Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (2024)

(For DRM version 4.2.2)
Updated: 1/28/2023

This manual covers the mercenaries and bandit units that DRM has updated or changed.


Mercenary troops in DRM typically do not follow the pattern of being an upgrade tree, instead serving as fully trained specialists ready to hire and use in combat or units that fill a niche in the regions they are hired in. They command a high price up front, with the majority of them coming as T4 or T5 units, but they all come with at the very least improved combat skills if not a significant step up in unit equipment quality to warrant this.

Be mindful that mercenaries have a price increase approximately equivalent to one tier of wages, so a T4 mercenary will demand the wages of a standard T5 unit. Given this, you should try to avoid hiring mercenaries until you intend to use them. At the same time, mercenary availability is quite random so if you need a specific mercenary you might have trouble finding them!

Nonetheless, you will find them to be a useful tool available for when you need unit quality immediately but cannot spend the time to try and find the right recruits or they are simply unavailable to recruit.


--- Mercenary Legionary
--- Mercenary Balistarius
--- Mercenary Exculator
--- Vlandikon Cavalry
--- Vlandikon Guard
--- Balion Longbowman
--- Balion Billman
--- Vaegir Guards
--- Vlandian Mercenary

--- Vlandian Mercenary
--- Vlandian Mercenary Sharpshooter
--- Vlandikon Cavalry
--- Balion Billmen
--- Balion Longbowman

--- Graal Knights
--- Graal Defenders
--- Balion Longbowman
--- Wolfskin Warriors
--- Wolfskin Pups

--- Nord Youth (and unit chain)
--- Vaegir Guards
--- Vaegir Marksman
--- Vanni Beastslayers
--- Iltanar Warriors

--- Bedouin Infantry
--- Bedouin Cavalry
--- Darshi Archers
--- Darshi Spearmen

--- Karakhuzait Mercenaries
--- Iltanar Warriors
--- Iltanar Camel Warriors
--- Darshi Archers
--- Darshi Spearmen

Darshi Spearman

Tier IV Spear Infantry
** Mercenary
** Weapon Focus: Polearms (+10)
** Athletic Infantry (+20)

Hailing from the lands of the Padishah to the east, Darshi spearmen are often believed to be lightly armored fodder. In truth, it is no different than the levies of other peoples and those who can afford armor will acquire such. These mercenaries are of the latter category, having made war a profession and have acquired for themselves maille armor to protect them. Now they search for their fortunes in the west.

They are usually available in the steppes of the Khuzaits, often from the Darshi cities that were swept up in their conquests, though some have made their way further west into the lands of the Aserai.

Darshi Archer

Tier IV Spear Infantry
** Mercenary
** Weapon Focus: Bow (+10)
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

The Darshi are capable archers, often using them to harass the enemy or to try and pincushion formations whose wicker shields are of poor construction. Between the Padishah’s campaigns, some of them go abroad in search of work. These men are such bowmen, willing to blot out the sun for whomever is willing to pay.

They are usually available in the steppes of the Khuzaits, often from the Darshi cities that were swept up in their conquests, though some have made their way further west into the lands of the Aserai.

Iltanar Warrior

Tier IV Heavy Infantry
** Mercenary
** Athletic Infantry (+20)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Polearms (+10)
** Good against Armor (Maces)

The Iltanar are a steppe people, just like the Khuzaits, native to the northern regions around Baltakhand. Unlike the Khuzaits, they are much less nomadic and instead are fearsome warriors on foot. Though primarily they like to fight with maces up close and personal, they also are armed with spears in order to deter enemy cavalry that charges them.

Most of these men search for work amongst their Khuzait masters, often being drafted to serve as the needed gristle of infantry combat. Some of these warriors, however, make their way into Sturgian territory - often those exiled by the Khan or his Begs.

Iltanar Camel Warrior

Tier V Melee/Skirmish Cavalry Hybrids
Minimum Riding Skill: 60
** Mercenary
** Noble
** Weapon Focus: Polearm (+10)
** Dual Primary (Polearm and Throwing)
** Good against Shields (Javelins and 1H-Axes)

Camels are not only native to the deserts of the Nahassa - there are stretches of desert amongst the steppes that camels find suitable as well. The Iltanar, rather than only using them as beasts of burden like most of the settlements the Khuzaits have taken, have learned to ride them into war. These noble Iltanar warriors are fairly heavily equipped, with a sidearm, a spear to stab other cavalry, and a satchel of javelins to throw as well. As one might expect, this is a fairly difficult set of skills to learn. Nonetheless, it makes them a versatile augmentation to the Khan’s armies or to those who brave the steppes to hire them.

Like their infantry counterparts, these men are usually found among the steppes the Khuzaits have taken over. However, their camels do not like working in the snows of Sturgia, so they tend not to head there looking for work.

Karakhuzait Mercenary

Tier V Shock/Missile Cavalry
Minimum Riding Skill: 60
** Bandit
** Varied Equipment (Lance OR Bow)
** Dual Primary (Bow and Polearm)
** Standard Ammo: Needle Bodkin 90g

The Karakhuzaits are the most ardent in refusing the Khan’s decrees to settle in the cities of the steppes. To them, mounting a yurt atop a tower is a false attempt to keep what is natural to the Khuzaits. Though these men hire themselves out as mercenaries with lance or bow atop their fine steeds, they are still considered rebels and bandits by most which may prove problematic should they be captured by someone looking for miners!

Though they are a hybrid unit, they are armed with either a lance or a bow, so these troops do not consistently come as horse archers or lancers. Still, they can support both formations and should give you a roughly even mixture of both.

As one might expect, these mercenaries are usually found in the steppes of the Khuzaits.

Vanni Beastslayer

Tier V Pike/Shock Infantry Hybrid
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Dual Primary (Polearm and Two-Handed)
** Weapon Focus: Polearms (+10)

The Vanni, woodsfolk of Alebat and surrounding environs, have had a long tradition of fighting beasts be they bears, wolves, or other predators. These warriors are a more professionalized force, fighting as mercenaries to those willing to pay for them, though mostly from Sturgia’s heartlands. Each one carries a pike to skewer horses and a two-handed sword to hack down men. Both are for slaying beasts.

As Alebat is firmly in the center of Sturgia, these warriors are also encountered near-exclusively within Sturgian territory.

Balion Longbowman

Tier IV Missile Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Shielded
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Good against Armor (Mallets)

Longbowmen from Balion, unlike those of Battania, prefer to arm themselves with mallets to assist with working on fortifications to shoot from and, if pressed into melee, can use them with a buckler to defend themselves. They are often the glue between different elements of a Balion warhost, covering the other elements and forcing the enemy to come to grips with them.

These longbowmen often find themselves heading to the highlands of Battania where their talents are appreciated, as well as Imperial cities that find them much more agreeable than the Battanians.

Balion Billmen

Tier IV Shock Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Weapon Specialization: Polearm (+20)
** Dual Primary (Polearm + 2 Handed)

Well armored, these mercenaries are more than suited for hacking apart enemies that manage to get too close. These billmen are primarily tasked with protecting the longbowmen they accompany, and finishing off any enemies who survive the arrows. Layers of maille keeps them alive, if perhaps making them slower than other shock infantry.

The majority of them find employment within the remaining Calradian cities, as there is always an archon looking for someone who can hack apart armor or chaff alike.

Calradian Mercenary Legionary

Tier V Heavy Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Projectile Armed (Pila)
** Good against Shields (Pila)
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Specialization: One-Handed (+20)

Not everyone was happy with Emperor Arenicos’ formation of the themata and pronoia system to replace the aging legion, and many such veterans went to form their own mercenary cohorts. The largest of these, the Legion of the Betrayed, has kept the idea of the Calradian Legion alive and smaller bands have also sought out work.

These mercenaries are well armed and highly skilled with their swords, allowing them to excel at cutting up enemy light foot with their spathas. They may have a few issues with more armored enemies, but some pila will at least force the enemy to fight without their shields!

As one might expect, these soldiers prefer to be hired in the Empire’s remaining settlements.

Calradian Exculator

Tier IV Skirmish Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Throwing (+10)

Exculatores were a late development in the Imperial military roster, being added to the legion alongside the reforms that produced a distinction between garrison and mobile troops. These troops were always mercenaries to some degree as most of them were hired from local forces regardless of how Calradian they were to serve as scouts, skirmishers, and even specialists. Because of this, they never fully integrated into the Calradian military roster, and so were left hanging when the Calradic Legion was stood down. For many of them though, this is fine: serving as hired mercenaries on the periphery of battles is usually better than being in the melee anyways.

In combat, they can serve on the frontlines due to having maille armor, but they are best employed as a separate skirmish element where their javelins can do messy work to enemy shields, then join the main line once javelins are depleted.

As one might expect, these soldiers prefer to be hired in the Empire’s remaining settlements.

Calradian Balistarius

Tier IV Missile Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Standard Ammo:
** Weapon Specialization: Crossbow (+20)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)

Balistarii are Calradian professional crossbowmen, a practice that has steadily faded over time due to the loss of the western territories to the Vlandians. Nonetheless, Calradians still take up the crossbow for mercenary service and these men do so. That said, the majority of them tend to be found in garrisons as trainers and detachment leaders for militias, instructing the town’s citizens in use of the crossbow.

Unlike their Vlandian counterparts, these crossbowmen are dedicated shooters, gaining a significant step up in crossbow training to account for it and make use of steel tipped bolts to better penetrate armor. At the same time, this limits their ability to fight back in melee, so it is likely for the best that many of them prefer to fight from fortified walls!

As one might expect, these soldiers prefer to be hired in the Empire’s remaining settlements. They also tend to show up as the elite ranged troops of Calradia’s remaining cities.

Bedouin Cavalry

Tier V Light Cavalry
Minimum Riding Skill: 60
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Weapon Focus: Polearms (+10)
** Good against Armor (Mace)

The Bedouin usually do not have professional soldiers as the Calradians may envision them or the settled Aserai with their new Mamelukes. On the other hand, those who fight for various lords often find themselves becoming professionals through simple duration and being exposed to it. Taking well to this training, these Bedouin have combined this into a becoming fierce and potent counter-cavalry force. As if horses didn’t like the smell of camels enough!

Bedouin Infantry

Tier V Heavy Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Throwing (+10)

These desert infantry are well equipped and quite dangerous warriors that are not often associated with the Aserai. Hardy and skilled, they are more than a match for Calradian soldiers, though perhaps do not have the same level of heavy armor as the Skoutatoi bear. Nonetheless, at this point they have done well enough to no longer be considered brigands by most even if they never were such to begin with, and have taken well to the professional training available to them among the cities. They are a potent mixture of traditional honor honed by innovative training.



Bandit troops are a little different than their standard troops. They are split between generic bandits based off of the vanilla looters who can become T4 Irregulars, and regional bandits who tend to go from T2 to T5 and also tend to be of regular quality (albeit on the lower end). Furthermore, regional bandit groups now consist of at least some of the irregular bandits, which should make bandit bands less hom*ogenous even if there is still a distinct flavor for each group.

In general, Bandits are less armored than their standard counterparts, but often make up for it with certain unique shticks… or are just dealing with the limits of being bandits. Those who have an off-ramp from being a brigand will usually do so by way of becoming a mercenary unit, most often the standard Calradain mercenaries.

Generic Bandits
These replace the good ol’ Looters, and represent a wide array of people from across Calradia, serving as the gristle for other bandit groups and fodder for players to take out between campaigns as troop experience.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (1)

Tier I Mob
** Bandit
** Varied Equipment
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Stones)

Ruffians are various ne’er-do-wells from across Calradia, containing peoples of all backgrounds. Among their number you have the desperate who turned to banditry with little more than the clothes on their back, those who fell in with various gangs and are on the run, those who lost everything, and those who sought to flee bondage be it slavery or serfdom. You even some not-so-bad-off folks that decided that a life of crime sounded exciting and were too young and/or stupid to realize the consequences.

They are of dubious military worth, with their only particular advantage lying in that they carry a bunch of stones to throw before they go into melee. It might help them out, but anything with a shield will be effectively immune to them… like most soldiers. And in melee, anyone with actual armaments will probably cut through them…

Bandit Lackey
Tier II Mob
** Bandit
** Varied Equipment
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Stones)

Lackeys are a step up from your common ruffians, consisting of those who have at least cut their teeth on a job - this might be cutting a purse, a bit of intimidation, theft, or just some cow tipping. They have basic armaments, often including a small shield and a weapon or something two-handed, but the light armor (if any) they might wear is not reliable and they will suffer if pitted against even levied warriors. They still tend to carry a few throwing stones, but those are of limited value.

Their next step is to become a proper rank-filler of a bandit group, the question however will be in what form they will become such. As Footpads, they can continue being general meat for the grinder and actually get some decent melee weapons. As Hurlers, they will throw an assortment of projectiles at the enemy and become skilled skirmishers.

Bandit Footpad
Tier III “Heavy” Infantry/Mob
** Bandit
** Varied Equipment
** Projectile Armed (Various)

Footpads are the rank fillers of any half-organized bandit group that has equipped itself. Although they have at least basic padded armor of varying qualities, they are not consistently armed due to the realities of running with bandits. They’re good enough to take on militia troops and some irregulars in open combat, but even well-organized levies will probably get the best of them. Still, they’ll make the levies work for it.

Though they all have at least some throwing stones out of old habit, they have downgraded to a single satchel. On the flipside, some carry something heavier to huck at a target…

There is one more step that these scum and villainy can take, and that is to fully organize. This allows them to become proper Brigands, either in infantry or cavalry form. Alternatively, they may move past being dedicated brigands and become mercenaries, specifically a Calradian style Lanciarius, if their warlord has the right leadership talent.

Bandit Hurler
Tier III Skirmisher
** Bandit
** Varied Equipment
** Good against Shields (Javelins/Throwing Axes)
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

Bandit Hurlers are equipped with a variety of throwing weapons, an often confounding mixture of throwing axes, javelins, darts, and even throwing blades. Worse, they tend to forgo shields, making them much more vulnerable to return volleys. Nonetheless, they have the potential to even the playing field by ruining enemy shields.

If they wish to cement their skills, they will become Brigand Javelineers. If they instead choose to become true missile infantry, they will become Brigand Crossbowmen. Alternatively, a warlord with the necessary skill could instead get them out of their criminal life and have them become Mercenary Exculatores. After all, most of their predecessors were former brigands.

Brigand Infantry
Tier IV Spear Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Varied Equipment
** Projectile Armed (Various)

Standing somewhere between full-time raiders and mercenary soldiers of fortune, Brigands are decently equipped foot troops, if non-standard. They reliably have padded armor, and many of them are fitted with basic maille, which combined with good shields makes them a rather durable unit for a common bandit. For armaments, Brigand Infantry still vary but now their variance is between various one-handed weapons including spears, axes, maces, and swords as well as which projectile weapon they will carry. Shields further their resilience, even if they vary a bit.

Ultimately, they are a simple and straightforward all-in-one bandit who can be used to pad your ranks and actually engage organized troops with reasonable effectiveness. They are still going to lose against dedicated regulars if they take them head-on, but at least now they won’t be easily brushed aside.

Brigand Horseman
Tier IV Light Cavalry
Requires a Horse
Minimum Ride Skill: 40
** Bandit
** Shielded

These mounted brigands act as various forms of light horse, using speed to run down light enemies or better yet routed ones. They are armed fairly simply - spear, shield, and a sidearm - but they are somewhat easy to mass if you are able to get enough horses together. They have the same limitations as their infantry counterparts in terms of armor and should not be expected to fight knights and their ilk head on, but they are an excellent way for bandits to rush enemy archers before the rest of the ranks are turned into pincushions.

Brigand Javelineer
Tier IV Skirmisher
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Good against Shields (Javelins)
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

Armed with two satchels of javelins, these javelineers are excellent at destroying the shields of enemy infantry or outright killing lightly protected enemies. They are relatively consistently well armed for a group of brigands, but they also tend to be at the back of the line when it comes to having maille issued out, leaving them rather poorly armored for a combatant of their tier. Nonetheless, the damage they can do is important for any gang that wants a vague hope of being able to overcome regular troops.

Brigand Crossbowman
Tier IV Missile Infantry
** Bandit
** Standard Ammunition: Needle Bodkin 90g

Crossbows are not a weapon that most would expect brigands to be armed with, as it is something of a complex weapon. At the same time, it is also a very easy weapon to learn how to use meaning that there are few restrictions on training - after all, not all brigands come from a background that coincides with an archer culture. However, the relative rarity of crossbows among brigands means that only veterans are liable to be equipped with them, and only by the most successful of bandit gangs.

They can put the hurt on armored enemies, but heavy armor will still stall them out and rate of fire is already a weakness. Unarmored enemies, especially with shields removed, will not be so fortunate…

Forest Bandits
These brigands make their home in the woods, and while they might style themselves as goodly heroes such as the Brethren of the Woods or legendary robbers from Balion, in practice they have become little better than bandits. In combat, they rely on a mixture of longbows and spear infantry backed by a couple robber knights as cavalry… or are the retinue of the aforementioned robbers.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (2)

Woodland Outlaw
Tier II Mob
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Varied Equipment
** Projectile Armed (Hunting Bow w/40g Flesh Cutting Arrows OR Javelins)

These outlaws are woodsy types who have been forced to make their way into the wilds, bringing with them a certain talent and irregularity. While the vast majority of them have acquired hunting bows for their own use (many of them being ex-poachers) arrows have been harder to come by. As such, this unit is really a melee unit that sometimes can shoot rather than a proper ranged soldier.

Woodland Brigand
Tier III Spear Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Projectile Armed: Throwing Axes
** Good against Shields (Throwing Axes)

These brigands understand the need for effective spear usage, and while their shields are often smaller than is typical for spearmen they are relatively able frontline units. They should not be mistaken for true counter-cavalry, but they are a quite able option for those seeking a way to deter such.

With further training they can become proper Brigand Spearmen, with the addition of (light) maille armor giving them a good leg-up here. However, some under a warlord of sufficient skill might instead become a Mercenary Lanciarius.

Woodland Hunter
Tier III Missile Infantry
** Bandit Unit
** Standard Ammunition: Flesh Cutting 60g
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

Woodland Hunters are armed with bows, having been poachers or just sporting archers who are now turning it into a more profitable trade. These hunters are well on the way to becoming skilled longbowmen, but will need more time to really master it. In the meantime, they provide lethal ranged support against lightly armored enemies.

They may upgrade into Woodland Longbowmen, furthering their training as archers.

Brigand Spearman
Tier IV Spear Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Axes)
** Good against Shields (Axes)

Brigand Spearmen are mail-clad frontline warriors who are, quite honestly, capable of handling themselves and even fighting regular troops. They still carry throwing axes to help handle shields, and add to it the option of using a good hefty axe in melee combat to hack into enemy shields if spears are not enough.

At this stage, they go one of two ways. Those that remain brigands will become Brigands-at-Arms, a full-coverage infantry unit with spear, a mace, and throwing axes extremely well suited for being melee warriors. Alternatively, they may become Mercenary Billmen in the model of those men-at-arms from Balion accompanying their longbowmen.

Woodland Archer
Tier IV Missile Infantry
** Bandit
** Standard Ammunition: Needle Bodkin 50g
** Double Satchel
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

Woodland Archers are, well, self-explanatory. Double satchels of hefty arrows to cut into armor, their longbows, and some decent coverage in terms of armor. These men of the woods can make an ambush lethal, and honestly can do a good job at threatening even regular troops as long as shields are dealt with by their comrades.

At this stage, a choice is posed to them: in most cases, they will become Woodland Longbowmen to finalize their role by emphasizing their ranged potential. However, men from Balion sometimes come to the continent in mercenary companies, with longbowmen who are a bit better in melee. As such, a leader with the right knack might instead clear these men’s names so they might serve as Mercenary Longbowmen. The choice is up to their master.

Tier V Spear Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Axes)
** Good against Shields (Throwing Axes)
** Good against Armor (Maces)

Brigands-at-Arms are near-professional men-at-arms in service of a robber baron or other bandit leader. Equipped with a single-handed thrusting spear, throwing axes, and a mace to whack armored enemies, they are a good unit against more or less any threat they face and in some ways are a standout unit. Of course, getting them to this point is a difficult task as you need to be able to recruit the right brigands to train accordingly.

While attrition might be a strategic concern, in an actual battle their variety of weapons can get them confused as to which one is best for the situation at hand. That, and smaller shields than Imperial Skoutatoi or Vlandian Armored Sergeants. Still, for bandits? High quality.

Woodland Longbowman
Tier V Missile Infantry
** Bandit Unit
** Standard Ammunition: Armor Piercing 80g Arrows
** Double Satchels
** Athletic Infantry (+10)

Self-explanatory longbowmen from the woods. Decent maille armor, double satchels of some rather hefty arrows, and in melee they are armed with a sidearm. The sidearm might be a two-handed blade, though usually not. Maces also make a showing, though are uncommon.

Robber Knight
Tier III Cavalry Unit
Minimum Riding Skill: 40
** Bandit
** Noble

Not all of Vlandia’s knights have remained chivalrous. Be it out of financial trouble, running afoul of their oaths, or simply personal desire these knights have taken to a life of banditry and become some easily fearsome foes. They are still nobles and if put to death would be executed as such in terms of dignities, but they are no longer recognized knights of Vlandia as they once were.

Under the guidance of the right warlord, however, they could become Vlandikon to fight as part of those mercenary knights instead, which could lead them back into grace with Vlandia’s chivalric brotherhood or the Empire’s adaptation of it.

Mountain Bandits
These brigands are brawlers, getting up close and personal as heavy infantry or hurling javelins in at the enemy before closing in to brawl. In a way, you might consider them to be barbarian versions of Calradian troops… it helps that many of them are Calradians from the rural regions to boot.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (3)

Tier II Mob
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Chance for Shield
** Good against Shields (Javelins)

Hillmen, despite the preconception, are not always bandits and raiders. However, most in Calradia are exposed to them by seeing them in such a role… after all, the Hillmen who are not busy being brigands are usually indistinguishable from other kinds of foresters!

In combat, these Hillmen act as pocket skirmishers with a satchel of javelins and then a hand weapon, sometimes equipped with a small shield. From here, they become Hill Warriors.

Hill Warriors
Tier III “Heavy” Infantry
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Shielded
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Spears)
** Good against Shields (Throwing Spears)

Hill Warriors are brawlers equipped with good sized shields, a hand axe, and throwing weapons not too dissimilar from Imperial Infantry. Indeed, many of them were former Imperial Infantry or descendents of such. They may not match their professional counterparts, but they are burly and able to handle a scrap.

From here, a choice arises: they can continue as “bandits” by becoming Mountain Warriors, or they may by the direction of a warlord with the right kind and quantity of leadership become Mercenary Cohors - these warriors would be where such were drawn from in the past, after all. If neither path is appealing, they may instead become javelineers as Mountain Skirmishers.

Mountain Warriors
Tier IV Heavy Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Spears)
** Good against Shields (Axes, Throwing Spears)

Clad with rough maille or scale, these warriors are more than a match for their counterparts in the Imperial Armies and mark a point where a band of mountain warriors are becoming the threat that the Battanians are held as. They still use relatively common patterns of throwing spears, but their melee weapons remain fearsome axes suited for cutting into opponents.

May upgrade into Mountain Infantry to cement their so-called ‘barbaric’ strength, or their experience can make them Veteran Cohors under the right leader.

Mountain Skirmishers
Tier IV Skirmisher
** Bandit Unit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Good versus Shields (Angons)

Mountain Skirmishers are dedicated raiders and marauders, who have the job of getting in close to hurl a bunch of javelins before falling back to support the main push. They tend to wear much lighter maille, if any, compared to their warrior counterparts but make up for it by carrying fearsome angon throwing spears. This gives them a lot more impact in a short time as a skirmisher, though it does mean they need to get close to do it.

They may either become hardened Mountain Brigands to reinforce their protection, or could have their past experience used to mark them as Mercenary Veteran Exculatores if their warlord has the right leadership talent.

Mountain Infantry
Tier V Heavy Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Projectile Armed (Angons)
** Good against Shields (Angons)
** Good against Armor (Maces)

Mountain Infantry are essentially Skoutatoi, just barbarian. Well armored, well protected, and have traded the axes for maces and hurl Nordic style angons instead of pila. All in all, these men could spell a terrifying end for the Imperial Armies if such barbarians mass in enough numbers… which, of course, is going to be the issue in all likelihood, without the population centers of the Empire to draw on.

Mountain Brigands
Tier V Skirmisher
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Throwing (+10)
** Good versus Shields (Angons)

Mountain Brigands, armed with two satchels of Nordic-style angon throwing spears to devastate the enemy up close and well armored for the subsequent melee, are some of the most dangerous infantry skirmishers in Calradia over short bursts. Of course, they lack the numbers of more regular forces, so they need to make their spears count.

Steppe Bandits
These outlaws on the wide steppes are javelin skirmishers, beginning on foot before mounting up in order to ride in, hurl their javelins, and then ride off before they are retaliated against. However, such warriors have long been used as proxies or mercenaries, at least when employed by the right kind of leader.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (4)

Steppe Bandit
Tier II Skirmishers
** Bandit
** Projectile Armed (Javelins)
** Good versus Shields (Javelins)

These bandits are men of the steppes with limited means, who despite needing to go into battle are unable to travel with a shield. Nonetheless, their desperation makes them dangerous and they are often armed with the tools to hunt for their food as well, making them rather versatile with a spear despite their lack of armor or shield for defense.

As they are men of low rank and status, it is easy enough to draft them into serving as Khuzait Auxiliary Spearmen with the right kind of leadership, a policy that wise begs and khans may wish to pursue in order to field sufficient infantry. Alternatively, they may become Steppe Brigands to more effectively organize their banditry.

Steppe Brigands
Tier III Skirmishers
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Projectile Armed (Javelins)
** Good versus Shields (Javelins)

Relatively well-organized bandits, Steppe Brigands are skilled javelin skirmishers who ideally will hit the enemy from an ambush and catch enemy cavalry with their javelins.

From here, they are going to find themselves being used as a proxy in some conflict. A sufficiently capable leader might reforge them into Mercenary Exculatores or Equites, trading a potential fate in some notable’s mines for mercenary work. Otherwise, one of the many factions interfering with the Steppes can retrain them as Steppe Raiders to mount them as a steppe raider should be.

Steppe Raiders
Tier IV Skirmish Cavalry
Requires a Horse
Minimum Ride Skill: 40
** Bandit Unit
** Good versus Shields (Throwing Lances)

Having acquired horses, these renegades and raiders are well suited for hit-and-run attacks with their throwing lances to wreck enemy shields before weaving through loose enemy formations to try and hack them apart. This makes them good as a supporting arm, particularly in clearing away enemy shields for other brigands they fight for.

They have made a career out of raiding and such, and as such are well suited to become veteran Equites under a commander of sufficient (and correct) leadership. If not, becoming Steppe Marauders is their alternative.

Steppe Marauders
Tier V Skirmish Cavalry
Minimum Ride Skill: 40
** Bandit Unit
** Good versus Shields (Throwing Lances, Axe)

Equipped with throwing lances, these marauding warriors strike hard and fast with their throwing lances before withdrawing. Once they have depleted their thrown lances, they make use of hand axes to hack apart anyone they ride down. wHy not horse archers, you may ask? Javelins break and get lost less than arrows, and these bandits need to be mindful that they will not always have fletchers on hand…

Desert Bandits and Bedouin
The desert bandits are not just Bedouin, though the two have heavy overlap and the line blurs heavily due to the nature of their relationship with the settled Aserai. As such, rather than having distinct bandit/mercenary units, they are instead a shared tree that can be hired as mercenaries despite being still considered bandits but to reach their highest tiers must become proper mercenary units which means that their commander needs the right perk.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (5)

Bedouin Raiders
Tier II Skirmisher
** Bandit Unit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Good against Shields (Javelins)

Bedouin Raiders are often the younger members of a Bedouin tribe who seek to prove themselves in battle, and to that end often go looking for trouble in the form of intimidating (or attacking) caravans and travelers in the Nahassa. This practice is far from universal, but it does sadly contribute to the complicated relationship between the settled Aserai and their nomadic kin.

In combat, they prefer to fight as light infantry by hurling in javelins before closing into melee. Some carry a longer spear instead of more javelins, though the spear is always short as they have to carry everything.

These men may become Bedouin Warriors, essentially maturing as they already are, or they may be drafted as Auxiliary Skirmishers by a warlord of the right leadership talent.

Bedouin Hunter
Tier III Missile Infantry
** Bandit Unit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Bow (+10)

Skill with the bow is no stranger to the Bedouin, even if it is not a weapon that is considered iconic to them compared to javelins or spears. Nonetheless, there are quite a few in their ranks who are talented with the bow, such as these trackers, hunters, and scouts.

With a bit of leadership, or at least the right kind, these men can be inducted into the new Aserai Master Archer’s Guild as Guild Archers, adding their expertise to the growing Aserai talent for archery.

Bedouin Warrior
Tier III Skirmisher
** Bandit Unit
** Shielded
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Good against Shields (Javelins)

Warriors of a Bedouin tribe can often be found in the Nahassa seeking to attack caravans, or preferably demand tolls from them. If not, then when battle commences they fight as skilled skirmishers who also tend to be handy in a brawl. Despite this often fraught relationship that has seen most write them off as bandits, they also often find themselves in cities where they can hire themselves out to anyone willing to pay them.

Much like the raiders who give them a bad reputation, they primarily fight as skirmishers though a few also carry short spears in lieu of a second satchel of munitions. Basic armor rounds out their protection.

These Warriors have a few paths before them, depending on the talent and desire of their leader. They can always continue their path as a warrior, either becoming a heavier footman for the frontline as a Bedouin Footman. Or they might mount up on a camel to become a Bedouin Camel Warrior and act as a counter-cavalry combatant.

Bedouin Footman
Tier IV Heavy Infantry
** Bandit
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Throwing (+10)
** Good against Shields (Javelins)

Bedouin Footmen have shifted away from being skirmishers as they have gained the means to armor themselves effectively, and have now become heavy infantry units. Though their armaments are a mixture of swords, axes, and maces, they are all equipped with javelins to hurl into the enemy before melee begins and have acquired maille to protect themselves.

Bedouin Footmen are still considered to be bandits by many, but under a leader of the right capability they can become Bedouin Infantry to move past this entirely and become a true professional soldier to boot.

Bedouin Infantry
Tier V Heavy Infantry
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Athletic Infantry (+10)
** Weapon Focus: One-Handed (+10)
** Weapon Focus: Throwing (+10)

These desert infantry are well equipped and quite dangerous warriors that are not often associated with the Aserai. Hardy and skilled, they are more than a match for Calradian soldiers, though perhaps do not have the same level of heavy armor as the Skoutatoi bear. Nonetheless, at this point they have done well enough to no longer be considered brigands by most even if they never were such to begin with, and have taken well to the professional training available to them among the cities. They are a potent mixture of traditional honor honed by innovative training.

Bedouin Camel Warrior
Tier IV Light Cavalry
Minimum Riding Skill: 30
** Bandit
** Shielded

Camel Warriors are bedouin that have mounted up in order to serve and fight as anti-cavalry warriors. Their job is more or less to hunt down other horsem*n and put them in the ground, denying them the advantage of mobility. To this end, and taking advantage of being mounted and so able to better store extra equipment, they are armed with a long spear, and a shield with a sidearm in the event the spear breaks. They excel at dismounting other cavalry, but do not have the endurance to get into a brawl with infantry.

The best of them may become Bedouin Cavalry, professionalizing and forcing people to stop seeing them as desert rats… usually.

Bedouin Cavalry
Tier V Light Cavalry
Minimum Riding Skill: 60
** Mercenary
** Professional
** Weapon Focus: Polearms (+10)
** Good against Armor (Mace)

The Bedouin usually do not have professional soldiers as the Calradians may envision them or the settled Aserai with their new Mamelukes. On the other hand, those who fight for various lords often find themselves becoming professionals through simple duration and being exposed to it. Taking well to this training, these Bedouin have combined this into a fierce and potent counter-cavalry force.

Sea Raiders
While they are the iconic force of the Nords, referring to them collectively as ‘Sea Raiders’ would be like calling all Calradians legionaries - inaccurate to say the least. Nonetheless, these Nordic pirates regularly harass Calradia’s western shores, and for those seeking a Nordic host this could be a good place to look for recruits… with the right leadership, at least.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (6)

Sea Raider Youth
Tier II Spear Infantry
** Bandit Unit
** Shielded

The youngest of the Sea Raiders, often joining a crew in the hopes of earning enough money to get out of poverty or just to make a name for themselves. They are often spear armed as many of them are too poor to afford better melee weapons, though frankly the spear is a perfectly respectable weapon all on its own.

They may become proper Sea Raiders or, under the right leader, become conventional Nord Warriors.

Sea Raider Warrior
Tier III Heavy Infantry
** Bandit
** Shielded
** Projectile Armed (Throwing Axes)
** Good against Shields (Axes)

These are your mainline Sea Raiders, men with enough experience to be dangerous but are still a far cry from full time warriors. Their axes will make short work of shields, and if they get in close they can do a lot of damage. Do not expect them to be good at fighting cavalry, though.

Under the right leader, they may become companions and eventually Huscarls.

Sea Raider Bowman
Tier II Missile Infantry
** Bandit
** Standard Ammunition:

These bowmen provide a bit of reach to a Sea Raider party, though ultimately they are mostly youths that have a bow.

Under the right leader, they may become Nord Archers.

Sea Raider Marauder
Tier III Shock Infantry
** Bandit
** Good against Shields (Axe)

Whether they believe that their fate is in the hands of the gods and so they have no need of fear or armor, or more likely they deliberately style themselves as such legendary raiders for the intimidation factor, Marauders bring two-handed axes to the fray but not the armor to back it up. Well, if their fate is in the hands of the gods, it seems the gods are eager for them to die to the first arrow…

With the right leadership, these desires for glory - or the shocking reality - can hone them into fierce and fearless Nord Berserkers.

Manual: Mercenaries and Bandits (2024)


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