio stomps Ospreay around, drags him up, and then whips himhard into the LED barrier! Claudio leaves Ospreay behind to step into the ring, and he lets the ring count handle this. Ospreay rises, clutches his side and hobbles his way into the ring. Claudio is there to stomp away on him! Claudio drags Ospreay up, Ospreay fires a forearm! Claudio fires back, they throw forearms back and forth again, but then Ospreay snapmares and KICKS Claudio! Claudio gets right up to snapmare and run, to UPPERCUT Ospreay! Cover, ONE!! Ospreay stays tough and Claudio grows frustrated. Claudio then clamps on with a chinlock.

Ospreay endures, fights up, throws body shots, then puts Claudio in a corner. Ospreay whips corner to corner but Claudio reverses, and Ospreay hits buckleshard! Claudio does a little victory lap before he cheers himself on. Then he drops an ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Claudio clamps a chinlock right back on, and the modified S grip lets him wrench Ospreay’s head. Dynamite returns to single picture as Ospreay endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Claudio knees low, runs, but into the TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Ospreay whips, Claudio reverses but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER KICK!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Callis says he told Ospreay in their strategy meeting that he needs “moves in bunches” to take down Claudio. The standing count starts, but both men stir. Claudio drags himself up with ropes, but Ospreay just kips up! “This is Awesome!” and Ospreay fires up! Ospreay runs in corner to corner, BOOT! Ospreay shoves Claudio down, goes to the apron, springboard and PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay keeps calm while he brings Claudio back up. Ospreay underhooks, but Claudio blocks the lift! So Ospreay fires Kawada Kicks! Claudio UPPERCUTS! Claudio UPPERCUTS but Ospreay catches it!

Ospreay backslides, TWO! But then Ospreay steps through to SHARPSHOOTER! The fans fire up as Claudio endures his favorite hold! But as such, Claudio powers up, trips Ospreay, and now Claudio has the SHARPSHOOTER! Ospreay endures, the fans rally, but Claudio sitsdeep! Claudio reaches back, hooks an arm, and shifts to a CROSSFACE! The fans duel as Claudio rolls Ospreay from ropes! Ospreay rolls to a cover, TWO! Claudio BOOTS Ospreay, whips, but Ospreay handsprings again! Claudio gets under, ducks ‘n’ dodges, springboard, into a SUPERKICK! Underhooks, TIGER DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Ospreay is beside himself while both men are down, but the fans are thunderous! The fans want them to “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this match has a time limit! Ospreay rises, he brings Claudio in and underhooks again, but Claudio still resists! Ospreay fires more Kawada Kicks, but Claudio RAMS him into a corner! Claudio lets off slowly, and pokes Ospreay in the eyes! The fans boo but Claudio UPPERCUTS again and again from all sides! The ref reprimands but Claudio UPPERCUTS until Ospreay sits down! Claudio then reels Ospreay in, short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Ospreay stays in this but Claudio stays focused.

Claudio scuffs Ospreay, the fans rally, and Ospreay rises. Claudio scuffs Ospreay more, slaps him around, but Ospreay fires a forearm. Claudio forearms back! The forearms turn to UPPERCUTS as Claudio fires from all sides! An UPPERCUT knocks Ospreay down, but he kips up to PELE! The fans fire up while Claudio wobbles, comes back, but Ospreay slips through the lariat! Ospreay reels Claudio in, but Claudio slips out of the bomb to UPPERCUT! Tuck the arms, RICOLA- RANA!! Cover, TWO!!! Claudio escapes but the fans are thunderous for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” Ospreay aims as Claudio rises, BUZZSAW and HEEL KICK!

Ospreay calls his shot, goes to the ropes and springboards, but Claudio catches him! Torture rack, BURNING HAMMER!! Cover, TWO!!! Ospreay survives and the fans fire up again! Claudio calls his shot now, and he sits Ospreay up. Claudio runs, runs, but Ospreay SPANISH FLIES!! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives, but off comes the elbow pad! Ospreay aims, runs up, but into a POP-UP UPPERCUT!! Cover, TWO!!! Callis came outta his seat but Ospreay is still in this! Claudio says it’s time, and the fans fire up! Claudio gets Ospreay’s legs, for the GIANT SWING! But Ospreay sits up!? And slips through to DDT!!

Ospreay goes up and up and LEAP OF FAITH!! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives that sky twister, but Ospreay aims! HIDDEN BLADE!!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall

The Aerial Assassin takes down the Swiss Superman in an instant classic! Even Callis says that’s incredible! But wait, Konosuke Takesh*ta, Kyle Fletcher & Will Hobbs show up to mug Claudio! The fans boo, but Ospreay is rather surprised by this. Callis takes no responsibility for what his guys are doing, but Takesh*ta still drags Claudio to the ramp. This is like at the end of Collision! But unlike last time, here comes MOX! The fans fire up as the DCF regroups in the ring, only for Moxley to jump in from the crowd! Moxley fires hands on everyone, but that’s still a 3v1 fight! Hobbs and Fletcher mug Moxley, but he throws Kyle away to fire off with Hobbs!

Claudio is up, he DUMPS Takesh*ta into the stands! Moxley sends Hobbs running, and now the BCC regroups! Ospreay is still confused and upset and he storms off. Will the #BillyGOAT still get a fair fight with Bryan Danielson at Dynasty? Will Moxley humble Hobbs as part of AEW Homecoming? Well BREAKING NEWS for Collision tomorrow night! Bryan Danielson returns to action alongside Claudio Castagnoli to take on Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takesh*ta, IN A BUNKHOUSE BRAWL! Will the American Dragon breathe fire and burn down the Don Callis Family all in one weekend?

Swerve heads to the ring!

Just as he promised, and with Nana by his side, The Realest is here. He has the music cut to say that this Sunday in St. Louis, the main event of Dynasty, it is Swerve challenging Samoa Joe for the AEW World Championship. The fans chant “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve gets in the ring and says he was asked earlier tonight, how does he believe he’s going to defeat Joe? That answer is simple: remember last week, when he knocked Joe on his ass and had him scurrying like a little b*tch? Joe had fear in his eyes! He was quivering! Swerve was standing there, the title above his head, and it looked mighty good on him.

Joe showed Swerve everything he needed to see. Joe was scared! The fact that Joe knows Swerve’s gonna beat him and win the title. Swerve’s just out here with the people of Indianapolis, he’s just waiting on Joe to come out here so he can say all this to Joe’s face, like a man. So Swerve’s here, Nana’s here, so Joe, bring your Sweet Tooth ass out here! Swerve waits, and here comes Joe! But security stands in the way! This is the man Swerve wants, and he says he just wants to talk, so he can knock Joe’s ass out again! The cluster of Joe and the security guards gets closer and closer, so Swerve goes up and up! Swerve SUPER STOMPS the whole thing apart!!

The fans lose their minds as Swerve stares Joe down! Swerve says he is taking this from Joe, and then the fists fly! Joe whips Swerve into steel steps! Joe puts Swerve in the ring, fetches his belt, and says Swerve’s taking nothing from him! Joe storms into the ring, smirks as Nana checks on Swerve, and then Joe mocks Nana’s dance. Nana turns around and says hold on now! Joe storms up on Nana, but Swerve gets up to BOOT Joe! Swerve aims, for a HOUSE CALL! Joe is down but Swerve goes up! The fans are thunderous, but Joe trips Swerve up! Nana panics as Joe tells Swerve that he is NOT that man!

Joe HEADBUTTS Swerve, tucks him in, and hits the MUSCLE BUSTER!! Joe looms over Swerve, picks up the title, and holds it up high. Will this be the scene at the end of Dynasty? Or will Swerve finally have his moment?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite as the go-home to Dynasty, great escalating of things between Blackpool Combat Club and Don Callis Family. Moxley has a really good opening promo, and he surprisingly calls out Hobbs. Ospreay has an awesome main event with Claudio, and of course Ospreay wins to have momentum going into Dynasty. And I do appreciate that he is against how the Don Callis Family is doing things. They didn’t need to beat up Claudio, he isn’t even part of Dynasty, and now that even backfired as there’s going to be a BIG tag match on Collision as one last go-home to Dynasty. Pretty sure Bryan & Claudio win that so Bryan has momentum, too, making Dynasty’s dream match much more unpredictable.

Good promo from Mercedes Mone, and I like that her hair was colored to match the new Dynamite colors. But also, good detail for her to think how I was thinking, the attack on her could’ve just been Willow making us think it was Julia. Really good Mixed Tag with how someone, apparently Julia, attacked Willow beforehand. It ended up mostly an Edge VS Brody match that way, but good heroic entrance by Willow. But of course the House cuts corners to win, and great save by Mone to run Julia off. This does tease Mone VS Julia but I’m very certain the go-home math says Willow wins the TBS Championship to make Double or Nothing the rematch from the NJPW Strong Women’s title tournament.

Also good stuff in the AEW Women’s World title story as Deonna VS Mariah was a great match. Good win for Deonna, but of course Storm attacks her and that brings out Rosa. Rosa stands tall here, so the math indicates Storm retains. But at the same time, there’s still potential for Storm and Mina Shirakawa to fight over Mariah as opposed to fighting over a title. Or maybe they’ll fight over both? After all, May is Double or Nothing, so it could be a bit of both. Or like, Storm retains the title, but Mina “wins” Mariah to her side, #RoseGold does stuff in AEW or even ROH, and Storm will be without one of her insurance policies.

Great stuff in the story of New Elite. I actually liked The Bucks interrupting the hype package because it started too FTR friendly, and we got a great Six Man Tag. Of course The New Elite beat Pac, Penta & Garcia, but I was kinda hoping FTR was going to make the save to better set up the Six Man Tag I honestly thought we were getting tonight. Pac & FTR VS Okada & Bucks has to go really wonky, though, that’s a lot of go-home math that affects many titles. Meanwhile, Jericho’s face to face with Hook went about as expected in that Jericho ruins it cuz of his ego. Him shoving Taz was the unexpected part but it got Hook mad, and so we’re definitely getting Hook VS Jericho for the FTW Championship at some point.

Good promo from Roddy to hype up his match with Kyle, maybe Kyle has a tune-up match during Collision or Rampage this Saturday so he has momentum going into the match. Great match from Cassidy VS Shane, and while Shane Taylor Promotions interfered a lot, Cassidy winning was of course happening. STP beating him down, and Trentstopping the save was some wild stuff, though. A little surprised no one’s interviewed Trent, or tried and then get shot down by Trent, but him still wearing the “win the big one” shirt kinda implies what broke him. The moment theydidn’t win the big one, after all the losses leading up to this, Trent finally gave up on Best Friends.

I am very happy that Acclaimed VS Bang Bang Gang is going to be Winners Take All for the trios titles. Good promos from both sides, but I just hope the winners will bring their AEW and ROH titles to both Collisionand ROH TV on Honor Club. We finally got Kyle Fletcher back on ROH TV, the other male champions of ROH need to show up. And uh, for that matter, if Wheeler Yuta is unable to compete at all with his injury, Tony Khan needs to figure out what to do with the ROH Pure Championship. But I think we all know what’s going down with the AEW World Championship. Great promos from both Joe and Swerve, then a great final confrontation to close the night. And per the math, Joe stands tall, meaning Swerve is taking that title at Dynasty.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.