Bunny Harvestman: Is It Really a Spider? | Arachnid Answers (2024)

(Image credit: Andreas Kay/Flickr/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) For feature image

In the diverse and intricate world of arachnids, the Bunny Harvestman (Metagryne bicolumnata) stands out as a particularly intriguing species. This creature, a member of the vast arachnid family, has piqued the curiosity of both scientists and enthusiasts alike due to its unique and somewhat whimsical appearance.

The surge in interest can be largely attributed to a viral photograph captured by the renowned animal photographer and biologist Andreas Kay. His image, showcasing the peculiar features of this arachnid, has not only sparked widespread fascination but also opened up discussions and inquiries into the mysterious world of these creatures.

Table Of Contents

  1. Description and Characteristics of the Bunny Harvestman
  2. Habitat and Geographic Distribution
  3. Behavior and Diet of the Bunny Harvestman
  4. Cultural and Media Impact of the Bunny Harvestman
  5. Conservation Status and Environmental Importance
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

The Bunny Harvestman, often mistaken for a spider, is actually not a spider. As a member of the Opiliones order, it’s an arachnid but is more related to scorpions and camel spiders. Unlike spiders, which belong to the Araneae order, bunny harvestmen lack silk glands and venom. This distinction is crucial in understanding their place in the arachnid family.

Bunny Harvestman: Is It Really a Spider? | Arachnid Answers (1)

(Image credit: Andreas Kay/Flickr/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Description and Characteristics of the Bunny Harvestman

The Bunny Harvestman’s appearance is nothing short of remarkable, primarily due to its cephalothorax, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the head of a bunny or dog. This visual mimicry, a result of natural selection, presents a fascinating case study in evolutionary biology.

The arachnid’s body, adorned with a large black hump on its back, features two spots and two spikes. When viewed from certain angles, these markings create the illusion of a rabbit or canine’s head, complete with ears and eyes.

Size, Color, and Body Structure

In terms of size, the Bunny Harvestman is relatively small, a characteristic it shares with many of its arachnid cousins. Its body exhibits a greenish-yellow hue, providing it with a degree of camouflage in its natural habitat. The arachnid’s legs, a defining feature of many species in this class, are long and segmented, further adding to its distinctive appearance.

Unlike spiders, the Bunny Harvestman does not have a segmented torso, and its two small eyes set it apart from the typically multi-eyed spider species.

Comparison with Other Arachnids

When compared to other arachnids, the Bunny Harvestman offers a unique case study. While it shares the eight-legged trait common to this class, it diverges significantly in other aspects. For instance, unlike spiders, it does not possess venom glands and is harmless to humans.

Its diet and hunting strategies also differ, as it primarily feeds on decaying vegetation and animal matter. In terms of evolutionary lineage, the Bunny Harvestman is more closely related to scorpions and camel spiders, a fact that underscores the diverse evolutionary paths within the arachnid family.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the habitat, behavior, and ecological significance of the Bunny Harvestman, unraveling the mysteries of this fascinating creature and its role in the natural world.

Habitat and Geographic Distribution

The Bunny Harvestman, a creature as enigmatic as it is fascinating, finds its home in the lush and biodiverse realms of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. This region, known for its rich and varied ecosystems, provides the perfect backdrop for the study and observation of the Bunny Harvestman. The rainforest’s dense canopy and humid environment create an ideal habitat for a multitude of species, including this unique arachnid.

To truly appreciate the unique characteristics and behavior of the Bunny Harvestman, visual observation is key. In this captivating video by Andreas Kay, we are given a rare glimpse into the world of Metagryne bicolumnata in action.

Preferred Environmental Conditions

In its natural habitat, the Bunny Harvestman exhibits a preference for moist and shaded areas, often found under rocks, logs, and leaf litter. These environments offer not only the necessary humidity for its survival but also a refuge from potential predators. The microhabitats under these natural structures provide a stable and secure environment, crucial for the arachnid’s daily activities and lifecycle.

Bunny Harvestman: Is It Really a Spider? | Arachnid Answers (2)

Behavior and Diet of the Bunny Harvestman

Contrary to the predatory nature of many arachnids, the Bunny Harvestman adopts an omnivorous diet. This diet primarily consists of decaying plant matter and animal detritus, positioning it as an important player in the ecosystem’s nutrient cycle. The consumption of this organic matter aids in decomposition and nutrient recycling, a vital process in the rainforest’s ecological balance.

Non-Venomous Nature and Hunting Strategies

A significant aspect that sets the Bunny Harvestman apart from many of its arachnid relatives is its lack of venom glands. This non-venomous nature influences its feeding behavior, as it does not rely on venom to subdue prey. Instead, it scavenges for food, a trait that further distinguishes it from the more aggressive hunting strategies of spiders.

This approach to feeding highlights the diversity of survival strategies within the arachnid world and underscores the Bunny Harvestman’s unique ecological niche.

In the next sections, we will delve into the evolutionary significance of the Bunny Harvestman, its role in the ecosystem, and the ongoing research efforts to understand this intriguing species better.

Cultural and Media Impact of the Bunny Harvestman

The Bunny Harvestman catapulted to viral fame primarily due to the striking and almost mythical appearance captured in Andreas Kay’s photograph. This image, showcasing the arachnid’s unique bunny-like features, quickly captured the public’s imagination, leading to widespread media coverage and discussion.

The creature’s peculiar form, resembling a fusion of familiar animals with an arachnid, has made it a subject of fascination and intrigue in popular culture. It has appeared in various media forms, from online articles to social media posts, often sparking conversations about the wonders and oddities of the natural world.

Media Appearances and Public Fascination

The Bunny Harvestman’s media appearances have ranged from scientific discussions in academic circles to more lighthearted features in mainstream media. Its unique appearance has been a focal point in documentaries and nature shows, highlighting the diversity and unexpected beauty found in the animal kingdom.

The public’s fascination with this creature is a testament to the enduring curiosity and wonder that the natural world inspires in people of all ages and backgrounds.

Bunny Harvestman: Is It Really a Spider? | Arachnid Answers (3)

Conservation Status and Environmental Importance

As of current knowledge, there are no immediate conservation concerns specifically targeting the Bunny Harvestman. However, like many species residing in the Amazon rainforest, it faces indirect threats from broader environmental issues such as deforestation, climate change, and habitat destruction. These challenges underscore the need for continued conservation efforts to preserve the rich biodiversity of the Amazon.

Ecological Role in the Habitat

The Bunny Harvestman plays a crucial role in its ecosystem, particularly in nutrient cycling and soil health. By feeding on decaying organic matter, it helps in the decomposition process, contributing to the nutrient-rich profile of the rainforest soil. This role is vital for the health and sustainability of the forest, supporting a wide range of plant and animal life.


The Bunny Harvestman, with its unique appearance and intriguing behavioral traits, stands as a fascinating subject in the study of arachnids. Its presence in the lush Amazon rainforest adds to the tapestry of biodiversity that makes this region one of the most vital ecological zones on the planet. The public’s interest, sparked by viral images and media coverage, highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the lesser-known species that share our world.

As we continue to explore and study the natural world, species like the Bunny Harvestman remind us of the endless mysteries and wonders yet to be discovered. It is our hope that this interest leads to further research and conservation efforts, ensuring that these remarkable creatures continue to thrive in their natural habitats for generations to come.


What is a Bunny Harvestman?

The Bunny Harvestman, scientifically known as Metagryne bicolumnata, is a unique species of arachnid found in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. It is known for its distinctive appearance, which resembles the head of a bunny or dog, due to the peculiar shape and markings on its body.

What Do Bunny Harvestmen Eat?

Bunny Harvestmen are omnivorous and primarily feed on decaying plant matter and animal detritus. This diet makes them important contributors to the nutrient-cycling process in their ecosystem, aiding in the decomposition of organic materials.

What is a Rare Bunny Harvestman Spider?

The term (rare bunny harvestman spider) often refers to the unusual and infrequently encountered species of harvestman that exhibit the unique bunny-like appearance. However, it’s important to note that despite being colloquially called a spider, the Bunny Harvestman is not a true spider but belongs to a different order of arachnids known as Opiliones.

What is the Spider that Looks Like a Bunny?

The spider that looks like a bunny is commonly referred to as the Bunny Harvestman. This arachnid’s resemblance to a bunny is due to the distinctive markings on its back, which create an illusion of a bunny or dog’s head. It’s a member of the Opiliones order and is not a true spider.

How Does the Bunny Harvestman Differ from Other Spiders?

The Bunny Harvestman differs from other spiders in several ways. It does not possess venom glands and therefore is harmless to humans, unlike many spiders. Additionally, it has a body structure that lacks the segmentation typically seen in spiders, and it has only two eyes instead of the usual six or eight found in most spider species. Its diet and habitat preferences also set it apart from typical spider behavior.

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Bunny Harvestman: Is It Really a Spider? | Arachnid Answers (2024)


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