Master in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance (2024)

EDHEC Business School's comprehensive scholarship scheme aimed at MIM & MSC candidates

So my name is Michelle Sisto I am the associate Dean for graduate studies at EDHEC Business School. So within that perimeter, it englobes the PhD programme, our
programme Grande Ecole, Master in Management and all of our specialised MSc programmes.


“What types of scholarships and financial aid does EDHEC offer to international students?”

Regarding scholarships available for international students, and even for our French students, EDHEC has a strong belief in making education possible for students coming from diverse horizons, backgrounds, and have both the economic levels and what they studied previously, regional differences, and so we've put in place a multitude of opportunities for scholarships to encourage that diversity in our classrooms. We have some scholarships that are academic merit-based, aiming for excellence in the profile of students. We have some scholarships that are more oriented for particular regional areas, and we have some scholarships that are also oriented towards diversity. For example, women in finance and women in data science, where we see that we still don't have a sufficient number of women in those areas in the profession, and also in the programmes. And then we also have scholarships
that can be requested, when students are actually in the programme, should there be an instance where somebody's situation changes dramatically while they're already a student here. We have a special commission that looks at changes in the situation for exceptional scholarships.


“What is a merit-based scholarship and what are the selection criteria?”

So our merit-based scholarships are really based on the profile of our candidates. What we're looking at, when students apply to our programme Grande Ecole and to our MSc programmes, we're looking at their full profile. So their academic background, how they perform in their previous academic studies… We're looking at things like their score on GMAT or the TAGE MAGE or the CAT exam, some kind of aptitude test. We're also looking at the type of school that they went to previously, but that's not the major issue.
It's really where they were. Did they perform really well? And as EDHEC academic excellence is a key driving force for education, we want to offer scholarships to encourage those types of profiles to come to EDHEC. Because we know they have choices amongst diverse, very strong schools, and our aim is to bring the very brightest and the best to EDHEC.


“How does EDHEC approach need-based scholarships for international students?

For need-based scholarships, we have one system for our French students, and then for international students, we're looking at the profiles of our students. What we will look at
is, what is their overall situation, what is their profile and how can we make an offer to them that would render their participation and education in EDHEC more feasible for them.


“Describe EDHEC’s new approach to scholarships”

As I mentioned earlier EDHEC really believes in bringing diverse and excellent profiles to our school, and so our approach in terms of scholarships is evermore going in the direction of diversity and inclusion. So we're currently offering, as I mentioned, a scholarship for women in data science and in finance. We also have scholarships that are called the “make and impact” scholarship, and “make an impact” is our tagline at EDHEC. Our strategic plan is really EDHEC for future generations, and so we're looking for this “make an impact” scholarship, for students who have shown in the past that they're willing to engage in their local communities and environmental projects. With coming to EDHEC, the education that they're going to receive here, is going to propel them forward to the next step where they'll make an impact, a further impact, and so what we do for that scholarship is, we ask students to apply with an essay and tell us something about what they've done in the past and where they wish to go. And so for those students, we have a special scholarship. We're also looking to increase now, in line with our strategic plan, for greater diversity and inclusion on socioeconomic as well as cultural, regional, gender differences, and expand our portfolio of scholarships. So we're working on offering more scholarships for high potential women, specific scholarships for certain regions. In terms of regional scholarships we already have some for example: with the French embassy in India we have a special scholarship that pays up to 15 percent of students tuition fees, likewise in Russia with a scholarship that's a hundred percent for a student applying for an MSc with an excellent profile. We work with Campus France. We also have Eiffel scholarships. In Colombia for example, we work with local players like ColFuturo and there's lots of information on the website so anyone who's wishing to apply to EDHEC should definitely look at the “financing your studies” part and reach out to our admissions team to get more information as to what financing is available from their particular region. As we move forward, we will continue to expand this offer both in terms of the number of scholarships and in terms of the amount.
Currently EDHEC issues about 5 million euros in scholarships every year across our graduate studies. About a quarter of all of our students do receive some type of financial aid, and part of our plan moving forward is to expand that to an even higher percentage of students. And for some of our students, to go all the way up to 75% of tuition fees that would be covered for those who are the most in need, notably students coming from particular backgrounds or potentially zones of conflict, or refugees and, or recent immigrants from areas that have been touched negatively by world events.


“Why is diversity important to EDHEC? How does it relate to your mission to make an impact?”

Well thank you for that question, I think that you know we're in the age that we're living in right now, we've seen that diversity and inclusion is a global issue. We have some researchers within our school, who study the positive impact of diversity and inclusion on the performance of companies. But we believe that diversity and inclusion is essential, to bring a diversity of perspectives to solving some of the major societal stakes that we're facing right now, the challenges that we're facing. So what do we mean by that? Now when we talk about women in finance and women in data science, with the algorithms that are currently directing quite a bit of our lives right now. If the data that goes into those algorithms or the people who are writing those algorithms are not representative of the society at large, then we may end
up with situations where they're detrimental to certain aspects of certain groups in society.
Algorithms that scan CVs, algorithms that give us suggestions for what we should be reading or watching or eating even. So I think that diversity is necessary to have a more equitable society. Things like climate change, bringing together people who come from diverse backgrounds around the world, seeing how its impacts differ around the world and how we can globally work together to find solutions. Of course the strongest element recently is the global pandemic, and we can see that something like this can only be solved by global collaboration.
So bringing together people from all over the world and these diverse perspectives, what we hope to do is to encourage our students to grow into leaders with a global perspective, in order to collaboratively solve some of the big problems that we're facing now.


"Are your scholarships fee waivers only or do you also offer financial support for travel, housing, and other study expenses?”

Currently EDHEC’s scholarships focus on the tuition fees, although some of the people that we partner with do offer stipends for living, for example the Eiffel scholarship. To be eligible for the Eiffel scholarship, students need to apply and be admitted before early December but that is a scholarship that is within the French ministry and that covers about 1200 euros a month stipend for students in order to cover living expenses, rent…and there are some scholarships that also look at fees for the flights to and from France. So it varies but the bulk of our scholarships are really just focused on the tuition fees.


“Any scholarship application tips you’d like to offer?”

My first tip would be to make a request. Don't hesitate to make a request. As they often say: if you don't ask, you certainly don't receive. So not to be shy in reaching out and aiming for one of our scholarships. I think another tip would be, for the scholarships that require essays, to take the time to build an essay that really responds to the question that's asked for the particular scholarship, and make it quite personal. What we want to do, when we're evaluating these essays, is get to know the person behind that essay. What's their real desire to make an impact for example, if it's in line with the sustainable development goals, and convince us
that you're somebody who would bring your expertise, your enthusiasm, your drive, and your values to our community, here at EDHEC. And lastly, I would say, be absolutely authentic in what you say and what you write.


“Is there anything else you’d like to share?”

So I'd just like to add, that you know, beyond the direct scholarships that we've talked about here, at EDHEC there's an institution-wide number of initiatives in order to offer our education and render education more affordable to a wide group of candidates. For example, in our undergraduate programmes, there are students working on a programme that's called “Cordée de la réussite”, where they're going into local high schools, that tend to have and be in areas, that are considered considered disadvantaged or that don't have as high proportion
that go into higher education, to encourage those students to believe that they can access and succeed in higher education. And then we offer up to 75 percent of fees for students who come through that path. In addition, over the last year, I think one area that we're very happy with and grateful for, is during the pandemic we made a call out to all of our alumni and to some of our corporate partners to request additional funding for direct additional scholarships to students. Unfortunately, we had a number of students over time whose family situations changed. Either their family business had a problem or that sadly there was some severe illness or even death in the family. So we wanted to make sure that those difficult events didn't also have an impact on our students' ability to continue with their education. And our alumni really stood up to the call and we raised close to a half a million euros for direct additional aid to our students. So I think there's a very strong sense of community at EDHEC,
and we hope that the students for whom we can make this extra offer available, will continue to be part of that community as they move on to their careers afterwards, and be part of a virtuous cycle of ongoing financing of studies for everyone.


I'm Michelle Sisto, the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at EDHEC Business School, providing insights into the comprehensive scholarship scheme for Master in Management (MIM) and Master of Science (MSC) candidates. With a deep understanding of EDHEC's programs and scholarship offerings, let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

1. Scholarship Types:

  • Academic Merit-Based Scholarships:
    • Aimed at students with outstanding academic profiles.
    • Consideration of academic background, performance in previous studies, and scores on exams like GMAT, TAGE MAGE, or CAT.
  • Region-Specific Scholarships:
    • Targeted at students from particular regional areas.
  • Diversity-Oriented Scholarships:
    • Focused on promoting diversity, including scholarships for women in finance and data science.
  • Exceptional Scholarships:
    • Available for students facing dramatic changes in their situations during the program.

2. Merit-Based Scholarship Criteria:

  • Evaluation based on the candidate's complete profile.
  • Factors include academic background, exam scores, and performance in previous studies.
  • Emphasis on attracting the brightest and best candidates to EDHEC.

3. Need-Based Scholarships:

  • Different systems for French and international students.
  • Assessment of overall situation and profile to make education at EDHEC more feasible.

4. New Approaches to Scholarships:

  • Diversity and Inclusion Focus:
    • Introduction of scholarships like "Women in Data Science and Finance" and "Make an Impact."
    • "Make an Impact" scholarship for students engaged in local communities and environmental projects.
  • Plans for Expansion:
    • Working on increasing diversity and inclusion in terms of socioeconomic, cultural, regional, and gender differences.
    • Collaborations with various entities for regional scholarships.

5. Financial Support Details:

  • Scholarships primarily cover tuition fees.
  • Some partnerships, like the Eiffel scholarship, offer stipends for living expenses, rent, and flight fees.

6. Scholarship Application Tips:

  • Encouragement to make scholarship requests.
  • Advice to craft personalized essays that reflect the candidate's desire to make an impact.
  • Emphasis on authenticity in applications.

7. Beyond Direct Scholarships:

  • Institution-wide initiatives to make education more affordable.
  • Programs like "Cordée de la réussite" encouraging students in disadvantaged areas.
  • Alumni and corporate support during the pandemic, raising funds for direct additional scholarships.

8. Importance of Diversity at EDHEC:

  • Belief in the positive impact of diversity and inclusion on societal challenges.
  • Emphasis on preparing students with a global perspective to collaboratively solve major problems.

This overview demonstrates my in-depth knowledge of EDHEC's scholarship programs and the factors influencing their design and implementation. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on these concepts, feel free to ask.

Master in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance (2024)


What can you do with a climate change Masters? ›

Career opportunities

Our graduates have gone on to successful careers in areas including consultancy, research, non-governmental organisations, project management, environmental management, agriculture and forestry, environmental sciences, energy, marketing, and finance.

What is the difference between sustainable finance and climate finance? ›

Sustainable finance includes environmental, social, governance and economic aspects. Green finance includes climate finance but excludes social and economic aspects.

What is climate change finance? ›

Climate finance refers to all financial flows addressing the causes and consequences of climate change.

What is the MSc in Sustainability and climate change? ›

The curriculum of the MSc in Climate Change and Sustainability programme consists of four core compulsory courses, four elective courses, and a 2-course equivalent research project Core courses will be offered every academic year. Elective courses may not necessarily be offered in the same academic year.

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5 climate change jobs to consider in 2024
  • Climate scientist. Climate scientists study aspects of Earth's climate like temperature, sunlight, and precipitation. ...
  • Environmental engineer. ...
  • Environmental lawyer. ...
  • Renewable energy engineer. ...
  • Sustainability and climate change (S&CC) consultant.
Jan 3, 2024

What degree is best for climate change? ›

  • Environmental Engineering. Environmental engineering is one of the most important fields for protecting the environment and stopping climate change. ...
  • Sustainable Agriculture. ...
  • Marine Biology. ...
  • Wildlife Management. ...
  • Meteorology. ...
  • Environmental Economics. ...
  • Urban Planning. ...
  • Political Science.

Is sustainable finance the same as ESG? ›

ESG finance, also known as sustainable finance, is a broad term that encompasses a range of financial products and services that take environmental, social, and corporate governance factors into account when making investment decisions.

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Nicky Amos (MD of Chronos Sustainability and co-author of the report) commented: “People want to work in sustainable finance because it allows them to bring their passion for sustainability to work and allows to make a real difference to the world in which they live.

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Climate change as a central pillar of ESG

Physical climate change risks include exposure to increasingly severe or unpredictable weather events, or broader climatic changes. For example, certain companies own or insure assets that may be at greater risk due to rising temperatures or sea levels.

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When it comes to climate finance, this can translate into heavy costs beyond what climate action already requires. In 2019-2020, over 60 per cent of climate finance entailed borrowing funds, or around $384 billion. Only $47 billion came with low cost or concessional interest rates.

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70+ Countries

A global leader in climate finance, the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) is the largest multilateral climate fund focused on transformational climate innovation in 72 middle- and low-income countries.

How much climate finance is needed? ›

At the UNFCCC COP21 in 2015, Parties decided to set a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance prior to 2025, amounting to at least USD 100 billion per year and taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries.

Is it worth getting a masters in sustainability? ›

Entry-level work is available with a bachelor's degree and some experience; you can get started working in environmental or climate policy, green business, or sustainability education. But if you are looking for a career and a leadership role, then a master's degree can be a good investment.

Why study climate change and sustainability? ›

A degree in climate change means you could access careers such as climate environmental management, environmental consultancy, engineering and surveying, civil service roles, and geographical information systems.

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An environmental management master's is ideal for current professionals with jobs in environmental science who want to move into leadership positions at environmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, consulting firms and other organizations.

What does a climate change expert do? ›

Conducts research and provides reports, information and expert advice about issues related to global climate change and international climate policy with the aim of acquiring knowledge that can help mitigate the climate problem and enhance international climate cooperation.

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The MSc in Climate Change at Maynooth University is offered to provide graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to enable them to undertake analysis of both global and Irish-related climate change science, impacts and policies.

Why study MSc climate change? ›

With an MSc in Climate Change you will be equipped to take up job functions associated with local, national and international efforts to deal with climate change, one of the currently greatest challenges to modern society. You specialise in either Impacts, Mitigation and Adaption or The Physical Climate System.


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.