A Dream Like State: Words. Pictures. More. @truenchantment - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


Aug 23, 2023


You’re a regular office worker born with the ability to “see” how dangerous a person is with a number scale of 1-10 above their heads. A toddler would be a 1, while a skilled soldier with a firearm may score a 7. Today, you notice the reserved new guy at the office measures a 10.

You decide it’s best to find out what you can about this person. Cautiously, you approach his desk. He’s a handsome man, tall, but with a disarming smile. How could such a friendly guy with such cute, dorky glasses be dangerous?

You extend your hand. “I noticed you’re new here. What’s your name?”

He shakes your hand warmly. His gaze is piercing, as if he’s looking right through you. “The name’s Clark,” he says. “So, how long have you worked for the Daily Planet?”


This one wins.


It’s been a few weeks, and one of Clark’s friends shows up. She’s pretty and all, enough muscle that she must work out. First thought would be that she should be maybe a 6.

Clark’s introducing her around.“This is my good friend, Diana, she’s in from out of town.”

You blink, and take a step back in fear. You’ve never seen an 11 before.


The day Bruce Wayne shows up for his long promised interview with Lois Lane, you can’t help it, the mug your holding drops from your fingers and sends a shock of hot coffee and ceramic shards across the floor.

Clark stops a few feet away and squints at you worriedly from behind those ridiculous glasses you’re 99% sure he doesn’t actually need, and asks tentatively,“Everything all right?”

You ignore him in favor of staring at the inky dark numerals hovering over the beaming fool gesticulating some fantastic yacht story for a gaggle of secretaries and minor columnists.

That’s it. Your gift has officially gone haywire. There is no other explanation. Because there is absolutely no way thatBrucie Wayne is a 10.


At this point, you’ve seen it all. Miled manner reporters and billionaires at a 10 and a model-like woman at 11. You were really starting to doubt your power. The day you really stopped believeing in it was when Bruce Wayne came for another visit, and this time with a kid. The kid couldn’t be more than 10 years old, a bit on the short side.

He was an 8.


The day you started believing in it again was when you saw on tv the formation of something called the justice league.

There were those same numbers over superman, batman, wonder woman and robin. That’s when you put two and two together. You wonder how nobody at the daily planet noticed that Clarke was Superman with glasses. You wonder why you didn’t notice. You wonder why nobody put two and two together that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman looked exactly the same. You look in the mirror as the realization hit you and you see your own number change from a 3 to a 9.



Despite this, you go about your life. You don’t talk to Clark – Superman? – and kept out of his way. His girlfriend Lois Lane – she was a five when you first met, but now she’s a nine just like you – tries to get you to interview Bruce Wayne, but you refuse. You meet other people in Clark’s group of friends with high numbers. The daughter of the police commissioner from Gotham. The forensic scientist from Central City. More and more people to avoid and worry about.

Meanwhile, your paranoia gets to you. You start working out. Training in self defense. Studying the Justice League, trying to find its members. Finding out all their identities so you can be ready.

One day you wake up with a ten above your head.

That day you get a call. You recognize the area code. Gotham. Your heart is in your throat. You should throw the phone away, run. They’ve found you. You’re doomed. You might be a ten, but you can’t beat them all.

You pick up the phone anyways.


“Hey, this is Clark Kent. I was wondering if we could talk.”

Your mouth goes dry. “About what?”

Clark’s voice goes quiet. “Well. About the Justice League.”

You stiffen in your seat. Your adrenaline kicks in, and your eyes dart around the room. You can hang up, pack, grab a plane ticket to wherever and disappear. Your passport hasn’t expired, and you’ve been talking to Perry White about a vacation anyways. You could say it’s a family emergency and never come back.

But they’d find you. You know they’d find you. They’re goddamned superheroes. They can carry buildings. They could probably manage finding you.

“Hello?” Clark’s voice returns, tinged with concern, and suddenly you stop. Calm down. They’re the good guys. At least they’re supposed to be.

“Yeah, sorry, just a little shocked you–”

“Caught up to you?” Clark asked. He laughed a little, but it wasn’t teasing. His voice had his regular ease, the same casual tone he would employ to talk about the weather in the break room. “Yeah. Lois noticed your odd behavior, actually. We didn’t realize it was linked to the League until you refused to interview Bruce, and then we knew something was up.”

“Speaking of Bruce Wayne, are you using his phone? Your area code is Gotham, not Metropolis.”

Clark laughed. “Damn. Lois wasn’t kidding when she said you were the best investigator working for the Daily Planet.”

“I just notice things is all.” You laughed nervously. You still can’t shake your general unease. This guy could kill you without any effort. You’re no match for him, or for any of his friends for that matter. Hell, Batman didn’t even have powers and he’d still f*ck you up.

“Yeah, and that’s a skill we could use around here. Would you like to talk about joining? Bruce can send you a car, bring you here–”

“No,” you say, sharper than you intended. “Sorry. I’d rather meet in public, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course. Lunch or coffee? It’s still early, but it’s a bit easier to cram all of us in a restaurant than a coffee shop.”

“Lunch, I guess. And no superhero stuff.”

Clark pauses, then sighs sadly. You’ve heard this sadness before in rare amounts. When bad things happened and fear and greed overtook people, he’d always frown and sigh, like someone watching their best friend self destruct, unable to help or save them. “You’re afraid of us. Aren’t you?” His voice is concerned and hushed.

A pang of guilt starts to replace the fear. “You can throw around buildings like a sack of potatoes, Clark. Your friend is powerful on an impossible level, Bruce’s kid is a f*cking eight–”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Clark said, the sadness disappearing. “You have a number system for us?”

“Look, it’s a whole thing. I’ll talk about it over lunch.” You grab your laptop bag. “Where are we meeting?”

Clark said something to someone else. “Got any restaurant ideas? They want lunch.”

Bruce Wayne – you’ve heard enough interviews to recognize his voice – said, “Saffron’s pretty good.”

“Jesus,” someone else said. You’ve heard the voice, but you couldn’t place it. “I keep on forgetting you’re rich.”

“You don’t think it’s a little much, Bruce? The pay at Daily Planet is good but not that good,” said Clark.

“I’ll cover their tab.”

“Okay…” Clark returned to the call. “Saffron, in…thirty minutes? You’re downtown, right?”

“You can get a table to Saffron in thirty minutes?” said the strange voice. “Boy, am I glad I made friends with you guys.”

“Yeah, that works.” You’re a bit hesitant, but you swallow your nerves. At least for now. Your thoughts about threat levels made you forget that Clark is a decent guy. All you could do is hope that he thinks you’re decent, too. “See you then.”

“See you then. Be safe. Bye.” Clark hangs up, and you’re left in your room. The worry is starting to turn into something different. Excitement.

You shove the phone into your pocket, grab your keys, and head out the door. You’re so full of restless energy you walk the whole way there. Once you arrive, you catch your reflection in the mirror and notice that you’re starting to suit that ten above your head.


The hostess takes you to a hidden corner of the restaurant. It’s mostly empty, as though it’s only just opened. Sitting at a long table, chatting politely, was the Justice League.

They aren’t wearing masks or uniforms, no bright colors and costumes. Clark Kent is in his usual office wear, Bruce Wayne is wearing a tailored suit, Diana Prince dons a nice blue dress, and Oliver Queen wears a nice button down. You don’t recognize two of them – a twenty something in jeans and a hoodie, a man in a green shirt, and a burly guy in a baggy t-shirt and old jeans who looks like he had just washed up from the sea. All of them, aside from Diana, are tens, of course.

Clark Kent stands, shakes your hand when you come in. “Glad to see you made it.” He introduces you to the others, and they all shake your hand quite happily and greet you like a friend. You learn that the guy in the hoodie is Barry Allen, the dude in green is Hal Jordan, and the beach dude is Arthur Curry. Waitresses, all ones, twos, and threes, come in with drinks, and one plops a mug of coffee in front of you, along with a small menu. Clark Kent gives you a knowing gaze.

Once the waitresses clear out, Bruce sits up straight. “Clark, would you rather I do the honors?” His silver watch glitters in the light from the windows.

“No, no, Bruce,” Clark says, setting down his glass of water. “I think it’s best if I ask them myself.”

Within a moment, you piece it together. “You want me to join the Justice League?”

Clark Kent cracks a smile. “How’d you guess?”

“You call me out of the blue, mention the Justice League, invite me to Bruce Wayne’s place, and then here, where you introduce me to a group of people who all look strikingly similar to the members of the Justice League.” You take a sip of coffee. “Subtlety is hardly your strong suit.”

Barry Allen laughed. “They got you there on that one.”

“Well, you’re right. At first Bruce wanted to handle the situation himself,” – you’d rather not think about what handle was a euphemism for – “but I insisted we do some more digging. We did, and what we found was…surprising. To say the least.”

You look at him oddly. You aren’t normal – no one else saw numbers floating above people’s heads – but you weren’t surprising. Your parents were the only ones who knew about your ability, and they’re long gone. You’ve got no checkered past, no odd history–

“You have powers.” Clark’s voice was clearly impressed.

“How did you find out about that?” The fear comes back, forming a knot in your stomach. “I’ve never told anyone else about it.”

“It’s not hard to notice,” Barry Allen says in between sips of soda. “Most of the information we got we got from Lois after she’s hung out with you.”

“I’ve never her told her anything about the numbers, though.”

Oliver Queen sits up, flashing you a confused look. “Numbers?”

Okay, something’s not right here. “The number I see over everyone’s heads,” you say, keeping your voice low. “It ties into how dangerous everyone is. Usually it’s just a one or two, maybe a three or four or five if they’ve got some kind of training or if they work out or whatever. Almost everyone at this table has a ten.”

“Almost?” Diana furrows her brow.

“You have an eleven,” you add.

Diana nods, smiling with a bit of pride and making an “I told you so” face to Bruce Wayne, who rolls his eyes. Oliver Queen clears his throat as Bruce and Hal pass him a couple bills.

“Ignore them,” Barry says, rolling his eyes at the three of them. “What you said was interesting – I might have to ask you a few questions on that later – but it wasn’t what I found. Remember the sensory and memory study you did when you were ten?”

You do remember it. Your parents were contacted by a scientist friend of theirs who needed kids to run a study on memory and stimuli. You remember it clearly. The large sterile room, the tests, the person conducting them, a handsome woman with a four above her head, the questions, the smell of latex gloves and fresh bleach. But you don’t remember the results. You were never told the results, other than that they were good, though with a test like that it was hard to say.

“Well, I found the tests. And they were superhuman.”


Oh sh*t this is the best one!

Please please please keep it going!

“Wait…” You couldn’t even process something that ridiculous at first. “My best friend all through high school was in that trial too, that’s how we met. She was a lot of things, but superhuman wasn’t one of them.”

Barry reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket sized composition notebook and paged through it.

“What was the name?” Oliver demanded as you, and everybody else at the table watched Barry, but you were the only one who didn’t know what he was doing.

“Uh… oh! Me? Sorry. Her name was Irene. Irene Schumer. Why?”

Barry went back a page and then looked up from the book at all of the heroes around him and shook his head sadly.

“When did you last talk to Irene?” Diana asked gently. Too gently. Gentle to the point that you knew something terrible was up.

There was a tightness in your chest as you tried to remember. I guess it had been a while, but not a lifetime ago. You still saw her spouse posting stuff on Facebook with their kid. But now that you thought about it, Irene was always tagged in the picture, but not in them… “It’s been a few years. Maybe… nine?”

After they all exchanged a glance, Bruce said solomnly, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but we have it on good authority that Irene has been killed.”


Suddenly the room seemed to dim and all of the Justice Leauge were looking at you, Clark even leaned towards you as if he expected you to break right there. But you had more tact than that.

“You have it on good authority? What the hell does that even mean, Mr. Wayne? Who’s authority is good?”

Clark stopped Bruce from talking and slowly explained, “Once we found out about the… nature… of the experiment, we started trying to track down the results and the participants. Something that Barry found out… well… every year, one person from the trial was killed.”

“Sorry to interject,” Hal suddenly spoke.

That was the first time you actually paid attention to him. His features were nearly as strong as Diana’s and Clark’s, but his hair was much more… shaggy?

“But we thought that maybe the reason they were being killed was because of how dangerous the testers determined them to be-“

He stopped when you snorted.

“Impossible,” you insisted, “Irene was the only fully grown adult I’ve seen with a 1 above her head. I’ve had a three as long as I can remember until recently.”

“Until recently?” Diana repeated.

Oops. Probably best to leave out the fact you were a ten right now.

“Maybe,” Clark said when he saw you didn’t want to answer, “it has something to do with the type of power it is.”

Clark seemed to be trying to put you at ease more than anybody else sitting at the table.

“A person with superhuman abilities or whatever can’t give off a one. That’s… insane,” you started arguing.

“Unless her power was deception,” Oliver muttered. He looked at Barry and asked, “how many people are left from that experiment that haven’t died, disappeared, or become incompacitated?”

He didn’t even look at the book before saying “just one”

Every eye fell to you again.

It was like someone poured something hot over your head. Your scalp burned and tingled and then it trickled down your neck and spine and made your shoulders ache until your arms tensed. You had to decide if you believed them or not. They were supposed to be the good guys, Clark seemed to think you two were friends, but some of the stuff they were saying was… ridiculous. Impossible. Inconceivable. Unbelievable. Just… You picked your coffee up and took a drink. To mask everything you were thinking.

You set it down and tried to lighten the mood by saying, “Might need something stronger.”

That pulled a few smirks out of some.

“Okay,” you sighed, “let’s say-hypothetically- I believe you and I’m willing to go along. What is… I mean, what do you want… what are you gonna do about it?”

“Well, we started with meeting up with you for lunch to see if you’d be interested in joining us. Joining our little team.”

You examined all of them. Perfect, poised, powerful, with some kind of super power- besides Bruce (you assume). You had none of that. You had a history of hapkido, a green belt in tae kwon do, and saw floating numbers above peoples heads. That was hardly as impressive as anyone else at the table.

“Why would you want me to?” You finally asked. “It doesn’t make sense. I’m not a hero. I can’t throw buildings, or fly, I’m not bulletproof, at all. That’s not a… liability? Or a bad idea?”

“None of us think so,” Bruce Wayne leaned forward.

“Mr. Wayne-“

“-Bruce,” He corrected without making much noise.

“Bruce. What do you think I have that somebody else doesn’t have?”

It was a while before he said, “Skill. Spirit. Talent. But more importantly, a calling to be part of our team.”


The word your grandmother had said to you everyday since your parents died until her death echoed in your head. Everything leads to your destiny, but you have to know when you’ve reached it. Was this is? Did you reach it?

“So,” Bruce said abruptly, “What do you say?”


You paused for a moment, your eyes drifting back down to the coffee on the table. What did you say? If you accepted their proposal — if this wasn’t just one big prank — what then? What did they expect you to do? What did you really have to offer? Nothing like this ever came for free, without consequence. What were you going to have to give up?

You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Glancing around, you could see that everybody’s eyes were trained on you expectantly. They were waiting.

Where had your confidence gone?

“I-” Your throat caught on the words. Not a good sign. You tried again, much more successful this time. “I’m going to have to think about it.” You could practically feel the whole table let out bated breaths. Disappointment and something else rang through the air like a gong, reverberating inside your skull.

“I understand,” Clark Kent, a man you’d known for over a year now, nodded as he sought to relieve the tension in the air. “It’s a big decision to make. I trust that you’ll make the best one.”

“Yeah,” Barry agreed. “I mean, my entire life changed the day I decided to become the Flash.” Your attention — and your head — snapped in his direction. So that was who he was? Your realization must have been clear, as he had made eye contact right after saying it with an upturning of the corners of his mouth that read something like: Oops… Well, too late now.

Diana spoke next, “Yes. The life of a hero is very different from that which you have known so far. You must make this choice for yourself.” Sincerity breached her face as she leaned slightly forward in your direction. “But I firmly believe this — the Justice League, with us — is where you belong.”

Your eyes roamed around the table at everybody who had not yet spoken, taking in the malcontent clear on many of their faces. Guilt pinged in your brain against your will. No, you weren’t allowed to feel guilty. You had as much of a right to deny their offer just as you did to accept it. Besides, you didn’t even refuse yet, just extended the deadline.

You didn’t fail to notice Hal, Bruce, and Oliver’s silence, but right now the anxiety latching onto you was more concerning. Discomfort was racing up your spine and you couldn’t help but be reminded of the values that floated up above everybody’s heads; By agreeing to meet this group of people, you had knowingly put yourself in more danger than you had ever been in before. You rose to your feet and addressed the table once more.

“Thank you for your offer. As you understand, there is a huge choice in front of me and I need time to consider it more.” You nodded at them, receiving a few nods in return. “I will contact you with my answer soon, after I think about it.” You glanced at the two that you knew how to talk to — Clark and Bruce, of which the former was probably the best option — before turning away and taking careful, measured steps past the empty tables in this section of the restaurant.

As you approached an archway that led to a busier part of the restaurant, someone — was that Oliver? — spoke up. “Wait a second, we’re really just going to let them go? Just like this? They know our identities, you can’t tell me that’s not dangerous.”

A different voice this time, one you couldn’t quite make out. “Why wouldn’t they accept? This is a chance of a lifetime and-”

The words faded into obscurity as you got closer to the entryway.

There was so much for you to think about, so much for you to consider. What kind of changes would there need to be if you accepted? What about your friends and family? What would this mean for them? How much would you need to lie to them about this? What would happen if you told the truth? Would they be safe? How much danger would be in store for you? How much danger was already in your life? Your mind wandered to the notebook that Barry carried; Obviously, there was already a lot in store for you if everybody else was-

Your thoughts wandered to Irene. Somebody that you had known for so long and now she was dead. What of the others on that list? All of them were dead too. All of them were kids that you had met back when you were ten. Just kids. And to think that they had been dragged into this just because of something their parents signed them up for? That they were just kids when they were condemned to this fate? When they were sentenced to death? That didn’t settle right with you.

Your feet never carried you any closer to the entrance. Injustice and anger and courage welled up inside of you, replacing the fear and anxiety and uncertainty that had been there before. This was the chance of a lifetime, something that would most likely carry you toward your destiny; you couldn’t just walk away now. Especially when chances were that you were the next target of whoever was behind this. You had to do something, if not for yourself then for all of the others that didn’t have the opportunity to protect themselves. Something was stirring inside you that made you turn in the other direction.

Somebody must have heard your brisk walk back toward the table, because all of them, all of these superheroes, were looking at the doorway when you came through. Fear no longer rose up when you saw these people again; you were a ten too, just as dangerous as almost all of them. You could handle yourself. This was what you were meant to be doing with your life, you could feel it. You stood at the end of the oblong table, next to where you had sat previously, and took a deep breath. Determination coursed through your veins and when you opened your mouth, you spoke the words that changed the course of your entire life:

“Screw this whole ‘thinking about it’ thing… I’m in.”


Feb 13, 2023

Makeup for OWeek space themed roof party (I was a sober rep). (at Lena Karmel Unilodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComaM7Dvkbp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Sep 8, 2022

Spring. (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiOsbirvH__/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Jul 26, 2022

This book is exactly how I feel about death. Also the way I love cemeteries. Read it, it’s wonderful. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgd11rnPmjK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Jun 28, 2022

Book. #165 Henry Hamlet’s Heart. Queer coming of age, friends to lovers, end of year 12. Way to make me miss Brisbane HHH. This book is really sweet, the characters were great, the banter was sublime and the writing was like poetry. …. “It’s one of those perfect blue winter-Brisbane days–bright grass, sun-ruffled trees and wind on the river–of which we only get about three each year.” …. “There’s so much history in his face. The square set of his jaw, the golden brows, the way his teeth grip the right side of his bottom lip. I can picture him when we were five, when we were eleven, when we were sixteen. How can I think of him like this? (How can I not?)” …. “I avert my eyes again. ‘Because … it just doesn’t make sense, I guess.’ ‘What doesn’t?’ he whisper-yells, exasperated. ‘Shh, God. For you to want me … that way!’ I burst out, my fingers twisting together between us. ‘I don’t get it.’ I breathe in. This is the big one, the thing that’s bothered me since the start. ‘Even more than the other stuff, I don’t get … What I am, to you.’ Len’s face shifts, a rolling thunderstorm. He leans in. Closer and closer, until he’s got me pinned between him and the wall. ‘You’re half of me,’ he says, his voice soft and serious. ‘What else is there?’” …. #ReadHarder #Bookstagram #AustralianAuthors #RhiannonWilde #QldLiteraryAwardWinner #BookstagramMadeMeReadIt #QueerRomance https://www.instagram.com/p/CfVxuYKvhSw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



Jun 19, 2022

Why hello old friend, I remember you! Now I just need a hair cut (2 weeks away). #RedHairDontCare #Firey #CopperFTW (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce-idLcv1F-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



Jun 11, 2022

Book #146 All The Bright Places - Jennifer Niven Everyone should read this book. But also don’t, because you will fall in love with Finch. A story about a girl learning to live from a boy wanting to die. …. “For once, I don’t want to be anyone but Theodore Finch, the boy she sees. He understands what it is to be elegant and euphoric and a hundred different people, most of them flawed and stupid, part asshole, part screwup, part freak, a boy who wants to be easy for the folks around him so that he doesn’t worry them and, most of all, easy for himself. A boy who belongs—here in the world, here in his own skin. He is exactly who I want to be and what I want my epitaph to say: The Boy Violet Markey Loves.” …. “I can drive away right now. If I drive away, Theodore Finch is still somewhere in the world, living and wandering, even if it’s without me. My fingers are on the ignition key. Drive away.” …. “You make me happy, Whenever you’re around I’m safe inside your smile, You make me handsome, Whenever I feel my nose just seems a bit too round, You make me special, and God knows I’ve longed to be that kind of guy to have around, You make me love you, And that could be the greatest thing my heart was ever fit to do.… I am crying—loud and hiccuping, as if I’ve been holding my breath for a very long time and finally, finally can breathe. You make me lovely, and it’s so lovely to be lovely to the one I love.… I read and reread the words. You make me happy… You make me special… You make me lovely…” …. #ReadHarder #Bookstagram #SadBookBender #JenniferNiven #AllTheBrightPlaces https://www.instagram.com/p/CeqjwWRPbCM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



Jun 8, 2022

ANU. Canberra (at The Australian National University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeiGMtKP_8-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Jun 8, 2022

Book 144. Words in Deep Blue - Cath Crowley. Oh this book. The writing is sublime. So heartfelt and beautifully heartbreaking at the same time. This book is about grief, heartache and love, and love letters. This book makes you fall in love with all the characters, but especially Cal. Also, who doesn’t want a letter library in their second hand bookstore? I know I’m off to find one! …. “Go to sleep,” his dad tells him. “It’ll seem better in the morning.” “No offense, Dad,” Henry says, “but unrequited love is just as sh*t in the morning as it is at night. Possibly more sh*t because you have a whole day ahead of you.” “No offense taken,” Michael says. “You’ve got a point there.” …. “Sometimes science isn’t enough. Sometimes you need the poets,” he says, and it’s in this moment, this exact moment, that I fall in love with him again.” …. “I’ll tell her about the beautiful, impossible thought that Cal might have, at the moment of dying, transmigrated. I’ll tell her that I think he had been transmigrating all his life: leaving himself in the things he loved, in the people he loved. He brimmed over the edges of his own life, and escaped.” #ReadHarder #AussieAuthor #AustralianAuthor #CathCrowley https://www.instagram.com/p/Ceh0Zxwva-eGqHjVc2tumByP36Q7MOZSJGJ6js0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



May 10, 2022

Just finished this book. What an entertaining and fun and clever read. Highly recommend. That first sentence is a killer (pun intended). "Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once." Also this… “I looked around at the bookshelves, the crackling fire and the plush red leather chairs. ‘If we get out of here alive enough to sell our story, I’d say Hollywood would be pretty pissed if we didn’t use the library, don’t you think?’” While I’m happy HBO is making a limited series of it, I’m sad it most likely won’t be Aussie and set in The Snowy Mountains. Some of those one liners won’t work without an Aussie accent. #ReadHarder #AussieAuthors #BenjaminStevenson #MurderMysteryButMakeItFun https://www.instagram.com/p/CdW8m7BPySLjVgNQWtqqnAgk2cdbB6y1fLzFwo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



Apr 23, 2022

Book #80 Still thinking of this book. Oh my. Tears galore. What a heart filling beautiful sad story. “There were exactly four moments that defined my life. This was the first. And that was Poppy and me from that day on. Poppy and Rune. Best friends for infinity. Or so I thought. Funny how things change. It was the second moment that defined my life. A life without Poppy. No infinity. No forever always. Just … nothing. It was the third moment that defined my life. The night I found out I would lose the girl I loved. Knowing our moments together were numbered, I held on to her tighter, refusing to let go. It was the fourth and final moment that defined my life—losing my girl. And, knowing it, my pappa simply held me.” ….. That ending though. What happened? I mean I know, I just want the actual details…. “Our final adventure.” The perfect way to phrase it, I thought. “Our final adventure” #ReadHarder #SadBookBender #TillieCole (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcrtC-YvBqZjz7D4AhkhjzrRcRM38IpbVpwXbs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=



Apr 17, 2022

Autumn 🍂 (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CccZf1mvbU2AyGgmZiyxHV_TKEMaWTRz7omkqc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Mar 20, 2022

Read this ARC recently. Book 3 in the Heir to the Darkmage Series. Author Lisa Cassidy (highly recommend author) Honestly it’s such a good series. Lira is such a wonderfully flawed and strong character. Her story is so heartbreaking. I just want to wrap her up and hug her until she understands how amazing she is. “Now I know I’m never going to have anywhere to belong,” Barely any romance and great world building. It is a series that follows about 20 years after another series of hers (The Mage Chronicles). I would recommend starting with that series if you were keen. #ReadHarder #Fantasy #StrongWomen #FlawedWomen #RealWomen #Magic #AustralianAuthors #WomenAuthors (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbUATKfvnVBRURsUF04UIzCPuEvjC584iM3JzY0/?utm_medium=tumblr



Feb 25, 2022

ANU stethoscope ceremony happened yesterday. I didn’t take any photos. But this was our gift. (at The Canberra Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaZZkhdvFTlvyox1a0Fqgf1naTaVxYU52XbA7w0/?utm_medium=tumblr


Feb 4, 2022

Pretty (but very chilly) Canberra. (at Telopea Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZjU7SUvvhtv74DZjyaB8YRlVljA4siLzUXoZ00/?utm_medium=tumblr


Jan 27, 2022

When you A/C isn’t working but still tells you the temp inside your room. 😭🥵🔥 (at Lena Karmel Unilodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZOaQvFPpr88CpvtMjX5hQCIzNf*ckUTP2IfUo0/?utm_medium=tumblr


Jan 24, 2022

Feeling pretty fancy. But also broke! MacBook Air, iPad Air, Apple Pencil and free AirPods! Bring on my edumacation. (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZGSjFEvZeRQbE4p6fGZdKVYeiztp9CS_abTFY0/?utm_medium=tumblr

A Dream Like State: Words. Pictures. More. @truenchantment - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.