Design your own gym clothing - 100% customisable | spized (2024)

Functional cookies are absolutely necessary for the functionality of the web shop. These cookies assign a unique random ID to your browser so that your unhindered shopping experience can be guaranteed over several page views.

Google Tag Manager Debug Modus:

Enables the Google Tag Manager to run in debug mode.

Mollie Payment (_dd_s):

This cookie is used to group all events generated from a unique user session across multiple checkout pages.

cloudflare (__cf_bm):

Cookie used to group all events generated by a unique user session across multiple pages. It contains the current session ID, whether the session is excluded due to sampling, and the session expiry date. The cookie is extended by a further 15 minutes each time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum duration of the user session (4 hours).


Amazon Application Load Balancer cookie for retaining sessions

Ablyft (ablyft_uvs):

Is set on the first pagewview and update with every further page view of a visitor

Ablyft (ablyft_queue):

Is set when a visitor triggers an event/destination. After the event has been sent to ABlyft, it is deleted again.

Ablyft (ablyft_exps):

Set and updated when a visitor is assigned to an experiment/variation.

Ablyft (ablyft_tracking_consent):

Is set when enableTrackingConsent or disableTrackingConsent is triggered via the API.

Ablyft (ablyft_tgoals):

Is set and updated when a visitor triggers an event/destination.

Ablyft (ablyft_session_check):

Is set at the beginning of each visitor session.

Ablyft (ablyft_redirect):

Is set when a diversion is carried out

Cookie settings:

The cookie is used to store the cookie settings of the site user over several browser sessions.


The cookie is used to provide the system with the user's current time zone.

Payment provider (Stripe) fraud prevention:

This cookie is necessary to carry out credit card transactions on the website. The service is provided by, which enables online transactions without storing credit card information.

Payment provider (Stripe) session

IP Targeting and Language Detection:

Saves the detection of the browser language and the assigned country based on the ip address.

Payment provider (Stripe) fraud prevention:

This cookie is necessary to carry out credit card transactions on the website. The service is provided by, which enables online transactions without storing credit card information.


CAPTCHA integration

Information on origin:

The cookie stores the referrer and the first page visited by the user for further use.

IP Targeting and Language Detection:

Saves the detection of the browser language and the assigned country based on the ip address.

Amazon Pay:

The cookie is used for payment transactions via Amazon.


The cookie is used by the payment provider to increase security when processing payments on the website.

PayPal payments


The cookie is used by the payment provider to increase security when processing payments on the website.

IP targeting detected country:

Saves the country recognised on the basis of the IP address so that it can be preselected in forms.

Payment provider (Stripe) session


The session cookie stores your shopping data over several page views and is therefore essential for your personal shopping experience.

Cache handling:

The cookie is used to differentiate the cache for different scenarios and page users.

CSRF token:

The CSRF token cookie contributes to your security. It strengthens the security of forms against unwanted hacker attacks.

Marketing and personalization cookies are used to display advertisem*nts on the website in a targeted and individualized manner across multiple page views and browser sessions.

Typeform (tf_respondent_cc):

Typeform cookie from the banner function so that creators can give their respondents the option of opting in or out of the cookies in the form

Typeform (account_ids):

Transfer of a user's accounts

TikTok Performance:

To measure and improve the performance of advertising campaigns and to personalize the user experience (including ads) on TikTok

Criteo (cto_bundle):

Presents relevant content and advertising to the user. The service is provided by third-party advertising hubs that enable real-time bidding for advertisers

Google conversion tracking:

The Google Conversion Tracking Cookie is used to track conversions on the website effectively. This information is used by the site operator to target Google AdWords campaigns.


Saves anonymously whether the device currently in use was used in a survey of the Austrian Web Analysis (ÖWA) in the current quarter.

Facebook Pixel:

The cookie is used by Facebook to display personalized advertising offers based on user behavior to users of websites that integrate Facebook services.

Google AdSense:

The cookie is used by Google AdSense to promote advertising efficiency on the website.

Microsoft Ads:

This cookie is used by Microsoft Ads to gather anonymous information on how visitors are using the website.

Statistics and optimization help the shop operator to collect and evaluate information about the behaviour of users on their website.

Hubspot (__hssc):

This cookie name is associated with websites that are built on the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analysis.

Hubspot (__hssrc):

Cookie set by Hubspot for analysis purposes. Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine whether the visitor has restarted their browser

Hubspot (__hstc):

Cookie set by Hubspot for analysis purposes. The most important cookie for tracking visitors.

Google Analytics (_gat_UA-|_gclxxxx|_gid):

This is a pattern cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element in the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website to which it relates. It appears to be a variant of the _gat cookie, which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic websites. Google conversion tracking cookie Used to distinguish users by Google Analytics Third-party analytics cookies: google analytics for statistical purposes. Type of data processed: IP addresses. In order to maximise the privacy of users/visitors, we use the masking IP function, which imposes on the system the redaction of the last 8 digits of the IP address of the user/visitor before any type of processing is carried out, so that, in fact, the analysed purpose: to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit our website in order to process statistics.

Typeform (attribution_user_id):

First-party cookie for anonymous tracking of visitors

Hubspot (hubspotutk):

This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. HubSpot reports that its purpose is user authentication. As it is a persistent cookie and not a session cookie, it cannot be categorised as strictly necessary.

Google Analytics 4 (user identification):

Google Analytics 4 cookie to identify the user

Crazy Egg (_ceir):

Track whether a visitor has visited the website before

Crazy Egg (_CEFT):

Shop page variants assigned to visitors for A/B performance tests

Crazy Egg (_cer.v):

(Old tracking script) Tracking whether a visitor has visited the website before

Crazy Egg (_ce.s):

Track the unique ID, host and start time of a recording visitor session

Crazy Egg (_ce.cch):

Used to check whether cookies can be added.

Crazy Egg (_ce.clock_event):

Prevent repeated requests to the clock API.

Crazy Egg (cebsp_):

Used to track the current user session internally.

Crazy Egg (_ce.gtld):

Used to identify the top-level domain.

Crazy Egg (ce_need_secure_cookie):

Used to determine the security parameters of cookies.

Crazy Egg (ce_successful_csp_check):

Used to determine if the page has a content security policy rule that would prevent tracking

Crazy Egg (cebs):

Used to track the current user session internally.

Crazy Egg (_ce.clock_data):

Saves the time difference between the server time and the time of the current browser

Crazy Egg (_ce.irv):

Used to save the return value during the session

Crazy Egg (ceft_variant_override):

Save forced variant ID


This cookie is used to display personalised product recommendations in the web shop.

ÖWA ioam2018:

Saves a client hash for the Austrian Web Analysis (ÖWA) to optimize the determination of the key figures clients and visits. The cookie is valid for a maximum of 1 year.

Yandex Metrica:

Yandex Metrica cookies are used for traffic analysis of the website. Statistics on website activity can be created and read.


Hotjar cookies are used to analyze website activities of users. The site user is identified by the cookie over several page views and his or her behavior is analyzed.


The cookie is used to track website activity. The information collected is used for site analysis and to generate statistics.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is used for traffic analysis of the website. Thereby statistics about website activities can be created and read out.

Service cookies are used to provide the user with additional offers (e.g. live chats) on the website. Information obtained via these service cookies may also be processed for site analysis.


Zendesk provides a live chat for site users. The cookie ensures the function of the application over several page views.

These cookies are used to collect and process information about the use of the website by users, in order to subsequently personalise advertising and/or content in other contexts.

Trbo on-site personalization:

The cookie is used for onsite personalization of the site content and for site analysis for optimization measures.

Criteo Retargeting:

The cookie is used to enable personalized ads on third party websites based on pages and products viewed.

YouTube video

Datadog HQ (_dd_s):

Cookie used to group all events generated by a unique user session across multiple pages. It contains the current session ID, whether the session is excluded due to sampling, and the session expiry date. The cookie is extended by a further 15 minutes each time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum duration of the user session (4 hours).

Datadog HQ (dd_cookie_test_):

Temporary cookie to test cookie support. Expires immediately.

RudderStack (Unique anonymous ID):

Used by Rudderstack to understand how visitors interact with the website and to uniquely identify a user (Unique anonymous Id)

We respect your privacy

This website uses cookies to provide you with the best possible functionality. You can customise your choice regarding the use of cookies at any time under "Settings". You can find more information on data protection here.

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Design your own gym clothing - 100% customisable | spized (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6064

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.