Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye (2024)

  • Letter
  • Published:
  • Dan-E. Nilsson1,
  • Lars Gislén2,
  • Melissa M. Coates1,
  • Charlotta Skogh1 &
  • Anders Garm1

Nature volume435,pages 201–205 (2005)Cite this article


Cubozoans, or box jellyfish, differ from all other cnidarians by an active fish-like behaviour and an elaborate sensory apparatus1,2. Each of the four sides of the animal carries a conspicuous sensory club (the rhopalium), which has evolved into a bizarre cluster of different eyes3. Two of the eyes on each rhopalium have long been known to resemble eyes of higher animals, but the function and performance of these eyes have remained unknown4. Here we show that box-jellyfish lenses contain a finely tuned refractive index gradient producing nearly aberration-free imaging. This demonstrates that even simple animals have been able to evolve the sophisticated visual optics previously known only from a few advanced bilaterian phyla. However, the position of the retina does not coincide with the sharp image, leading to very wide and complex receptive fields in individual photoreceptors. We argue that this may be useful in eyes serving a single visual task. The findings indicate that tailoring of complex receptive fields might have been one of the original driving forces in the evolution of animal lenses.

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We thank E. J. Warrant and M. F. Land for comments on the manuscript, and Rita Wallén for technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (to D.-E.N.), the National Science Foundation USA (to M.M.C.) and the Danish Research Council (to A.G.).

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, Zoology Building, Helgonavägen 3, 22362, Lund, Sweden

    Dan-E. Nilsson,Melissa M. Coates,Charlotta Skogh&Anders Garm

  2. Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sölvegatan 14A, SE - 223 62, Lund, Sweden

    Lars Gislén


  1. Dan-E. Nilsson

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  2. Lars Gislén

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  3. Melissa M. Coates

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  4. Charlotta Skogh

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Nilsson, DE., Gislén, L., Coates, M. et al. Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye. Nature 435, 201–205 (2005).

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Editorial Summary

Missing link?

Cubozoans, or box jellyfish, each have twenty-four eyes of four types, but no central brain for information processing. An investigation of these eyes reveals optics as sophisticated as in vertebrates. Despite this, the retina is out of focus and the sharp image is not used to provide acute vision, but as a way of processing visual information. ‘Blurred’ vision may be perfect for avoiding large stationary objects without focusing on small floating objects and plankton. This may also be a pointer to a missing link in the early evolution of animal visual systems, likely to have involved eyes performing a single visual task only. The cover shows the two lens eyes and two pairs of pigment pit eyes in the bizarre sensory club of Chiropsalmus sp., larger but similar to those of Tripedalia cystophora used in the optical study.

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Nature News & Views


Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye (2024)


What is the visual system of a jellyfish? ›

Box jellyfish (Cubomedusae) possess a unique visual system comprising 24 eyes of four morphological types. Moreover, box jellyfish display several visually guided behaviours, including obstacle avoidance and light-shaft attractance.

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They possess four sensory structures called rhopalia, which carry-six eyes each. Two of these six eyes are true image-forming camera type eyes in several ways similar to vertebrate eyes. The rhopalia hang by a thin flexible stalk and in the distal end, there is a high-density crystal.

Does jellyfish have 24 eyes? ›

And not just one or two eyes, but 24 in total. Their eyes are bundled into four structures called rhopalia, which sit around the bottom of its bell. Two of the eye types have the capability to form images, while the other two types help with swimming navigation, avoiding obstacles, and responding to light.

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The lower lens eye seems to help the jellyfish to avoid obstacles, and to move away from dark objects, but the others are a mystery. “The pit eyes are not forming images, but seem to measure the light intensity at the edges of Snell's window,” says Garm.

How well can jellyfish see? ›

Jellyfish lack a central nervous system and do not have brains. They do have eyes but they are more light light sensors than our eyes that can see fine details. There are many different kinds of jellyfish and a few do have some of thier multiple eyes that are more like ours.

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Using electrophysiology, the spectral sensitivity curves of the lens eyes in Tripedalia and another box jellyfish had a peak at approximately 500 nm. That means that these lens eyes sense blue-green wavelengths of light.

Do jellyfish have 8 hearts? ›

Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones or eyes. They are made up of a smooth, bag-like body and tentacles armed with tiny, stinging cells.

Does a jellyfish have 13 hearts? ›

Jellyfish don't have bones, brains, hearts, teeth or blood. However, what they do have is a network of nerves called a nerve net. This allows them to process information including light levels, temperature and chemical changes in the water around them.

Is there a jellyfish that never dies? ›

The hydrozoan Turritopsis dohrnii, an animal about 4.5 millimetres wide and tall (likely making it smaller than the nail on your little finger), can actually reverse its life cycle. It has been dubbed the immortal jellyfish.

Do jellyfish have consciousness? ›

The short answer is no, jellyfish do not have brains. But this certainly does not mean they are simple creatures. In fact, not having a centralized nervous system is just one of sea jellies' many incredible tools for defense against the brutal elements of the deep blue sea.

Do jellyfish feel pain? ›

Jellyfish do not have organs or bones and only have a "basic network of neurons," according to Ocean Conservancy, an environmental non-profit. As a result, the animals don't feel pain in the same way humans do.

What is the system of jellyfish? ›

They are composed of three layers: an outer layer, called the epidermis; a middle layer made of a thick, elastic, jelly-like substance called mesoglea; and an inner layer, called the gastrodermis. An elementary nervous system, or nerve net, allows jellyfish to smell, detect light, and respond to other stimuli.

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The visual system of fishes comprises the optical apparatus (cornea, iris and lens), the neural retina (converting an optical image into an electrical image) and the optic nerve (conveying visual information to the brain).

What is the appearance of a jellyfish? ›

Some jellyfish are clear, but others are vibrant colours of pink, yellow, blue and purple. They can be bioluminescent, too, which means they produce their own light! Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones or eyes. They are made up of a smooth, bag-like body and tentacles armed with tiny, stinging cells.

How do jellyfish see and hear? ›

A jelly's ability to sense the world is due in large part to a specialized sensory structures, that sort of combine the eye, middle ear, cerebellum, and possibly the nose, all in one place. These little structures hang from the bell margins like earrings, and are called “rhopalia”.


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