hippopotamus scientific name and type of Hippopotamus - SCIENTIFIC NAME (2024)

hippopotamus scientific name ,hippo scientific name is Hippopotamus amphibius Friends, you must have heard the name of the hippopotamus.Which is called water horse or Hippopotamus.In this article we are going to tell you what is a hippopotamus?And what does the hippopotamus eat?The secret of the hippopotamus sweat, by the way, the hippopotamus is different from the normal horse.

It is not a horse breed.Rather it is a species of pig. The word hippopotamus means.Water Horse It can live both in water and on land.Because of its existence in water, it is called water horse or hippopotamus. It is the third heaviest breast found after elephant and rhinoceros.Despite their close resemblance to pigs, whales, dolphins, porpoises are its close relatives.Which separated from it 55 million years ago.

hippopotamus scientific name and type of Hippopotamus - SCIENTIFIC NAME (1)

If we talk about its weight, then the weight of the male is 1,500 kg and that of the female is 13 kg.Its legs are short.And it is capable of running 30 km/h (19 mph). Hippopotamuses live near rivers, lakes, ponds and inside mangrove swamps.During the day it stays under water.in order to avoid the heat.Apart from this, they also breed under water. Hippopotamus is the most dangerous creature in the world.It is aggressive. It is hunted for the meat and teeth of the hippopotamus.

Hippopotamuses live in groups of 30.These groups are called herds, dales, or blotches. Hippopotamus is the Greek word.In which Hippops means horse.And potamus means river.For this reason it is also called the horse of the river.

hippopotamus scientific name hippopotamus classification

Inside the hippopotamus is the genus Hippopotamidae.Hippopotamus can be divided into 5 species.This division has been done on the basis of their skull and geographical differences.

Great northern hippopotamus or Nile hippopotamus

This species was spread inside Egypt which is now extinct.They extended south of the Nile as far as Tanzania.

East African hippopotamus

Their nose is very wide.It is spread inside the African Great Lakes region of Kenya and in Somalia.

Cape hippopotamusorSouth African hippopotamus

Extended from Zambia to South Africa.Their identity is that their skull is flat.

West African hippopotamus or Tchad hippopotamus

As the name suggests.It is spread throughout West Africa.Their face is small and slightly broad.

Angola hippopotamus

They are found in Angola, the Southern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Namibia.

However, this division of sub-castes could not be fully physically verified.Because these differences within species were very small. Genetically only three subspecies have been analysed.

hippopotamus scientific name origin of the hippopotamus

By 1909, scientists had associated hippopotamuses with pigs.Blood protein, DNA and fossil records show that their closest relatives are cetaceans.Cetaceans include whales, dolphins and porpoises.Cetaceans and hippopotamuses later split, however. Recent theories suggest that hippos and whales separated from other artiodactyls 60 million years ago after a common mitosis split.

The early whale ancestors, collectively known as the Archaeoceti, saw one branch become completely aquatic and the other branch Anthracotheres.Meaning four legs.

The Hippopotamidae are believed to have first evolved within Africa. The oldest known hippopotamid genus is Kenyapotamus, which lived in Africa between 16 and 8 million years ago.Hippopatamid species were widespread within Asia and Europe.It was never discovered inside the Americas. The ancestors of the modern hippopotamus, the Archaeopotamus, lived in Africa and the Middle East.

hippopotamus scientific name and type of Hippopotamus - SCIENTIFIC NAME (2)

extinct species of hippopotamus

Three species of Madagasian hippopotamus have become extinct.And one of them has become extinct within the last 1000 years. The Malagasy hippos were much smaller than the modern hippopotamus. The fossils of the Malagasy hippo suggest that the reason for their extinction was hunting. In 1976, villagers named Kilopilopitsphy. Told about a live animal which may be Malagasy.

Hippopotamus amphibius was found 30,000 years ago inside Europe and North Africa in large numbers. Evidence of this is also present. Several species of hippopotamus were found inside the Nile region of Egypt. Pliny the Elder writes that then the hippopotamus The best place to catch the koi was at the site of Phnom inside Egypt. It was still found in considerable numbers after the Arab conquest in 639. The last hippopotamus was found in the 19th century Natal province.

Although hippopotamuses still live in the rivers and lakes of the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan in the north, The Gambia in the west and south to South Africa.

Ugandan tribes hunted many hippopotamuses for food during the 20th century.

In May 2006, the IUCN marked the hippopotamus as a vulnerable species with a red mark. The estimated population was between 125,000 and 150,000. Since the 1996 study, Zambia (40,000) and Tanzania (20,000) -30,000). They have the largest population in the Virunga National Park between 1970 and 2005, which was 29,000 earlier, which later increased to only 900.The reason for such a great decline was attributed to the Second Congo War.

However, eating hippopotamus meat is legally outlawed inside Africa.But inside Central Africa people call it a delicious meat.Apart from this, the hippopotamus is also hunted because its teeth are considered equivalent to ivory.

What is ahippopotamusinformation about hippopotamus

Let us tell you that hippopotamus males keep growing throughout their lifetime.Whereas women are able to grow only till the age of 25 years.The maximum weight of males can reach up to 3,200 kg. Their skeletal structures are adapted to carry their heavy weight.Well these are heavy animals.And their legs are short.He is not a good swimmer either.Because of this, they do not go deep inside the water. When they live under water, they keep their nose out.So that it can breathe easily.Because of their short legs, they cannot jump.

The hippopotamus’s jaws are so designed that they can open their mouth at 180 degrees. The bite force of an adult female has been measured as 8,100 newtons. The lower and upper frontal teeth of the male hippopotamus keep growing continuously.And it can reach up to 1 foot 4 inches.

The hair on the hippopotamus is very short. The skin is 6 cm (2 in) thick. The upper parts of the animal are purplish-brown to bluish-black.While the undersides and areas around the eyes and ears are brownish-pink.

Blood sweat is also found inside them.It is colorless at first.But after some time its color becomes red-orange.And then it turns brown.Actually it is Hipposudoric acid, Noripospodoric acid which inhibit the pathogens that cause disease.

The hippo has a life span of 40 to 50 years. Donna the Hippo was the first living hippo. She lived at the Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville, Indiana in the US.Whose death occurred in 2012 at the age of 61 years.

What does a hippopotamus eat?and its living

Hippopotamuses live inside rivers, ponds and lakes.And spend the day under water.Apart from this, they live in places with more grass. They go to the land only for grazing.Apart from this, they do it only under water till mating. They also make long journeys of up to 6 miles. They graze for four to five hours and consume 68 kg of grass every night. By the way, hippopotamuses are herbivores.But sometimes they also eat meat.However, their intestines are unable to digest the meat properly.The reason they eat meat is due to nutritional stress.

According to a research conducted in 2015, hippopotamus dung provides essential nutrients for fish and other aquatic creatures. Hippopotamuses can run up to 5 mph underwater.They keep changing their location from time to time.

Let us tell you that the process of breathing is subconscious.They have to come up from the water to breathe every 3 minutes. If they are sleeping under water, they will come up automatically to breathe.They don’t need to wake up for this.

Nile crocodiles and lions have also occasionally been seen hunting hippopotamuses.Although there are few chances that any animal hunts them.Because they are very aggressive.Hippopotamus is not a social animal.And the reason for living with them is unknown.And there can be 30 or more hippopotamuses within their herd. And female hippopotamuses live with each other in most cases.Like the musk marg, the hippopotamus also marks its territory with its feces.And men have also been seen fighting amongst themselves inside them.When two hippopotamuses fight, they attack each other with their fangs. And injure each other.

After birth, female hippopotamus matures within 5 to 6 years. And male hippopotamus matures after about 7 years. The female conceives. After becoming pregnant, the female will not start ovulating until 17 months.Mating also takes place under water. Baby hippops are 25 to 50 kg.and has an average length of 127 cm.Apart from this, babies are born in water only.They have to come to the surface to breathe.

Sometimes it can also be seen sitting on its mother’s back.Only the mother of the hippopotamus protects them.And keeps their distance from the enemies.However, adults take care of them inside the bird houses.A baby hippopotamus drinks mother’s milk for 8 months after birth.Sometimes twins are also born.

The connection of humans with the hippopotamus

hippopotamus scientific name and type of Hippopotamus - SCIENTIFIC NAME (3)

The first evidence of a human attack on a hippopotamus has been found in fossils found 160,000 years ago.Thereafter, evidence of hippopotamus hunting has been found in fossils found near Danjet in the Tassili N’jéjar Mountains in the Sahara mountains.This is 4000 years ago.The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the hippopotamus in his book The Histories. The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder wrote about the hippopotamus in the book Naturalis Historiae. The Yoruba people called the hippopotamus erinmi which means “of water”. Elephant”.

hippopotamus attack on humans

There are very few cases of hippopotamus attack on humans.Because now their number is very less.By the way, the hippopotamus is very aggressive. And can sink large boats floating under water. 13 people were killed in the attack inside Niger.

hippopotamus bird indoors

The hippo was of course the first bird house to house a hippopotamus. On May 25, 1850, the hippopotamus attracted more than 10,000 visitors inside London. However, the hippopotamus has a low birth rate inside the birdhouse.One reason for the low birth rate is attributed to the zoo itself.Because it is very expensive to maintain. In the Toledo Zoo, which is inside the US, in 1987, many people saw the birth of a hippopotamus underwater.

cultural illustration

A red hippopotamus representing the ancient Egyptian god Set, the hippo has been the subject of various African folktales. According to a San story, when the Creator gave each animal its place in nature, hippopotamuses wanted to stay in the water, but were refused for fear that they might eat all the fish. After begging and begging, the hippopotamus was allowed to stay in the water on the condition that they eat grass instead of fish

Hippo is one of the largest animals on earth

Hippos are one of the largest animals on the planet, along with elephants and rhinos. An average, fully grown male can reach up to 7,000 pounds.Which is the weight of a UPS truck.And the female can reach 3000 pounds. Baby hippos are 60 pounds after birth. Hippos are considered mature only at 3.5 years of age.

hippopotamus can’t swim

Friends, when we take the name of the hippopotamus, we think that it is a horse living under water.In fact, when they live under water, they know how to swim.But the truth is that they do not know how to swim.

Whenever you see these hippopotamuses, you will find them under water and sometimes their eyes will be visible only outside, the rest will be found submerged under water.But actually they do this to lower their body temperature.

And when it is summer season, this is the only way for them to reduce their body temperature.These are nocturnal.This means that they are nocturnal.

Baby hippos can drink milk even under water

The special thing about baby hippos is that they drink their mother’s milk after birth and they drink their mother’s milk until they learn to find and eat food on their own.They live with their mother.The biggest feature of baby hippos is that they can drink their mother’s milk even on land and under water.Baby hippos can close their eyes and nose to drink milk under water and are able to hold their breath easily for some time.

Hippos are able to hold their breath in water for up to 5 minutes

Friends, hippos are underwater creatures and can even land. And get their food from the ground itself. A thick membrane closes their eyes and their nostrils, forming a protective water-tight seal. becomes.Hippos hold their breath when they sense that there is some danger outside.So that they can easily sleep underwater by holding their breath.When the danger is over, they easily come out of the water.

Hippopotamuses can communicate even under water

Friends, hippopotamuses use a range of noises to communicate with each other. These sounds are sometimes similar to human laughter. And when they speak on the ground, their voice can be heard for a mile .

Each of his calls has a meaning.But it is very difficult for us humans to understand this thing.However, they can also use calls to alert each other.

A group of hippopotamuses is known as bloat.

Friends, tell you that hippopotamus likes to live inside solitude.But they live inside larger groups and their group is known as bloat. Within a group there can be up to 100 hippopotamuses and males control this group.Apart from this, the main predators of the hippopotamus are big cats, crocodiles and hyenas are known to hunt them.If the hippopotamuses are separated from the group, they also work to find them.

Population of hippopotamus is decreasing very fast

Friends, according to the IUCN Red List, their population is decreasing very rapidly.The reason for this is that their habitat is being rapidly destroyed.Due to which their population is decreasing significantly. The general hippo population is stable, yet their position in the IUCN list is vulnerable.

Hippopotamus is able to avoid the rays of the sun

Friends, you may be surprised to know that there are no sweat glands inside the hippopotamus.But they secrete a special type of substance from their body.The advantage of which is that this substance covers their entire skin, due to which they are easily able to avoid the harmful rays of the sun.

The gestation period of a hippopotamus is 8 months

Friends, the gestation period of a hippopotamus is 237 days.And it lasts for 8 months. And the gestation period of elephant is 600 days. It is capable of producing only one child at a time.And for one year the calf stays with its mother.After that it starts feeding the grass.

Hippopotamuses mate twice a year

Friends, hippopotamuses mate twice in a year and this action takes place under water. There is a struggle here too.Which sometimes takes a terrible form.Inside it, a male fights with other males for mating and only a powerful male is able to mate.

Hippopotamuses are multiple companions

The mates, whether male or female inside hippopotamuses, do not live together on life.Once the male and female mate they can separate.In addition, a male can mate with about 10 females during his lifetime.In a season, a male will usually mate with more than one female to ensure offspring.And after the birth of the calf, the two will be together for some time till the calves are quite big.

Hippopotamuses also mark their territory

Friends, the way dogs are in the area.Similarly, hippopotamuses also have their territory.They work to mark their territory. They throw feces and make a loud noise to mark their territory. And if another hippopotamus enters their territory, they can attack it. .Apart from this, they also do not like humans and can drive them away.

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hippopotamus scientific name and type of Hippopotamus - SCIENTIFIC NAME (2024)


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