Keeping a Budgie (Parakeet) as a Pet (2024)

The budgie, or parakeet, is among the smallest of the parrot species commonly kept as pets. They are also one of the most popular pet birds in the world, due in part to the fact that they are quite affordable. Thesesmall parrotsare exceedingly friendly and easy to tame.

Origin and History

The budgie and other parakeet species are native to Australia, where they are still found in huge flocks in grasslands. These wild species, however, are slightly smaller than the birds normally found in pet stores, which have now undergone decades of captive breeding.

The EnglishnaturalistJohn Gould brought the budgie to Europe around 1840, where they quickly became favorites as pets. By 1894, Australia banned export budgies, leading to a lucrative breeding business in Europe. The bird was slow to find its way to America,arriving about 1920, but became wildly popular by the 1950s.

There are two types of budgies common to the pet trade—the American budgie or parakeet and theEnglishbudgie. The American variety is the one most commonly found in pet stores, while the type often seen in exhibitions and shows is the larger English budgie. English budgies have a different appearance than American budgies, but both types belong to the same species.


Budgies are gentle and docile birds. They are also very easy to tame, especially if acquired at a young age.Pairs of birds make good company for each other, but when in living pairs and entertaining one another, they may not bond as well with their owners or mimic speech as fluently.Budgies are also very playful, active, and quieter than some other types of parrots.

Speech and Vocalizations

While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, parakeets are also quite capable of mimicking human speech.They aren't the easiest birds to teach to speak, but you can likely teach them a few easy words. In addition to the ability to mimic human speech, parakeets are quite gifted at mimicking other sounds. A creaking door, a squeaking chair, the tone of a text message coming into a phone—heard enough times, your parakeet will start making these sounds, too.

Colors and Markings

The normal wild coloration of a budgie is a light green with black bars on its wings, back, and head. Typically mature females have a tan or beige cere (the fleshy part around the nostrils), and the males have a bluish cere. Young budgies also have bar markings on their foreheads that recede with age, and their eyes typically have dark irises that gradually become gray with age. Through selective breeding in the pet trade, a huge variety of colors and patterns are available, including violet, blue, yellow, pied, albino, and the classic neon green.

Caring for Parakeets

Budgies are active and playful and should have a large cage that allows room for toys, sleeping, eating, andflight. Minimum dimensions for a cage are 20 inches long by 12 inches deep by 18 inches high, but bigger is always better. The spacing of the cage bars should be half an inch or less to avoid escapes and to prevent your bird from getting stuck. Horizontal cage bars offer the best opportunity for climbing and exercise. Place at least a couple of perches at different levels, with enough space for your budgie to comfortably move between them. Offering a variety of perch sizes, shapes, and textures will also help keep your budgie's feet in good shape. A nest to sleep in, dishes for food and water, various toys, and things to chew on should all fit inside the cage.

Even if they have a large cage, budgies will still need playtime and socialization opportunities outside of the cage. Flight is very natural and important for a bird, but you should only allow your budgie to fly in a very secure and safe area. If you have concerns about being able to control your bird's flight area,consider having the wings trimmed some to decrease the flying abilities.

Like most parrots, budgies are social birds, and thus many owners keep budgies in pairs so that they can entertain one another. Budgies seem to be happiest when kept in pairs. A single bird can be fine as long as you are able to spend a significant amount of time interacting with them on a daily basis.

10 Top Friendly Pet Bird Species

Common Health Issues

Budgies are prone to some of the same issues as other parrots, but also have some that are unique to this species. They can be susceptible to goiters caused by iodine deficiency or develop tumors if their diet includes too many seeds and not enough fruits and vegetables. Budgies can also be subject to psittacosis (also called parrot fever, caused by bacteria), and they can fall prey to scaly mites that affect the skin on the legs and around the eyes.

Diet and Nutrition

Variety is the key to healthy parakeet food since these birds are diverse foragers in the wild.Seeds can be a nutritious part of a budgie's diet, but because these are high in fat, seedsshould only make up a portion of the diet.Pelleted dietsare often a good choice for birds, as they are nutritionally balanced. Seeds and pellets can be fed in combination, but other foods should also complement the diet, including a variety of fresh vegetables (carrots, broccoli, corn, spinach, beans, etc.) and fruit.

Have patience with your budgie anytime you introduce a new food, as they can be scary to birds.Sprouted seeds are also an excellent way to add variety to your bird's diet, but avocados, chocolate, sugar, and salt must be avoided.

A cuttlebone can be provided as a source of calcium.

Seeds vs. Pellets: What to Feed Your Bird


Free flying time is criticalto the budgie;try to offer several hours each a day in a room that is safe. A large houseplant can be a great playground. Your budgie needs a variety of toys to offer exercise and mental stimulation. It's best to rotate the toys every month or so to prevent them from growing bored.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Parakeet

Unlike other parrots, budgies are widely available at nearly all pet stores, so care is necessary when selecting a bird. Where possible, it's better to buy a bird directly from a breeder. It is best to choose a young budgie that has been handled regularly if you want to tame your budgie easily. You can expect to pay more for a hand-reared or very young bird, but it may be worth the extra cost since it will make the hand-taming process quicker and easier. Pet stores typically have older birds, so hand-taming them may be more of a challenge.

Look for a bird that is bright, alert, and active. The feathers should be smooth, shiny, and lay flat on the body. The vent should be clean, dry, and free of fecal matter. The scales on the feet should be smooth, the nails and beak should be smooth and not overgrown, and the nostrils should be clear and clean with no clumping of the feathers surrounding them.

Similar Species

When it comes to great pet ideas, the budgie isn't the only bird in town. Other small parrots you might want to consider are:

  • Pacific parrotlet
  • Lovebird
  • Indian ringneck parakeet
  • Black-capped conure
Keeping a Budgie (Parakeet) as a Pet (2024)


Keeping a Budgie (Parakeet) as a Pet? ›

Budgies are gentle birds. They tend to entertain themselves and are therefore quieter than other parrots. If budgies are kept in pairs or colonies, they can be great “watching only” pets. If kept with other budgies, they tend to not bond with their human owners.

Are budgie parakeets good pets? ›

Budgies are perfect family pets as they're small, very easily handleable. They're easily trained as well to come onto your finger. They love to interact with their owners. They're extremely social.

Can a budgie be left alone for 3 days? ›

A budgie should not be left alone for more than 6-8 hours.

Is it OK to keep one budgie? ›

One of the perks of having a solo budgie is the strong bond that forms between you and your feathered pal. They become more reliant on your companionship, which can be incredibly rewarding. You'll be their primary source of interaction, and your budgie will eagerly look forward to your presence.

Do parakeets need to be covered at night? ›

Parakeets do not have to be covered at night, but some parakeets might prefer it. It can help be a clear indication of bedtime or allow them to feel safer.

Are parakeets high maintenance? ›

They are usually thought of as easy keepers- and are traditionally given bird seed and water and kept as multiples in relatively small cages. However, the more we learn about parakeets and their needs and behaviors the more we know that they require more than just this basic care to thrive in a captive environment.

What do budgies love most? ›

Fruit brings a little bit of fun into a budgie's life as they like to play with their food! Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, cabbage, fresh beans, lettuce, fresh peas, parsnips, a variety of peppers, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams and a variety of squash. Before preparing any food they should be washed first.

Can I leave my budgie alone for 8 hours? ›

Many birds are left alone for 8 or so hours a day. Things you can do to ensure your bird is happy and healthy: Make sure the cage is large enough to truly move in. A 30x18 flight cage would be an inexpensive option if your current cage is smaller.

Do I need to bathe my budgie? ›

Bathing is very important for feather maintenance and skin hydration. It keeps feathers free of dirt and encourages birds to preen (groom) their feathers, helping to preserve their wonderful, natural luster.

Should you cover budgie cage at night? ›

As long as a dark, quiet and somewhat secluded area is provided for a bird to sleep in, most will be fine without being covered at night. Remember, however, that sleep is vital to a bird's well-being. If you are in doubt about your pet's reaction to being uncovered, play it safe and resume covering the cage at night.

Is it cruel to leave a budgie in a cage? ›

There's no doubt about it, birds cannot do what they have evolved to do in a cage. Unfortunately, by placing birds in cages, it can make them stressed, anxious and irritated.

Do budgies need out of cage time? ›

Budgies require time out of their cage - even if they live in a large enclosure. Flight is an important part of their natural makeup. Out of cage time supplies budgies with playtime, and an opportunity to socialize. Out of cage time should last a few hours each day.

Can you toilet train a budgie? ›

If they are very young, they cannot control their bowel movement and it may be difficult to train. Some people say that they can control it when they are one year or older, but it's best to have them trained before they turn one. Be sure your parakeet has been outside and is familiar with your house.

How long do budgie parakeets live? ›

Parakeet Lifespan

In captivity, budgies can live anywhere between 7-15 years of age. This is almost twice the life expectancy of a wild budgie. In the wild, budgies can live between 4-6 years because of threats of predation.

Is it better to have 1 parakeet or 2? ›

As a general rule, a pair of parakeets will be happier than a single bird. All your bird needs is a companion – which means another bird, or you - and it will be content. If you only keep one bird, you will need to be its friend and companion. This means spending lots of time with the parakeet every day.

What are the pros and cons of parakeets? ›

Oftentimes, these found birds are brought to avian vets suffering from stress, injury, or anxiety. Pro: They tend to be very social and bond closely with their owners. Con: They are known to easily get sick, and require medical attention. Read our Budgie Pet Care Guide to learn more about these parakeets.

Which parakeets are friendliest? ›

The budgerigar, or budgie, is the most popular kind of parakeet for bird owners thanks to their silly, sweet nature, but all parakeets offer the benefits that come with their small size and the fact that they aren't as noisy as many of their avian cousins.

Do budgie birds like to be held? ›

The more you gain your budgies' trust, the more they will like to be around you. Most budgies don't like to be physically held in someone's hand, but they do like to perch on your hand, finger or shoulder. Some budgies even like to sit on your chest when you lie down.

Are budgies happy in cages? ›

The larger the cage, the easier the transition should be. A pair of budgies will, generally, be happier than a single budgie. They are sociable birds, and in the wild they live in large flocks. Two birds, and a couple of mirrors, will recreate the contact and noise of a flock (albeit a very small one).


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